Undone (The Unexpected Series Book 2) (19 page)

BOOK: Undone (The Unexpected Series Book 2)
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“Okay, baby. Come on over after if you feel up to it.”

“I will.” I won’t.


“What was that about?” Hadley asks from the driver’s seat of her SUV on our way to meet Erin.

“What?” I play dumb.

“That whole thing.” She waves her hand at me. “The bag throwing, the deflecting Jace.”

I glance out the window as we turn onto Milwaukee Avenue. “How about we drop this because I’m positive once we meet up with Erin she is going to grill me. I’d rather not repeat myself.”

When I ended the call with Jace the phones started ringing off the hook so much that we never had the chance to talk, and now I’m sure this will be the night from hell. Both Hadley and Erin have their noses way up my ass and are too invested in my love life for my liking.

We arrive at Cubby Bear North at the same time Walker is pulling up with Erin.

“Bring her back drunk and horny, okay? There is something I want to try with her.” He pounds on the side of the truck with the hand that is hanging out of the window.

“I’ll let you do it to me when I can do it to you,” she retorts and his face goes pale.

“No deal.” He laughs and then looks to me. “Drunk doesn’t matter either. She’s always horny.”

He drives off and Hadley turns to Erin. “What does he want to do?”

She starts off towards the door and murmurs something about anal and flavored lube.

I don’t want to know.

Erin and Walker started out very unconventional. She got pregnant from what was supposed to be a one night stand. I wasn’t sure they were going to last. Most would think that they stayed together for the baby but anyone who is within earshot of them can see they belong together. He loves fiercely and she loves just as hard, and that baby is the luckiest little girl to have parents like them. He makes her happy and is faithful. So despite how much he likes to piss me off I’m happy she has him.

We’re directed to a booth next to the makeshift dance floor. Hadley on one side, Erin and I on the other. An 80’s band is playing tonight so all the tables and chairs are pushed aside for the event. It’s summertime and the college kids take up most of the bar though there are quite a few late twenty-somethings.

After the server takes our drink order the Spanish Inquisition goes into full effect.

“Spill it, Grant!” Hadley eyes me from across the table.

“What’s going on?” Erin plays the innocent part. They can’t bullshit me. I know they talk.

“Noelle threw her bag again today and she passed up a chance to go to Maggiano’s with Jace.” She turns from Erin to me. “You know we would have let you bail, right?”

Erin shoves her shoulder into me. “Maggiano’s? You passed up Maggiano’s for us?”

“I didn’t want to go with him,” I say but as soon as the words come out I want to take them back immediately.

“You didn’t want to go or you didn’t want to go with Jace.” Erin tries to get me to clarify, a knowing smirk plastered on her damn face.

Our server returns with our margaritas and I look around pretending to be interested in the scenery. There are some hot men here tonight. I lean back taking a sip of my cocktail and soak in the eye candy.

Jace and I are still not exclusive and at this point I don’t think that is going to happen. We are both free to see who we want but neither of us are seeing anyone else. After a long talk, we agreed that sex was out of the question with anyone but each other. If I wanted it I had to go to him and him alone until things ended. But that’s not working out in my favor. I don’t even think I want to have sex.

Okay, that went too far. I want sex. Just when I’m mentally ready for it again because right now Trent has my mind in a whirl.

“So?” Hadley interrupts my barely legal male gazing. “Which is it?”

“With Jace!” I give in. “I don’t think it’s working out.”

Hadley drops her glass to the table. “Because of Trent.”

It’s a statement, not a question. One that I’m uncomfortable with since his sister is sitting next to me, though I doubt she would care.

“I don’t want to talk about it and even if I did I wouldn’t know where the hell to start,” I yell as the band starts up their first song,
Love is a Battlefield

Perfect timing.

The hairs on the back of my neck stand up when a male form appears in my peripheral vision. “Don’t want to talk about what?”

Jace’s all too familiar voice hits my ears and I freeze not knowing how to answer his question.

“Work,” Hadley says saving me from making up an excuse. “She said no work talk tonight.”

I find the nerve to turn around and see he isn’t alone, but flanked by two equally tall men. One who looks identical to him.

I push myself up out of the booth and wrap my arms around him, feeling as though that’s what’s expected of me. It feels awkward and uncomfortable. He introduces me to the two guys.

He points to the man who is equally as handsome as he is. “This is my brother, A.J. and this is our friend, Ryder.”

Ryder fits his name; rugged. Messy black hair, scruffy face, dressed in carpenter jeans and a Chevy t-shirt. His voice is rough and really sexy. His dark blue eyes won’t tear away from Hadley. Her face is furious but she blushes, which is unusual seeing as you can never embarrass Hadley.

“This is Erin,” I say speaking to A.J. and Ryder. “And this is…”

“Hadley,” Ryder says eyeing her like a damn piece of steak.

“You two know each other?” Jace asks.

Neither of them speaks up. They just stare at each other. “Do we?” Ryder finally says something looking at Hadley.

“No,” she says harshly. “I don’t know him at all.”

I eye her skeptically and she shakes her head.

A.J. and Ryder, to Hadley’s chagrin, take a seat on Hadley’s side and Jace sits next to Erin and me.

“How did you know I was here?” I ask as he places a hand on my bare thigh. The tingles he used to give me with that touch are a dull ache now.

“I didn’t. Ryder’s sister works here so we wanted to get a few beers and then head back to the house.” His smile pushes his barely there dimples out. “It’s just a bonus you were here.”

I return the smirk and take a sip of my drink, desperate for another one. More people have arrived and the temperature of the bar has risen. Erin’s quiet in the corner next to me, texting on her phone, while we all chatter about.

Ryder tries to chat up to a seriously annoyed Hadley while pushing his hand over to her. She shoves it away a few times.

“Hadley,” I call out hoping to save her from this very persistent man. “Is Braden coming?”

She eyes me skeptically before she realizes what I’m doing. “No, but I told him I’d meet him at home later.” She winks.

“Braden?” Ryder asks me.

I can see fumes of jealousy coming off of his body. “Her boyfriend,” I tell him.

The touches end there but I can tell from the familiarity of their body language that Hadley has some explaining to do for me later.

After that A.J. checks out women while Jace attempts to talk to me, but Erin’s silence makes me nervous.

“Why are you so quiet, Erin?” I whisper yell over the loud music. “You look guilty.”

Her brown eyes widen. “I had told…”

A large hand turns my shoulder and interrupts whatever confession she was about to tell me. “Do you want to dance, Noe?” Jace asks.

I glance back at her letting her know the conversation isn’t over and grab Jace’s hand. I’m not the best dancer but now that I’ve had a few drinks I should be good to go. Plus, it’s 80’s music…who couldn’t dance to this?

We both grab another drink at the bar, and I look back to our table finding Hadley and Ryder mere inches between each other’s bodies. A.J. has switched sides of the booth and is now talking to Erin. Her guilty eyes meet mine, and I know whatever she did earlier isn’t good.

Jace grabs my free hand and pulls me onto the floor just as
Jessie’s Girl
starts. His arms circle around me as much as they can while holding a beer and I lift mine around his neck, keeping my cold drink away from his skin. We move side to side, our foreheads touching, our eyes locked, and he leans in for a brief kiss. It’s sweet, sexy.

I turn around so that my back is leaning against his chest and throw my head onto his shoulder. His searching fingers find my hip and they hike all the way up my side until they reach my jaw. Pushing gently, he turns my head to meet his and his tongue pushes apart my closed lips. I open up, allowing him to take control.

“God, Noe. You’re so sexy,” he whispers against my mouth then claims it once again.

My body grows greedy, and I forget about what I said to Erin and Hadley. I forget where we are and grip his neck, pushing his mouth deeper into mine. We kiss until a sudden feeling of suffocation takes over. My heartbeat starts to quicken. My knees go weak, and I feel like I could drop to the floor at any moment. My palms grow sweaty and I shake, feeling as though something might be wrong. But when I open my eyes and look into the sea of people I find the reason for my body’s reaction.


His chocolate brown irises are zoned in on the display in front of him. I don’t dare move an inch. Jace must not see him or just doesn’t care because he continues his assault of kisses on my neck and squeezes my body into him. I can feel his erection pressing into the back of my dress and it makes me feel dirty. On exhibit.

Trent doesn’t move from the bar he is leaning on, but as he takes a pull of his beer, he unapologetically takes in my body from head to toe. When his stare meets where Jace’s hands roam they grow angry. Dark.

“What’s the matter, baby?” Jace asks turning me around.

I know the instant he sees Trent because his body goes rigid. He mumbles a “fuck” and possessively wraps me up in his arms.

A slow song starts and Jace starts swaying with me again, acting as though we don’t have an audience. His nose nuzzles into my hair, into my neck and nips.

“Can I cut in?” Trent’s voice hits my body like lightning tensing up with the strike.

My eyes plead with Jace. I’m not sure for what. To say no. To say yes.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” He pipes up continuing to hold me tighter swaying to the music.

I can’t see Trent but I can feel him. “And I don’t think it’s up to you.” His tone is terse.

Jace’s forehead meets mine again and whispers. “You want me to take care of this?”

I shake my head no and revolve around to tell Trent ‘no’, and I really try, but I can’t. I blame not denying his request on the fact that we’ve known each other for years, but in fact, it’s because I’m drawn to him, and I can’t for the life of me figure out why.

Trent tilts his head to the side and a slow smile appears. “I’ll be good, Noe. I promise.”

“One song.” I agree and Jace drops my hand and stalks away. I can’t care about that now. All I care about is Trent’s hands that are reaching out for me. His arms wrapping around my waist and his soft, aggressive lips that are within licking distance.

A fast song filters throughout the bar but he’s taking it slow, breathing in the air I breathe out. Stroking my lower back and creating a pool of desire in me. His fingers are like Heaven. I’m in pure bliss whenever he touches me.

I risk looking up at him, finding a look of adoration and affection. Not like Jace, who looks at me like he wants to rip my clothes off. I smile back at him, and his body physically relaxes. Tugging me tighter into him, I can only lay my head on his chest as we move around the dance floor. Drunks jump, shake and grind all around us but we’re turning in slow circles. I inhale his scent, and it’s intoxicating. Tears start to well up in my eyes because this feels like home. Like I belong right here, in his embrace.

But I can’t.

Hoping to break the spell he is putting me under I pull back a fraction.

“Why are you here?” My voice is trembling as he continues rubbing circles into my back.

He doesn’t say a word but looks to the right. I follow his gaze and find Erin watching us.

Erin. That’s what she did.

“Sneaky Decker’s.” I laugh, but I’m confused.

“Who’s the other guy, Noelle?” He asks puzzling me even more but clarifies. “You said there was someone else besides Jace. I want to know who the other guy is.”

I don’t get why he cares. He’s with Alex. He let her back into his house after she abandoned him. He spends every waking moment with her. He sleeps with her at night. He allows her to spend time with a child that his family and I helped raise when he was desperate and needed help.



Not her.

“You. You’re the other guy.” Tears threaten again, and I push on his chest. “I can’t do this right now, Trent. I’m sorry.”

I leave him on the dance floor and find Jace with A.J. at the bar.

He turns away as I approach but still speaks to me. “Did you have fun?”

“Jace. Come on.” I try to calm the situation. He should be pissed. I shouldn’t have given Trent that dance.

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