Unfaithful Ties (42 page)

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Authors: Nisha Le'Shea

BOOK: Unfaithful Ties
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Malik...Jacksonville Florida

was barking hysterically so Malik slipped into his house shoes, grabbed his Taser and headed to the backyard.

“What in the fuck are you doing?” He shouted.

Regina was working on shoveling her second hole in the ground. Dirt covered her clothing. Sweat covered her skin and her stomach was bigger. She looked at Malik and a  wicked smile spread across her face. “I’m digging these for you.”

“And your goal is for me to do what?” He asked pretending that he wasn’t terrified. He knew at that very moment that he was dealing with a real psychopath.
A psychopath that didn’t care about a restraining order.

“I dug two of them for you so that you can decide which one that you think is more comfortable. I hate to bring up the oldest cliché in the book but you know the saying if I can’t have you
no one will. This is where your body is going to rest after I kill you” She said and continued shoveling up dirt.

She tossed the shovel to the said and headed towards Malik. He didn’t know what to do. He feared for his life, so he pulled out his Taser gun and
tased her. She felt her body stiffen like a board and then she fell to the ground.

From Malik’s cellular he dialed 911 “Yes, I need a police officer to come to 8001 Springdale Court. I have a woman on my property that has a court order not to come within one hundred feet of me.  I just
tased her.”


It was a Monday, the last week of work before spring break began. Malik was passing out the test results to his last class of the day when the school principal stepped inside and asked if he’d join her in the hallway.

“Ladies and gents please review your test results and we’ll go over the answers in a few minutes” He told his students and he followed the principal into the hallway.

Two uniformed officers were waiting for him, one white the other one black.

“Malik Shaw” An officer said.


“Please turn around and put your hands behind your head”

“Is this some type of joke?”

“Please sir I don’t want to have to force the cuffs on you so please do as I just asked you”

“I have a right to ask what I’m being arrested for?”

“Second-degree criminal sexual conduct and obstruction of justice in connection with an alleged relationship with Karina Wells”

“That’s bullshit. That didn’t happen. I’d never do that”  He roared.

“Yeah right,” the officer said nastily forcing Malik to turn around. “That poor little girl is making it all up”

He shoved Malik into the lockers and slapped the cuffs tightly around his wrist “I swear I didn’t do this. I have a twelve year old daughter I’d never do something like this.” Malik screamed while the side of his face was being smashed into the cold locker


Stacy...Chicago, Illinois

Moments ago the meeting I’d been looking forward to was adjourned and I didn’t make partner. I’ve
had it with this sexist, racist company.  I’m so mad I’m trembling as I grab my leather portfolio. I hear Horrace call my name as I head for the door. I ignore him and keep walking. He catches up with me right outside of the conference room.

“Stacy hold up a second” He says pacing behind me.

“What is it?” I ask turning around.             

He knows that I’m pissed. It’s written all over my face. “You seem upset”

“Shouldn’t I be?”

“I really thought that you were going to make partner this year”

“And I should have! Jackson, and Connor have been working for this firm just a little over two years. I’ve been working here for six. I have three degrees and I haven’t lost a single case since I started working here. No one in this entire firm has won more cases than I have. I’ve introduced several major corporations to this firm, which has earned the company millions of dollars. I have more than earned partner.”

“I couldn’t agree with you more, which is the reason why I fought for you.”

“I guess you didn’t fight hard enough. I’ve decided to resign from this sexist, racist company. There are only two reasons that I didn’t make partner, I’m black and I’m a woman. Making partner should be earned. It shouldn’t be decided by the color of your skin or your goddamn gender.”

“They made a strong argument that Jackson and Connor were the more qualified attorneys.”

“Why because they have a penis and two little balls? That’s bullshit and you know it. Maybe they should have checked out my credentials. I’m the most qualified attorney at this firm and I have proven it over and over again. They know I have. It’s just a shame that it’s 2012 and people in the corporate world would rather promote a damn chipmunk than see a black woman make partner.”

“Are you sure that you’re making the best decision by pretty much quitting? This is one of the biggest law firms in the country. There is always next year”

“You’re really suggesting that I stay at a company that will never promote me to partner even though I deserve it?” I chuckle “I’ll be in my office. Have a good rest of the day” I say and walk away.


Back in my office, I start taking down all of my pictures and awards and as I’m storing them in a cardboard box I hear Pam’s voice blaring from the intercom on the business phone. “Ms. Mooreland you have a collect call from Malik on line four.” She tells me.

“Thanks Pam” I say back.

I press the button to line four and I hear.

“To accept this call press one
. To decline this call press zero.”

I press the number one and wait.

“Stacy” I hear Malik say.

“Why on earth are you calling me collect?”

“Stacy I’m in trouble. I need your help. I’m in jail”

“How am I supposed to help you?”

“I need for you to be my attorney”

“Malik” I sigh.

“I really need your help”

“What have you gotten yourself into?”

“I’ve been falsely accused of sexual conduct and obstruction of justice in connection with an alleged relationship with an underage girl”

“What!” Okay that was probably ghetto, but I’m shocked.

“It’s this young lady in one of my classes. She’s lying. You know I’d never do something like this. You know me?”

He’s right. I know that he’s telling me the truth he’d never sleep with a teenager, maybe her mother but definitely not her. Still I really need to think about this. If I take the case I’d be spending a lot of time with Malik. Can I really do this? Can I really work so closely with this man after how bad he’s hurt me in the past?

I’m thinking hard

“Stacy, please you’re the only person that I can count on. Please do me this one b-
i-g-ggg favor. My reputation is ruined. I’m sure I have to resign. You’re the only one that can fix this.”

Damnet Malik you’re going to owe me big time. I’ll catch a flight out tonight. Where is Mackenzie?”

“She’s staying with a friend of mine”

“Okay I’ll be there as soon as I touch down”

I hear him exhale. “Thank you” He says.


Later that night I arrive in Florida. I get a rental car and head to The Hilton Inn. I’m tired and I end up falling asleep in my clothes. The crazy thing is I don’t realize it until my alarm goes off. If there is one thing I hate it’s seven o’clock in the morning. I move across the room and walk into the bathroom like I’m in a race with turtles. I shower and afterwards I get dressed.

What in the hell am I doing here? I keep asking myself. I can’t believe I’ve let him convince me into defending him. He has me right in the palm of his hands just like he did in high school. This time I promise that things are going to stay strictly professional.

When I walk into the jailhouse the staff treats me like I’m an inmate until they find out that I’m an attorney.

After about an hour Malik is released and we head over to his house. He looks like he has a million things on his mind.


Around nine o’clock that night

“So I just want to be clear, you haven’t done anything inappropriate with this girl?” I ask Malik, were both sitting on the sofa in his living room preparing for the case, it’s definitely a tough one.

“I’ve hardly ever said two words to her. I mean she makes inappropriate comments all the time towards me in class but I’ve never acted on them. I’ve always just ignored it”

“Are you sure?”

“Stacy you know I’m not that type of man. I don’t have a reason to mess with little girls.”

I catch my glasses from falling off the bridge of my nose and continue writing everything that Malik is telling me in my notepad “I have to ask these kind of questions. I wonder what her motive is?”

“I have no idea. Thank you for believing in me Stacy” he says.

Out of nowhere he changes the subject before I’m able to respond.

“Stacy” He says and I hate that I still love the way he says my name.

“Yeah” I answer, continuing to write and refusing to look at him.

“Have you forgiven me?”

“Malik I’m not here to talk about that. I’m here as your attorney, nothing else”

“I understand but I still want to know have you forgiven me.”

“Why” I say taking off my glasses and finally looking at him? Why can’t you just forget about the past? I have”

“Because my mind will always remember what my heart can’t forget.” He’s gazing at me and I feel chills running through my body again. “I still love you Stacy” slowly rolls off of his tongue.

“You don’t know anything about love” I retort back.

“Trust me when I say that I’m in love with you and I’ve never stopped being in love with you.”

“Well why did you do it? Why did you cheat on me with Jennifer and run off and marry her? What was it about her?”

“Honestly, Stace…” He hesitates. “It was her availability. You were always studying are crammed up in your dorm room. And you never had time for me. Jennifer did”

“Excuse me for trying to work hard so that
we could have a decent life. Jennifer had time for you alright’! Time enough to offer you what she had between her legs.” I feel warm tears sliding down my face. I didn’t want him to see me crying.

Obviously this subject still hurts you. Look Stace, I’m sorry for hurting you and if I could take back what I did all of those years ago I would do it in a heartbeat”

“But you can’t. It was years ago and we can’t change it so let’s just leave it alone okay”

Right now, I feel like I’m going to break down any second so I get to my feet.

“Give me a few minutes” I say and head for the bathroom.

I get myself together and when I open the door Malik is standing in the hallway holding a shoebox.

“I want you to have these”

“What are these?”

“Open it and see”

I open the box and it’s filled with numerous handwritten letters. I scan through the first one that catches my eye. I end up getting so emotional that I feel my knees buckle. “I think that we’ve gone over enough information for today” I say and attempt to walk away.

Stace” He whispers, grabbing my hand.

His touch warms me all over and I can’t look into his eyes right now. I don’t turn around and face him.  I just can’t do it. “I’m not going to let you hurt me again Malik”

He’s still holding my hand. “That’s the last thing that I want to do. We can’t keep avoiding the fact that we still have feelings for each other.”

“I don’t want to feel this way about you
” I say, still looking away.

“Your heart belongs to me
Stace. Always has. Always will.”

“So what just because we have some feelings for one another you think that we can just pick up where we left off?”

“I know that it’s not that simple. I’m sure that us living in different states doesn’t make it any easier but what I do know is I’m willing to do whatever it takes to get you back in my life. If you can turn around and look me in my face and tell me that you haven’t missed me just as much as I’ve missed you I’ll let you walk out that door right now and I’ll never bother you again.”

I turn around with the anticipation of proving him wrong but I can’t do it. I can’t say it. “Malik let’s drop this please” I say with tears pooling behind my eyelids.

“You can’t do it, can you?”

I don’t answer.

“We’re meant to be Stace. Tell me what your heart is saying right now without denying exactly what you feel at this very moment”

“My heart is saying that I should let you back in my life but I can’t because my mind won’t let me do it. My mind is telling me that we’re not meant to be and you’re only going to hurt me all over again. Malik I’m so confused because I can’t stand here and honestly say that I haven’t missed you, that I haven’t dreamed of you over the years.”

I can no longer compose myself and I end up breaking down.

“I love you
Stace and I’ve missed you. All these years I’ve been lost without you”

“How can you say that and you’ve been married?”

“I wasn’t in love with Jennifer. I did what I thought was the right thing to do. The only good thing that came out of my marriage was Mackenzie. I love you Stacy Mooreland.”

I love you too” I hear myself mumble. Malik looks like he’s shocked. Hell I don’t blame him. I can’t believe I let the words come out of my mouth either.

Malik wipes my tears away and kisses me on the lips. I don’t resist. I kiss him back and we get carried away before I know it. “Malik wait” I say backing away. “Your kisses makes me weak even when I know that I’m not ready to go there yet”

“Okay” He says, looking at me like he wants to have me right here on the kitchen table. “I can respect that.”

He grabs my hand and we walk back into the living room. He turns on some music. 
This Woman’s Work
is crooning.

“It’s getting late. I’m going to head to my hotel”

He holds out his hands “Dance with me”

“Malik I should get going”

He pulls me in his arms and I lay my head on his chest and close my eyes as we move to the rhythm of the music. 

This feels like we’re honeymooning.

When the music stops he says, “You know that you don’t have to leave. You can sleep in my bedroom. I’ll sleep in Mackenzie’s room.”

“I’m afraid of what might happen if I stay the night with you.”

“Nothing is going to happen, trust me I’m not going to push you to have sex with me.”


Over the next few days Malik I just talk, and laugh, cuddle, have pillow fights, watch movies and just have an incredible time.

I’ve missed this.


The morning I was set to fly back to Chicago Malik waltzes into the room bright and early.

“Rising shine” He says setting a breakfast tray on the bed

“Fried bologna sandwiches” I giggle


“I haven’t had these since college.”

“You’re kidding me right?”

“Don’t you remember? I could never get my bologna to crisp like yours so I gave up”

“Oh yeah that’s right. Yours would always come out too burnt to eat or not burnt enough.” He laughed.

“So you have jokes?”

“I’m just saying”

The doorbells rings.

“I’ll be right back, it’s probably Mackenzie” Malik says and races to the door.

I get up and head into the bathroom to shower.

There isn’t any soap.

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