Unlikely Lovers (5 page)

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Authors: Anna Kristell

BOOK: Unlikely Lovers
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“It’s wonderful, Cody. I have to take a picture.” She took her phone out of her purse and snapped a few shots of the tree, messaged one to her mother and turned to look at him.

He’d been watching her and enjoying her excitement the entire time. He smiled at her and said, “You are a delight to watch. I’ll bet when you were a little girl you were the first one up on Christmas morning.”

“What do you mean when I was a little girl? I’m still up at the crack of dawn every Christmas morning.”

“Oh, my sweet Jessie. You’re really something. Come here.”

She walked to where he stood and looked up at him. Her green eyes were shining as he took her in his arms and kissed her soundly. She returned the kiss, putting her arms around his neck. She began to run her fingers through his wavy hair and his hands began to wander.

“Uh, Cody...what are you doing?”

“Just what any red blooded American male within ten feet of you would do.”

“You are so goofy.”

He kissed her again and soon they were on the floor under the bright and beautiful Christmas tree. He made love to her there that night and she had to admit it was the first time she’d ever been loved under a Christmas tree.

“I don’t want to go,” Jessica complained when she realized it was time for her to get up and go home.

“Then stay, baby.”

“I can’t, Cody. I have to work and so do you. Call me soon, okay?” She leaned up and kissed him goodnight.

“You know I will.” He walked her to her car, kissing her again several times before he finally allowed her to leave.


Chapter 7

Christmas was days away and Jessica still hadn’t come up with a gift for Cody. She had wracked her brain, picked Andy’s brain, and all but driven Missy crazy. Finally she figured out the perfect thing for him. He liked country music and was constantly quoting lines from Brad Paisley’s songs so when she saw an advertisement that Brad would be performing in Oklahoma City in February, she immediately purchased two tickets. Feeling quite pleased with herself, she wrapped the tickets in Santa Claus wrapping paper and added a huge red bow. She placed it underneath her tree and smiled

The next morning she told Missy what she’d decided on.

“Well, thank goodness, I thought you’d never decide.”

“What did you buy Andy?”

“I went with a boring old shirt and a pair of jeans. I guess I’m not as creative as you.”

“Well, there’s nothing wrong with clothes, but I wanted something special for Cody. It’s our first Christmas together.”

“Jess, you make it sound like it’s the first of many.”

“Oh, I guess it did sound that way. I know it
’ll probably be our only Christmas together. I just want it to be special in every way.”

Missy walked out of Jessica’s office shaking her pretty blonde head.

The day before Christmas Eve, Jessica exchanged gifts with Karen. Karen was flying to Florida for the holiday to visit her grandparents and was leaving that afternoon.

“Have a wonderful time, Karen. I hope you meet a hot guy down there.”

“Probably not this time around, Major.” Karen laughed.

Jessica left the office shortly after Karen had gone and stopped by Missy’s office on her way out.
“So what did you decide about Christmas dinner with Andy’s folks?”

I’m going. I’ll be a little nervous about it, but he insisted I go.”

“And you still don’t think there’s anything going on there?”

“We’re very close but not in a serious relationship. I don’t know any other way to describe it.”

“And it’s still platonic?”

“Yes, it is. We’ve never even kissed. That sounds strange, I know, but we’re good just the way we are for now.”

“Okay, whatever works for you. I personally couldn’t have a strictly platonic relationship with Cody, I don’t think. There’s a strange chemistry there, one that I certainly can’t explain.”

“Well, all I can say to you, my friend, is enjoy it while it lasts because in our line of work, we could be here today and gone tomorrow.”

Sadly, Jessica agreed. She told Missy
goodbye. “Let’s meet for lunch tomorrow and exchange our gifts. Does that work for you?”

How about one o’clock? Come on over to my house and we’ll decide where to go. I’m not planning anything all day.”

“I don’t have to be at Cody’s until late afternoon. He’s taking me out for an early supper and then we’ll be going to
church. Maybe we should make it noon instead of one.”

“See you at noon then.”

Jessica had planned a night in alone since she’d be spending Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with Cody. She stopped off at a Chinese place on post and grabbed take out on the way to her apartment. When she got home, she stripped out of her fatigues and threw on her old pink terry robe and settled in front of the television. The Hallmark channel was airing Christmas movies all night, so her plan was to veg in front of the tube. She had eaten her dinner and was about to soak in a hot bubble bath when her cell rang. It was Cody.

“Hey, babe, what are you doing?”

“Just getting ready to take a bath then I plan to watch Christmas movies all night. What are you up to?”

“Andy asked me to go out with him for
a while, a guy’s night out thing.”

“Sounds like fun. Don’t be picking up any stray chicks.”

“No chance of that, pretty lady. I just wanted to call and say hello before I leave the house.”

“Well, I’m glad you did. Have fun. I’ll see you tomorrow. Oh, did you give Andy the gift from me yet?”

“I have it in my hand as we speak. I’ll give it to him tonight.”

“Good, I hate it that I won’t see him before Christmas to give it to him myself but that’s okay.”

“I’m sure he’ll be touched you thought of him. He tells me Missy is going to his folks’ house for dinner. I thought nothing was going on with those two.”

“She says they’re not involved. I don’t understand it, but to each his own.”

“Well, babe, I have to run. See you around five tomorrow?”

“Sounds good, have fun tonight.”

“Enjoy your movies.”


“Sweet dreams.”

She hung up and the thought crossed her mind,
oh yes, Cody, my dreams will be sweet because I’ll be dreaming of you.

She filled the tub with warm water and bubbles, lit a candle, poured a glass of wine
, and after turning the radio on slid into the tub. She relaxed in the warm bubbles, listening to a mixture of love songs and Christmas carols on a local radio station and daydreamed about the Christmas she’d be sharing with Cody.

When she’d finished her bath and slipped back into her robe, she decided to call her mother.


“Hi, Mom, I just called to wish you a merry Christmas a
couple days early.”

“I’m glad you did. Merry Christmas to you,
too, honey.”

“What are you doing for the holiday this

I’m having dinner with friends tomorrow evening then on Christmas Day I’ll be getting together with some of the family. Are you still planning to be with Cody?”

we’re having an early supper tomorrow night then going to church. I’m not sure what we’re doing Christmas Day. We’ll exchange gifts and he’s planning to cook, so that should be interesting.”

“Sounds like you’ll have a wonderful time, sweetie. Thanks for the gift by the way. It fit perfectly.”

“I’m glad you like it. Missy helped me pick it out for you. She bought her mom the same sweater and slacks in a different color.”

“Did my gift arrive yet?”

“Yes, I got it yesterday. The earrings are beautiful, Mom. You shouldn’t be so extravagant.”

“I only have one daughter. If I want to spoil her once in
a while, I will. I’m glad you liked them. I picked emeralds to match your eyes. You have Daddy’s eyes you know.”

“I know, Mom. He had the most beautiful green eyes. I remember.”

“Yes, he did and yours look just like his.”

I’m going to hang up now. There’s a Christmas movie coming on I want to watch.”

“You and your movies, I don’t think you’ll ever outgrow them.”

“I hope not. Goodnight, Mom. I love you.”

“I love you too,
sweetheart. Have a wonderful holiday with your young man.”

“I plan to. Bye.”

My young man…oh Mom, is that what he is?

The next day she arrived at Missy’s house at exactly twelve noon. The two friends exchanged gifts and decided on a local Mexican restaurant for lunch. After an enjoyable and relaxing few hours, Jessica rose from the table to go. “It’s been fun, Missy, but I’d better get going. I have to meet Cody at five and I need to do some things before I go.”

“Have a good Christmas, Jess.”

“You do the same, and don’t worry about meeting Andy’s family. It
’ll be all right.”

She waved goodbye to her friend and stopped at the commissary on the way home to pick up a few last minute items for Christmas dinner.
Even though Cody had told her he wanted to cook for her, she wanted to surprise him with a special dessert.

After making her purchases, she went home and packed everything she was taking with her. Then she brewed a pot of herbal tea and sat down to relax before going to see Cody. She thought about the evening and day ahead with anticipation. She was eager to see Cody’s reaction when he opened the concert tickets and wondered what he had come up with for her.

When it was time to go, she loaded everything into the car and drove to Cody’s. He greeted her at the door with a kiss then helped her with her bags.

What’s this? I told you I was cooking,” he teased as he set the grocery bag on the bar.

“I’m whipping up a special dessert for us. Don’t you worry about it.”

“Okay, okay, never argue with a woman, especially on Christmas Eve. That’s my motto.”

She giggled as she leaned up for another kiss.

“That’s enough of that or we’ll never get out of here. Where do you want to go for supper?” he asked as he gently caressed her face and smiled.

“I was thinking seafood. Sound okay to you?”

“Fisherman’s Cove all right?”

“Perfect, y
ou can drive my car if you like. I just filled the gas tank today.”

“Okay. By the way, did I tell you that you look delicious tonight?”

Jessica had chosen a pair of cream slacks and topped it with a festive emerald green sequined sweater. She was wearing the emerald earrings her mother had sent and her hair was pulled back with an emerald colored headband. She was a holiday vision.

“No you didn’t and thank you. You look pretty hot yourself.” He was wearing khaki Dockers and a maroon and tan striped sweater.

“Thank you. My sister Barb sent me the sweater. I’m surprised she could find a sweater in California, though.”

“It gets cold and snowy in the mountains there.”

“Yes, I guess it does.”

The restaurant wasn’t at all busy.
Being Christmas Eve, a lot of folks were eating in. Cody asked for a corner table and the hostess led them to a secluded spot.

“I love this place. I used to come here a lot
,” Jessica told him as they perused the menu.

“I like it too but I haven’t been here in
a while. I believe I’ll have the catfish, how about you, babe?”

“That sounds good to me
, too. You can order for me.”

He placed the order with the wait
ress and after she’d gone, Cody reached across the table and took Jessica’s hand in his. “I’m looking forward to spending Christmas with you, Jessie.”

“Thank you, Cody. I know it
’ll be special.”

Their salads were brought to the table along with iced tea for the both of them. They talked easily while eating, discussing their families and past holidays.

After they’d finished the main course, he asked if she’d like dessert. “Yes, but not here. I’m making a special dessert when we get home.”

ll right, then I’ll get the check and we’ll go on to church. I think you’ll like the Christmas service.”

On the way to the church, he reached over and took her hand. He looked at her and smiled.
Merry Christmas to me
, she thought as she returned the smile, her green eyes shining.

“Here we are. This is the church my family attended for
years,” he told her as they pulled into the parking lot of a quaint, old-fashioned little church. Christmas wreaths adorned the doors and a nativity scene graced the front lawn.

“It’s just like the old churches you see in the movies
,” Jessica said as he helped her out of the car.

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