Undone (The Unexpected Series Book 2) (4 page)

BOOK: Undone (The Unexpected Series Book 2)
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I walk up the sidewalk to the house I love after a quiet goodbye from Erin and Walker. This place has become my sanctuary. It’s clean, organized and everything is the way I like it. After Erin moved out this past December, I was free to do what I wanted with it, and I wanted it to be perfect. Not that she was messy, but it’s nice to live on my own after almost ten years of having a roommate.

As you walk in you’re welcomed with a large open spaced living room, dining room and kitchen area. The living room is filled with lavender, black and white accents with the most comfortable sofa you will ever lay on next to my very own La-Z girl recliner. I replaced our love seat because I had to have that chair. Every girl wants to grab a glass of wine and sit in one of those bad girls and read about hot ass book men on her kindle…when she isn’t banging a real life one.

The kitchen isn’t that big, but the island makes a great bar to sit at when you want to be casual. Erin and I have had plenty of late night chats at that bar. Heart to hearts, laughs and a lot of tears…and bottles upon bottles of tequila. We have been through some crazy shit.

Now she is engaged and has a beautiful daughter. I’m lucky enough to not only be her best friend but also her wedding planner. I’m not sure she knew what she was asking when she did. I’m a perfectionist and sometimes it drives Erin insane. She loves me though.

Smiling to myself, I head into my room, which is the best part of the whole house. It’s massive and has a bathroom bigger than my room growing up at my parents. The walk-in closet next to it is just as big. Half of it is taken up by my shoes alone.

I slip into my pajamas and walk into the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. My thoughts wander back to what happened…what got into Trent. I’m too exhausted to think about it anymore. Dragging my tired body over to my queen bed, I crawl under the comforter letting its warmth suck me in. I never thought I would spend one hundred fifty dollars on a blanket, but with its large black flowers on a white down comforter of heaven it’s totally worth it. I love this fucking bed.

The slamming of my front door jolts me just as I’m about to fall into a blissful sleep.

Erin knocks quietly on the door and walks in sitting on the side of my bed. “Are you okay, Noe? I’ve never seen you that quiet before.”

She still has a key and uses it when she deems necessary. Apparently, this is one of those times.

Sighing I sit up pulling the blanket straight up around me. “I’m fine. Just frustrated. Jace seems like a nice guy but I’m trying to figure out why Trent would do something like that. He is always so hot and cold that I don’t know which way is up and which way is down with him. I just want to know what the hell he was thinking. Does he think Jace is a bad guy? He must be for Trent to do something so drastic, right?”

“I don’t think that’s it, Noelle,” she says looking away trying to avoid my eyes. A true sign that she is hiding something.

“Erin, do you know why?” I give her my “don’t mess with me” face. “If you do you better tell me.”

“Don’t look at me like that, Noe. It’s not my place to speak for Trent.” She shakes her head looking down and starts to twiddle her fingers.
              “Tell me, Erin! I’m going crazy here. Trent used to be such a good friend and it just seems that we have drifted apart.” Tears start forming again, and I get up to grab a tissue from the bathroom. I hate crying like a bitch.

“Maybe that’s the problem,” she comments to my retreating back.

I walk back into the bedroom blowing my nose. “What’s the problem?” I ask confused as she stands from my bed and walks towards the door.

“That he’s just a friend.” She winks before closing the door behind her.

She cannot honestly believe Trent wants to be more than friends. Can she?

Does he?

I roll over and try to fall back to sleep. When I enter my dreams, it’s of Jace’s deep green eyes and sexy stubble.


Five o’clock in the morning comes too quickly when you are in the middle of the greatest female wet dream of all time. I decide a go with my vibrator is out when last night’s events come crashing into my pre-dawn thoughts. This morning I really need my cycling class like I need oxygen to take my mind off of what happened. I decide on a hot pink tank top, black shorts and the new cycling shoes that I received yesterday. Hot pink usually isn’t my color, but today I’m feeling feisty. Grabbing my water bottle from the freezer, I get my iPhone from the charging station and notice I have five missed text messages.


Trent: Are you still up? Pls call me.

Trent: Noe. I’m so sorry. Call when you see this.

Sexy Jace: I had fun with you tonight...I would take 10 more punches for just 1 more kiss.


He put his number in as Sexy Jace, huh? I’ll need to change that. Or not. The message is sweet…a far cry from the aggressive guy I met yesterday.


Trent: I know you are mad at me but please don’t shut me out. I need to talk to you. Call me so we can meet up.

Sexy Jace: Thinking of you.


Jace’s texts have me smiling. The time on my phone reads 5:42 A.M., so I know it’s way too early to text back either one of them.

I decide to run to the gym today instead of driving the two miles. It’s a peaceful time of day where the world is quiet, and I can just breathe in the early morning air. I turn on my music and enjoy the scenery as I jog past it. I hear a text come through but decide to ignore it, needing my peace.

Arriving at the gym parking lot twenty five minutes later I spot Hadley. She is one of the funniest and craziest women you will ever meet, besides me. Erin has joined me at my cycling classes a few times, but Hadley goes to them religiously. She is awesome and is also my assistant at work. She has become like a sister to me almost as much as Erin. Since I have no siblings and my parents moved to Naperville, I see and talk to those girls more than I see my own family.

“Hey girl! I can hear Lady Gaga coming from your headphones. You only listen to her when you’re upset. Bad night?” She asks pulling her long, layered dark brown hair with chunky red highlights back into a ponytail and straightening out her black sports bra and shorts.

“You could say that. How about you? Date night with Braden last night?”

“Yea, and I’m fucking exhausted. That man can keep me up all night.” She winks pulling her arm across her chest to stretch.

“Do you even eat? Jeez, you’re so damn skinny! Eat a cheeseburger or something.” I laugh pulling my headphones out, rolling them so they fit perfectly into my side pocket.

“Shut up! I eat,” she says rubbing her hands over her flat stomach. “So what’s going on? Wanna talk about it?”

For the next sixty minutes between sprints and jumps I tell her what happened the previous night. Every sexy, sweet, and crazy moment.

“Hmm. Have you ever considered that Trent is jealous? That maybe he has feelings for you? Maybe he wants some of the Naughty Noelle,” she says completely serious while we stretch out afterwards.

“Trent? Erin hinted at that last night and I wouldn’t shut him down if he did. The man is a walking turn on.” I rub the sweat off my chest with a towel. “But he doesn’t see me that way and I guess I’m too close with his family to ruin anything. And anyways, I might want to see where this thing with Jace goes. I’m intrigued by my Starbucks God.”

Hadley and I part ways, and I check to see the text I ignored earlier.


Erin: CALL TRENT! He won’t stop texting me and I’m too damn tired for his shit. Turning my phone off.


Well, she seems pleasant. You would think with Savannah at her mom’s house, she would have gotten laid last night.

During my run back I respond to Trent’s messages.


Me: I went to bed when I got home so I didn’t see your texts until this morning. So angry with you T!

Trent: I know, pls see me today. I have to run to the office real quick but meet me for lunch.

Me: Only b/c I love you and I want an explanation. Where?

Trent: Lou’s? 12?

Me: Ok. Don’t be late.


. He knows I cannot pass up some of Lou Malnati’s deep dish pizza. There go the calories I just burned. Shaking my head, I text Sexy Jace back.


Me: I had fun too. I could have done without the punching. I haven’t thought of you at all ;)

Sexy Jace: Oh, I know you did. Let’s meet up…beach?

Me: I don’t know. I need to meet with Trent and find out what happened. Unless you would like to enlighten me?

Sexy Jace: Oh, I have an idea. He just wants to get his ass kicked. Ditch him and come meet me.

Me: I can’t. I need to let him grovel and apologize. But we can hit the beach after.

Sexy Jace: Fine but u have til 2. Text me your address after and I’ll pick you up.


Pushy much? My calm Sunday has just turned into meeting up with two very hot guys. I’m definitely not complaining. I guess my work will have to be put off. Mrs. Blake’s venue comparisons write up is going to have to wait until tonight. Fixing this with Trent and a little fun in the sun trumps work on a Sunday anyways.


When I get back to the house all I want to do is lay in my nice soft bed. It’s neatly made, but I fall back onto it and sigh. What a weekend. I curl up into my pillow allowing my eyes to close, and I feel as though I could just crash for the day.

I raise my arms above my head to stretch.
Man, I really stink!

Jumping up I hope I didn’t get too much sweat on my comforter and make my way to the bathroom.

After scrubbing the grime of two awesome runs and cycling class off in the shower, I grab a fluffy white towel and wrap it tightly around my body. I step off the tile and onto the plush carpet and am met with lust filled chocolate eyes filled with animalistic male hormones across my bedroom. He stalks towards me with determination stopping just short of my tingling body. He places both hands on my face, and a shiver runs down my spine.

Oh my God! Oh my God! What is he doing?

“I just couldn’t wait,” he says pulling my face closer to his. “I had to see you. We need to talk but I have to do this first.”

Just as I’m about to open my mouth to ask what he wants to talk about he brings his lips the short distance to mine. They’re soft and smooth, the kiss so sweet and gentle. Our tongues don’t touch; just a few light brushes of our lips. A heated moan escapes my mouth, and he loses control taking the kiss deeper. His tongue still doesn’t break the barrier of mine but there is so much desire behind it. When his hands glide down my body and around my hips, goosebumps spread across my skin. Wrapping my hands around his neck for support, he picks me up bringing me back into the bathroom and placing me on the vanity. Never breaking the kiss. My towel starts to come apart and I scoot forward to ease it off me.

His hands slide up the inside of my thighs higher and higher until they meet my soaking wet core. His fingers tease me rubbing my juices up and down through the folds grazing my clit. Embarrassment takes over as I realize how quickly he is going to make me come undone.

“Trent…” I moan his name but it comes out more of a prayer.

I bite his upper lip and push myself harder onto his hands as the orgasm starts to take a hold of my body beginning at my toes.

My eyes fly open and a cold sweat breaks out. I look around and find I’m still lying down in my bed sweaty from my workout and now completely horny. Trent is gone, and I realize it was a dream. My text pings alerting me to a new message, and I sit up glancing at the screen trying to shake off the dream that put last nights to shame.


Trent: I’m picking you up. Tell me when you want me to come.


The first thought that runs through my dirty mind is “with me” and the second is to grab my waterproof vibrator and head for the shower.


Me: I’ll be ready in an hour.

I don’t lose control. I’m a man who can handle my shit but when it comes to Noelle Grant all rational reasoning goes straight out the window. I’ve never had such strong feelings for a woman even while I was with Alex.

BOOK: Undone (The Unexpected Series Book 2)
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