Read Unbridled and Unbroken Online

Authors: Elle Saint James

Tags: #Erotica, #Fiction, #Romance, #Adult, #Menage a Trois (m/f/m), #Menage Everlasting, #Western

Unbridled and Unbroken (18 page)

BOOK: Unbridled and Unbroken
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“Now slip your hands beneath your shirt, pull it up to your neck and undo your bra’s front enclosure. I want to suck on you.” He kissed the space beneath her ear lobe to punctuate his outlandish demand.

She sucked in a quick breath. “But what if someone comes around the corner?”

He pulled back. “What did you say?” The anger in his tight expression made her heart flip over once.

She started to repeat her question, but remembered the new game she played. “I said, yes master.”

A slight curve appeared at one corner of his sculpted mouth. “That was a blatant lie, but I’ll let it slide this time. You are, however, trying my patience. I think you
me to punish you.”

“Only if you think I deserve it, master.” She grinned because she only half believed in the game.

His brows furrowed for a moment. “You definitely have it coming. Now do as I told you. Pull up your shirt and undo your bra.” One of his forearms was braced above her head. The other arm dangled at his side. His body didn’t even block any portion of the view down the hallway next to them. She lifted her shirt until her bra was revealed and sent a furtive glance at the hallway before unhooking the front enclosure.

The cups parted and her breasts spilled out like water over a flooded dam. Her pussy clenched in the most acute arousal she’d ever felt as the chill of the air hit her unprotected breasts.

“Hold your bra open for me so I can get a good look at your nipples. Then I can choose one and get the taste I desire.”

Veronica closed her eyes at the thought, but obeyed. She pulled the cups away, exposing her breasts, complete with hardened nipples, to his view. It was by far the sexiest thing she’d ever done in her life. He leaned forward and kissed the space beneath the center of her collarbone.

Eyes still closed, she waited barely breathing as he kissed a slow path down her chest to her exposed breasts. The second his mouth latched onto the peak of one nipple, her pussy clenched with pleasure in what felt like pre-orgasm. Her clitoris throbbed with dire need to release.

“Open your eyes, Veronica, and watch me suck on you. Think about where we are. Out in the open in a public hallway. Anyone could show up at any moment and see us.”

She stiffened, but he only smiled. “That’s right. The idea turns you on, doesn’t it?”

“Yes, master,” she whispered.

Not only was she turned on by the prospect of getting caught, she was so horny now she wanted him to bypass her breasts, bury his face between her thighs and lick her dry as she clasped his face between her legs and climaxed shrieking. He
taught her to love oral sex the first time they were together. Perhaps she
like game playing equally well.

His warm mouth slid into place over one stiff nipple. He sucked it between his lips and Veronica sagged against the wall in delight. Her pussy pulsed with the need to be fucked. Hard.

“May I make a request, master?”

“You may.”

“Once you finish with my nipple, will you lick my pussy and then fuck me as hard as you can?” Just saying the words out loud almost made her climax complete. If he reached down and touched anywhere near her crotch, she’d scream the walls down with an orgasm of epic proportions.

“Not quite yet, my delicious little slave. And don’t even think about climaxing without permission. I don’t think you’re ready for the kind of punishment that would require.”

Her clit throbbed again on the very edge of release. He lowered his head to her nipple again and not only sucked on her tip, he nibbled it. The little bites sent virulent streaks of electric pleasure to her core. He stopped teasing her nipple and she released the breath she’d been holding to keep herself together.

He promptly kissed his way to the other nipple and pulled the tip between his warm lips. An ache filled her pussy with immediate urgency. Seriously, one touch and she was going over the edge of oblivion with or without his permission.

Veronica’s panting came in short, gasping breaths of barely contained control as he pulled at her nipple with one hypnotic suck after another. She was fast coming to a place where she wasn’t going to need him to touch her clit to climax.

Don’t come. Don’t come. He’ll punish me if I come.

Each tortuous tug of his lips against her nipple tested her ability to stay just this side of climax. When she had gotten up the nerve and was about to beg for release, he stopped suddenly, lifted his face and pushed his wet wonderful mouth against hers in a seductive, demanding kiss that she had only thus far dreamed about. His tongue slid easily inside and tangled so fast with hers she didn’t think she would keep up. His chest pressed against her bare breasts, covering her pushed up shirt and unhooked bra. His crisply starched shirt absorbed the moisture left behind from his mouth at the same time it abraded her exposed nipples.

Voices neared and she realized that someone was about to discover them. She stiffened against Adam, barely keeping hold of her burgeoning climax as he made love to her mouth. She glanced at the doorway out of the corner of one eye as two suit clad business men came through the archway from the elevator area and turned right, walking away from them down the hall.

Trembling from the excitement of nearly being caught with her nipples hanging out, Veronica held her breath, fearful any noise, no matter how slight, would signal their presence and bring the strangers back to witness her depravation.

When the voices disappeared, he released her mouth and stared at her. “You’re trembling and it better not be because you came.”

“N–n–no. Didn’t. Still want.” She couldn’t even form complete sentences, but added, “Master.”

“Good. Very good. “

She cast a glance down the hall again to ensure the men were gone. If he hadn’t been adhered to her like gorilla glue, she would have already fastened her bra and pushed her shirt down. She squirmed against him when he didn’t move. He didn’t release her to straighten her clothing so she stopped moving.

The amused tone continued. “Since you were a good little submissive and didn’t release before you were supposed to, I’ll grant you the boon of privacy for the continuation of our game. Would you like to go back to your place to finish our first round of game play?”

“I...I, my place?” Should she take him back to her dismal little duplex apartment? Veronica quivered and tried to make her lips work.

“Well, we could go back to my room, but you need to sleep sometime this afternoon, correct?”

She nodded quickly.

“If I follow you home, then we can resume our game there in privacy. And then you can sleep in your own bed. Would you like that?”

“Yes, please, master.”

His grin of superiority was beautiful. “You please me very much.”

Not trusting her voice, she nodded and smiled. Her shoulder blades peeled from the wall she’d been pressed against as he removed his furnace hot body from hers.

He reached up and lowered her shirt but didn’t fasten her bra. Breasts swaying with every step, she followed him. He then led her further down the hall to where the elevator was and the parking garage. The room where she’d spent the early part of the day with Johnny as Adam watched them have sex was nice, but she secretly fanaticized about bringing one or both of them back to her place for untold pleasures and the memories that would be created.
She was about to get her wish.

Still not quite over her earlier
thrill filled sexual ride and the double penetration sex directly afterward, she hesitated only a moment at the threshold of the door to the parking garage. Sleep was the only thing she’d miss if she spoke up and declined to drive back to her place. Sleep, in this instance, was overrated. She could sleep once Adam and Johnny had gone back to Colorado.

Veronica walked to her plain, no-frills car, opened the driver’s door and turned as Adam crowded close to her.

“I’ll follow you in my rental, okay?”

She nodded.

“Just in case, though, tell me your address. I don’t want to lose you.” Adam’s sexy grin lit her world on fire. She recited her address, closed her eyes briefly and opened them in time to see that he’d moved even closer.

Putting his lips close to her ear, he whispered, “And no fingering yourself at stoplights. I’ll know if you climaxed, so don’t do anything that will require punishment, understand me, honey?”

Veronica nodded. She was so hot and excited, it was a wonder she didn’t implode during his small lecture.

“I’m parked only two rows away. Wait for me to catch up.”

She nodded once more and ducked into her car. Her breathing was erratic and her cheeks felt like they were on fire. They hadn’t even started the sexual part of the game and she quivered in desire as if she hadn’t had sex in a year.

Veronica waited for him before she backed out and headed to her home. Glad she’d taken the time to tidy her simple place up before leaving it earlier, Veronica thought about what was about to happen.

Adam, her new master, was about to introduce her to a sexual game. Well, in fact, she’d already been introduced and only waited to change venues before continuing.

A smile she couldn’t stop shaped her lips. Veronica tried to picture how much sleep she’d actually get this afternoon. Likely none. And that notion made her smile wider.

They arrived at her abode in no time and without incident. He pulled his rental car, and not Johnny’s truck, next to her in the small driveway leading to her duplex. The place was slightly run down, which was how she could afford it. But inside wasn’t too bad.

At least she hoped it was okay. Likely he wasn’t here for the decorations.

They exited their vehicles at the same time and she led the way to her front door.

She handed him her key ring with the house key facing the afternoon sky. He caressed her hand while removing the keys from her fingers. He slowly slid the designated key into the lock and when the click came releasing the lock, he opened the door wide, but didn’t make a move to go inside.

Instead, Adam paused and gave her an inquisitive stare. “Is there a word you’d like to say to me before we enter your domain?”

Veronica looked down at his large, square hands and knew he’d likely be able to go several rounds of pleasure before releasing her from their game. A glance down showed his cock already strained the fabric of his expensive slacks and out of nowhere came a strange notion. She wondered what he’d look like in chaps. Did he ride the range on his ranch back in Colorado dressed in chaps? The thought sent her mind in a different direction than intended and again her face went as hot as the sun.

“No, master. I’m ready.”

He motioned for her to enter. Her home this time. Familiar ground. Where the role playing sex game would continue. Where she had to do what he said or be punished and she wasn’t allowed to come until he said it was okay.
Oh my.

Veronica glanced around the living room, barely noticing it at all as she kept on a straight path to her bedroom.

Adam secured her front door. She heard him push the deadbolt into place. Before she realized how fast he could move, he was pushed up behind her at the entrance to her bedroom.

“You didn’t pleasure yourself on the way here did you?”

No. But she’d barely been able to think of anything else as she drove home. “No, master,” she responded. Her tone already breathy in anticipation of what was to come. He put his hands on her shoulders and pushed her out of his immediate space.

“Take your clothes off. I want to watch you strip.”

She spun around slowly and did her very best strip tease. She swayed and sashayed around in front of him as she pulled each article of her clothing off and flung it about her room. She ended up naked and seated at the foot of her bed.

BOOK: Unbridled and Unbroken
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