Read Under the Full Moon (Crimson Romance) Online

Authors: Bobbi Romans

Tags: #Paranormal, #Romance

Under the Full Moon (Crimson Romance) (7 page)

BOOK: Under the Full Moon (Crimson Romance)
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“Well, the asshats who fucked with us,” Trick looked at him for approval and Damien nodded, “feed on chaos like one would a freaking T-bone steak. It gives them power or some shit. The other group, the ones that stole the girl, counter fights them. For every storm or tragedy they create, this other group steps in and tries to resolve the situation.”

“Resolve? Like how?” Damien asked, wondering if this second bunch wasn’t just another hungry power-tripping group who didn’t like a little competition.

“I’m not one hundred percent sure. All I caught was the griping about how this other group interfered all the time,” Trick answered with a shrug.

A weird beeping resonated through the chambers and both he and Moss jumped like someone had goosed them both.

“Dudes, calm down. Seriously, you need to take a chill pill or some shit.”

Damien went in to throttle the kid and Moss, chuckling, put out an arm to stall him. They watched as Trick whipped out a small handheld device and using his finger, slid it across the screen and tapped it here and there. Damien shot Moss a funny look, and Moss leaned over to whisper something about a smart phone. He reached in his back pocket and pulled out the little thing Grace had handed him and flipped it open. He swiped his fingers across the little screen, which lit up, but nothing changed or happened.

“That’s a standard cell. Only makes calls or texts,” Trick said, glancing up from his phone.

“Texts?” Damien asked.

“Baby steps, buddy, baby steps. Just remember the instructions Grace gave about dialing. We’ll deal with the text stuff later,” Moss instructed with a serious layer of smart ass.

“You know about this texting, too?” Damien asked, surprised at how quickly Moss seemed to be adapting to the outside world.

“Oh yeah. Wait ’til I teach you about sexting. Amazing things have been happening while we were in the swamps, my friend.”

Before Damien could explore why this sexting caused his friend to grin like a big goober, Trick interrupted.

“Hey, you two need to listen to this. Shit’s happening in town.”

Both jolted to attention.

“Fires are breaking out all over. Some mystic shop and the library are going up in flames.” Trick stated reading from the phones small screen.

“What’s the shop’s name?” Damien had a bad feeling.

“I … uh, hold on, give me a minute.”

“Damn it, what’s the name?” Damien roared.

“Uh … mystic shop Whimsical Notions, owned by a … oh damn, dude.” Trick was already rising, ready to jet.

“That’s Grace’s shop,” Damien yelled as he raced from the chambers, not caring he hadn’t set his traps for unwanted visitors. He didn’t give a shit about his domain. His only concern was Grace. He’d made it the mouth of the cave when Moss’s bellow caught his attention.

“Try calling her.”

Crap, he’d forgotten all about the gadget she’d given him was a source of contact.

Yanking it from his pocket, he jerked it open and punched the number she’d given him. No answer. After it stopped ringing, he heard her voice instructing him to leave a message. Instead, he hung up and dialed again. Still no answer.

Something was very wrong. She’d threatened that if he didn’t answer she’d kick his ass.

He started to head off again when Moss stopped him.

“Let me try Beth. Maybe Grace is safe and with her.”

When Moss didn’t get an answer, they bolted. Damien knew deep down something terrible had happened.

If anyone harmed a hair on Grace’s head …

They wouldn’t live long enough to explain their actions.

Chapter Nine

Grace came to with the ragged sensation of being drug across a floor. Her head throbbed yet her foggy thoughts still went asap to Faith.

“F … Faith,” she sputtered trying to get whoever was helping her to understand her friend was in danger.

“Shhh, Faith’s okay. She’s being taken outside as well.”

She couldn’t manage any other words, but Grace recognized her niece’s voice and would thank her later. For now, her lungs burned and the coughing wouldn’t stop.

“Hold on just a bit more. The hunky fireman outside has oxygen waiting.”

She understood Beth only wanted to lighten the moment. Keep her calm, and she loved her for that. Right now though, the only man filtrating through the haze clouding her consciousness was a particular hunky shifter man.

After taking in quite a bit of oxygen from the young fireman she could admit was nice looking, she insisted on checking Faith for herself. Her friend had taken in more smoke than she and was headed straight for the hospital. The paramedics urged Grace to go, but she had too much to alert the others about. Nothing hurt, her breathing returned to normal, so going would be a wasted trip, at least in her opinion.

“I really think you should go. Just to be safe. Please reconsider,” Beth urged.

“No, no, I’m fine and there’s a lot we need to discuss.”

The siren of the departing ambulance interrupted their conversation.

Grace watched as the emergency vehicle raced off with her friend inside and guilt plagued her for involving Faith in her dangerous problems.

“It’s all my fault she got caught up in this crap.”

“She’s an adult and your friend. She chose to get in involved, and she’ll be fine with some rest.”

“I tried to tap into my magic. Attempted getting the stuck door unlocked, but I swear something blocked my power within. Nothing sparked. Like my magic had gone dormant or something.”

“A spell?” Beth asked. Grace had forgotten how new the existence of magic was for her.

“Most certainly. Dark magic is strong. And if a more experienced practitioner put a blocker up — which right now it rather seems they did — mine didn’t stand a chance by itself.” Grace wrung her wrists irritably. She hated being helpless like she’d been back in the library. “Any chance the guys checked in?”

“No clue. Would you believe I forgot to charge my cell last night? Of all freaking times. And don’t you dare say anything. Between being your favorite niece and pulling your ass out of the fire … I think I earned a free pass on any forthcoming sarcasm.”

Grace raised an eyebrow, and though she hadn’t intended on giving any snark, couldn’t pass up saying one thing.

“You’re my only niece.”

“Still counts.” Beth laughed and hugged her. “Luckily the guy who works on the central heating and cooling of the building happened to be passing and had keys. He’s the one who helped get Faith out and called 911 for me.”

“I’m worried they’ve run into trouble. I’m worried Demetrius set up traps for them.”

“Grace, I think he was more preoccupied setting the trap for you to be worried about them.”

“Just doesn’t add up.” Grace insisted.

“What doesn’t?”

“Why would Demetrius profess wanting me, then try to kill me?”

An explosion of voices and growls erupted and heavy footsteps stormed in their direction.

Grace never got the chance to get a visual lock on Damien before large arms enveloped her and moved her away from the others. Caged her, scented her as desperate hands explored her every curve. Her he-man shook and only spoke in grunts while he continued checking her out. He appeared frightened and out of sorts and far more wild than man.

From the corner of her eye, Grace spotted Moss, Beth, and a strange guy heading in their direction. Damien went ballistic. He looked downright feral. His eyes took on a strange opulent appearance and he hissed, hunched over, ready to lash out. His large body blocked hers in aggressive fashion, as if an enemy approached rather than their friends.

“Whoa, easy old chap,” Moss urged, tossing his arms out to stop both Beth and the young man from coming any closer.

“Damien, it’s okay. I’m okay.” Grace stroked his arm until the muscles loosened beneath her palms. Pulled his face back to see her and no one else. Went on tip toes and brushed her lips over his in an attempt to get him to ignore everything around them. Only they remained. Her heart hammered in her chest over how emotional he became over her well being. In turn this knowledge sparked a burning need only her shifter-man could extinguish. She caught Moss motioning to the others and heard footsteps began backing away from them.

Smart man.

Damien’s eyes locked with hers and his ragged, gruff pants began to ease. He was still wildly on edge, but when his lips came down on hers they were careful and sweet — yet there was no mistaking the hunger. Seeking as he tasted the proof she was alive and well. His tongue swept over hers, plundered and dominated. All the world boiled down to this. To him.

Her heart ramped up and her nipples went hard as his unique scent reached her nostrils. Damien smelled of swamp and man. Of nature and predator all rolled into one decadent tasty treasure. His body bracketed hers against the wall of the building behind them, his erection pressed against her where he leaned. The marble hard bulge made her want to do all kinds of naughty things she’d never had the courage to initiate before Damien. If not for the polite coughing in the distance, she may have forgotten they were outside and not alone. Damien probably couldn’t care less about an audience. Though the kiss stopped, Damien didn’t move away. His forehead rested against hers while he battled to get himself under control.

“Are you sure you’re all right?” he whispered against her skin.

“Yes. Scout’s honor. I’m right as rain,” she promised, stroking the sides of his face trying to bring his intensity down a notch.

He seemed to be trying to breathe her in and feared letting her go.

Finally when she began to grow concerned over his erratic behavior, he stepped back, giving her space, and turned to head toward the others.

The man was a walking mystery to her. One minute running hot, the next reserved and seeming to calculate his every thought and move.

Guarded and cautious.
Grace knew he’d been hurt and kept a wall around his inner most thoughts and feelings. Yeah, he showed her snippets, but she wanted him to be the one to instigate opening up
Needed to know he trusted her. Completely.

“I think we should head back to Grace’s and go over what we’ve all found,” Beth announced. “The guys uncovered quite a bit of information. How did you and Faith fair before all hell broke loose?”

“Actually she dug up some information as well. I agree, let’s hit my house and I’ll make everyone some tea.”

Grace ignored the men’s wrinkled noses and instead tuned in to the younger man with them.

“Well, they may have extremely bad manners, but I don’t, so let me introduce my niece, Beth, and myself.” Grace stuck out her hand as she told the new guy her name.

“Name’s Trick and you’re right — these two dudes seriously got to work on their people skills.” The kid thumbed toward Moss and Damien, whose jaws dropped. Grace couldn’t refrain the giggle if her life depended on it. She liked the new guy, and guessed he’d fit right in with their small crew.

• • •

Grace set the tea out for her and Beth, while the guys dug into her hidden Beam stash that Beth showed them. Damien still hadn’t uttered a word since caging her in back of the library and now slung the shots back in true parched, Southern fashion. Something had happened with her shifter, but damned if she knew what. She supposed he’d eventually open up, but prayed he would sooner rather than later.

“So let me get this straight. There’s some bad ass evil group … ” Beth’s eyes rolled as she began her question.

“Society,” Trick interrupted.

“Excuse me,” Beth corrected. “Society, who causes massive storms, most likely fires, and feeds off the chaos and destruction that ensues from it? Please tell me you’re joking,”

“Sorry hon, but I’m afraid they’re right. While I was at Whimsical Notions, a voice spoke to me.”

“Whatcha mean, a voice?” Beth added some whiskey to her tea before shooting her a worried side eye.

“No, I haven’t lost my mind yet, and pour some of that in here.” Grace held her cup out. She had a feeling by the time they were done comparing notes she’d need the warmth the amber liquid gave. “A voice from thin air spoke of this society and how there is another combating them. Sadly this voice claimed the society views me as a direct threat, and I guess will be coming at me full throttle.”

“Are we to believe someone who can’t even show themselves?” Beth gulped the tea rather than sip.

If they weren’t careful a few of them, Grace mused, would end up under the table rather than sitting at it.

“I, too, questioned her motives,” Grace verified.

“She?” Damien asked, finally joining in on the conversation.

“Yeah. She, and I believe her. Something in her voice and words struck me as true.”

“How so? I mean, you couldn’t see her to gauge her reactions or anything. Why be so quick to judge her as truthful?”

Her niece was tenacious if nothing else. Beth had made a large transformation from trusting to overly cautious since the battle with Octavia.

“I don’t expect you to believe, but I hope you’ll trust in my judgment. Whoever this girl was, she might be a great ally to have in our corner. I worry an even larger battle than we fought with Octavia looms ahead. Things surrounding Octavia were merely the icing on a very large cake.”

“We’ve gathered that as well,” said Moss, his expression deadly serious.

“What did you guys uncover today?” Grace asked, pouring some more tea.

It was Trick who spoke up.

“From what I’ve heard, and what you’ve said, there are two large groups at war and we’re the ones caught in the middle.”

Beth nodded in agreement to the kid’s conclusion.

“How much do we know about these two groups, and what do we plan to do with the information we’ve uncovered?” Grace began pacing about the small kitchen. So much appeared to be on the line. Far more than just battling Demetrius. Actually at this point, he’d turned out to be the least of their concerns.

“We know for sure, without doubt, one group is filled with utter asshats and the other doesn’t like them.”

“Group two gets my vote hands down.” Moss slammed his cup down, his mind made up.

BOOK: Under the Full Moon (Crimson Romance)
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