Unbreakable (24 page)

Read Unbreakable Online

Authors: Amie Nichols

Tags: #romance, #love, #suspense, #mystery

BOOK: Unbreakable
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“Stalker…wait a minute since when do I have
a stalker.” I sit at the table across from him. I am glancing from
him and then up at Luke who still looks furious.

“Since you’ve hired me, I mean the reason
you hired me,” Jacob’s expression tells me he’s known this all

“You said it was just a random intruder, a
vagrant that was probably just passing by,” I repeat his own words
that he used when he explained it to me four months ago.

“Well, I wasn’t sure until recently, but I
suspected it all along,” he says looking up at Luke.

“Did you know?” I ask Luke who is standing
there with his arms folded at his chest and his jaw tense.

“I knew what he suspected, but we weren’t
for sure until the note and then last night,” Luke explains.

“And you guys too?” I notice Emma, Jeffrey,
and Miss Finnegan all sitting at the island just observing our
conversation. The looks on their faces tell me they did.

“Nice, thanks guys,” I scoff slapping the
table in frustration. “So you said something triggered the more
aggressive behavior. What would have triggered it?” I turn to
Jacob, the expert on stalkers I’m now finding out.

“My best guess would be him,” Jacob says
pointing to Luke.

“I’ve taken his place, at least what he
thinks is his place,” Luke explains seeing the confused look on my
face. “The note was probably meant for me,” Luke says and shakes
his head. I can see he is furious.

My mind is a whirlwind and I have a
splitting headache.

“I’m going to bed,” is all I say and I head
out of the kitchen. No one says a word as I walk past them and head
up to my room. I take a hot shower and let the water run on my head
to soothe the pounding. I’m so mad at Luke for being mad at me. How
was I supposed to know there was real danger, it’s not like I was
told any of this, and everyone knew. “We have to protect poor
fragile, Lilly,” I can just hear them saying.

After my shower, I throw pajama bottoms on
and a cami. My day has been so emotionally draining that I can
barely keep my eyes open. I lay on top of the comforter too tired
to crawl under the sheets. As soon as my head hits the pillow, I’m


I wake up and notice the clock says four
a.m. I’ve been covered up and I feel Luke’s arm resting on my
waist. I feel his breathing and his face is buried in my hair. A
lamp on the dresser is still on and a warm glow lights up the room
a little. I roll over gently, so as not to wake up Luke, and stare
at his beautiful face sleeping so peacefully. Any anger I had has

I place a soft kiss on his lips and run a
finger down his cheek. I place another kiss on his lips when he
doesn’t stir and repeat. This time he responds. He is kissing me
back soft at first then with more intensity. His hand travels up my
back and he pulls me to him with my body pressed into his. He takes
my lips again and this time his tongue enters my mouth as he rolls
so he is on top of me with his weight supported on his elbow. One
hand moves under my cami and he cups my breast.

My body tingles as he gently caresses me,
his lips move down to my throat, and I groan with pleasure. He
moves down to my belly pulling my cami up over my head. Trailing
kisses up, he takes my nipple in his mouth. That now all too
familiar tug between my legs makes my hips rise. I feel his
erection through is boxers. His hand runs down my back and slips
into my silk pajama bottoms as he cups my butt.

His lips move down my belly again and he
grabs my bottoms with both hands. He removes my clothing. His
boxers are off next and he enters me. My hips meet his thrusts and
I let out a little scream of pleasure. Luke smiles and takes my
lips to keep me from screaming again. I run my fingernails down his
back and I can feel his muscles ripple under my touch. With one
more deep thrust, I can’t help but to moan loudly as my body
quivers with pleasure. He reaches orgasm seconds after me and falls
next to me, his breathing hard and fast.

I roll on top of him laying flat. I rest my
hands on his chest, and with my chin on my hands, I look up at him.
My body goes up and down with his heavy breathing. His arms are
wrapped around me when he finally speaks.

“I’ve never been more scared than I was
tonight,” he says softly as he tucks some hair behind my ears. He
rests his head on the arm tucked behind his head to see me better.
His biceps flex and the sight of him makes me gasp. With his other
hand, he traces my lips with his finger so gently. There’s a look
of pain in his eyes that rips at my heart.

“When I looked and you were gone…” he stops
and shuts his eyes tight, as if to get an image out of his head.
“If anything ever happened to you Lilly,” his voice cracks as he
tries to speak, but he can’t seem to finish his sentence.

“It’s okay. I’m fine and I always will be.”
I try to comfort him as he rolls me off of him and props himself on
his elbow.

“You have to be more careful now, promise
me.” There’s intensity in his voice. “I’m sorry we kept this from
you, but you will know everything from now on,” he pledges to me
and places his palm on my chest over my heart. “I will never let
this guy touch you. I couldn’t protect you from Jane, but…” he says
staring at his hand over my heart. I see tears well up in his eyes.
“I finally have you and I am not going to lose you,” he whispers
and rests his head on my chest with his ear flat against me where
his hand just was.

Without saying a word, I gently stroke his
hair as he lies on my chest. Before I know it, I am out again.



Chapter 29



When I wake up, Luke has his legs and arms
wrapped around me and I’m sweating from the heat radiating off of
him. I try to wiggle my way loose of his grip without disturbing
him, but with no luck.

“Good morning gorgeous, are you trying to
escape.” He’s smiling when I am finally able to wiggle around to
face him.

“I’m sweating, I need some space for a
second.” With that, he removes all is body parts from me. “Damn,
you are hot!” I say fanning my self.

“So are you baby,” he teases still laying
there staring at me. I lay back down, punching his shoulder at his

“Ow,” he says rubbing his arm. “Damn girl,
you pack a punch,” he says and rolls over tackling me.

“I’m glad to see you are in a better mood,”
I giggle at him as he places fast kisses all over my face and

“Every morning, when I wake up with you in
my arms, it is a good morning,” he says smiling down at me. “You
are so beautiful,” he whispers, rubbing the tip of his nose on

“I love you,” I whisper back at him.

“I love you too,” Luke replies as he gets up
for the bathroom. “We’ve got a lot of stuff to do today gorgeous,”
he says as I hear the shower starting.

I have a couple of interviews set up for
today to find my personal assistant, but I rollover on Luke’s
pillow and hug it to me. It smells of him and I close my eyes. Just
a few more minutes I say to myself. I hear Luke humming in the
shower, and before I know it he’s out and dressed. I must have
dosed off again. He’s wearing some khaki shorts and a light green
t-shirt. He looks absolutely yummy. I want to rip the clothes right
off of him.

“Get up sleeping beauty. I think your first
interview is in an hour,” he says slapping my behind through the

“Uggg, what do I know about interviewing
someone?” I am dreading this so much.

“You’ll be fine. Just hire someone that you
think will do the job well,” he encourages me.

“How do I know who that will be?” I roll my
eyes at him.

“I have every confidence in you.” He gives
me a wink and opens the door. “I’ll see you down stairs,” he says
as he walks out of the room and closes the door behind him.

I walk into the kitchen after my shower. I
decided to wear something casual instead of dressy like I had first
planned. Might as well be myself. I’m wearing white jean shorts and
a purple v-neck t-shirt.

Luke is just finishing up breakfast and
Miss. Finnegan is busy making cookies for all the people that we
are going to have in and out of the house today.

“Are you hungry sweetie?” She asks me
pointing to a plate of scrambled eggs and toast.

“No just coffee for now.” I climb on the
stool next to Luke and lay my head on his shoulder.

He leans over and kisses the top of my head.
His eyes never leave the book that he has in front of him.

“What’s that?” I nod at the book, taking
small sips of my coffee.

“Jacob is bringing a couple guys from his
security group by so we can be more prepared,” he says showing me
the front of the book.

The front of the book is black with gold
lettering that reads, “Militant Security Group.”

“What do you mean more prepared?” I question
him as he goes back to flipping through the manual.

“This is some of the services they offer
like fencing, cameras, stuff like that,” he says turning toward me
while he studies my face.

I must have an annoyed look on my face
because he rolls his eyes and turns back to his reading.

“We are doing this, so don’t even think
about arguing with us,” he says not taking his eyes of his

“Lilly, please don’t tell me you are
fighting this already,” Jacob says as he enters the room hearing
what Luke had just said. “Luke’s right, this isn’t up for
discussion,” he says sitting on the other side of me and grabbing a
plate to dish up some eggs on.

“I didn’t say a word,” is all I mutter
sipping my coffee. I sit between the two men I trust more than
anything, who also happen to be a couple of hot heads, so arguing I
do not plan to do.

Luke looks over to Jacob and gives him a
knowing grin. I know he thinks he just won. They start talking
about surveillance, electromagnetic locks, and a bunch of other
stuff that doesn’t make any sense to me.

I am saved from their boring talk when the
doorbell rings and Miss. Finnegan makes her way to let in our
visitor. Moments later she appears at the kitchen door with a small
mousey haired woman who looks like she is in her early twenties.
She’s very cute, but I can tell she is also very shy because her
eyes stay on the floor. I jump off the chair and realize this is my
first interview. I walk over to her and she stares at my bare feet
before finally looking up at me.

“Hi, Marcy is it?” I make my way to her
extending my hand to shake hers.

“Yes, Miss Sumnor, Marcy White. We had an
appointment at ten,” she says very quietly and shakes my hand.

“Glad to meet you,” I greet her and turn to
Luke who is standing next to me now. Marcy’s about five feet tall
so Luke must look like a giant to her. “Marcy this is my boyfriend,
Luke.” I motion towards him. “He lives here so if you get the job
you will be seeing a lot of him.” I tell her as Luke extends his
hand to her to shake it. Her cheeks flush pink, as she looks up at
the stunning man that is Luke. “This is Jacob my, ummm…. head of
security.” I look at Jacob who raises his eyebrows at his new job

“Glad to meet you,” Luke says his hand still
extended to her but she doesn’t take it. She nervously looks from
Luke to Jacob and back at the ground.

“Okay then,” Luke puts his hand to his side
looking at me with apprehension. “I guess we’ll let you ladies get
to it.” He leans down pecking my cheek. He gives Jacob a look that
says wow and the two of them disappear out the French doors into
the back yard.

“Shall we?” I motion my hands and I walk out
of the kitchen. She follows me into the study. “Come sit,” I tell
her as I make my way to the couch and sit down with one leg under
my behind. I motioned for her to sit there too. She is awkward and
uncomfortable as she sits on the other side as far as she can up
against the armrest. I already know that I won’t be hiring her, but
decide to go ahead with the interview anyway for practice.

After I’m done asking all the questions I
have prepared, I know for sure she is not going to fit in here. All
of her answers are short and when I would try and joke with her a
bit she just looked at me like I was an alien.

“Well, thanks for coming, Marcy. I will be
in touch.” I end the interview and show her out. I look at my cell
for the time and still have a half an hour before my next
interview. I head outside to see what Luke and Jacob are up to.
They are on the back patio just sitting around the outdoor table
with three men whose ages seem to range between late twenties to
late thirties. They are all dressed the same in khaki pants and
black polo’s with a gold emblem on the left corner pocket that
reads Militant Security Group.

I recognize the older of the gentlemen as
being Jacob’s boss Shawn. The other two I have never seen before.
When they notice me they all stand as I walk up to the table.

“Miss Sumnor, very nice to see you again. I
hear we have a bigger problem on our hands than we initially first
thought,” Shawn says greeting me with a hand shake. I’ve never
really liked this guy, very arrogant. He gives me his best look of
concern, but I can tell all he really cares about is the money.
He’s nothing like Jacob at all.

“Shawn,” I shake his hand nodding at his

“Lilly, these are a couple of the guys that
you will be seeing around here. Luke and I decided to have a couple
more men on hand,” Jacob says to me and gives me a look and I know
that I should not argue, especially in front of Shawn.

“This is Sam and Max,” Jacob introduces the
other two guys at the table. They are both taller than Jacob, but
just as built. I can tell instantly that they are also nothing like
their boss.

“Miss. Sumnor, I will be in charge of canine
security,” Sam says reaching out to shake my hand. I turn towards
Jacob and Luke. I get the same don’t argue look as I shake his
hand. Okay, I like dogs so I will let this one slide.

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