Undercover Obsession (8 page)

BOOK: Undercover Obsession
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Piper’s body was on fire, her nipples pulsed
achingly, her pussy felt swollen and so empty, the need to be
filled, stroked, fucked over and over a throbbing litany
encompassing her whole body. She had dreams before where she awoke
aroused, aching to be fucked, but nothing like this, and never had
she been unable to wake when her arousal was beating so strongly.
Deep male voices caught her attention, momentarily diverting her
misery away from the pain of unfulfilled lust. She struggled to
open her eyes even as one hand cupped her pussy in an attempt to
ease the ache. Concerned grey eyes looked down at her out of a face
she had dreamed of often.

“I should’ve known you’d show up,” she
muttered. Didn’t he always put in an appearance in her dreams and
then leave her aroused and unsated? “Damn it, not this time, Brody.
This time I hurt too bad.”

Brody grabbed Piper’s hands as she reached
for him, the way her green irises were almost completely covered by
the dilation of her black pupils giving him cause to worry. “Piper,
darlin’, wake up.” He tried giving her a small shake, but she
managed to pull her right hand free of his grip and hastily cupped
her palm between her legs again, her struggles having dislodged the
sheet completely, leaving her slim body clad in nothing but a plain
white bra and panties bare to them.

“Damn, you, Brody,” Piper swore in
frustration. “You’re supposed to want me in my dreams. Quit being
difficult and fuck me already.”

“She’s out of it,” Ian stated quietly from
where he stood on the other side of the bed.

“No shit. The girl I remember never would
have done drugs, but it’s obvious she’s on something.”

“I don’t think it’s drugs, though,” Ian said
when Piper slipped her hand inside her panties with a whimper, her
hips thrusting up against her palm.

Brody wanted to pull her to him, force her to
wake up and explain what was going on, but by the desperate way she
was touching herself, the stiffness of her nipples that was
glaringly obvious even through her bra, as was the dampness of her
panties and the glazed, unfocused look in her eyes, she was in the
throes of a powerful aphrodisiac.

“What the hell’s going on?” Brody asked Ian
roughly as both men tried to keep their own lust under control.
Despite the shock of finding her here and in such a state, Brody
was struggling with the physical changes five years had made. The
soft roundness of her thighs and waist was gone, replaced with
well-toned muscles, making her legs look longer than possible for
her five foot three height and her waist small enough he was
tempted to see if he could span it with his hands. In contrast, her
breasts were full, definitely soft and right now, her nipples were
threatening to bore holes through her bra they were so stiff.

“The sheriff said he checked here twice
yesterday and there was no sign of her, and once again this
morning,” Ian said. “She had to have returned in the last five

“Or was returned.”

“Brody, please,” Piper begged. She couldn’t
figure out why he wasn’t touching her, why he wasn’t relieving this
painful arousal she was sure he was responsible for. In every other
dream she had where he was involved, he always wanted her as much
as she did him, always gave her everything she wanted, everything
she had craved for the past five years. “Why aren’t you helping

“You’re going to have to do something.”

Brody glared at Ian across the bed. “I am not
fucking a woman who doesn’t know what she’s doing,” he stated
harshly despite the raging hard on pressing painfully against his

“Then don’t, but give her some relief so she
can sleep the rest off.” Ian strode from the loft, his own cock
demanding a release he too refused to give in to under the

He was right, Brody thought with no pleasure.
Piper was suffering, the effects of whatever she had been given
more painful than pleasurable at this point and he couldn’t let her
suffer for who knew how long until it wore off.

“Yes,” Piper moaned when Brody freed her
aching breasts from her bra, the rush of cool air over her heated
skin a soothing balm for about two seconds before the desperate
ache returned.

“Easy, darlin’,” he crooned as she lifted her
hips jerkily for him to divest her of her panties. “Ah, fuck, what
have you gone and done?” The sight of the bare flesh of her labia
had him sweating bullets, his cock demanding its own release and
his anger building. Did she shave her pubic hair or did whoever is
responsible for her disappearance and current state do it?

Finally, Piper thought when Brody’s mouth
closed over her right nipple as his fingers worked to ease the ache
in her left. He never took so long to get her off in her dreams
before, then again her arousal had never been so high, her ache for
release never so acute and the pain of waiting so hurtful. His lips
suckling her nipple only seemed to add fuel to the fire already
raging out of control in her body, especially in her pussy where
her clit felt hot and swollen. Moaning, she struggled to get closer
to him, her hips jerking against his denim covered thigh, making
her pause a moment to wonder why he was dressed, before her need
for an orgasm once again took precedence. Clutching his shoulders,
she turned into him, loving the feel of his hard body against hers
even though she felt cloth instead of bare skin. With her skin
itching for release, her body hot and her mind clouded to
everything except the need to fuck, she reached between them to
palm his cock over rough denim.

“Fuck!” Brody exclaimed, the feel of that
small hand squeezing him threatening to toss his good intentions
out the window.

“Yes, that’s what I want,” Piper demanded.
“Fuck me, Brody, now.” Her voice ended in desperation as she ground
her hips against his.

Brody slapped her ass hard then realized his
mistake when she simply groaned and rubbed against him harder.

“More,” Piper demanded, the sting from that
slap feeling real, the pain just as pleasurable and awesome as she
remembered feeling from that night so long ago.

Remembering too late how she had responded
the last time he had swatted her ass, Brody quickly insinuated his
hand between them, his fingers sliding smoothly between those
plump, smooth folds to encounter heated, wet flesh tightening
around him. The faster he got her off a few times, the faster
she’ll fall asleep, he hoped as he used his teeth on her nipple.
The first glide of his thumb over her clit set her off, had her
screaming and writhing against him making it damn hard to keep his
mouth and fingers where they needed to be.

The force of her climax shook her as it
simply exploded without any build up or warning, the heated
pleasure sweeping her from head to toe as she rode through it for
what seemed like hours only to still feel the pulsating ache of
arousal when it finally abated. “Oh, God, Brody, help me,” she
pleaded dazedly, the dousing pleasure of her climax having done
nothing to lessen the fire consuming her.

Cursing whoever did this to her, Brody pushed
her onto her back, grabbed her hands and placed them on her breasts
then moved down between her thighs. He tried to slow her down,
tried to soothe her with soft kisses and strokes of his tongue over
the saturated flesh of her folds, giving her time to let the first
climax work to ease her pain, but she wasn’t having any of it.
Pushing against his face, she practically shoved her pussy into his
mouth, her constant pleas and whimpers never abating. Using his
thumbs, he spread her folds and dove in with lips, tongue and
teeth. Once again, as soon as he latched onto her clit and suckled
that swollen bud, she was thrashing against him in orgasm, this
time filling his mouth instead of coating his fingers with her
come. For his safety, he had to grab hold of her buttocks to still
her hips so he could work at bringing her as much pleasure as

If the pain of these climaxes wasn’t so
powerful, Piper thought this would be the best dream she had of
Brody in five years. It was almost, but not quite, as good as the
real thing. Another climax was ripped from her, the ecstasy so
bright not even her fingers pinching her nipples to the point of
pain could dim it, yet, once again, when the tremors lessened and
the pleasure eased, she was still consumed with the need for

Brody rose above her and looked down into
eyes still too dilated, eyes filled with desperation and confusion
that tore at him. Knowing he had no choice, he turned his head and
called out, “Ian, get up here!”

“Why won’t you fuck me, Brody? You always
fuck me in my dreams, you always want me as much as I want you, and
damn it, this is my dream and I say you have to fuck me.” She
simply couldn’t figure out why he wasn’t complying, why he wasn’t
simply doing what she wanted like usual. She was sure once she felt
his cock filling her, this ache and this dream would be over, and
right now, she wanted an end to this suffering more than

Brody didn’t dare answer her as, for the time
being, he thought it was probably best if she continued believing
she was dreaming. Reality was going to wake her up soon enough.

“Can’t you handle one small woman?” Ian asked
as he walked over to the bed, his eyes taking in Piper’s nudity and
the obvious signs of her still chemically induced arousal. Stiff,
berry red nipples pointed straight up and were begging to be
suckled even though there was damp evidence that they had already
been in Brody’s mouth. Brody was lightly stroking his fingers over
her enticingly bare pussy, a sheen of moisture coated her folds and
a telltale dampness seeped from her slit, all proof she was
teetering on the edge of climax.

“I’ve gotten her off three times and she’s
still hurting. Get over here and help me.”

“But we’re not fucking her, right?” Ian asked
as he lay down on her other side, sandwiching her between the two
of them.

“Right,” Brody growled in frustration. He had
no doubt Ian’s scruples wouldn’t allow him to take advantage of
Piper’s condition, no matter how much she begged, but that didn’t
mean he was any happier about the situation than Brody was.

Piper heard another man’s voice but it didn’t
register until she felt another, fully clothed hard body behind
her. Turning her head, she looked into a vaguely familiar face, a
very handsome, very vaguely familiar face she quickly amended.
“Who’re you?”


“Did I invite you into my dream, Ian?” She
didn’t remember inviting another man, but then again, she never
remembered inviting Brody either. He just showed up, much like this
man. Cool, she thought giddily as her body reacted pleasantly to
the possibility of having two men.

“No. Would you like me to leave?” Ian ignored
Brody’s scowl figuring the girl was too desperate to ask him to

“Why the hell would I want that? Do I look
stupid?” she demanded. “But if one of you doesn’t fuck me in the
next thirty seconds I’m kicking both of you out and replacing you
with a man who knows how to take his clothes off.”

Looking at Ian, Brody drawled, “Then we
better make sure that doesn’t happen.” Slipping his hand under her
hair, he cupped her nape and brought her mouth to his, his lips
latching on to hers, his kiss hard and demanding, his tongue
ruthless in its exploration of her mouth.

God, Piper thought, this kiss couldn’t be
better if it were real. And when four hands started touching her at
once, she figured there was no way reality could improve this
experience. She was disappointed when Brody released her mouth but
when he rolled her to her back and both men latched on to her
nipples, she decided she’d be content to keep all her sexual
encounters to dreams because there was no way a real encounter
could cap this. Even though her nipples were sore, she welcomed
their mouths and the pleasure of having both of those tender buds
stimulated simultaneously. The fire that had been simmering in her
veins heated up, making her body bow with the pleasure and the
frustration. When Brody grabbed her restless hands and wrapped her
fingers around the head rails of her brass bed, she breathed a sigh
of relief at having a way to anchor herself.

Closing her eyes, Piper wallowed in the
pleasure, not wanting to know who was doing what, only wanting the
release she felt coiling inside her. Hands spread her legs even
wider, grabbing her thighs and draping them over their much bigger,
much harder thighs, opening her completely. If she were awake,
Piper thought, she’d be embarrassed by the decadent position, but
not even the cool air caressing her gaping flesh could cool her
down or make her want to close her legs in shame. When fingers
parted her flesh even more and slid easily into her sheath, she
arched up against the hands invading her, welcoming them as well as
urging them on.

Her head swiveling side to side in painful
frustration, she set up a litany of please, please, please, even
though another climax was already rolling through her. Their lips
never let up on her nipples, their fingers never left her pussy as
the orgasms came fast and furious, one after another until she
couldn’t tell when one stopped and another began, leaving her body
steeped in pleasure, her mind numb with it. When fingers slid down
to her anus, caressed, probed then slipped past her tight
sphincter, she literally screamed, nerve endings she never knew she
had exploding and combining with those in her pussy.

Piper had no idea how long the dream lasted,
how long she allowed them to work her, bringing her to orgasm over
and over, until she was a sweat slick mass of confusion, her body
rendered to a boneless, sated lump by the time they left her bed.
She needed to wake up, needed to figure out what this dream meant,
if anything, but there was no way her eyes were opening right now.
Blessed darkness replaced the exploding lights of pleasure, her
body finally able to rest.

BOOK: Undercover Obsession
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