Read Unorthodox Therapy Online

Authors: Lilah E. Noir

Unorthodox Therapy (4 page)

BOOK: Unorthodox Therapy
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“Oh, you must be here for the interview. I hope you haven't been waiting for too long.”

Cold sweat formed at the back of my neck when I raised my head to look at the newcomer. She was the most gorgeous and intimidating woman I’d met. Her wavy red hair was falling down her double-breasted blazer. It was as bright as spun copper. Her blue eyes were framed by sexy, thin eyebrows, which matched her hair. The sparkling gemstones were even more prominent against her pale skin. It was the first time I’d met a redhead whose face wasn’t mottled with freckles. Actually, her skin was absolutely flawless, the color of a porcelain doll. Still, there was nothing delicate or fragile about her. She was smiling but her eyes were unreadable. The woman’s gaze exuded strength, intelligence and iron will.

She closed the door behind her and moved to the desk with the grace of a ballet dancer, giving me enough time to study her body. The business suit she wore left plenty to the imagination. It also showed her impressive curves. The pale gray, silk blouse was tied with a bow at the front and gave a very small hint of her cleavage. Such an impressive, heavy bust was difficult to hide even with the best-tailored suits. My eyes slid down to her firm hips and heart-shaped ass in a charcoal gray pencil skirt. Those stocking-clad legs! They were infinite, lean and strong. Her dark red business pumps were the only colorful detail in her outfit and sent my mind even deeper into the gutter.

She was a foxy, high-class lady, nothing like the dumb secretary who greeted me when I arrived.

How would this divine creature react if I crossed the distance between us with a quick stride and grabbed her by a lock of her hair? Would she look as formidable down on her knees in the pose of a defeated maiden? Would she cry for help if I bent her over her desk, pushed her skirt up and tore her panties off? What if she had none on? Would she love it if I smacked her ass cheeks as punishment for a dress code violation? Thousands of delicious scenarios filled my mind in an instant and my cock throbbed against the firm fabric of my jeans.

But even in my intoxicated state, I knew it would be a huge mistake.

She came closer with her perfectly composed gait. My horny mind saw it as a slow, erotic dance but in reality, there was nothing provocative or seductive in her hip movements. It was simply natural grace. Fuck! What if the outline of my erection was visible?

Her thin, elegant hand took mine for a formal shake. I gritted my teeth in a desperate attempt not to let such a simple touch affect my blood flow further. Hopefully, she would go for a light, weak grasp. I should have known, though, that the woman in front of me was not a wilting flower. The strength in her thin hand proved it. She grabbed mine in a firm, uncompromising manner. It wasn't a bone-crushing hold but firm enough to show how serious she was.

It also gave her a good idea of how clammy and sweaty my palm was.

“It's a pleasure to meet you.” Her sexy voice sounded polite but her eyes showed she was less than pleased. “I'm Lina Riley, CEO of ChaosTech Solutions.”

What? This was actually the boss? The one I’d work for if I were approved? The shame I felt over not being better prepared for the interview was drowned out by a stronger reason for worry. If I got the job, I’d have to work in close proximity to her on a daily basis. How would I handle that?

My chances weren’t very high, though. Ms. Riley was being as polite as she could be in such a situation and she tried her best not to show disgust with my sweaty palm, but judging by the way she clenched her jaw, I'd gotten off to a very bad start.

My potential employer removed her hand, and I was glad. Touching her was a huge challenge to my ability to form coherent thoughts. I noticed the absence of a wedding ring when she withdrew her fingers. It didn’t mean she was officially off the market but did it really matter? Hell would freeze over before someone like her gave me a second glance.

“And your name is?”

I was an idiot.

“Erm... Thomas Jett, ma'am, pleasure–”

Lina Riley interjected with an icy note in her otherwise warm voice as she moved back to her desk.

“If you want to get through this interview, Mr. Jett, I suggest you drop the ‘ma'am’. It makes me feel like I'm someone's mother.”

“Erm, yes, sorry, Ms. I meant no offense. I just–”

“None taken.” Really? Lina seated herself in the leather chair and opened one of the folders she had been carrying when she walked in. It was nice of her not to immediately reach for the
. “I guess I can't expect you to be a mind reader, can I?”

With just one sentence, she made me feel more self-conscious than any woman I'd ever known. I saw her looking at me from head to toe with obvious disapproval, and it dawned on me how inappropriate my appearance was, how badly I fitted the office environment. Lina looked ready for a
magazine shoot. There was not a single detail in her outfit or makeup that wasn't flawless. As for me... I was the spitting image of a pathetic, socially awkward nerd whose brain stopped working at the sight of a pretty woman. My hair was streaked with bright blue and green hues, a result of my already fading obsession with anime. I wore baggy jeans with a chain swinging from the belt and a black
t-shirt, which looked huge on my skinny body. Recently, I’d started working out at home but it was still not enough for me to combat my fast metabolism.

I’d never thought there would be a dress code required for the job. The other companies I’d interviewed for were nothing like this. Most of the guys who interviewed me were just as casual as me in their appearance. I’d thought investing in formal clothes was pointless. How wrong I was.

Perhaps Lina would have forgiven my attire if I’d shown her I had any brains, but she was staring at me with the same polite disgust I had felt towards the bimbo from twenty minutes earlier. It would take a lot to persuade her I wasn't a moron.

“Is there a problem with your jaw, Mr. Jett?” Lina smirked, then she narrowed her bright eyes into slits and drummed a pencil on top of the paper stacked in front of her. “You know, I never discriminate by race, gender or any type of disability. However, for the position for which you're applying, it would be inconvenient if you kept your mouth open all the time.”

I realized I'd been gaping at her with a wide open mouth like some hillbilly.
Way to go, Jett.
I hissed silently at myself.
You practically swept her off her high heels. Real smooth!

“I'm sorry, Ms. Riley.” I wiped my sweaty hands on the front of my jeans and sat back on the couch, hoping I’d find some balance. “I was just a little shocked since... well, I assumed I'd be interviewed by some HR person, and I thought–”

“Let me finish your sentence for you, Mr. Jett.” Her voice grew stern and those beautiful eyes I admired so much turned into a pair of ice daggers. “You thought a woman who takes her sweet time to doll herself up and look pretty at her workplace couldn't be at a higher level than a secretary or other office position, which doesn't include direct management. There's no way she could take such an extra level of care for her appearance and still be serious about the job. Is that what you're trying to tell me?”

Fuck! What did I just do? Was she some raving Femi-Nazi who thought a mere look of appreciation was sexual harassment?

“No, no, no, nothing like that. You do look like you could run a company. I just...” I was out of words. Luckily, Lina chose that moment to warm her expression and laugh at my obvious unease. As if I weren't smitten enough with her body, voice and face. Did she also have to laugh in such a charming way? Her smile lit up the room.

“Relax, kid. I was just messing with you. For a moment you reminded me so much of some of my co-eds at MIT I couldn't help myself.”

“You studied at MIT?” My voice was laced with admiration.

She smiled at me and drummed her short nails across the paper.

“Yes, I happen to have a masters degree in Computer Science and Software Engineering.” Lina leaned back at her desk and crossed her long legs. “In case you haven't done your homework, I also happen to have worked at
the IT department of
and other such non-impressive places. But if you had taken the time to look at our website you would know all that, wouldn't you?”

Later the same day, I read more about her and learned that Lina also attended Wharton where she obtained her business acumen and an executive MBA. Beauty, brains, education and success… what chance could I possibly have with her?

Back at her office, though, I had much more pressing issues. I tried to open my mouth and say something in my defense but she interrupted me again.

“In any case, Mr. Jett, you're the one who should answer the questions during an interview. So, how about you relax and let me tell you a bit more about the company and the job?”

I'd have tried to tell her I knew about their activity and profile – there was not enough time to learn more about the CEO and her accomplishments – but I wasn’t sure I wouldn’t get in a deeper mess trying to explain myself. Besides, if she did the talking at first, I’d have chance to get my brain under control and maybe the blood would withdraw from my painfully hard erection.

“Don't be fooled by the size of the office and the inadequate young woman who met you earlier. People like her are the reason I don't trust temp agencies or HR companies. We were pressed for time and I needed someone to at least answer the phone and meet people at the door.” Lina got up from the chair and leaned against the desk. “I waste too much time with the incompetent applicants they always choose for me. Anyway, let's get straight to the point.”

She left a small pause before continuing in an even, professional tone.

“Like I was saying, it may not be obvious but ChaosTech Solutions is going places. We are growing faster than I expected when I first established it a year and a half ago. Our original activity was focused on web design, mobile applications and software solutions, database systems and client internal portals. However, my team and I are currently working on expanding the services we offer in cloud and virtualization development, as well as IT consulting. The programmers working for me are the best in the industry. Our list of clients is growing, as well as our level of business, so that requires certain changes in the company structure. Apart from the other projects, I'm also trying to attract more investors into the management core. We are looking for a more suitable office, preferably in Palo Alto or Cupertino. In short, my workload is getting more intense and I need a personal assistant.”

I used her pause to ask the question I hoped would redeem me a little in her eyes.

“Forgive me for the assumption, but if I understand correctly, you need more than just a bot who answers phones, sends faxes and makes coffee?”

Lina smiled with approval and I felt some of the tension in my chest loosening.

“That's right, Mr. Jett. If you're looking for a brain dead office job in which you imitate activity, I suggest you walk out the door this very minute. Of course, the person I add to my team will cover all the basic secretarial job responsibilities, such as meeting clients and handling all the incoming communications. I used to do plenty of that myself or with the help of the temp office workers, but now I simply don't have enough time. Coffee making will not be a part of your duties.”

She fell silent and looked out of the window as if searching for the proper words, pensive and concentrated.

“But above all, he or she must be my right hand. I'm looking for a person to trust with intimate knowledge of the way my business works. They should be familiar with every activity, department and person in the structure of ChaosTech Solutions, as well as all of our current and potential business contacts. Part of the duties includes research so I require minimum basic IT literacy. You'd handle and prepare all meetings, and I'd often need you to stay past business hours. Of course, you'd be paid handsomely for your efforts, and if you show the diligence I require of all my employees, you will be promoted further into the organization. I'm generous with those who wish to excel.” Her designer heel clicked on the wooden floor as if to attract my attention. “Now, how about telling me why I should give you the job? What makes you think you can handle the pressure and responsibilities of a full-time job?”

I’d never expected to be excited about this job opportunity. The only advantage I’d seen before this moment was that I'd stay close to this gorgeous woman, even if I'd never have the chance for anything more than a handshake. But now, as I heard her talking with such obvious enthusiasm and competence, I realized this could be a gateway to the career breakthrough I needed. I knew I needed to wipe away that bad impression I’d given her.

“I've studied at a finance and economic high school,” I started with an increased confidence. It was the first time I’d felt any gratitude to my mother for the infinite boredom she had put me through. “I'm familiar with business documentation and correspondence.”

Lina raised her hand, clearly bored by what I assumed to be a perfect pitch.

“Mr. Jett, I'm a busy woman. Don't think I'm not familiar with your resume just because I was late for our meeting. I know all about your extra activities, your incredible academic record and all the business classes and internships you’ve taken. I've interviewed applicants with MBAs from Ivy League universities and excellent references. Tell me why should I hire a kid who is barely out of high school, who has little work or life experience.”

BOOK: Unorthodox Therapy
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