Read Unbridled: Lone Star Lovers, Book 1 Online

Authors: Delilah Devlin

Tags: #contemporary romance, #Red Hots!

Unbridled: Lone Star Lovers, Book 1 (10 page)

BOOK: Unbridled: Lone Star Lovers, Book 1
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Rowe’s hand pressed against her lower back as he guided her around the floor. Dani had a hard time keeping her mind on the conversation because she’d gotten a look at the bar—every gaze followed them as they danced then darted back to check Justin’s reaction.

For his part, Justin nonchalantly rocked his chair on its back legs, sipping a beer. Acting as though there wasn’t anything unusual about his date cozying up close to another man.

But Dani saw the banked heat in his narrowed eyes. He wasn’t happy at all. “Do you really think he can share? That he’d want more than just a night with us? He’s never kept a girlfriend for long.”


Delilah Devlin

“Maybe he’s ready for a change. But if we want this to work, we can’t let him have everything his way. He can’t lead us around with a bit in our teeth while he cracks a damn whip.”

Dani wrinkled her nose. “What if that’s what I like about being with him…him taking charge?”

“Baby, before he can master us he has to love us. Both of us.”

And because that’s exactly what she hoped, she gave in, snuggling closer still, drawing on Rowe’s strength and warmth. “You think he really can?”

“I think Justin’s ready for it, dyin’ for it. Up until we started…meeting, he ran through women like he was still the high school quarterback, but he wasn’t happy.”

“You think he can be happy with us?”

“I happen to think we have a lot to offer.”

Dani ducked her head. “Cutter thinks he’s after a piece of the ranch.”

Rowe snorted. “That thought has probably crossed Justin’s mind, but do you really think he’s greedy?”

“I don’t know.” Maybe she looked at him through rose-colored glasses, reflecting her own hopes and dreams on him.

“Dani, he drives the same dinged-up truck he bought after he started working at the ranch. He’s not a flashy dresser, doesn’t spend money he doesn’t have. If he covets what we have, I think he wants what it represents. Stability, roots. That’s not such a bad thing to want, is it?”

“How’s that gonna happen for him…with us? Cutter’s already said he’ll protect the ranch against him.

certainly can’t marry him.”

Rowe snuck his thigh between hers and dipped his hips, forcing her to ride him. “If this works, we won’t need a damn thing from Cutter. I have enough to support us all.”

Dani closed her thighs around his and shivered. “You do like playing with fire. I still don’t get how you think this will amount to anything but a good time. For a while anyway. How in hell will we make it last?”

“If this is something we want bad enough, we’ll find a way. But for right now, we need to teach Justin a lesson or two.”

Rowe rubbed his leg against her pussy, which was still sensitive after Justin had teased her in the parking lot. She bit back a groan and took a deep breath, hoping to clear her head. “He’s so damn sure of himself,” she said, lifting her gaze to Rowe’s. “Maybe he’s unteachable.”

A crooked smile betrayed the fact he knew exactly what she was feeling. “That pride of his is a mask.

I promise you that.”

“How do you propose we do the teaching when he’ll want to be the one arranging us for his pleasure?”



“Well, he’s damn sure not likely to let us tie him up. We’ll have to slip it in when he’s least expecting.

Leave him wondering when he lost control.”

Losing control—that’s what she’d like to do right now, but there were too many interested gazes following their every move. “I like the sound of that,” she whispered.

“Thought you might.” Rowe bent closer. “Don’t look now.”

Dani grinned. “He didn’t hold out long, did he?”

“You look amazing tonight. Did you think either one of us wouldn’t be following you like a couple of hound dogs, tongues hangin’ out?”

She giggled against his chest. “You like the blouse?”

“What there is of it.”

“Cutter nearly choked when he saw me.”

“Bet he wished he could have choked the life out of Justin.”

“Was it your idea for him to ask me out? Somehow, I can’t imagine him thinking of arriving hat in hand to woo a girl.”


“I’m cutting in.” Justin’s deep voice sounded strained. Tight, like he was a hair away from making a fuss. “I came in with her, buddy. Looks damn strange.”

Rowe lifted Dani’s hand and twirled her under his arm, letting her reel out toward Justin then snapping her back against his chest.

Justin shook his head.

Dani laughed.

Rowe underestimated Justin’s lack of embarrassment. Justin reached out and clutched Dani’s hips then moved in, snuggling her ass against his groin, sinking his face into the corner of her neck.

Dani’s breath caught, and she groaned against Rowe’s chest. Then she turned her head to see his expression.

Justin’s eyes narrowed; his smirk was firmly in place. “Don’t play games you aren’t willing to finish.”


Chapter Six

Rowe felt heat creep across his cheeks. All eyes clung in fascination to the trio swaying together on the dance floor. Rowe lifted his chin in defiance, and slid his hand around Dani’s waist to pull her closer.

“Guys?” she said softly.

“Yeah, sweetheart,” Rowe muttered.

“You’re killin’ me. And Cutter will have a cow when he gets wind of this.”

Justin brushed his lips against her cheek and bent toward her ear. “You care as much about what Cutter thinks as where this is leadin’?”

She moaned and snuggled closer to Rowe. “You and your bright ideas,” she muttered.

With her soft body pressed so close he could feel her heart beat against his chest, Rowe stopped caring about the little competition he and Justin waged. “Would you be embarrassed if we left right now?”

Dani’s soft laughter vibrated against his chest. “I think I’ll be more embarrassed if we wait much longer to get out of here. You’re both pokin’ at me.”

Justin’s mouth stretched into a wide grin, and Rowe couldn’t help responding—just two guys reacting to a little feminine distress.

Rowe cleared his throat. “Since he came with you, I’ll be the first out of the door. But keep me waiting long, and I swear I won’t care who sees me drag the two of you out of here.”

Justin locked gazes with him. “Your bed or mine?”

“Mine’s bigger,” he said waggling his eyebrows.

Justin grunted and pulled Dani closer.

Rowe let her go and stepped back. Conscious of all the gazes trained their way, he lifted his hand to tip his nonexistent hat to Justin and left them.

As he walked through the saloon, he met the gazes of several of the interested patrons and aimed glares their way. Their lips twitched, but they turned back to their beers.

Satisfied that no one would think anything other than a sly rivalry between suitors had occurred, he pushed through the double doors and strode down the steps toward his truck. No use letting the whole town in on what was happening among the trio. Soon enough, they’d get wind of the fact that Dani couldn’t make up her mind between the two of them.


How he and Justin handled the truth over the coming months would set the tone for how everyone treated them. He didn’t want Dani to become uncomfortable in public. If he and Justin had to settle matters in true Texan fashion with anyone who looked sideways at them—behind a barn and with fists—so be it.

But Dani would never know.

If things turned out the way he hoped they would, he’d never let Dani or Justin regret their decision.

And he had the money and the family name to back him.

The meager light from the dash didn’t pierce the intimate silence that settled inside the cab of Justin’s truck. Dani snuggled close to Justin all the way to Rowe’s ranch. His hand smoothed along her side, sliding under her arm to cup her breast and squeeze. She lifted her arm to give him access. Then his hand glided down, right between her legs, and she eased her thighs apart.

“Should have worn a damn skirt,” he grumbled.

She laughed and unbuckled her belt, opened her pants and eased back, giving him room to sneak his hand inside.

His fingers slid into the melting excitement that oozed from deep inside her. Callused fingertips glided over her hard little clit and right inside her pussy, but not deep enough to ease the ache.

“Justin…Justin…” she moaned, rolling her head on his shoulder as he swirled.

She dropped a hand between his legs and cupped the hard bulge of his cock.

A soft curse lifted her hair, and the truck veered off the road.

Dani smiled and opened her eyes as the truck’s tires ground in gravel.

“Get out,” he said, roughly.

Rowe’s warning about Justin not appreciating an easy conquest flitted through her mind, but her body overruled her common sense.

Ever since the two men had pinned her between them, dueling cocks grinding into her soft belly and ass, she’d shivered with excitement, tension building tightly inside her core. That tension had only continued to build to the point that, now, she thought she’d explode the second Justin pushed his cock inside her.

She scooted across the seat, opened the door, and slid to the ground.

Justin’s door crashed, and he stomped around the truck. His jaw was taut, his eyes glittering with sexy menace in the moonlight.

Dani quivered at the tension radiating from his bunched shoulders. He opened her door wider and grabbed her hips to lift her to the edge of her seat. Her sandals fell away; her pants were peeled down her legs. His zipper scraped, he donned a condom, and then he was there—stepping up on the running board and pushing his cock inside her.


Delilah Devlin

His groan was only slightly less desperate than her own. He pulsed his hips, grinding into her. A thumb flicked her clit, but Dani needed more. She lifted her legs and slid her calves over the tops of his shoulders.

Justin grunted his approval and slammed deeper.

“Hardly seems fair…” she groaned.

“What?” he asked, sounding irritated.

“We’re keeping Rowe waiting.” Not that she really cared with Justin’s cock plunging fast and deep, but she did like to talk.

“He’ll figure it out. It’s his own damn fault anyway.”

“How’s that? He wasn’t the one with his hand down my pants.”

“He pulled you onto the dance floor and shoved his dick against you while everyone was watching.”

Dani grinned. “Only person who gave a damn was you.”

“Your point?” Justin halted his movements and pulled out most of the way. His hand slid around the base of his cock and he squeezed, closing his eyes and dragging in deep breaths.

Dani wished he hadn’t stopped, but she did enjoy the sight of him, tight-faced and trembling, as he fought for control.

At last, he drew one long, shuddering breath and opened his eyes.

Dani locked gazes with him and reached down to slide her hands beneath her shirt and push it up to expose her breasts. Then she tugged her nipples, panting as her whole body quaked at the heat tightening his face.

Justin leaned back and plucked her clit with his thumb and forefinger.

Her pussy clenched around him, and tension curled deep inside her body. “You have an effective way of ending a conversation,” she gasped.

“Not in the mood to talk.”

“I’ve noticed that about you. More an action kind of guy, huh?”

“Can’t talk…my dick’s ready to blow.” He leaned over her again, his hands landing on the seat on either side of her waist.

“Don’t you think you ought to hurry it up a bit? Someone might see.” Not that she really gave a damn, she was that close.

“Don’t see any cars. You want me to hurry?” His hips circled, and he slowly screwed his cock inside her.

Dani felt like her skin was on fire. “God,

“Got a whole damn host of saints here, baby. Come for me.”

Dani braced her feet against the dash and door, widened her splayed thighs, and tilted her hips.

“That’s it.” Air hissed between clenched teeth. “Let me all the way inside.”



“Justin…?” Dani lifted her head and stared at him. His lower body was hidden in shadow, but the side of his face where moonlight struck shone on sharpened cheeks.

His mouth opened, and his teeth gleamed between tight lips. “Come for me, baby.”

Another quick stroke and another slight swirling twist of his hips, and she came apart.

“That’s it, that’s it,” he crooned, thrusting in rapid bursts until the earth stopped tilting and she could breathe again. He pulled free and rolled the condom off his cock. Then he pulled her hand, bringing her up.

Dani reached for his cock, sliding her hand around his hot shaft, and stepped down from the truck on shaking legs. Then kneeling in the dirt beside him, she took him into her mouth.

His fingers dug into her scalp, then relaxed, threading through her hair and stroking her softly as she sank forward then drew back, over and over. She stroked her tongue along his length, learning his scent, his taste, loving the satiny texture of his skin, the tight, hard steel beneath.

He dragged one hand from her hair and gripped his shaft at the base, and stroked himself, his fingers meeting her lips each time she engulfed him.

Dani gripped his hips, bracing herself and quickening her motions, craving more, suctioning hard to get him to hurry and give her what she wanted.

Her cowboy groaned and began to crank his hips, pistoning steadily, driving past her tongue, tapping the back of her throat, his motions tight and controlled.

No way was he going to take charge when her mouth was doing all the work. Dani slipped a hand beneath his cock and cupped his velvety sac, gently tugging his balls.

A soft laugh gusted above her. His balls contracted, drawing closer to his groin, but she continued to massage them, strengthening the suctioning of her lips until his body shuddered and his thrusts lost rhythm.

BOOK: Unbridled: Lone Star Lovers, Book 1
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