Read Unrest Online

Authors: Marteeka Karland

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Paranormal, #30 Minutes (12-21 Pages), #Fantasy, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Romance

Unrest (2 page)

BOOK: Unrest
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“One of my best, my lady. He’s won many battles.”

“The other one seemed almost feral. I hope this one is better behaved?” She raised one delicately arched brow in question.

“Undoubtedly, my lady.” The master bowed slightly at the waist in deference. Likely, he was only doing it to get as much money from the woman as possible.

“Bring him and the other one to my chambers directly. I must prepare myself.” She gave Raven one more lust-filled look before turning to leave. Raven looked over at Brandwulfr, thinking he was the other she was taking, but he was in a heated argument with another woman. One in a hooded cloak of the finest woven gold and shimmering black. He seemed to be in an even worse mood than before, looking near violence. Instead of Brandwulfr, however, the younger wolf made his way in Raven’s direction escorted by four guards.

“Four guards for only the two of us?” The young wolf was cocky, Raven would give him that. “I think you overestimate our unwillingness to go to the bed of a beautiful woman.” His smile came easy, the arrogant grin seeming to fit his countenance better than the scowl of combat.

“Shut up and move.” One of the guards nudged him with the end of a spear. Appearing from nowhere, two more guards fell into step as they made their way to the sky conveyance.

Raven snorted, glancing at the pup. The spark in his eye said the pup had more bite to him than appeared on the outside. He was an unknown Raven would have to work out later.

“Name’s Gray,” he said, offering Raven his closed fist. Raven automatically bumped his to Gray, the greeting of warriors fighting a common battle. It also meant that Gray knew Raven had something planned and would likely go along with it.

“Raven,” he said, nodding to Gray. “Seems we’re about to know each other much better than we ever thought.”

The guards chuckled. “Oh, I’d say that was a correct assessment,” Raven muttered under his breath.

Gray grinned, lasciviously, looking over his shoulder. “I’m counting on it.”

The conveyance opened, and the guards shoved the two wolves out. As always, Raven was in awe of the sky dwellings. It seemed like utter paradise. Why they chose to take gladiators—slaves—into their beds was beyond him. Seemed like they were too refined, too…prim and proper…to want a slave in their bed. Raven shrugged. Who knew the mind of women?

The guards escorted them to the lady’s chamber, knocking before opening the door.

“Leave us,” she said when they made plans to stand guard outside the door. “My own guards will be more than sufficient to ensure their safe return.” When the soldiers looked uneasily at each other, she sighed impatiently. “Have neither of them ever been sold before?”

“Both are experienced with sky dwellers, my lady,” one replied.

“Then they’ve obviously had chances to escape before and didn’t. My men will make sure they don’t now.”

With a shrug, the leader of the group jerked his head, indicating his companions should leave. He closed the door on his way out.

“Don’t be shy, boys,” she said in a low purr. “I won’t break.”

Raven glanced at Gray and saw a man he didn’t recognize. There was a wicked, almost malicious gleam to his eyes that hadn’t been there before. “Good thing, too. Wouldn’t you say so, Raven?”

“Definitely,” he said, not really having much enthusiasm for the deed at hand, but knowing it was necessary. With any luck, Gray would do most of the work and he could slip out while she was otherwise occupied.

“Oh, my, but the wolves look hungry.” She sounded anything but cowed. If anything, she looked eager for the coming events, as if she’d known there was more to Gray than anyone had realized.

Gray wasted no more time. He lunged for her, grabbing her hair and tilting her head back to look down at her from his superior height. The excited gleam in her eyes proved this was exactly what she wanted.

“Your name, human,” Gray growled.

“Victoria,” she breathed, her eyes wide and filled with lust, obviously loving Gray’s rough handling.

Gray let his gaze devour her face as if memorizing every inch, every feature. Then he pulled her to him, burying his face in her neck and inhaling deeply. “I have your scent,” he whispered roughly. “There is nowhere you can hide from me that I won’t find you. Nowhere you can go I will not follow.” His words were gruff, almost angry. “I will know how many men touch you other than me, know exactly how many of those men you fucked and how many you turned away. And you better turn them

Victoria’s eyes widened. “I will take as many lovers as I want. I bought the
of you for the evening, didn’t I?”

His grip tightened in her hair and she winced. “You bought both of us for the evening, but only one of us will actually be fucking you.” He sneered at her. “Unless I

Raven raised an eyebrow at that. Was it just this woman or was it Gray’s innate personality coming to the surface?”

Instead of the scathing reply Raven expected from Victoria, she got a wild, lust-glazed gleam in her eyes. “Oh, my,” she said, her voice low, husky. “I knew there was more to you that the flirty wolf who didn’t seem to give a damn.”

“Oh, you’ll find much more to me than you bargained for, human. Much more.”

Gray fastened his mouth over Victoria’s, the kiss bruising, demanding. When she didn’t open her mouth fast enough, Raven saw him nip her bottom lip. When she gasped, he plunged his tongue inside her mouth. Victoria clutched his muscled arms, her nails digging sharply into his skin.

“That’s it, Tori,” Gray praised. “Mark me like I intend to mark you.”

Yeah, something more was going on here than “Tori” realized or, likely, intended. Wolves only marked their mates. And they never shared them.

Raven knew he’d have to tread carefully here. Displeasing Victoria would be bad, but coming between a wolf and his mate was not only stupid, but suicidal. It was obvious what Victoria expected, but what would Gray allow? Was he even serious about this? He certainly looked serious enough.

Before Raven could decide what to do, Gray wrapped his arms around Victoria, carrying her to the huge bed on a raised dais. The thing was decidedly feminine with ruffles and lace. A filmy canopy of white gauze obscured the two as Gray laid her in the middle, following her down to cover her body with his.

“We’re going to suckle and lick this little body until you’re begging us to take you,” Gray said fiercely. “Then we’re going to prepare you for us. Raven is going to take that little ass of yours while I claim this sweet pussy.” His fingers found her wet folds as he spoke. “Then”—he gripped her hair again, making her look into his eyes—“I’m going to take you the rest of the night. Over and over until you’re mindless with the pleasure. I’m going to show you exactly why you shouldn’t toy with a wolf.”

Boundaries set and clearly drawn for him, Raven removed his clothing, figuring the quicker he got this over with, the quicker he could slip out and find Sina. He had to reach her before daylight. Their chances of escape would drop every hour closer to daybreak they got.

When Gray shoved her to the bed, he snatched the silk from Victoria’s body with a growl, using the scraps to tie her hands to the headboard. He raked his nails down her arms, over her underarms, down her sides and finally her hips. Eagerly, she spread her legs, a look of wide-eyed excitement on her face.

“After tonight is over…” Gray said, almost conversationally as he trailed one finger through her sex. Victoria cried out sharply, thrusting her hips at his, trying to spear herself with the digit. “…you’ll never have any other man but me. Only I will know how responsive you are, how sweet you taste. Only I will ever hear your screams as you come helplessly around my cock.”

With those last words, Gray took one pink nipple between his lips and sucked. Victoria arched her back, crying out as she offered her breasts to Gray. Tentatively, Raven settled on her other side, looking at Gray askance. When the other man nodded, Raven took the other peak, licking and nipping before drawing it deeper inside his mouth.

Victoria strained against the ties at her wrists, her hands twisting in the bonds. Had he not had a pressing urgency to get away from this place and back to Sina, Rave might have enjoyed his time with the little blonde and his wolfen brother. As it was, even lacking a bond with Sina, he just wanted to get this drugged with pleasure so he could slip away.

While Raven squeezed and sucked one breast, Gray inched his way down Victoria’s body, licking and nipping as he went. Where his earlier actions had been gruff, now he seemed to be settling in, taking his time. Raven didn’t miss the piercing glances Gray gave him, though. It was obvious the other wolf was keeping his eyes on Raven, making sure he didn’t do anything Gray didn’t want him to.

By the time Gray settled himself between her thighs, Victoria was squirming. Little mews of pleasure filled the air as she spread her legs wider, obviously needing attention between them. Her breath came in little pants, her face and neck flushed in her excitement. With the first swipe of Gray's tongue, she screamed.

Raven gripped his shaft while he suckled her generous breasts. He’d pleasured many high-born ladies—including one who was a hybrid human/shifter—and it never failed to astonish him how eagerly they sought the attentions of those they considered inferior.

This woman was no different. She acted as if she’d never truly been satisfied, as if she feared she wouldn’t be satisfied this time. There was a kind of desperation in her eyes, in her movements that bespoke a need she thought would never be fulfilled.

“You like that?” Gray asked, murmuring next to her sex where he continued to lap with languid strokes. When she didn’t respond, his eyes grew hard, his gaze cold. “I asked you a question. Answer me.”

“Yes,” she whimpered. “I love it.”

Gray nodded to Raven. Unsure what he expected, Raven cupped Victoria’s face in his hand and found her lips with his, kissing her with dominance, taking whatever she gave him.

He thrust his tongue deep, licking the insides of her mouth eagerly. She tasted of needy woman and mint, not an unpleasant combination. Still kneading her breasts, Raven concentrated on building her pleasure, giving Gray the power to do with her as he wanted. As it was, Victoria strained against the ties holding her, gripping the material in her tiny fists for leverage as the two of them played her body like a finely tuned instrument.

“Do you need to come, Tori?” Gray asked the question between licks to her clit, ending by suckling the little nub between his lips. When she cried out sharply, obviously readying to come, he pulled back. “No!” His sharp command seemed to dissipate her pleasure. Raven pulled back, but continued to play with her breasts, pulling her nipples and rolling them between his fingers.

“Oh, God! Please! I need this!”

“Not until I say. Your pleasure is mine to give. Do you understand?”

“Wolf, please!”

“Gray,” he ground out. “My name is Gray.”

“Please, Gray,” she whimpered, twisting her pelvis at him, obviously trying to get closer, trying to get relief.

“Oh, no, my little beauty,” Gray whispered seductively, his eyes glinting with something nearly feral. “No, no, no… Not yet. Not until you’re nearly mindless with need.”

The scent of her arousal was strong in the air. Even though she wasn’t his, Raven couldn’t help but respond to her need. His cock was thick and aching, his balls full of seed. She was human, but her need fueled his own, the drive to satisfy a willing female stronger the more aroused she became. Most humans never reached the point where they affected shifters around them in this manner, but this woman was in sore need of pleasuring.

Sitting up on his heels, he fisted his cock, aiming it at Victoria’s face. At Gray’s nod, he offered it to her, sighing when she opened eagerly, taking him into her mouth.

Raven let his eyes close in bliss, savoring this rarity. When brought to a woman’s rooms like this, he was expected to pleasure her. Not the other way around. Having her sweet lips around his shaft, her mouth sucking greedily, was an unexpected pleasure indeed. One he savored.

BOOK: Unrest
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