Unexpected Encounter (Singleton) (14 page)

Read Unexpected Encounter (Singleton) Online

Authors: Taige Crenshaw

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Unexpected Encounter (Singleton)
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“Don’t thank me. God, Lila, I do give a crap about you. I was watching the news for a glimpse of you. I worried, damn it, and I felt powerless to help you.”

“That’s good to know.” She chuckled. “Because I give a crap about you too. And I avoided the news until they cornered me, then I had to put on my ME hat to present a calm competence. After pulling bodies out of wreckage, I’d really rather not have had to but it’s sometimes part of the job.” She leaned on him. “You’re helping me now when I need it.”

“Let me take care of you.” Driscoll reached for the washcloth she held.

She gave it over without resistance. Driscoll tapped the tile and the spout for the soap slid out. He held his open palm under the stream of liquid after he wet the cloth then started to soap her up.

“That smells like what I use at home to bathe,” she said tiredly.

“Aida stocked it earlier.”

“Wonder how she knew what I use.” Lila closed her eyes, resting in his arms and trusting him to take care of her.

“She has her ways.” He gently cleaned her then rinsed her off.

Driscoll got them out of the shower and wiped her off before doing the same to himself. Soon he led them into the bedroom. At the bed he helped her in before sliding in behind her, pressing against her back, embracing her. Lila relaxed into him, shifting to get comfortable.

“Oh, what did you mean earlier?”


“Just before I left the gathering. You mentioned needing another T-shirt.”

“Don’t worry about it now.” Driscoll kissed the side of her face. “Rest, Lila.”

She closed her eyes then went to sleep.


* * * *


Driscoll braced his bare foot on the lower rung of the high-backed stool he was sitting on. He sipped his coffee, eyes narrowed, as he watched the news on the TV mounted in the wall across the room. It was a recap of last night. The reporter had cornered Lila as she’d said and he watched as she slipped into the mask of professionalism. After seeing how she’d looked when she’d got home last night, he knew how hard that had to have been for her.

“She’s good,” Irene said behind him.

Although he hadn’t heard her enter, Driscoll didn’t flinch. He was used to her and Aida popping up on him.


“Your SUV is in the driveway so I’m assuming she’s here.” Irene leaned against the counter next to him. “What can I do to help?”

“Call her assistant and find out what is her favorite place to eat and make sure to have food sent over for her and her staff. I’m betting they will be so swamped they won’t even think of it and will work themselves into the ground.” Driscoll touched her hand and squeezed it gently. “It’s gonna be hectic the next few days for her and I want to make it as easy as possible for her.”

“To hell with ordering food.” Aida strode into the room from the foyer. “I’ll cook for them.”

“Why were you listening in at the door?”

“I wasn’t. I just heard what you said since I was coming here.” Aida stared at him. “I went by Lila’s place and got her some clothing for a few days. I took it upstairs and left it by the door for her.”


“She left her keys on the entry table.” Aida shrugged. “When I came by earlier I took them and went to her place, figuring she would need some clothes so she wouldn’t have to stop at home before going in to work.”

“You were right,” Lila said from the doorway. “Thanks.” She entered then warned the women, “But I’m only letting you get away with managing my life for now.” She came to Driscoll then leaned on him before pointedly looking at Aida and Irene. “Don’t you have somewhere to go for a moment?”

“Come on, Aida. She wants to play kissy face with Dris before she leaves for work.”

The women left the room. Lila focused on him, stroking her finger down his cheek.

“I know you said you didn’t want to hear thanks. But thanks.” Lila kissed him briefly. “I’ll be back later when I can.”

“I know.” Driscoll rubbed his knuckles gently under her chin. “Let me make you some breakfast.”

“No time to eat.” She pulled away. “I need to get in.”

“Okay.” He held onto her arm. “If you need me, call.”

“I will,” she promised then left the room.

He heard the murmur of voices then the sound of the door closing. Aida and Irene returned to the room.

“Add breakfast to the food. Hell, maybe even dinner.”

“I’ll call in some help,” Aida said.

“Okay.” Driscoll drummed his fingers against the counter, not sure what else he could do. Then it dawned on him and he rose.

“Do you still have her house keys, Aida?”

“Yes.” She pulled them out of her pocket and handed them to him.

He stood and went toward the door.

“What are you up to, Driscoll?”

“Doing something that will hopefully make her happy.” Driscoll rubbed his hand over his face. “It’s going to be a rough few days and although I can’t do anything about that, I want to make sure she has something that will give her joy.”

He left, pulling out his cell and placing a call.


* * * *


Days later, Driscoll leaned against the vehicle, waiting. He crossed his arms over his chest, thinking of the last few days, which had been as hard as he’d expected on Lila. She’d dragged herself to his place each night really late. He’d repeated his actions from the first night, taking care of her then putting her to bed.

Every day he’d coordinated with Aida and Irene to make sure Lila and her people were fed. It was the least he could do. Lila had expressed her gratitude to him and the women. But in reality it was nothing—she was the one dealing with all those deaths and identifying people then telling families they were gone.

The door for the Medical Examiner’s office at the Delko Street Station opened and he straightened when he saw Lila. She was moving with the slow, steady steps he’d come to recognize as meaning she was tired. Lifting her head, Lila saw him and her warm, familiar smile filled her face then she looked behind him and her eyes widened. She hurried toward him.

“What are you doing with Lancelot?”

“Since you wouldn’t introduce us, I went by and introduced myself. I took him to the garage I told you I know.” Driscoll shoved his hands into his pockets. “Tannis Garage, and had them take a look. They fixed Lancelot up for you. So you can drive him or your new SUV. I know you were missing him.”


“With all that is going on, I wanted to do something for you. I hope you don’t mind. I had your new SUV sent to my house and we’ll drive Lancelot home.”

“But you have been doing things for me. Taking care of me every night when I come to your place.” Lila waved her hand. “Having Aida cook and feed me and my team. You have been doing so much. Letting Irene help my assistant field media inquiries—she’s had so much practice at it for you she is really good. My assistant is learning so much from her.”

“That’s all Aida and Irene.” Driscoll bit his lip. “Having Lancelot fixed for you is me.”

“Thank you.”


“I will thank you,” Lila said fiercely. “You don’t know how much I needed this today.”

“Why? I thought the last of the identifications would be completed today.”

“They have been. But with this many dead, the Feds have stepped in and are trying to shut us out. They think we can’t handle or provide evidence like they can if they find who set the fire. The head agent even told me to my face we would fail to find as much as they could because they had better equipped labs and people.”

“Why would he say that?”

“Because he’s an asshole.” Lila narrowed her eyes. “We’re having a meeting with the various departments involved in the initial investigation. We have a united front to tell the Feds where to stick it.”

“Good for you all.” Driscoll frowned. “When someone tells me I’m going to fail, it makes me even more determined to succeed then flip them off when I do.”

“Love it.” Lila laughed. “Definitely needs to be on a T-shirt.”

“Any time you want me to put you in touch with Dakota, let me know.”

“He and I had an interesting conversation at the gathering.” Lila laughed. “I didn’t realize you all are such good friends.”

“We are. He hasn’t been by much since summer is a hectic season for Moments.”

“The gathering for the brief time I was there seemed well planned.” Lila moved to him, hugging him. “Ready for a ride?”

“Your Lancelot awaits.”

“Cheesy, Dris. Very cheesy.”

“I’m not the one with a vehicle named Lancelot.”

“Lancelot is called as he is for a reason.”

Driscoll held open the driver’s side door for her and when she got in, he closed it and went around the hood to the passenger side. When he was inside, he turned to her.

“What is the reason?”

“My parents.” She stared off into space. “When I was a kid, my parents had a literary night each week and shared the love of reading. They would tell tales from various authors. Each of us kids had a favorite authors or characters from their story.”

“And yours was Lancelot.” Driscoll smiled.

“Yes.” Lila touched his arm. “I was enraptured with the tale about him. The name brings fond memories of my childhood. When my parents gave me this vehicle, I named it to honor them for what they did for us as kids. Made us love the written word.”

“Let’s take Lancelot for a spin.”

“Yes.” She turned the key and bounced on the seat. “He sounds like when I first got him. Your mechanic is a genius.”

“She is a genius and I’ll let her know you said so.” Driscoll buckled up.

“I’ll have to meet her.” Lila patted the dashboard. “Talk with her about being the mechanic I take my baby to whenever he needs to be fixed.”

“We’ll go there when you want to. Oh, our kids have missed you.” Driscoll leaned back in the seat.

“Our kids?”

“Reggie and Vere are our shared fur babies. Since you helped me rescue Vere, you are her mama and I’m her papa. And Reggie is very sensitive so you can’t deny her as your baby too.”

“Oh… Of course I can’t turn away from our fur babies.” Lila smiled. “I missed snuggling with them while we watch TV or just chill out.”

“Yeah. You’ve been working very hard.” Driscoll leaned forward to touch her hand, squeezing it gently before resuming his comfortable seat. “So let’s get going so we can have some relaxation. Now take me home, milady.”

“I will, sir.” Lila grabbed him then kissed him.

Driscoll groaned but before he could react, she pulled back.

“When we get to your place, I have plans that involve lots of naked, slick skin. That is, if you’re willing?”

Driscoll nodded vigorously and shifted, adjusting himself in his jeans. Lila laughed, a wicked sound that made him shiver.

Chapter Seven




Driscoll was in what had become his favorite place—walking behind Lila watching the sassy sway of her hips. He followed her up the steps to his house, enjoying the view. Lila glanced over her shoulder and her sultry look made his heart race, his pulse skip a beat and his cock harden, ready to have her.

“Come on.” She continued up the steps.

He gladly went behind her and when she reached the landing, he hurried to join her then placed his arm around her waist, moving them to the door. Driscoll unlocked the door and held it open for her to go before him. When she was inside, he too went in then closed the door.

“I’m so glad to see you two.” Lila knelt, greeting Vere and Reggie.

The puppy and kitten loved all over her, making her let out a rich laugh. Driscoll leaned against the door, smiling as he watched the trio. The words he’d never thought he’d even think of, much less contemplate saying, were on the tip of his tongue, but he held them back. At the gathering, he’d realized he was in deeper than he’d thought. He actually loved the sexy woman who played with their fur babies, but he could admit—at least mentally—to himself that he hesitated because he wanted her to say it first. Hell, he didn’t even know if this wasn’t just sex for Lila, and that was something he wanted to find out. He was out of his depth and had no way of knowing how to even approach finding something like that out.

“Are you okay?” Lila’s query made him focus on her. She was staring at him from the floor with Vere and Reggie in her lap.

“Yeah.” He went to them and knelt beside them. Driscoll scratched the head of Vere then under Reggie’s chin before he leaned in and kissed Lila.

She opened and made a humming sound in her throat. Driscoll shifted closer and the outraged meow from Vere made him pull back slightly. He picked up the kitten and nuzzled it.

“Sorry, sweetie. Mommy and Daddy need some alone time.” Instantly as he said it, Driscoll’s thoughts went to Lila pregnant with his child then them playing with their little ones.

“Dris.” Lila touched his cheek. “You have a really weird look on your face. What are you thinking about?”

“A dream I plan to make happen.” He kissed her again deeply before pulling back and saying, “Someone promised lots of naked skin.”

“I did.” She licked her lips. “But first I’m gonna make you dinner.”

“Dinner. If you are hungry, Aida probably left something for us to eat.”

“Nope, she didn’t.” Lila petted the animals once more then rose. “You’re not the only one who was planning something. I had no clue you were picking me up today. I’d already spoke with Irene and Aida so I could do something for you.” She held out her hand.

Driscoll took it then stood.

Lila continued speaking, “You’ve been here for me. I wanted to thank you.”


“Yeah, yeah I don’t need to thank you, but I wanted to. Also wanted to show you that you mean a lot to me.” Lila hugged him. “We’ve only know each other a few months but we’ve slipped so seamlessly into each other’s lives. When we’re apart and something happens in my day, I think I can’t wait to tell you about it. Also when I’m not with you all I can think of is when I will see you next. I…care…about you.”

Driscoll noticed the hesitation when she said she cared, but the rest of her words filled him with hope. It wasn’t the declaration he was looking for, but it was a start. At least he knew now it wasn’t just sex.

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