Unraveled: A Soul Shifters Prequel

BOOK: Unraveled: A Soul Shifters Prequel
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A Prequel to the Soul Shifters Series


By Sennah Tate


Copyright 2015 Sennah Tate

Copyright Sennah Tate 2015

Cover design by Sennah Tate



This book is a work of fiction. All the characters in this book are fictitious and any similarity to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidence.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

In a world where Darkness and shadows spread unrestrained, there is only one force on Earth capable of stopping it: The Soul Shifters. For centuries, men and women of this auspicious order have used their paranormal abilities to keep Light alive. The never-ending war with the Darkness has been at a standstill, but that all changes when one heart-broken man decides to seek revenge. Soon, the shadows threaten to consume everything and everyone in their path and the Soul Shifter numbers have dwindled to near extinction.

Is there any way for Alina to carry out her aunt’s dying wish to restore the Soul Shifters to their former glory? Are there any of her kind left? Can anyone stop Preston from destroying everything?


Preview of Unraveled


The following is a preview of Unraveled.


* * *


Orange blossoms and summer rain. The smell of her took him back. Back to a simpler time. A better time. A time before Preston Waters knew about the Soul Shifters.

It was Elena's scent. He remembered taking her for a picnic under an old oak, plucking a hibiscus from a nearby bush, tucking it behind her ear with a gentle kiss.

Things had been so easy. So perfect. Why did she have to ruin it?

* * *

The distant wail of sirens met with barking dogs and the Earth-rattling sound of a train barreling down the tracks. Through the open window, a damp breeze carried an excited conversation in rapid Spanish. None of it was enough to distract the two lovers.

She was perfect in every way: long blonde hair framed youthful skin, a delicate chin and vivid green eyes that watched him from below. His hands ran the length of her supple body, admiring every inch.

He placed a kiss between her naked breasts and blew cold air over her tightening nipples, causing her to shiver excitedly.

They could do this all day. They had, in fact, been doing it nearly non-stop for the entire length of their four-month relationship. Elena was a masterpiece and Preston was an art lover through and through.

His fingers trailed over her stomach before teasing the small patch of blond hair covering her most intimate place. There was time for all of it. He could touch her, taste her, have her any way he wanted and she loved every minute of it.

She was impatient though, not content to be teased for hours on end no matter how exquisite the torture was. The room was stifling hot and they were both slick with sweat, their bodies glistening in the afternoon sun.

She found his cock and gripped it firmly; Preston groaned, bucking his hips into her hand.

"Inside me," she whispered with a kiss, "Now."

How could he say no to that?

He couldn't.

* * *

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To all of my wonderful readers! Thank you so much!


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range blossoms and summer rain. The smell of her took him back. Back to a simpler time. A better time. A time before Preston Waters knew about the Soul Shifters.

It was Elena's scent. He remembered taking her for a picnic under an old oak, plucking a hibiscus from a nearby bush, tucking it behind her ear with a gentle kiss.

Things had been so easy. So perfect. Why did she have to ruin it?

he distant wail of sirens met with barking dogs and the Earth-rattling sound of a train barreling down the tracks. Through the open window, a damp breeze carried an excited conversation in rapid Spanish. None of it was enough to distract the two lovers.

She was perfect in every way: long blonde hair framed youthful skin, a delicate chin and vivid green eyes that watched him from below. His hands ran the length of her supple body, admiring every inch.

He placed a kiss between her naked breasts and blew cold air over her tightening nipples, causing her to shiver excitedly.

They could do this all day. They had, in fact, been doing it nearly non-stop for the entire length of their four-month relationship. Elena was a masterpiece and Preston was an art lover through and through.

His fingers trailed over her stomach before teasing the small patch of blond hair covering her most intimate place. There was time for all of it. He could touch her, taste her, have her any way he wanted and she loved every minute of it.

She was impatient though, not content to be teased for hours on end no matter how exquisite the torture was. The room was stifling hot and they were both slick with sweat, their bodies glistening in the afternoon sun.

She found his cock and gripped it firmly; Preston groaned, bucking his hips into her hand.

"Inside me," she whispered with a kiss, "Now."

How could he say no to that?

He couldn't.

She spread her legs and he slid home, both of them sighing as he did. Their connection had been electric and so fucking hot since day one. Preston couldn't imagine his life without her.

She writhed under him, moaning his name, panting wantonly, going crazy with his languid pace.

He wanted to make it last. He wanted it to last forever. He wanted her forever.

He stoked the flames of her desire higher and higher, until an uncontrollable fire blazed through her, shooting her over the moon.

Yes; that's what he wanted. He loved the look of satisfaction in her eyes. The way they morphed almost to a lime color after an orgasm, the way her cheeks flushed and she bit her bottom lip right before she called out his name.

That's what he needed for the rest of his life.

When it was over, they both scampered to the shower, eager to be free of the layer of sweat they'd accumulated, but just as eager for a continuation.

lena. She was a goddess. Preston's hands balled into fists. No. She was a demon. A monster. A heartless bitch.


hey were out to dinner for their six-month anniversary. Elena promised him a special treat when they got home. He told her he had something special for her, too. She just didn't know how special it was.

He got down on one knee, bared his heart and soul to her, asked her to be his wife.

"I'm sorry Preston, I can't. I never realized you were so serious... I thought we were just having fun," she said, remorse glimmering in her eyes.

"Wh-what? Why?" he stammered, the blow to his chest stealing his breath away.

A frown wrinkled her perfectly smooth forehead.

"You're not my soulmate," she said frankly.

Preston picked himself off of the floor feeling foolish. He thought they had something special... magical. Apparently, he was wrong.

"How can you say that? Don't you love me?" He felt like he could be sick. Humiliated, crushed, rejected. His worst fears coming true.

"Well... yes, of course I do, but that doesn't change anything."

Preston faltered, how could he argue with that? Who could say that love didn't change anything? What kind of person believed that?

"I don't understand."

Elena looked at her hands – perfectly manicured, smooth and soft from years of moisturizing and spa treatments – she couldn't look at Preston. She couldn't stand to see the hurt in his eyes.

"There's something you don't know about me. I'm not even sure you would believe me if I told you."

"Try me," Preston said, feeling forlorn, lost, adrift without a life preserver. He had to hear her explanation, but it wouldn't make him feel any better.

"I'm an Evoker. Part of an ancient lineage of people with supernatural abilities, charged with keeping the Darkness at bay."

Preston's face reddened with anger, "Fuck you. If you're going to reject me the least you could do is tell me the truth, not some bullshit fairy tale."

Elena fidgeted with the napkin in her lap, "I knew you wouldn't believe me."

Preston sighed, what a disaster this night had become. What a complete and total fucking disaster.


t the time, Preston thought Elena was full of shit. Later, he came to understand that she was telling the truth. Evokers and Travelers – or Soul Shifters as they were sometimes called – were mated pairs, destined from birth. They needed each other for their abilities to work. Elena knew that Preston wasn't a Traveler and she knew that he wasn't her intended mate. But they had been so good together. Couldn't she set aside fate and destiny for love?

Apparently not.

The rejection gnawed at him like a festering wound. He couldn't sleep. He couldn't eat. He buried himself into his work. After a while, he buried himself into his research. There had to be a way to win her back, to become what she wanted.


aron hefted his duffel onto his shoulder as he got off the plane and stepped onto tarmac. He was home. Palm trees and damp heavy air were a welcome change of pace after years in the desert. Now that he was home, there was only one thing on his mind: Isabel.

He pushed his way through the crowd of excited husbands and wives, children seeing their parents for the first time and parents thankful that their kids made it back alive. War was hell, but coming home was heaven.

For nearly a decade Aaron regretted his decision to leave Izzy behind. The moment he accepted the recruiter's offer, he felt like it was a mistake. Then, years later when it was time to re-enlist, Aaron had every intention of coming home to sweep the feisty brunette off of her dainty feet, but she was with someone – from all accounts, it was serious – he couldn't go home to face that.

He re-enlisted with a death wish. He couldn't commit when she needed him to and now he was too late – she was with someone else. Another couple of years passed, Aaron didn't know how he'd survived them, and he heard rumors from back home that Izzy was single again. Was it a miracle or just the Universe taunting him?

Then everything went to shit.

But now he was home. He was done with the Army. Ready to be a civilian. Ready to be with Izzy.

He could imagine it now: scooping her into his arms, inhaling that sweet bubblegum shampoo she loved, his heart ached with the thought of her voice. Thoughts of her voice led to memories of luscious lips, parted, whispering his name, begging him not to go. She'd exposed herself to him, told him she'd loved him since they were children, pleaded for him to stay.

He wanted to. Damn he wanted to. But he couldn't be with his best friend's sister without the guy's blessing. He never got it. Carson told him that no one was worth giving up his military aspirations and Aaron believed him.

BOOK: Unraveled: A Soul Shifters Prequel
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