Unfaithful Ties (11 page)

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Authors: Nisha Le'Shea

BOOK: Unfaithful Ties
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“Aren’t you going to join us?” One of them asked.

“Yeah, come and join us.” The other one insisted. “Isn’t this every man’s fantasy?”

“I just want to watch you two right now. There is no rush. We have the room all night.” He told them.

“I’m going to slide my tongue up and down your big hard cock. And my friend here is going to make sure that your balls get nice and wet. Isn’t that right?” The woman that was the most aggressive said as she looked over at her friend. “Were going to suck you so good that you’ll want to stand on your tiptoes”

Malik’s dick was pulsating.
“I don’t think that my dick can get any harder.” He told them as he pulled the beer bottle to his mouth again. “I’m enjoying this show”

The women were there to please him.
To fulfill his desire. So they started off by doing the Tango with their tongues, pulling at each other’s breast, and sliding their fingers between one another’s legs. “Is this what you want to see?” One of the women asked. “Is your dick so hard it feel like it’s about to explode?”

Malik popped open another bottle of beer.

“Let’s give him a show” The other woman suggested.

The women flipped upside down on top of each other and feasted for at least ten minutes, licking, nibbling and slurping one another’s wetness.

Malik was stoking his dick as he watched them.

“Come here and let us do that for you” They demanded.

Malik slid the rubber on and got up, letting his pants drop to his feet. Anxiously he walked over to the bed and climbed in. Immediately the women went to work on Malik’s cock, one was sucking the head of his cock into her warm mouth and the other one was circling her tongue around his testicles.

sex-crazed women were right. The oral sex was so good that Malik wanted to stand on his tiptoes. The women were blowing his mind. Although the frowned expression sketched on Malik’s face looked like he was in pain. He wasn’t. This experience was better than any wet dream he’d ever fantasized about. It was more pleasurable than he could have ever imagined.

They pulled way from his dick.

Malik flipped one of the two women over on all fours and plunged inside her while the other woman crawled around the bed, lay on her back and spread her legs. She played with her nipples as she writhed her clitoris up and down her friends tongue.

The woman being pounded by Malik moaned loudly “Yeah
daddy fuck me hard” Malik accelerated his strokes slamming his hips against her naked plumped ass without mercy. Making her even hungrier for her friend’s cunt. 

The woman that was getting her pussy feasted on like it was a
two-thousand dollar meal was tossing her head from side to side and shaking like she was having a seizure. As she succumbed back-to-back orgasms she fingered herself. “I want the dick now. It’s my turn to get the dick” She whined.

Malik didn’t stop penetrating and the woman whose pussy he was deep inside of didn’t want him too. So the impatient aggressive woman that desperately wanted some dick crawled around them and started kissing and rubbing Malik’s back.  When she got to Malik’s buns he pushed her head away indicating that he wasn’t comfortable with her touching him in that area. The woman continued kissing him on the ass. Malik continued pushing
her away while penetrating. He was trying to get his rocks off. And then the woman licked her fingers and whispered. “I’m going to do something that’s going to make you feel real good. I’m going to slide my fingers in your ass while I lick your asshole”

Malik pulled himself out of the woman and jumped out of the bed. The woman he’d been pounding immediately started masturbating and moaning amatively.

“Bitch I don’t know what you used to but I ain’ with that homo shit” Malik roared.

She ran over to Malik and started rubbing all over him. “Don’t knock it until you try it” She said seductively. “Every man resists until they’ve tried it”

The woman still lying on the bed had drifted off into another world as she continued to dip her fingers in and out of her sex core.

“I don’t get down like that.” Malik said.

The aggressive woman was now suckling her very own pierced nipples. “That’s what a lot of men say. But they end up calling me begging for me to do it to them again.”

Malik pulled off the contraceptive. His dick was limp. She’d killed his vibe. “Nah, you got the wrong brother!
Ain’ nobody fucking me in the ass! Ain’t no body going to lick me in the ass either! Hell nah!”

“I’m sorry I didn’t know that you would get so offended.”

“You two ladies have fun but I gotta’ go.  Your sex drive is on an entirely different level than mines.”

Malik threw his clothes on and as he headed to the door the aggressive woman climbed back into the bed and started gliding her tongue up and down her friends flesh.

“Please don’t leave” She begged him.

He left.

That’s what I get for meeting two twenty-two year old, wild, women at a bar & Grill and letting them seduce me into having a threesome
, Malik thought as he drove off. “Oh well” he mumbled. “At least it’s off of my bucket list”


Jason & Vanessa...NYC, New York

Vanessa was sitting in her car staring at the six numbers on her cellular screen. She just couldn’t force her finger to punch in the last number so she opened her glove compartment, pulled out her notepad and wrote


To my angel that I have to let slip away:

The best part about love is falling in love and the hardest part is say
ing goodbye, letting go, and moving on. I’ll miss you more than you'll ever know. More than most people would understand. Honestly, I don't quite understand it myself. How can I be in love with someone other than my husband? Sometimes I lie in his arms, craving your touch, longing to be held by you and hear your heartbeat thump to the same rhythm as mines. You’ve shown me your heart, opened up to me and since day one you’ve been affectionate. Something that he’s neglected to do until recently, after years and years of hearing me complain about it.  I hear your voice in my dreams, taste your lips when he kisses me, and pretend that I'm making love to you every time that he and I make love. I'm not proud about anything that I've done but shamelessly I don't regret any of  it either. The two children that I have carried and aborted because I know that my husband will never forgive me for getting pregnant by another man, haunts me every single day of my life. I’ve terminated the life of God’s most precious creation and I now have nightmares. Flashbacks of the abortions recur in my memory persistently. More often than none. It’s my punishment for my faithlessness behavior. My secrets would shatter my husband's heart and crumble his world. He thinks the world of me and treats me like a princess. I don’t deserve him any more than I deserve you. All those nights we spent together in the bed that my husband and I share when he thought that I was in Sandi Ego makes my heart ache for him, and my conscious is wearing me down. So, here it is, I'm deeply in love with you but I just cannot do this anymore. I've neglected him since the day that you came into my life but you and I both know that the time has come for us to end our affair.  I truly wish that things could have been different for us but I belong to another man. Always remember that even though I'm his wife you'll always be my love, my happiness, my all, and the man that I wish that I'd married. Love Always, Vanessa.

When Vanessa finished writing the letter she slid the piece of paper into the envelope and sealed it, wrote
To My Love
on top of it, and tucked the letter in her purse. The two-year affair was finally behind her and she had no plans of looking back. She slid her designer shades over her chestnut eyes, and headed home. The doctor visit she’d encountered moments ago inspired her to restore her marriage. She was pregnant again. Only this time she was sure that she was carrying her husband’s child.


Jason was in the backyard trimming the hedges when his mobile vibrated in his pocket. He set the cordless hedge trimmer on the porch, and pulled his cellular out of his pocket. He smiled because it was the love of his life, Vanessa.

Although their marriage had been a little rocky lately, Jason stilled loved Vanessa more than life itself. Lately she complained that he never expressed his love for her. So he'd recently
started treating every date like it was their first, kiss her lips like it was his last time, and he made sure that every moment they spent together was memorable. He cherished his wife and treated her like she was worth more than gold; because his mother always taught him that a man's wife is life's most precious treasure. And that he should honor, respect, and protect his wife without limitation.

When they were in college during the spring the couple would visit Central Park every Thursday, if the weather agreed, and get comfortable on a picnic blanket and eat finger foods, laugh, and just get lost in each other. Jason would massage Vanessa's feet while she recited the latest poem she'd written about him. He’d also brought that same type of intimacy back into their marriage. Sometimes when people have been married for so long they tend to forget about the small things that made it special. Although a lot had changed in their marriage over the
ir many years together, one thing that the couple didn’t stray way from was their anniversary ritual. Each year on their anniversary they'd renew their vows to one another as they bathed each other in the shower. Then they'd have breakfast in bed and repeatedly make love until it was time for the departure of their flight that would land them in an island out of the country to celebrate another year together. He was really looking forward to this year’s retreat. Their thirteen-year anniversary was approaching.

Over the last three months or so they'd go home to their
four-bedroom home in Midtown Manhattan and slow dance to a sexy smooth tune by J. Thompson until their feet became sore. By the end of the night they'd be uttering erotic moans and groans until the early morning sun cast over their nakedness.

Like all marriages they’d had their share of ups and downs and there were times when Jason was afraid that he was losing his wife because for a long time it seemed that Vanessa had changed into a person that he couldn’t figure out and didn’t recognize. So he fixed the problem she’d always complained about. He was now more affectionate and she seemed to be back to the old Vanessa. The woman he married young.
The woman that completed him. There was nothing that meant more to him than making her happy and taking the necessary steps to get things back the way they once were. In the past he often felt as though it was something else that had pulled her away from him. The petty arguments, the lack of sexual activity, and the miscommunication puzzled him but he’d decided to put it all behind him. She was back happy in his arms, and at the end of the day that's all that mattered to him.

Now that their marriage had survived through the rough patches
there wasn’t a day that went by that Jason didn’t thank God. He believed that their repaired marriage proved that even unhealthy marriages could be repaired and have an unbreakable inseparable bond, commitment that could never be deceived and trust that could never be betrayed with God as the number one source.

“Hold on for a second Sweetness” Jason said once he’d answered his mobile. He damped the washcloth that he’d pulled from his b
ack pocket, across his forehead and then pulled his dreadlocks into a ponytail. 

“Hey baby… what’s up
” He said cheerfully.

hat are you doing?” Vanessa asked.

“Well I was doing some yard work but I’m finishing up now, so I’m about to head inside and take me a long hot shower in a second”

“I would love to join you!”

“How long is it going to be before you get home?”

“I should be there in about fifteen minutes I’m in route now.”

“I’ll wait for you, but how about you make it ten? Because I stink, I’ve been doing yard work all day.” He joked.

“I’ll try” Vanessa laughed. “Guess what?”

“What Sweetness?”

“We’re going to be parents in about six months”

Jason smiled proudly. “Are you serious?”

“Yes, I was going to wait until our anniversary before I tell you, but you know I can’t hold water. I’m so excited” She yelled enthusiastically. “I’m going to stop by the store I have a taste for some ice-cream but I should be home in a few”

“You’re having cravings already?” He giggled. “Alright baby I love you. See you when you get home”

”Love you much...and Jason”

“Yes Sweetness?”

“I can’t wait until I’m the mother of your child”

“You’re going to be a fantastic mom! Now hurry home I miss you too much”

“Okay, I will see you soon” Just as she was about to hang up she remembered one last thing. “Babe” She called.

ason nearly pressed the end icon on his cellular but quickly placed his mobile back against his ear. “Yes Sweetness”

“Will you go ahead and season the chicken that’s thawing in the sink?”

“It’s only 2 o’clock. You’re ready to eat this early?”

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