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Authors: Anna Kristell

Unlikely Lovers (20 page)

BOOK: Unlikely Lovers
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It was another busy day for the wedding couple and their entourage of helpers.

Andy’s family had arrived and immediately pitched in to help. Last minute details were attended to. Caterers, photographers and florists were called to confirm that all was on schedule, while Cody and Jessica tried to pretend nothing was going on.

He found it difficult to refrain from staring at her.

While they were on the patio enjoying a simple lunch of egg salad sandwiches, Cody’s cell rang. It was Erin. She told him she’d call to see how he was doing. He flipped his phone open and said, “Hi, Erin.”

Jessica looked up.

Cody excused himself, “I need to take this.”

He went into the house and making sure no one had followed him, proceeded to tell Erin about
Jessie’s mistaken assumption that he and Erin were a couple.

“Is she jealous?”

“You might say that,” he chuckled.

“I’ll play along. Jim will love this. We’ll call tomorrow night and make her really jealous. I’ll follow your lead.”

“Great. I was hoping that’s what you’d say.”

“Cody, have you had any temptations?”

“Not with drinking. Jessie’s a whole other ballgame, though.”

“Good luck, we’ll be thinking of you.”


walked back to the patio, whistling.

“Is Erin al
l right?” Andy asked.

“She just had to make sure I got here safely, always worrying about me. What a sweetheart.”

Andy and Missy had to look away to keep from laughing. Missy looked at Jess. She could tell she was fuming.

“How nice,” she said as she rose from her chair and carried her plate into the house.

“Are you all right, Jessie?” Cody asked with a grin.
I love seeing her jealous.

“I’m better than al
l right. I spoke to Bruce earlier while you were on the phone.”

“And how is dear old uniform guy?”

“He’s missing me like crazy.”

“About like you’re missing him, Jess
ie?” Cody gave her a look that told her exactly what he was thinking.
What would dear, sweet Bruce say if he knew what his little darling had been up to? That she’d been spent the night in bed with an old lover. That she’d made love to him all night and that he’d taken her again in the shower this morning. That he’d helped himself to what she so willingly offered.

Jessica looked down at her lap.

“Who’s Bruce?” Missy asked innocently.

“Bruce is Jessie’s new friend. Hasn’t she told you how wonderful he is?”
Cody asked.

as a matter of fact, she hasn’t.” Missy stared at Jessica in reproach.

“A girl has to have some secrets, doesn’t she?” Jessica asked, playing it to the hilt.

“The problem is your secrets always seem to backfire on you and get you into hot water,” Missy was quick to remind her friend.

Cody smiled knowingly as he thought about her newest secret.
What happens in Kansas stays in Kansas. Well maybe, and then again, maybe not. I will have her again tonight.

the church, Cody couldn’t help thinking as he stood beside Andy rehearsing for the next day how it should have been Jessie and him getting married.


Why don’t they have issues in their relationship, like Cody and me? Jessica wondered as she watched Missy and Andy. A little voice reminded her that Missy had played no games with Andy. She’d been honest. Jessica knew she and Cody shared a very tumultuous relationship in comparison to the docile, quiet one Missy shared with Andy
. Maybe that’s been the key all along. If so, then I’ve royally screwed this up from day one.

“I’m going back to the hotel now. I told Erin I
’d call. Do you need a lift?” Cody offered Jessica as dinner wound down.

She glared at him as she answered, “
Sure.” She hugged Andy and Missy and told everyone she would see them in the morning.

The ride back to the hotel was quiet. Both were deep in thought about how the evening would progress from this point on.

Cody told her when they arrived he was going to his room to call Erin. “She worries if I don’t call.”

“You weren’t too concerned about that last night, as I recall.”

“And she was none too happy about the fact that I didn’t call.”

“Keeps you on a short leash, doesn’t she?” Jessica’s phone rang
. She looked at it and said, “It’s Bruce again.”

“I’ll catch you later.”

“Sure, Cody,” she replied as she answered the phone and went into her room.

Just as her call ended though, someone knocked on her door
. When she answered, Cody forced his way into the room, kicking the door shut behind him.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

“Getting what we’ve both wanted all day.” He tried to kiss her but she backed away.

“You call her and then you come to me?”
she accused, green eyes blazing.

“Isn’t that a little like the pot calling the kettle black, Jess

“And how is darling Erin tonight?”

“I’m not concerned about Erin right now. I’m more concerned with getting you out of these clothes.”

“Cody, you can’t just come in here and think we’re going to…”

He silenced her with a kiss that melted her heart. All reserve gone, she was lost, she didn’t care at that moment if he had a million girlfriends.
He’s mine tonight and I’m going to
make damn sure he knows it.
She ripped at his clothes, she couldn’t get them off him fast enough and he did the same with hers. They fell together on the bed, hungrily joining together. He was inside her as soon as he laid her down. She moaned and called his name, “Cody.”

He whispered again the words he wanted to burn into her memory, “
You are mine forever.”

If only that were true
, she thought to herself just as the first waves of ecstasy overtook her mind, her body, and her soul.

Chapter 31

Right on cue, Jessica’s phone rang.

“Don’t answer it
,” Cody said as he watched her nude body get out of bed.

“It’s Bruce.
I have to.”

, he thought.

“Hi, baby,” she said.

, really?  I just screwed the hell out of her and she is calling someone else
Her laughter infuriated him.

“Yes, the rehearsal was good. I just got back a little while ago.”

She giggled into the phone. “You naughty boy.”

Cody had
heard enough.
Next she’ll be having phone sex with him right here in
front of me.
He gave her a look of disgust then out of spite, pointed to the bed, letting her know he was ready to go again.

“I’ve got to go, Bruce. I’ll talk to you later, me too, bye.”

Cody was furious.

Jessica crawled back into bed and asked, “Now where were we?”

I can’t believe her. She fully intends to spend the weekend cheating on Bruce
with me then go back home as if nothing has changed. That’s not how this plan was supposed to work. But then again, she thinks I’m cheating too.

ll show you just where we were.” He roughly rolled her over and crawled on top of her.

He knew all the lovemaking sounds she would make before she made them,
from the purrs to the moans and finally the screams as she called out his name. But she’d called out his name, not Bruce’s.

They lay together for the rest of the night, each lost in their own thoughts.
He was hoping she’d leave Bruce for him. What a mixed up mess they’d gotten into this time. If only they weren’t playing such a dangerous game.

Toward dawn, he gently took her again, showing her all the love he wished he could share with her for a lifetime.


The wedding was beautiful and went off without a hitch.
Missy was a vision in her straight, tight fitting stylish gown. She wore a short veil and carried a bouquet of white roses accented with mauve ribbon. Jessica looked over at Cody. It should have been us, she thought sadly as she watched Andy take Missy in his arms and kiss her for the first time as his wife.

They left
for the reception hall. After dinner and all the traditional toasts had been said, the band began to play. Andy swept his bride onto the dance floor. Jessica watched in envy as they swayed in each other’s arms.

When the next song started, Cody asked her to dance. She fell into his familiar arms as they moved gracefully around the floor. It felt so right.
How did we go so wrong

When Missy threw her bouquet, she aimed it straight at Jess. And when Cody caught the garter, everyone cheered.

After the party was over and the newlyweds had gone to begin their honeymoon and their new life together, Jessica stayed behind to help clean up. Cody helped too and when they were finished, he silently drove her back to the hotel. He went to her room with her and without asking, accompanied her inside.

As soon as the door closed behind them, she fell into his arms. She leaned up for his kiss and
wasn’t disappointed. They slowly made their way to her bed and began a slow ritual of undressing each other.

They talked very little. They made love several times throughout the night. When his phone rang
late, she wanted to cry, but tried to be brave and act like it didn’t matter.

“Hi, Erin, how are you?
Yes, baby, the wedding went off without a hitch. I’m back at the hotel, being a good boy.”

she thought.
Well, if I’m to be his whore for the weekend while his girlfriend waits back home, then I’ll give him what he wants.
She ran her fingers lightly over his belly and moved to his thighs, while he was still on the phone. He gasped just as she’d known he would.

“I’m okay, Erin.”

He might be talking to Erin, but I’m the one in his bed
. He tried to stop her, but she refused to stop, teasing him all the more.

, baby, something’s come up. I’ll have to call you back.”

came up all right, she thought as she continued to tease him with her feathery touch.

“Baby…stop…I can’t…”  But Jessica wouldn’t stop until she had him rig
ht where she wanted him again. She took him to the moon and back, willing him to forget about the woman on the phone.

She was walking out of the bathroom later when her phone rang. Cody picked it up and looked at the caller ID.

“It’s Brucie. Want me to tell him you’re a little busy right now?”

“Give me that.” She grabbed it and sat down on the chair to begin her charade.

Apparently Cody decided turnabout was fair play and he got up and walked over to the chair. Kneeling in front of her, he began caressing her thigh, moving higher as she attempted to talk on the phone. She tried to refrain from moaning in delight.
Damn him
. She hurriedly told Bruce she had to attend to something and slammed her phone down on the table, hoping Bruce and Karen didn’t guess what was going on. She gave in to the sensations and purred like a kitten.

“Why did you do that?” she asked afterward.

“Why do you think?”

“Bastard,” she said as she looked into the chocolate eyes.

“Bitch,” he retorted, meeting her emerald eyes in defiance.

He scooped her up and carried her back to bed where they made love again savagely
in a white hot fury.

Jessica awoke to find him gone and realized he was nowhere to be found, she began to cry. She saw the envelope on the desk with her name scrawled on it. Silently, she took out the letter and unfolded it. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she read the words Cody had written hours before.

Dear Jessie,

I’m sorry I couldn’t be there when you woke up, but I came to a decision last night that has been a long time coming. I guess I never gave up on us completely until last night, when I realized that, once again, I was letting you use me. I had hoped to sweep you off your feet this weekend and steal you away from Bruce. But I came to the realization that even though we’re still great together, you aren’t going to leave him.

sure you thought we’d still get together from time to time. But, Jessie, that’s not the man I am, nor do I want to become that man. So, the stud service I so brazenly offered you months ago is now closed. Please don’t stop by whenever you feel the need for your next “Cody fix”. From one addict to another, it can be very dangerous if you don’t cut it off cold turkey.

BOOK: Unlikely Lovers
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