Read Unexpected Lovers Online

Authors: Sandy Sullivan

Tags: #Menage a Trois (m/f/m), #Menage Amour

Unexpected Lovers (10 page)

BOOK: Unexpected Lovers
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“Gorgeous, huh?” he whispered. His lips hovered so close, all she had to do was lean a miniscule little bit toward him and she could feel the tempting fullness of his.

“Well, yes,” she murmured. “And they both seem to be very possessive with me. I haven’t been able to have hardly any
in several weeks.”

One hand skimmed down her arm, raising goose bumps along the surface in its wake. “Oh princess, we’re going to have fun all right.”


“Dance with me and we’ll get this party started.”

“How could I possibly refuse such a gallant request?”

Picking up her hand, he tugged her out of the chair and slipped his arm around her waist. “Good. I didn’t want to have to throw you over my shoulder and drag you out there.” A moment later, they started scooting across the floor. She noticed the other dancers weren’t dancing quite as close, so she tried to wiggle herself a little farther from him, but he wasn’t about to let her go.

“Uh-uh. I want to hold you,” he whispered in her ear as he plastered her against his chest. His warm palm flattened against the small of her back, holding her close.


Warm breath ruffled the air near her ear and a shiver rolled down her back.


“Maybe you shouldn’t hold me so close.”


“We’re getting some strange looks.”

“I don’t care. Do you?”

“I wouldn’t except that a lot of the looks are from other women, shooting daggers at me.”

“They’re jealous. You’re the prettiest woman in here.”

“It’s probably more like they are exes of yours and Brett’s. I’ll probably get jumped if I go to the bathroom alone.”

“Then I’ll go with you and protect you.”

“You will not!”

The song changed, but Ryan didn’t let her go, only continued to sway to the music, never caring that the song playing had a fast beat.

“Mind if I cut in?” Brett asked, stepping up behind Ryan.

“Of course I mind, but since she’s here with both of us, I guess I’ll let you dance with her, too.”

“Aren’t you the benevolent one there, Ryan?”

“Don’t push your luck, Brett, or I’ll take her home and leave you here.”

“You two stop it.” She rolled her eyes and stepped into Brett’s embrace, while his warm hands settled on her hips. “I swear, if I didn’t know you two like to share, I’d swear I’m being pulled in different directions like a bone.”

“Sharing is one thing, sweetheart, but we would both like some alone time with you, especially now that you are a free woman,” Brett said, looking deep into her eyes.

“Interesting thought.”

“Neither of us will push you, Whitney. Whether you want me or Ryan or both, it will be your choice.”

“I know,” she whispered. His lips brushed against her cheek before he pulled her closer.

They spent the rest of the night dancing, drinking, and laughing. She didn’t think she’d had so much fun in one night in her life, but it was time to go home, and she shivered in anticipation. Sitting between the two of them in the cab of Ryan’s truck, her nerves were wound tight. Earlier in the night, she’d come to the conclusion that she wanted both men at the same time. Unfortunately, she wasn’t quite sure how to make it happen. Yes, she knew sharing wasn’t an issue with them, but never having been with two men at once, she didn’t know how to proceed.

Once they reached the house, she dropped her purse on the countertop and rubbed her arms to calm the goose bumps flittering across her skin.
Damn. I don’t think I’ve been this excited in a long time.

“I had a lot of fun tonight, guys.”

“I did too, Whit, but I’m going to bid you goodnight,” Brett said and then brushed his lips against hers quickly. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

What the fuck?

“Me too, princess. It was fun. See you tomorrow,” Ryan added and kissed her too.

Moments later, she stood alone in the dark living room listening to their respective doors close.

She shook her head and grumbled under her breath as she headed for her bedroom. Once her clothes were piled on the chair by the window, she slid beneath the cool sheets and lay on her back watching the moonlight bounce off the ceiling. After they’d spent the last several hours celebrating her divorce with dancing and alcohol, she felt on fire.

Her pussy throbbed painfully with need. When she closed her eyes, her imagination went wild with visions of Ryan’s hazel eyes sparkling with lust and Brett’s brown ones raking over her with appreciation.
This is fucking crazy!

Tossing her arm across her eyes, she groaned.
I don’t even have my vibrator to take care of my raging libido.
She wiggled in the bed, trying to find a comfortable position, but nothing seemed to be working. Kissing both of them goodnight had made matters worse. Now she was horny

A light tap sounded at the door, and she struggled into a sitting position against the headboard.

“Come in.”

One sliver of light splayed across the carpet from the hall beyond.

“Having trouble going to sleep?” Brett stepped into the room and closed the door behind him.

“Yeah. How’d you guess?”

“I can hear the bed creaking with every move you make.”

She captured her bottom lip between her teeth. The scent of soap and man tickled her senses, lighting the fire in her blood further. The wet curl against his neck made her fingers itch to touch.
Shit! This is all I needed.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to keep you up.”

A rakish smile graced his full lips.

“You didn’t. Anything I can do to help?”

You bet there is. Eat me, fuck me…
“Mmm…” Her shoulders lifted in a shrug.

“Is your leg hurting?”


“Then what seems to be the trouble?” Warm fingers brushed against her arm, sending goose bumps along her flesh, and she had to fight the urge to shiver under his touch. He scooted closer. “You can tell me.” The devilish smile appeared again. “I’m a doctor.”

“It doesn’t have anything to do with what a doctor can take care of.”

“Really. How about a man?” Brown eyes twinkled in the moonlight filtering through the filmy curtains on the window, and she had a feeling he knew exactly what her problem entailed.

Nipples puckered into hard little nubs, drawing his attention to her chest.

“I’m horny as hell, Brett. You two did nothing to help matters tonight. You know that.”

A soft chuckle left his mouth, and his oh-so-kissable lips lifted in a smile.

“Sounds like a bit of a problem.” One finger trailed over her lips, across her cheek and then down her neck, rasping against her skin deliciously.

Shifting a little to her left and arching her back, she knew her behavior bordered on wanton, but she didn’t care. She wanted his hands on her.

“Tell me what you want, Whit,” he murmured.

“Touch me.”



After he moved next to her on the bed, his fingers drifted across her puckered nipple, and she fought the moan on the tip of her tongue. His mouth brushed softly against hers taking the time to coax the response he wanted from her.

His lips were different than Ryan’s—fuller, firmer, but just as intoxicating. They drifted over her mouth, his tongue caressing her lips lightly. A moan surfaced on her lips only to be swallowed when his tongue dove inside her mouth. Their tongues entwined, stroking each other, firing the desire in her blood to boiling temperatures. Fingers slipped down her flat belly, under the elastic of her underwear, through the curls between her thighs, and glanced across her clit. Her hips lifted, eliciting a chuckle from his lips as they drifted across her cheek. Within moments, he had her silky panties off her legs and tossed them across the room.

“God, you are incredibly hot.”

She grasped his wrist with a groan and forced his fingers into her pussy.

“So wet. Spread your thighs and let me make you come.”

With a whimper, she complied; opening herself to him and feeling his lips drift down her chest before he sucked her nipple inside his warm mouth.

“Oh,” she groaned.

His tongue rasped against the hard nub, almost making her scream. One finger toggled her clit several times while she squirmed against his touch.

“I want—”

His lips moved down her belly until she felt his breath against her lower abdomen. She whimpered and spread her legs farther apart.

“Brett… eat me, pleaaassseee.”

A scream bubbled in her throat when his tongue flicked against her clit.

“So sweet,” he whispered between licks.

Fingers lifted the hood protecting her most sensitive spot from his tongue, giving him the access he needed to send her over the edge with a swiftness she’d never experienced before.

Her back arched, and the scream she’d held in sprang from her lips, echoing off the walls of the room as sweet heat spread through her belly. Two fingers slipped inside her, stroking her as cream flooded from her pussy.

He continued to eat her until she ceased to tremble, her body coming down from one of the best orgasms she’d ever had. Warm breath flittered over her clit for a second before he kissed his way up her stomach. His lips closed around her nipple for a moment while he sucked and flicked it with his tongue before they settled back on her mouth. He kissed her deeply, his tongue stroking the inside of her mouth, letting her know he wanted her. When he lifted his head, their gazes met and a self-satisfied smile drifted over his lips.


“Yeah,” she sighed.


“Not as good as the whole thing, but it’ll do in a pinch.”


“Me? No.” She frowned. “What about Ryan?”

“What about him?”

She shifted back against the headboard, pushing him so he no longer sat over the top of her. Confusion zipped through her.
I am attracted to both men in different ways, but I just let Brett eat me until I came so hard stars burst behind my eyelids.

“You’re confused.”


“Don’t be.”

“I don’t understand. I want both of you, but I don’t know how this is supposed to work.” Grabbing the quilt from the side of the bed, she pulled it over her nakedness, a little uncomfortable now that the passion had ebbed.

What would it be like having both men focused on my needs?

“You’re imaging what it would be like,” he murmured. His hand moved over her breast. “My mouth here, sucking your nipple until you scream.” Pushing the quilt back until she was exposed to his wandering touch, he rasped one finger across the sensitive surface. “And Ryan’s mouth on your pussy, licking your clit until you come for us.” One finger dipped between her legs, and he smiled as he spread her juices against her thigh. “You’re hot.” He leaned toward her, his mouth stopping a mere hairsbreadth from hers. “How about Ryan’s cock in your pussy, driving into your hot center and pounding into your flesh as you wrap your fantastic thighs around his hips?” He ran his tongue up her neck. “And my cock in your ass? Have you ever had a man in your ass, Whit?”

BOOK: Unexpected Lovers
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