Unconquered Sun (39 page)

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Authors: Philipp Bogachev

BOOK: Unconquered Sun
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- What is it?

- You will see. Over there - the elevator.

The prince entered a small wooden cabin to which flat roof the steel cable was attached. Right there the mechanism started working, and Prinze began to rise upward. The prince with escalating fear looked down - height was really dizzy. The dwarfs and golems who are pottering about below began to seem size no more ant.

But here the cabin stopped on the top. The prince came to a wooden scaffold and looked down. In a vessel some liquid from which there was such heat that it seemed to Prinze that it costs at a muzzle of an active volcano which is just about ready to be cast out shone and gurgled. The shining liquid was at the level of a little more than a quarter of a vessel, but is constant, though slowly, arrived.

From above, through an opening in the rock as through a giant window in a vessel sunshine fell. Passing through some sieve weaved out of the thinnest gold rods, already in the form of drops of the boiling sparkling moisture they fell in a vessel, gradually filling it.

- What is it? - Prinze in perplexity asked.

- And unless you did not guess? It is solar juice - the high-concentrated consistence. The highest what can only be reached. I am itself, - here in its voice notes of undisguised pride sounded, - opened a way of production from juice sunshine by means of the magic filter invented by me. Be proud, the mortal little man, you know now what is known any more by nobody though to admit, I even am sorry that it so. Here all these arrogant women from the Supreme Council of Skies who only and are able what to stir would burst with envy, and are not capable of the invention of new magic technologies. But all will feel its consequences soon... - here metal hand bells in the head rang out especially long and stridently, but it is somehow sharp and unpleasant.

- Why to you it is so much juice? - puzzly Prinze asked, and his voice at the same time foully trembled. He, apparently, began to guess - why …

- Everything is elementary simple, - the Invincible Sun answered with tone of "clever professor". - As soon as I have enough juice, I will be able to lift by means of a squadron of gold dragons this vessel highly in the sky and to lower it directly in Tselestiya's center. I already did all necessary calculations. Extremely concentrated juice lowered from a certain height will cause the strongest emission of solar energy. There will be an explosion of the greatest power which will cause death of all population of the country. Force of explosion will be such that everything will burn down - even the sky and the atmosphere, oxygen and clouds. In total. There will be one charred surface. Even the seas - and those everything will dry up …

At Prinze from these words legs gave away. To a throat the lump, and to eyes - tears rose. It it is speeded up began to breathe, and some time to it did not gasp. The head was turned. But the Invincible Sun, being in some feverish ecstasy, did not pay any attention to it.

- If you think that I just want to destroy this world - you are mistaken. Fool and fool, why to me their death? No, my purpose - is ennobled and noble. I want to make happy the whole world. Only their bodies will burn down, but there will be souls. Extreme concentration of solar energy, by my calculations, will cause an irreversible mutation in their souls, and souls will become penetrated by solar energy and light just as metal is silvered if to place it in poserebryanny solution under the influence of the electric power. Souls will become covered with the thinnest air of a sunlight which will become their new bodies. They will find, thus, the new perfect solar bodies filled with new force infinitely beautiful. Unless it is not healthy? Besides, explosion of solar energy and the strongest shock caused by it will burn in their souls all superfluous - emotions, feelings, passions, memoirs, imagination. The source for sincere torments, doubts, feelings, tortures will leave. They will become equally quiet and happy …

- And I … and I here … and? Why you it tell all this to me … show? - disobedient lips and language of the Prince hardly allowed it to pronounce these words.

- What you are after all weaklings, silly little men! - without having sustained, did not hide the contempt the Invincible Sun. - Not without reason fairies twist you as want! Well and, all right, everything will change soon, - herself was calmed by the solar sorcerer. - And so,

when all this occurs - We with you will be to them, and the grateful changed Tselestiya's inhabitants will bow to us as to gods and will serve us! Itself judge, being made so happy, they will be simply obliged to repay us the debt! It is thought well up, the truth? - And, without waiting for the answer, it continued. - I worked on this Plan of the millennium and my work is close to end, thanks to you!

- I do not understand, and I here at what?

- And besides what to be God of one - very boring thing. I need Sopravitel with whom I can share burden of the Power, Pleasure and Perfection. And to the Sun the Moon is necessary to reflect its divine light and to fill it where it is necessary, isn't that so? You were as it is impossible in time. The vessel is full already on a quarter. A week more - and it will be filled completely. It will be possible to begin operation. There are no you, I would postpone it indefinitely. But you were just in time. And in it I see a decree of fate, a sign of the fact that all will turn out... Well as, you agree to take part in we wash business?

- I so understand, having agreed to it, I have to remain here forever...

- Of course, and how you thought? You think, having shown you all my secrets, I will release you? - Metal hand bells rang out even stronger, but also it is even more unpleasant.

- But I need … to say goodbye... with my wife... at least... Though last time to see it, to look in eyes... I without it cannot do … - weepingly, hardly, Prinze whispered.

- What you are people milksops and drivellers, - the Voice contemptuously sounded. - But do not worry, so and to be - I will give you such opportunity.

- How?! You will release me?! - in utter disbelief, Prinze exclaimed.

- No, of course, just your wife just approaches my possession so I should not release you anywhere. "The ball comes to the player", so, apparently, at you speak?

- Cannot be! - Prinze exclaimed.

- Perhaps can … - and again these damned metal hand bells rang out. - It goes with two plush animals here - and even without magic wand, the lawful weapon! Mad... But, anyway, farewell will take place. It will be here soon - in an integrity and safety. I will take care of it … And now, Prinze, - patronizing tone what is at the teachers addressing the innocent pupils - I think, you should have a rest before we go to top of the Gold Tower where you should join the Stream. Time and tide wait for no man. At me all is already ready. Tomorrow, on my supervision, the sun will be especially active so your transformation will happen quickly and almost without serious consequences - not as it was with me... I had to suffer a little then … Let's go. It is necessary to you still long rise.

The prince did not remember how he went down and as he rose. Everything was as if in some thin fog... And can - it tears dimmed his eyes?

"The fairy, my beautiful fairy godmother, - Prinze thought about himself, and his heart was broken off from silent crying. - You for the sake of me went to such mad act, got directly into a mouth to a dragon and for what? Only to see how I will turn into the same cruel car for murder as this Being who at me language does not turn to call the woman! The creator, is better for me or you to die earlier only not to see it! But as there is a wish to look at least once in your colors of the clear sky of an eye as there is a wish to embrace your brittle, such brittle shoulders last time and to kiss... And to tell the last time: "Darling, forgive me for everything", I so badly left the house, having hurt you so much! To tell the last time that I love and always loved only you, and there and to death it is not terrible to go. To jump off from the rock and to die at least the person!"

And suddenly Prinze felt ill at ease: and suddenly the Invincible Sun reads his mind again?

But the Invincible Sun did not answer nothing.

Chapter 11. Desert of Desires.


When Animals reached to expecting them on one of sandy dunes of the Fairy, they just became exhausted. But the Fairy did not stay idle. It already spread out a white cloth on sand, having placed on it simple dishes of their marching diet that the out of breath Animals could have a rest and bite. The benefit, the Sea Queen took care to give them supplies, they lost the baggage caravan on that side of the Sea.

Generally their poor laid up consisted of sea cabbage - the most favourite delicacy of mermaids. This wonderful plant helped them to be always vigorous and healthy, and also to observe an ideal figure throughout many millennia. However, the Fairy refused fish and mollusks because fairies never eat the animated living beings.

When the poor vegetarian lunch came to an end, travelers drank on a modest drink of water with "a pink concentrate" and went deep into the continent. Already closer by the night coastal sandy dunes turned into the real barkhans. They began transition through the huge desert using the most ill fame in Tselestiya - the Desert of desires.

Yes, the glory about this strange and terrible desert flew about all country long ago, and was wishing to get there, despite such, apparently, attractive name very little.

The nature of this desert was studied by inquisitive fairies rather well. And it consisted that sand of which it consisted possessed very unusual properties. As well as any sand, it accumulated and reflected a sunlight so in the afternoon it stuck together eyes and was heated. But it had a property not only to reflect and accumulate light and heat. It could accumulate human desires. All those who there once went and especially those who go now. What the person dreams of, dreams what he wants - everything remains there, everything takes shape - and sometimes a form very ominous...

The majority of those who went to the Desert of Desires perished or came back mentally ill people. The severe statistics which was conducted by all-knowing fairies was such is - 9:1 - nine dead and one madman. Nobody managed to pass the desert.

This circumstance also led to the fact that fairies declared the Oversea country a quarantine zone and always exposed special security patrol of "STING" not to pass there casual travelers. It allowed to reduce sharply mortality in this region. Even to fairies access to the Oversea country was limited. Fighters of "STING" were only allowed to fly to the Desert and only with a definite purpose (protection, research, investigation).

If they needed to get to the Rocky Mountains, then they preferred to fly over the desert on specially trained winged animals as there will not be enough forces of the ordinary fairy to fly over such long distance without landing. And if they have to have studied magic properties of the Desert of Desires, then they took samples of magic sand by means of specially designed golems. By the way, properties of sand to study - studied, and here distinctly to answer a question why after all no one from the Desert comes back live-healthy - fairies scientists could not answer. Mentally ill people could not answer it, and the dead and even less so.

And here to this damned place our brave travelers also held the way. Other way to the Rocky Mountains was not.


At first anything special did not occur. Well, the desert and the desert - a lot of sand, hot, getting thirsty. The fairy had to work much to cause an easy breeze which would cool them, but to support it it was constant above her forces. Attempt to conjure though some cloudlet in general failed.

First, it was connected with the fact that the fairy had no magic wand withdrawn from it by the Cream-white fairy, and without it efficiency of magic was much lower. To conjure without stick - it is all the same as for the person, for example, to dig the earth barehanded, but not a shovel. And, secondly, the desert as though opposed to any sorcery - magic formulas were confused in the head, lips did not want to say them, hands did not want to move, and support of a ready spell every minute all became more difficult. So the Fairy reconciled soon, and she had to continue a way under the sun without breeze.

It is good still that the simplest spells sent to search for water still worked. Few times they managed to find sources and to fill flasks up to the top. But all the same tried to save. Who knows that this desert will throw out further away?! But the desert for some reason persistently did not want anything else to throw out as though enticing travelers further and further then to deal shortly with them at one stroke...

- I do not like this silence, and-av, - with a sigh the Puppy grumbled. - Neither breeze, nor cloudlet, nor birdie, nor snake or jerboa. In total as though died out!

The kitten kept silent and even more strong blinked to prevent damned sand to get into eyes.

"What you will tell here? One is clear, a godforsaken place", - he thought, but aloud told nothing.

The fairy was silent too and persistently tried to remember chapters of the textbook on magic geography of Tselestiya, the Desires devoted to the Desert. But five thousand years which passed the let know the - nothing, except the name, she remembered any more. The fairy studied so well that she was often given marks automatically. It relieved it of cramming of lectures before examination, but also the passable material quickly disappeared from the head. "Now it would be useful to me...", - she thought with regret.

So, at the very least, there passed day, came it is time to prepare for a lodging for the night.

The fairy flat-out fell to sand, she could not kindle magic fire any more. Everything left on these damned breezes and cloudlets. It was necessary to get an emergency ration from the dry branches collected on the way by the Kitten and the Puppy and to kindle a small kosterok. In this desert, as well as in everyone another, night was cold. The discharged air, as we know, quickly heats up, but also quickly cools down.

The fairy, Kitten and Puppy were half-dead for fatigue and did not even think to put guard. And, as it became clear, vainly...

The fairy settled down on the air-bed which to her Animals hardly managed to lay. She refused tent - until they establish it, she will just die of fatigue! The benefit, weather stood windless, the sky is cloudless. And the Fairy did not want to strain Animals - they were on the last legs too.

However the most surprising was that as soon as the Fairy laid down, a dream it vanished as if by magic. Yes, the body continued to be ill and ache for fatigue, but there was no wish to sleep at the same time at all. It really happens when you strongly are tired and will be alarmed, and therefore it did not surprise the Fairy at all. Whether a joke - at first this mad sleepless night at Cora - and it after two days of heavy break through Drevlyandiya! Then collision with "STING", then - fight on the coast and in addition - all day standing on the desert!

However, what to do? How to pass away time to a dream?

In the head impressions of the last days turned. Desert, Cream-white, Mora, Laura, Cora … Prince! Well as without it? For the sake of it it it was let in this mad wandering!

Some time the Fairy tried to take control of the thoughts, to stop their impetuous current, but, without having sustained unequal fight, gave up. She dared to dream of Prinze again. About what would be if it … Yes, yes, if it some wonderfully was near …

Someone it is imperceptible, but quite persistently enclosed thought in the head of the Fairy - only dream, only present, only think of it …

The melancholy for Prinze and boredom from the compelled sleeplessness overcame the Fairy and it was with all the heart given to this desire.

"Yes, let here, right now Prinze will come to me. Yes! It is not important how it will appear here, not important, the main thing that this it happened right now!"

Still a little bit, easy tension of memory and … Here it, same as then, on the eve of the disappearance. A green waterproof jacket and trousers on laces, jack boots, a round hat with a feather, a little oblong long face, fair short slightly curly hair, a thin noble nose, densely squeezed lips, pensive blue, a little bit on stare, a receding forehead … "Full coincidence! And let it will come and will be not such, as that damned day, and it what it was … earlier"

The fairy strong narrowed eyes, put hands on a breast and prepared for a meeting with the dream.



The fairy got up from the air-bed to warm up numb legs and to be aired a little.

Animals slept like a log. Poor things! They so were worn out! The fairy though flew from time to time, allowing to have a rest legs, and they did all way on shank's mare …

She with love looked at the plush friends (friends, the closest and native, but not servants!) and touchingly sighed. They slept in an embrace on the air-bed as small children. The fairy wanted to stroke, caress Animals, but she was afraid that will wake them, they deserved a dream. Let will have a rest after the journey, at last.

She took several steps deep into of the desert and stopped. It was chilly, cool. As it would like that somebody embraced her, pressed to the breast, warmed the breath … As it lacked Prinze! Heart jammed from melancholy, and she quietly sobbed, crying on sand.

Yes, fairies - powerful race of magicians. Each of them one movement of a finger is capable to defeat the knight of Avalon chained from legs to the head in armor. But at all this external power they are so lonely! They so lack usual terrestrial human heat! Usual caress, usual tenderness, usual care, usual love … The fairy once again chilly shrank and already wanted to return back to a bed as from top of a barkhan saw in the distance … Well, of course, it!!!

To it it was cold too, to it it was lonely too. The prince tightened to a limit all laces on a jacket and with the head muffled in a raincoat, probably, therefore he also did not notice the Fairy.

The fairy wanted to call him, but shout got stuck at her in a breast. She worried, and nervousness - the bad assistant …

And then the Fairy herself ran to it, having absolutely forgotten that she has wings. Her thin white legs coordinated in deep and friable sand. She stumbled and fell, having let out shrill cry.

But Prinze already noticed it and rushed towards. He ran up to it and gently took the Fairy on hands. He carefully carried it back, on barkhan top, put on soft, still warm sand.

The fairy slightly slightly opened eyes and saw directly over herself an alarmed face of the Prince. But its attention gave to the Fairy such pleasure that she pretended as if hurt and slightly moaned.

Having taken her by hand, he by the trembled voice said:

- Darling, what is with you? You did not hurt? It I am guilty, did not notice you at once! To me it was so lonely, so bad that I and nothing noticed nobody around … What I settled! Well what is with you, expensive? Well, answer me, I beg, tell though the word!

With these words the Prince, having put her head to itself on knees, bent better to hear its breath. And the Fairy, without having sustained, opened eyes, and having promptly clasped with the thin handles his neck, with a force attracted to itself. He became puzzled and easily was caught in it artfully set a trap. The fairy greedy took his lips the lips as the traveler exhausted from thirst a glass of water, and it could not be sated with a kiss. And after a while both of them already lay on sand and could not and did not want to unclench the embraces …

- As I waited for you, darling, as hoped how I trusted, and here, you are with me again! - at last, having sated with love, the Fairy whispered. It lay near it on sand and ironed it on the head as then, in a hut …

- And I came, - Prinze answered, without opening the eyes closed from pleasure. - Your belief, your hope, your love brought me to you, I am with you … as … again earlier as always …

The fairy lay and considered in the star sky. How many they were in this boundless, bluish-black firmament! Still warm sand pleasantly heated a naked back.

The fairy wanted to tell something to it, but changed the mind. To it it was so good that there was no wish to break this blissful silence. She groped to the right of herself his hand and strong squeezed it. Any more it did not need nothing …

Suddenly, she felt alarm. The fairy opened eyes and saw that Prinze already got up and begins to put on quickly.

- You where it, road? - alarmed the Fairy asked. - Even all night ahead, let's lie down together still! Where you gathered at this time of night, a-a-a?

- It is time for me back, expensive, to the Invincible Sun. I now her guest, her captive … Now She is my hostess, but not you …

- CHTO-O-O-O? - The fairy right there jumped on legs, without noticing the nakedness. - You what, perhaps, went crazy?!

The prince tightened the last laces on a jacket.

- But
at It, am not present me with you, expensive! You perfectly know it! - also looked at it it is so sympathizing, as compassionately, as on some mad which owing to an illness cannot understand the elementary things obvious and to the child.

- But … - the fallen voice the Fairy said, still clinging to a straw. - I see you, we together … … as … with you here earlier …

The prince sadly smiled, strong embraced her, and then looked her fool in the face:

- Just both of us sleep with you, understand? You in a dream called me to yourself, and I came. But I cannot remain with you even till the morning - it is necessary to me still the long way back. I have to appear at It till the dawn. You understand

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