Unleash Me, Vol. 1 (Unleash Me, Annihilate Me Series) (10 page)

BOOK: Unleash Me, Vol. 1 (Unleash Me, Annihilate Me Series)
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With enthusiasm, he reared up and
entered me in one deep thrust that made me catch my breath and wince slightly
in pain.
Although he had prepared
me for it, I still wasn

fully used to his length or girth, and I

d be lying if I said that it didn

t hurt.
But it was a delicious sort of pain, the
kind of pain that excited me, and I gave myself over to it.

He pressed his lips against the side
of my neck and kissed me, which always did me in because, at this time of
night, there was stubble on his upper lip and chin.
It sent a powerful, tingling rush
through me that drove me hard against the edge of climax.

With skill, he kept me there in an
almost impossible extension of ecstasy.
I put my arms around his back and held him close to me.
I rocked with him, and arched my back as
he pushed me toward orgasm time and again, all the while holding him closer as
we switched from position to position.


said in my ear.


love you.

my God


you love me, too?

that even a question?


love you more than you know.

With a swiftness that surprised me,
he swung around on the bed, flung the bedding off us, and straddled me with his
hands pinning mine firmly against the mattress.

His cock lay heavily on my
I gasped at the sudden
change of position, but then, in the city light joined with the moonlight, I
saw the look of longing on his face, and felt the urgency in his touch.

hope you

not tired,


Because you

re going to be up for


know you

had a long day.
I know it

s been difficult.
But right now?
Right now you

re going to be freed
from all of it.

m going to leave you
relaxed and spent.
I leave in a few

m going to give you
something to remember favorably for the next two weeks.

m going to make certain that you don

t forget tonight.
That you

ll masturbate to it when I

m gone.
Just as
I will.
Tonight will mark our

ll see.


He kissed me gently on the mouth, and
then harder until I could barely breathe.
I felt the stubble on his chin again.
It was rough against my cheek and then
against my neck as he probed lower.
His tongue tasted me, and his lips covered me.
Low murmuring sounds came from his
throat until he found one of my nipples and attended to it with his mouth.

I felt as if my body couldn

t take much more,
which was pathetic.
I writhed
beneath his touch and struggled against it as he lowered his mouth to my ear,
pressed his chest ever so lightly against my nipples, and began to rub them
against his own nipples while he whispered everything he was about to do to

It was too much.
It was sensation overload.
I fought against him, but he told me it
was in vain.
Again and again, his
nipples brushed against mine.
and again, he said unthinkable things to me.
Again and again, he pushed me further to
an edge I didn

know existed

least not this powerfully.
edge was cutting.
It was raw and
His chin dipped down
and his stubble brushed against my naked flesh, leaving me writhing on the bed
feeling like I was going to explode.



He didn

t respond.
just kept doing what he was doing.
The same motions, over and over.
Sometimes, he barely touched me, which seemed to me the cruelest
I wanted his hands on me, but
he seemed determined to deny me of that.
This was so close to torture that I wanted to slap him for it.

It was at that point that I became
I felt as if I couldn

t contain myself any
I wanted to beat him for
what he was doing to me.
I wanted
to float above my body and look down at us from the ceiling so I could witness
what he was doing to me.
I wanted
to flee.
I wanted to stay.
But most of all, I wanted to come.

And then, with one harsh, unexpected
bite on one of my nipples, I did.

I cried out in such pleasure that it
left me shaking, even when it was over.
I lay there, trembling.
believing the power of what I

just experienced, I looked up at him, then at the darkness that was the
ceiling, where I had been a moment ago.

made love many times since the holidays, but tonight was beyond what I was

Obviously, he had more in mind.
Obviously, he was determined to end my
day on a better, more loving note.

was incredible,


of this is just the beginning.
told you


gone, you

think of tonight, you

think of me, and you

bring yourself to orgasm on your own, just as I will.

With his mouth, he snaked his way
down from my breasts to my belly, and then he parted my legs slightly.
He hesitated, and then spread my thighs
His head lowered from sight,
but I could feel his tongue slip inside of me.
I arched my back.
I couldn

t believe I could ever be so open to a man.
He licked my wet folds, kissed them with
his full lips, and flicked them with his tongue.
He tasted them for long moments before
moving to my clitoris, covering his mouth over it and sucking it until I
screamed out again.

are you doing to me?

s never been like


s because I

ve taken it slow with
you until now.


s too much.


And it hasn

t even begun yet.

I heard him spit in his hand, and I
knew what that meant.
He was
lubricating himself.
He was going
to fuck me again.
I could feel his
arm move backward and forward.
lifted up my hips a bit, and I felt the tip of his cock press against me.
And then he slammed inside of me,
causing me to gasp.

d never seen this side
of him.
I had no idea that he was this
talented in bed.
He knew exactly
what he was doing, probably because he knew that given the sheer size of his
penis, he could cause great pain or great pleasure with it.

He plunged deeper into me, making me
curl up and grasp myself around his shoulders while he pumped into me.

His rhythm was steady and
He never looked away from
I absorbed every bed-shaking
thrust with a mixture of pain and pleasure, mostly the latter.
Thank God for the latter.
I melted into him and eventually started
to meet his thrusts with my own.
When I had become wildly aroused, my head arched back and I came
And again.

Somehow, each of us reached orgasm,
and the dim room grew even darker.
I threw my hands over my face as he continued to pulse inside of me, and
I felt as if I was aloft, not part of my body at all.
I was hovering just outside of myself,
which made no sense to me because I was holding on to him fiercely for support.
My grip was so strong around his
shoulders that I had bound myself physically to him, but my head and my heart
and my body were in the ether.
was in another place.
But he kept
pounding and pounding.
His head
lowered to suck on my nipples or lifted to bury his mouth against my lips or my
ears as his sweat dripped down onto me.
He was like a machine, precise and efficient.
Without exhaustion, he drilled into me,
always checking my expression to make sure that I was with him and enjoying
How long could he last?

d just come.
Certainly, he couldn

go on that much longer.

But I was wrong

lasted longer than I

Thirty minutes later,
when his body finally shuddered as he came with a roar, his lips pressed
against my throat, I realized that I

d had no idea what I was up against.
I thought that over these past two weeks
that I had learned what he was capable of in bed.
I was so wrong, it was
He was more talented
than I ever had imagined.
tonight he

made me feel like an amateur.
that I minded much.

me again,


I don

t want this to stop,
especially if you

leaving me soon.
Two weeks is too
Make love to me again, Tank.

Somehow, he did.
He became erect again in what seemed
like seconds.
Then, he slid inside
of me and rode me, maneuvering me around the bed into more positions than I
thought were possible until I didn

t know where I was or who I was.

But I knew that this was right.
I knew that I was his and that he was
And I knew in some part of my
being, as he thrust into me and whispered things to me that were fueled by
truth, lust, and passion, that there was no turning away from us now.
I was deeply in love with him.
And I knew that at this point?
At this point, he also was with me.

As fierce as he was in bed, never
once didn

t I
trust him.
He seemed to intuitively
know exactly how to position his body so I would enjoy the maximum

We went so late into the night that I
saw morning break beyond the windows in front of me.
And when I came again, my body spent
from the convulsions of yet another orgasm, he also came.

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