Read Unbreakable Online

Authors: Amie Nichols

Tags: #romance, #love, #suspense, #mystery

Unbreakable (16 page)

BOOK: Unbreakable
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“Jesus, Dad, I know what I’m doing. I love
her and I’m not going to hurt her,” Luke says loudly.

“Yeah, so why do you have to move in
already? You’re moving way too fast. Give her some space
already!”Jeffrey shouts back.

“She has had a lot of space from me, and by
the way, thank you so much for informing about the intruder.” I
hear Luke shouting now.

“I knew if I told you, you would drop
everything and come back.” Jeffrey yells back.

“Ummm, yeah, damn straight I would have. You
had no right to keep that from me, Dad.” Luke’s face is getting
beet red. “Dammit, Dad, I left her just like you told me. I stayed
away after the crash just like you told me.” Luke is still talking
loudly, but not shouting now. “I love her and she loves me. You are
not going to keep us apart anymore.”

Maybe I shouldn’t interfere, but I don’t
like Luke arguing with his dad about me. I walk up to them. “You
guys working late tonight, huh?” I interrupt the argument between
them and they both stop suddenly. “Make sure you mark down your
overtime,” I say awkwardly. I can tell they are both really

“Yeah, just wanted to finish up some stuff,
Lil. Luke was just telling me you want him to move into the house.”
He’s now looking at me. “Just wanted to make sure you guys are
thinking clearly,” he explains. Luke looks furious. I want to
comfort him, protect him from this. I walk up in front of him,
turning around, so that my back is to Luke’s front.

“Thank you for your concern, Jeffrey. You’ve
always been there for me, and I’m grateful for that,” I tell him
sincerely, “but I’m thinking clearer now than I have ever. Things
are starting to make sense to me finally,” I explain and stare
directly into his eyes.

“I think maybe you guys are going a little
too fast, and I don’t want you to get hurt,” he says. I can feel
Luke tense up behind me.

“I know you think I’m fragile, but I’m not.
Maybe I don’t know much, Jeffrey, but I do know that I can trust my
life with Luke,” I continue as Luke wraps his arms around my waist,
clasping his hands together at my belly button and pulling me up
against him.

“We are both adults, and I think what we do
is, well, none of your business.” I bluntly tell him. “So, if you
please, don’t worry about us. We are both new to this sort of
relationship and we will learn together.”

Luke kisses the top of my head and I hear
him whisper, “I love you.”

“Okay, okay. I’m sorry. I just think maybe
things are going too fast. I guess, like you said, you have to
learn for yourselves.” Jeffrey raises his hands and finally giving
up. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow,” he says, waving goodbye and Simon
follows him.

In one swift move Luke spins me around and
throws me over his shoulder. He is carrying me into the house and I
can’t stop giggling. As we pass Miss Finnegan as she yells, “You
guys going to eat?” I look up at her as we fly through the kitchen
and I’m not able to say a word through my laughing.

“Later!” Luke yells back at her and he hauls
me to the bedroom.

He sets me on the bed, my feet dangling off
the side, and kneels in front of me. He takes my foot and starts to
undo the strap of my sandal to slip it off. Lifting my bare foot to
his lips, he softly kisses the instep.

“You have been very take control today, Miss
Sumnor,” he says as he takes my other foot to undo its sandal.
“It’s my turn.” He kisses the instep of my other foot and starts to
trail kisses up my legs. My insides start to flame again and my
breath quickens. “Do you know how much you turn me on when you get
all feisty?” He purrs reaching my thigh, still kissing as he

I try and catch my breath as his hand starts
to inch my dress up. He spreads my legs a little and starts to kiss
my inner thigh. “Ohhhhhh,” I breathe and lay back on the bed
enjoying it very much. He pushes my dress up to my belly and I feel
his kiss reach my panties.

“These blue lacy panties, I told you I would
be taking them off,” he growls, and my belly tightens at his

“You are so beautiful, Lilly,” he says as
his lips trace the top of my panties. He stands up and moves me so
my whole body is on the bed.

He kneels on the bed, his legs astride mine,
and lifts my dress up over my head so I am lying there in my lacey
panties and bra. I sit up so I can start working on the buttons of
his white cotton shirt. I fumble with the buttons, but finally
reach the last one and he slips it off. I run my hands up his hard
chest, trailing kisses on his stomach, and I feel his muscles
quiver under my lips as electricity runs through me. I work my
fingers to the waist of his jeans and undo the button and zip down
the fly. His erection, very obvious through his jeans, springs free
when I pull his jeans and boxers down.

“You see what you do to me, sweet girl,” he
declares as I take in the sight of him.

I smile up at him licking my lips. He stands
up and hurriedly takes off his jeans in one smooth motion. He lies
on top of me and takes my mouth with his. Sliding his tongue in
with force, he takes control of the kiss, and slips his hand around
my back to find the clasp of my bra. He stops kissing me and looks

“Oh, it’s in the front.” He smiles and moves
down, kissing between my breasts before he undoes the clasp freeing
them. He moves to one and cups it with his warm hand while he
trails kisses over it then moves his mouth to my nipple. Lightly
biting it, he sends shock waves through my body. I moan as he moves
to the other one and does the same thing. My hips rise to meet him
and his erection throbs against my panties. He moves down my belly
kissing as he goes, and before I know it, he rips my panties off
like they are made of tissue paper. “Hope you weren’t too attached
to those,” he growls as his mouth reaches my sex.

The fire between my legs is so intense. I
want him so much. He blows lightly then he starts to twirl is
tongue around my bud. My hips buck in the air at the sensation.

“Luke!” I shriek at the pleasure. I run my
hands through his hair as he continues to pleasure me with his
tongue. Just when I feel that I am going to explode, he returns to
me smiling from ear to ear.

“You taste really good baby,” he groans and
takes my mouth with his again. I feel him enter me with a powerful
thrust and I want every inch of him. I raise my hips to meet his
thrusts. I feel myself about to burst when my orgasm releases, the
pleasure takes over my body. My head tilts back into the mattress,
and I scream in pleasure as he thrusts hard into me a few more
times. Seconds later he orgasms, low moans coming from his

He falls next to me and I turn on my side to
face him.

We lay next to each other in post coital
bliss, our breathing returning to normal. I run my fingers in his
chest hair, and place tiny kisses on his chest. “What are you
thinking about?” I ask as he lies there staring at the ceiling.

“Just how much I love you,” he answers
placing his arm under his head to look at me. “And how much I enjoy
this, enjoy everything with you, and I want to spend the rest of my
life with you,” he says grinning at me. “How I’ve always known that
I wanted this.”

“Hmmmm,” I murmur happily at his answer and
rest my head on his chest. “I feel the same way.”

I hear my tummy grumble and realize I haven’t
eaten since this morning. Luke hears it too and laughs at me.

“Hungry baby?” He says still laughing

We get up and I look at the clock. It’s nine
o’clock. Miss Finnegan always returns to her room by eight. Jacob
went out with his friends again, so I decide to throw on Luke’s
cotton button up shirt, and nothing else.

“Me like,” he says as he walks out of the
bathroom in only his jeans. His ab muscles are rippled, and the
sight of him makes me gasp. He grabs me around the waist and pulls
me to him.

“You look very sexy in my shirt baby.” He
smiles down at me

“You say that about everything!” I tell him
and start to lead him out the door so we can grab something to eat
before we go to bed.

“Well, I can’t help it. You look sexy in
everything.” He swats my behind as we walk out of the bedroom.

In the kitchen, I search the fridge for the
left over clam chowder to heat up for Luke and me. Sitting on a
stool at the island, I hear him whistle through his teeth as I bend
over to grab the plastic container that holds the leftovers.
There’s a lot there, and then I think she probably ate by herself
since Jacob went out and Luke and I were otherwise engaged.

I turn around and smile at him, as he sits
there watching my every move.

“Enjoying this?” I ask noticing his silly

“Very much!” he says raising his

After heating up some chowder, I sit next to
Luke facing him as we eat our hot bowls of soup.

“Is there enough left over for me?” Jacob
says walking in from the garage entrance. He looks really nice
wearing black dress pants and a button up blue shirt and tie.

“Yeah….. Plenty.” I cough, surprised by his
early arrival home. I am wearing nothing under Luke’s shirt. I
cross my legs and make sure everything is covered. Looking down, I
see I need to button up a few more buttons, and do that

Luke grabs my chair and scoots it toward
him. He lays his arm over my lap as if to say, she’s mine no
looking. Jacob notices this and just shakes his head then walks
around the island grabbing a bowl. He takes some chowder out of the
pot. Leaning on the island across from us, he starts eating.

“How was your night?” I ask him noticing he
doesn’t look happy. “You were out with the guys, right?”

“On a blind date actually,” he says not
looking up at me. “There won’t be a second,” he adds before I can

“Not your type I take it?” Luke asks
sympathetically, and I’m stunned at his kind reaction.

“You could say that. She was very attractive
and all, just very superficial. She kept asking me how much money I
make, what are my goals to make more, and on and on,” he scoffs,
looking at Luke while he talks.

“Oh, that’s brutal. Sorry man. At least
there are more fish in the sea, right?” Luke sounds generally upset
for him. Jacob just nods and gives us a little smile before he
walks over giving me a kiss on the cheek. He pats Luke’s shoulder
then excuses himself for the night.

Luke’s arm still resting over my lap, he
moves his hand and gives my thigh a squeeze.

“I bet we could think of someone to set him
up with,” Luke says turning to face me. I don’t know what happened,
but the dislike Luke had for Jacob has seemed to dissipate all of a

“So you like him now?” I ask, the curiosity
getting the better of me.

“I never said I didn’t like him. He is a
good looking guy who was...who is doing something I should have
been doing,” he answers, his hand resting on my knee while his
thumb rubs circles around my knee cap.

“Even though I don’t think he needs to stay
on as a body guard, I can see that you guys have a bond, and I know
that you won’t be letting him go,” he says with sincerity, and
acceptance to the fact that I have no intention of letting Jacob

“We do have a bond. He’s the brother I never
had. I love him to pieces. He’s now part of my family,” I tell
Luke, standing up I swing one leg over his lap so I am straddling
him. My legs dangling on either side of the chair and he wraps his
arms around my waist holding me on his lap firm. I run my
fingertips across his forehead and down the side of his cheeks.

“But what we have, is totally different,” I
say seductively.

His eyes smiling, he looks at me with such
love and happiness. He’s so cute. I take his face in my hands and
start kissing him first on each cheek, then on each eye. Gently, I
run my lips over his, lightly biting his bottom lip.

“I’d hope so,” Luke says as his hands travel
up my back. He cups them over my shoulders while he trails kisses
along my jaw and below my ear.

“I love you, Lilly Sumnor,” he whispers
before his lips take mine. We are lost in each other. His hands
travel back down, grabbing my butt firmly. He stands up holding me,
still not interrupting the passionate kiss, as we turn our faces in
opposite directions exploring each other’s mouths. I wrap my legs
around his waist as he begins heading for the stairs. I trail
feather light kisses to his ear and down his neck.

Before I know it, we are back in my room and
making love again, passionately exploring each other’s bodies in
every way possible.



Chapter 19



I awake the next morning with Luke wrapped
around me sleeping soundly. I don’t want to disturb him, but I need
to use the bathroom. As I try to sneak out from beneath him he
stirs a little, but doesn’t wake up. I pick up his button up shirt
that was thrown on the floor last night in our haste to be naked
and wrap it around myself before I enter the bathroom.

When I come back out, he’s sleepily sitting
on the edge of the bed with just the corner of the sheet draped
over his lap.

“Good morning, gorgeous!” I greet as I walk
to him. I stand between his legs and wrap my arms around his neck
giving him a hug. He slips his hands in the shirt parting it so I
stand exposed to him; he wraps his arms around my waist and brings
me in closer.

“Good morning, beautiful flower,” he says
with his mouth against my belly, his stubble tickling me. “I slept
so sound last night,” he mentions still holding me tight, the side
of his face firm against my tummy. I play with his hair and think
he might have fallen back to sleep like this.

“Are you ready for our road trip?” I ask and
he mumbles something I can’t understand. Finally letting loose of
his grip, he lies back in the bed throwing a pillow over his face.
My face goes flush seeing him like this. His muscles are rippled.
The lower abs dip in below his belly button leading to his happy
trail, which ends at the small portion the sheet is covering. I
stand there and stare at the gorgeous specimen that is lying in my

BOOK: Unbreakable
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