Unravelled (Revealed #2) (24 page)

BOOK: Unravelled (Revealed #2)
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Chapter Twenty-two


After leaving my phone at the hotel – it hadn’t stopped ringing and I didn’t want the constant reminder of Sean looming over me all day – I had jumped in a cab for the fifteen minute journey to the hostel and was now standing on the sunny pavement outside being handed a shopping list by a very flustered Cait.

She looked far from my composed, calm best friend, and I had to hold back a smile as I picked several Rice Krispies from the strands of her long hair. ‘Ugh. Thank you. Julie wanted me to make cupcakes, but there’s no way my cakes could compare with hers so I thought I’d opt for the easy option of chocolate crispy cakes. The bloody mixture is so sticky that it’s getting everywhere.’ Running her hands through her hair she blew her fringe from her face and gave me a panicked smile as she glanced at the list in my hand. ‘I can’t believe we missed so many things when we went shopping yesterday!’ she exclaimed, ‘Thank you so much, Allie. There’s a convenience store on the corner of the next block. Keep the receipt and the hostel will pay you back.’

Barely forty minutes later I was done with the shopping and was now loaded down with bags containing kitchen roll, plastic forks, and various other party stuff that was needed. Even with the Sean situation hanging over me I found that I was actually looking forward to a fun afternoon with Cait at the party, not to mention the prospect of meeting new people.

Just as they had been on the day I checked in, the hostel steps were busy with smokers hanging out and chatting, but as I mounted the top step the handle on one of my plastic bags broke, spewing a tumbling mass of kitchen rolls which cascaded and bumped their way down the steps.

Grimacing, I let out a heavy sigh. As stupid as it was, when I added this little mishap to my problems with Sean, it was almost enough to send tears to my eyes. Before I could bend to begin retrieving my spilt load, a scruffily-dressed man jumped from his perch on the wall and collected them for me.

Surprised by his kind gesture I felt my shoulders sag in gratitude; a knight in shining armour was just what I needed today. ‘Thanks. I think I’m overloaded,’ I joked lamely, but the laugh died as my saviour straightened up so I could get a closer look at him. He might be hidden below a baseball cap, and several days’ worth of stubble, but that jaw and those lips looked all too temptingly familiar.

I doubt anyone else would have guessed it unless they had been carefully examining the man, but beneath a disguise of cap, sunglasses, scruffy trainers, combat shorts, and a crinkled T-shirt was Sean. For a second or two I thought that my emotions might have conjured him up in my cruel imagination, but seconds later, he leaned in close to speak to me and my nose was filled with his delicious scent. He was real, and he was here. Breathing in again, my eyes rolled shut – he might appear scruffy, dirty, and unshaven, but he smelt divine.

A small groan left my lips. Oh, God. I loved him so much it hurt. My chest literally felt as if it was collapsing in on itself and I had to focus really hard not to drop the remaining shopping bags clutched in my shaking hands.

‘Please give me five minutes to speak to you, Allie, then if you want me to leave I will,’ he murmured against my ear, so softly that his warm breath sent a tingle rushing across my skin.

I began to tremble even harder, my fingers clenching around the handles of the carrier bags and my breath coming more quickly as I struggled to maintain my composure. Various scenarios ran through my head – I could run away and hide somewhere, but however tempting, it would be ridiculously immature. I could make a scene, draw attention to who he was, and then sneak off when a crowd gathered, but that would be unfair and I didn’t think I could go through with it either. Throwing my arms around his neck and never letting go was a fairly tempting option, but no matter how much I might want to, I couldn’t just forget the Savannah situation.

Seeing my continuing hesitation, Sean leaned in again to press his case. ‘Please, Allie. I know this is all a huge mess, but there are some things I need to explain to you, it’s really important. I just need five minutes, I promise.’ He was pleading now, and I so desperately wanted him to have a solution that I gave one jerky nod and headed inside without another word.

Walking into the kitchen in a daze I handed the bags to Cait, who grabbed my arm and then flashed a concerned looked over my shoulder. ‘Who’s that?’ she hissed, the worry evident in her tone.

‘Sean,’ I murmured, my voice sounding dry and thick from my shock. Blinking rapidly, Cait gave him another look and then turned her attention back to me. ‘Blimey, he looks different dressed like that.’

I didn’t know what to say, so I just stood there numbly and nodded until she gave me a shove in the ribs. ‘Well, go on then, go and talk to him,’ she encouraged, making shooing motions with her hands.

Leaving Cait with a hopeful gleam in her eye I turned back to Sean and tried to find us a quiet place to talk. We could go to my old dorm room, but on second thoughts, perhaps the library would be a better choice – there were no beds to accidentally fall on in there if Sean chose to try and charm me into believing him, because when it came to Sean’s seduction skills, I was seriously lacking in self-control.

As I led the way to the library, a growing sense of unease settled in my stomach. Had I made a mistake? I didn’t want to be anybody’s ‘other woman’, so perhaps I should have made him leave? Was it too late to do that? It was all so much to take in that my head was whirling by the time I pushed open the library door, but I consoled myself with the thought that it was just five minutes, then he would be gone and I could fall apart in private.

Once I was inside the quiet reading room I instantly became aware of the dimensions of the space and the closeness of Sean's presence. The spacious, airy room suddenly began to feel very claustrophobic, as if the chemistry between Sean and me was somehow eating away at the available oxygen and making the air around us thick and cloying.

My skin began to prickle, all of the tiny hairs on my body suddenly standing to attention. He was right behind me, I knew it. In fact, he was so close that I could smell him – that gorgeous spicy, almost mildly smoky scent that was uniquely Sean.

As expected, when I turned on the spot he was right there, although given his habit of getting well within my personal space, I suppose I should be used to just how close he always stood. Sucking in a nervous breath, I felt a tingle run through my body at his nearness, and my fingers actually began vibrating with the urge to reach out and touch him.

Nerves flooded my system as I fidgeted on the spot. I felt unpredictable, like my body would act without the permission of my brain, so I quickly took a step away to avoid doing something stupid like throwing myself at him, and glanced around instead. We were the only people in the library so I was looking for a safe place to sit – safe away from Sean, that was – because I begrudgingly admitted to myself that even with my good intentions of remaining practical about all of this, the pull between us was too magnetic for me to trust myself.

After scouring the room for a suitable spot I settled on an armchair, and wobbled my way to it. At least he wouldn't be able to sit directly next to me, which would avoid the risk of any direct body contact.

My eyes blinked rapidly at memories of just how good body contact with Sean had felt. Especially when there were no layers of clothing to separate us. Squeezing my eyes shut, I tried to forcibly remove images of Sean’s naked body from my mind and focus on the situation at hand. It wasn’t easy.

Unfortunately, always one step ahead, Sean outsmarted me, and instead of picking another chair a safe distance away, he assessed me for a second and then dragged the coffee table forward, perching himself on the edge so he was just in front of me. I frowned, annoyed at his close positioning, but then became totally distracted as he pulled off his cap and sunglasses and dazzled me with his handsomeness.

A high-pitched whimper formed in my throat and wouldn’t clear as I gawked at his beauty – his dark hair and deep blue eyes hadn’t lost any of their appeal in our few days apart, that was for sure, although he did look more weary than usual, and the stubble gracing his jawline only added to the overall appeal. Suddenly talking was the last thing on my mind as I felt our chemistry begin to bubble and sizzle in the gap between us. The stupid whimpering sound was replaced by a lower, lustier noise, almost verging on a growl and my eyes widened in horror at my runaway throat.

Gaining some small semblance of control, I swallowed hard several times, and finally managed to stop the ridiculous noises escaping. Unfortunately, they clearly hadn’t been missed by Sean, because after flattening his hat hair he smiled impishly at me as if loving the way I had reacted to him.

‘Hi, my gorgeous girl … God, I’ve missed you,’ he murmured, but I merely crossed my arms, not trusting myself to say anything just yet. We sat in silence for a few seconds, the tension between us building and ratcheting until I actually felt annoyed by the fact that I was getting aroused just from being in his mere presence. Raising my eyebrows, I shook my head in exasperation before letting out a sigh from between my teeth. Several more seconds passed and he made no effort to speak. Instead, Sean just sat in silence with his eyes trained on me while I tried to avoid eye contact with his devastating blues by looking around the room at the various shelves and cupboards. As the seconds continued to tick by, we seemed to silently converse via some intense eye contact, which would have been enough to knock me off my feet if I hadn’t been sitting down.

My breathing was erratic, wheezing from my lungs, and after I looked at him again – sitting there impassively, looking unfairly handsome – I sighed heavily and averted my gaze again. After several more moments had passed, I could take no more. My pulse was raging so intensely that it was ringing in my ears, so I finally locked my eyes with his again.

‘Come on, Sean,’ I snapped, frustration mixing with sexual tension and making me erupt. ‘I’ve got the gist of what’s going on, and quite frankly seeing as I’m not prepared to share you, I can’t see what else we have to discuss. So what is it you're so desperate to tell me?’ Sean’s lips twisted into an ironic half smile, which got my back up even more, so I tucked my head down with a frown and crossed my arms like a petulant teenager.

From the corner of my eye I could see Sean tilting his head as he contemplated me, but suddenly, and to my complete surprise, he leant forward, his eyes searching mine as he slid a hand to the side of my neck and tangled his fingers in my hair.

Giving a tug, he encouraged me forward to where his lips descended upon mine fiercely, eliciting a yelp of shock from my throat. The response from my body was instantaneous; I accepted his desperate, almost violent kiss, as my anger evaporated and my lips parted with a low, desperate groan. My fingers came up to grip his T-shirt in bunched fists as my tongue eagerly joined with his.

I knew I shouldn’t be doing this, but I couldn’t stop myself.

My skin burned from his touch, senses alight as I seemed to burst to life after days of barely just existing. Sean’s mouth was warm and demanding, and even though my body was screaming at me to stop and ask him the questions I needed to, I registered just how earth-shatteringly good his kiss felt and melted into it like putty in his hands.

After a few dizzying seconds, his hands began to wander down across my body, his thumb brushing across one of my nipples, making me arch into his touch and let out a hot, lusty moan into his open mouth. Clawing at the back of his neck, I suddenly realised that I was out of my seat and practically straddling his lap as he sat on the coffee table. This was quickly spiralling well out of control. The physical bond between us was so incredibly powerful and I knew for sure that if I didn’t stop this right now we’d be having sex on the table in a matter of minutes. Or perhaps seconds.

As tempting as that seemed, I grudgingly ripped my mouth from his as I tried to force my common sense to re-engage and stop this while I still could. Images of my dreams of Savannah having sex with Sean instantly popped into my mind, sickening me to my stomach and dousing my arousal as effectively as if a bucket of ice water had just been thrown over me. Just like that, I felt the strength to push away from him and I launched myself backwards into the armchair to put some distance between us.

Licking my swollen lips, I could still taste him. I wanted more. So much more. Squeezing my eyes shut, I drew in several ragged breaths as I avoided the urge to restart our kiss by gripping the armrests until my fingernails hurt. I might have shut out my vision, but I could still hear Sean panting, his reaction to our kiss seemingly as powerful as mine.

After I’d allowed myself several seconds to calm, I opened my eyes, only to be met with such an intense stare that I gasped. Love, desire, pain, determination, and so many more emotions were all swirling in his blue depths as he continued to look at me, his eyes flitting around my face as if committing it to memory.

Resting back into the armchair, I put as much space between us as I could without physically moving my chair. Trying to clear the lingering sensations of his kiss from my mind and body, I dropped my eyes to break our gaze – but what a mistake that was, because they settled on the jutting tent of material at Sean’s groin. Oh God. He was aroused, and clearly not attempting to hide it. Swallowing so loudly that he must have heard it, I flicked my eyes away, knowing that my cheeks were flushing bright red with embarrassment and desire, as my own arousal flared up and engulfed me until I had to shift my legs to ease the pressure between them.

‘You said you needed to talk, Sean, but it doesn’t seem you have much to say.’ I ran my hands over my face in exasperation. ‘I’m not cut out for this much drama in my life. I think you should probably leave.’ The words were thick and mumbled as I stared down at my visibly trembling fingers. Blimey, I would definitely have to keep my wits about me from now on because if Sean chose to kiss me like that again I truly wasn't sure I’d have the willpower to pull away a second time. Morals I might have, but I was only human, after all.

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