Under Pressure (13 page)

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Authors: Rhonda Lee Carver

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Western, #Westerns

BOOK: Under Pressure
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fingers worked the material of her jeans. “No talking. Only feeling.” He slid them down her legs and the cooler air made her shiver. Once he pressed closer, all shivering dissipated.





SPARK KNEW THIS was not going to end well for him—and it’d end eventually.

looking at Jewels, her beauty made the idea of losing down the road much easier to swallow.

dreamt every night of touching her, tasting her. His dreaming was over and now he could experience the real thing—the innocent vixen.

Logic warned him
to prepare for the pain that would surely come, but he would enjoy every moment until the end of the line.

Starting now…

Lowering his head to her perfectly rounded breasts, he kissed one nipple, then suckled the other—drawing the bead into his mouth, rolling his tongue along the circular shape until she moaned.

“My God, woman!
You’ll be the death of me.” He groaned against her silken skin.

Dropping to his knees, he smoothed his hands—large and tanned a
gainst her pale skin—over her flat stomach. He flicked the diamond navel stud with his forefinger and she gyrated her hips. Trailing his fingers to the patch of dark hair between her legs, he loved the soft, springy curls. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen a woman’s pussy covered in hair and he was turned on—beyond excited. Obviously, she wasn’t using the wax strips she’d used on him. He couldn’t wait to dive his tongue deep into her slit.

With the pad
s of his thumbs, he spread her pink lips wide, sending a scent of musk and vanilla into his nostrils. She was ripe for the taking, but he didn’t want to hurry. He wanted to savor every second, every morsel, of her tight body. His goal to take her to a new level would require his patience. She wasn’t a woman he could fuck and get enough.

been told a few times that he was good with his tongue, but being at the apex of Jewels’ beautiful body, his confidence lowered a tad—more than a little. Hell, he felt like a teenager trying to impress the prettiest girl in high school.

Flicking the tip of
his tongue over her moist curves, he designed a figure eight over the nub until she arched her back and cried out with a ragged moan. Sliding his tongue lower, he lapped up the cream at her opening, darting inside and out of her body. Her fingers dug into his shoulders, clawing him, clinging to him as her hips took on a rocking rhythm.

baby,” he mumbled against her core.

Moving his hands to her ass, he kneaded her rounded bottom while he bu
ried his face deeper into her, suckling, nibbling, rolling until she stiffened. A low moan sliced through the room and she squirmed against his lips.

Pulling back, he stood and wiped her juices from his lips. She stared at him
with soft eyes while her tongue slipped across her bottom lip. His cock twitched and threatened to burst through the denim. He had to hurry.

joined her fingers with his at the wide buckle. “Here, I want to.”

“I won’t get in
your way then.” He dropped his hand, allowing her to tug the metal free. He grinned at her concentration. Her tongue slipped between her lips, her eyes were wide as if she opened a gift. He couldn’t imagine ever seeing anything sexier than a woman anticipating touching his cock.

Once his jeans and boxers
were lowered to his hips, and his erection was aiming for the beams, she wrapped her fingers around him. Her fingers looked delicate against his aching head. Pre-cum oozed from his tip and she smeared the liquid with her thumb while her gaze locked with his. He sucked in a breath and his balls tightened.

“What in the hell are you doing to me?” His throat ached.

“Nothing you don’t want,” she whimpered.

“Oh, I want it all.”

“And you shall…in time. For now, I want you in my mouth.”

is knees wobbled. He was a goner—and he didn’t give a shit!

She stroked him with her lips from root to tip, her tongue rolling over the
thick vein on his shaft. Her fingers disappeared and then came a gentle squeeze on his nuts. With the combination of her hot, wet mouth and the embracing of her other hand, he was reaching the edge at a fast pace.

her as badly as his next breath, he gently pulled her to her feet. A wicked grin played at the corner of her mouth and ripped through him like a shot of morphine. Cupping her face, he held her while he drove his mouth against hers, sipping her sweetness like a fine wine. She plastered her body close to his, bringing her arms tight around his neck. He tore his shirt from his body, wanting to have their naked chests touching. She pressed against him, understanding his need. He spread his hands on her back, slipping his fingers down to her tight ass and lifted her slightly until she stood on tiptoe.


He met her gaze, grinning.
“Of course.” Reaching into his back pocket, he pulled out his wallet, silently hoping he’d find a foiled packet and glad fate didn’t let him down.

After ripping open the package with his teeth, he spit the top onto the floor.

“Let me do this.” She took the condom from him and slid the sheath over him. There went the tongue rolling across her
bottom lip again. It was a habit…and damn did it make his balls twinge.

His body quivered,
he moved between her legs, seeing anticipation fill her eyes. Keeping one hand on her back, he protected her skin from the scratchy wood, the other he palmed her tight backside, holding her close while he brought the tip of his head to her opening. He didn’t enter just yet. Her gaze was lowered and he needed to see her eyes.

“Look at me, sweetheart,” he whispered.

She brought her chin upward. Her long lashes swept across the tops of her freckled cheeks, her bottom lip trembled and her skin colored with passion. Her intoxicating scent mingled with the afternoon breeze. He knew the fragrance was a scent of her own. A woman like Jewels didn’t need perfume.

Her palm pressed his
cheek. “Are you okay?” Her voice smoothed over him with velvety softness.

His resolve

Muttering a curse, he pulled her hard against him as reality swam into his conscious. This could be the one and only time
he’d touch her, and that thought cracked his reserve. With all of the other women, he’d only wanted one time, but with her, once would never be enough. Crushing his mouth to hers, her lips opened, drawing his tongue in and she suckled. He’d never been driven so far over the line.

“Ready, darling?”

“More than ready.”

With one fluid motion, he thrust into her, moaning as her tight
muscles squeezed him, sending waves of current through his body.

slow down!

She brought
one knee up high, situating her inner thigh against his hip, giving him deeper access into her body. He dove deep, his tip thumped her insides and his groan came from a different place within his chest.

Her nails nicked his
shoulders. He guessed he’d have her marks all over him and he wouldn’t complain.

She buried her face against his neck, running her tongue along his skin, washing him with an urgency
he’d never known. He was on the ride of his life and the gears were on full force. He pounded her hard, and her cries told him she liked it fast and firm. His balls bounced against her and his body tightened with the strain of a pulled rubber band.

Tangling his fingers in her long hair, he rubbed her scalp, slippin
g his fingers down along her nape. He kneaded the muscles of her bottom then slipped his fingers to where their bodies met. Her juices slicked his digits. Bringing his hand to his mouth, he licked the cream from his forefinger. The taste was his undoing. Spasms rocked his body, one after another until the torrid waterfall draped him in pure release.

ark!” His name fell from her. Her inside quivered against his iron length, then a shudder as she found a mirrored release.


“You had sex with Spark! I knew it!”

Shh!” Jewels glared across the kitchen at Pearl. “Remember, it’s a secret.” Jewels pulled the steaming bowl of buttered corn from the microwave and gave it a quick stir. “Spark and I promised to tell no one.”

’s expression turned doubtful. “So, let me get this straight…you and Spark had sex in the barn, then you both agreed to keep it a secret, and yet you’re telling me, but you’re certain he won’t tell a soul? Okay…”

“I know what you’re getting
at. But Spark won’t break our agreement. And I’m only telling you because you guessed.” Jewels placed the bowl on the table.

“Come on, sis.
You’ve heard the same things I have over the years. Never send a boy a naked picture because he isn’t capable of not showing it to at least three other people. The same moral applies here. If you have sex with a man, he can’t keep it to himself. And if Dad finds out, Spark’ll be out on his ear. That’s the rules.”

’ stomach churned. Pearl wasn’t telling her anything she hadn’t already tossed around in her mind at least twenty times since she’d walked away from Spark in the barn. “Dad won’t find out.”

“And you sound so certain. That means it was a
one-time only thing?” Pearl’s brow lifted and one corner of her mouth dropped.

What could she say? “I don’t know.”

“Oh. Brother. You never were good at keeping secrets.”

I guess not. How did Em get so good at it?” Jewels took the spaghetti sauce off the stove and inhaled the savory smell. Her stomach growled. “Speaking of our sis, where is she? I thought she would be here for dinner.”

“How many times do I have to r
emind you that I’m not her babysitter?”

shook her head. “Relax, I’m only wondering if she said anything to you.”

With a quick shake of her head, and spooning food onto her plate,
Pearl finally answered, “Nope. Not a word.”

“Then I guess there’s no reason to wait, huh?”

Pearl looked down her fork at Jewels, pausing from chewing spaghetti, her mouth full. “Oh, were you thinking we should wait?”

laughed. “No, go ahead.” She checked her phone for missed calls or texts. Nothing.  Grabbing her own plate of food, she dug in. “By the way, don’t tell Em about what happened with Spark. You hear? I’m serious on this.”

“Of course not.
She can’t keep a secret if her life depended on it, even if you think she can.”



ter Nine


THE RAIN CAME down with a relentless vengeance, lightning lit the sky and the thunder rattled the ground. Spark didn’t mind storms—he usually loved them—but this one was different.

An internal storm raged inside of him and the dreary weather made it impossible to work—
stranding him inside his small room in the hand lodging for two days. He’d go stir crazy if he didn’t get out—hell, if he didn’t see the brown-eyed beauty with the pert nose soon he’d start writing on the walls and pulling up the floors.

nce, sometimes twice, a day they’d sneak off to different locations on the ranch…in the stables, in her bedroom and his favorite, in the hayloft…to make love in a frenzied coupling. He’d found himself thinking of her nonstop, anticipating the next time he’d touch her—taste her. In the last two weeks, he’d jacked off more than he had in a year, and he still couldn’t mollify the constant craving for Jewels.

And now
, three days had gone by since they’d last met.

long, lonely days.

hadn’t even bothered giving him an explanation.

Damn, he hated even caring.

He had only himself to blame. He’d put his heart on the line…something he’d never done before. And he was screwed. In a big way.

against the wall, legs drawn up to his bare chest, he stared out the window as another flash of lightning lit the purplish sky. The electric had gone out a few hours before, and the only other light was a candle sitting on his dresser. The golden glow and lavender scent relaxed him—some. He didn’t think any amount of candles could alleviate the ache in his gut and groin.

He had
it bad for a woman who didn’t give a shit for him unless he was rock hard and buried inside of her. And why did he feel like an old, broken down saddle—knowing he’d be exchanged for the new, more dependable saddle any day. Wouldn’t most men jump at the chance for a sex only relationship with a beautiful, sexy woman?

A chill raced down his spine.

Could it be possible he was getting pay back for all the times his lovers had confessed their undying love and he’d felt nothing but guilt.

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