TYCE (25 page)

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Authors: Shareef Jaudon

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“Stay back…stay back!” Tyce said waiving her off frantically.

“Where the fuck did that short ass nigga come from!” Sway asked in between heavy breaths.

“That lil’ nigga jus’ popped up like a jack in the box from behind the desk! You stay here…put some heat on that desk…pin that mini muthafucka down, and I’ma creep up on him!” Tyce whispered to Sway as he crawled around to the other side of the island.

They’d been surprised by a trigger happy dude hiding behind one of the office desks. He wasn’t much taller than the desk itself so he fit behind it easily. He’d been over anxious and started firing before he even looked; accidently shooting his boss in the process. Now he was hiding behind the desk again, waiting for another clean shot.

“Fuck you black motherfuckers! Look what

you made me do! Fuck you…I didn’t kill my brother motherfuckers…YOU DID! You hear me…YOU DID!” He shouted hysterically.

The crazed gunman punctuated his statement with four more blasts to the island counter where Tyce and Sway were hunkered down. BAP BAP BAP BAP!!!

      “That’s enough of this shit!” Sway said leaning out from behind the safety of the island. Sway shut him up by pumping round after round into the dense mahogany desk. The wood splintered into tiny pieces as the bullets dotted the front side. Staying low, Tyce crept hurriedly up to the huge desk as Sway was firing. He wasn’t worried about getting hit with one of Sway’s bullets because he was an excellent shot. Sway was lying on his back like he was getting ready to do some crunches and firing his silver gun rapidly. The man was stooped down with his guns on the sides of his ears to protect his head. He was completely unaware that Tyce was standing over the top of him. The undersized assassins head split open from the single bullet Tyce put in the top of his dome. His hands instantly dropped to his sides as his bloody head rested on his left shoulder.

Careful not to use any names Angelique frantically asked again,

“D, tell me somethin’…are they ok!”

Dallas finally put Angelique out of her misery, “Yes, yes girl there fine…there ok now!”

Truth be told; the reason she couldn’t respond to Angelique was that they were both sharing the same deathly concern. Both women were praying that nothing happened to the man they had both grown to love. Angelique felt her stomach relax as she heard the good news. Sway stood up and walked over to see the man who’d been wildly cussing and shooting at them. He sidestepped the body of the now dead owner on the floor without looking down at him.

“You got the drop on that fool.” He said giving Tyce a congratulating pound.

“Shit, without your help it wouldn’t have been so easy.” Tyce complimented. “But yo…we need to get the fuck outta here.”

They started tossing bags of money out into the

room and snatched the last eight bags up carrying four each. Omar greedily picked up the three bags that were on the floor before Dallas could get to them. Angelique turned and looked down at the terrified mass of people,

“If I see anybody poke their little heads up, I’ll

blow em off like I’m hunting prairie


They answered her with scared silence as she

hopped down off the bar. The five of them made

their way to the stairs. Tyce had one more important thing to do on his way out. He grabbed the logbook that everyone had to sign before they could get in to gamble. The club kept a record of all the people that attended the underground casino. The owner performed background checks on whoever he was suspicious about. Names, addresses, and phone numbers were all neatly printed in this priceless book.

“Look here, we got the names and addresses of every muthafucka in here! Before you leave tonight, be sure to stop by the count room to see the owner of this fine establishment
his short ass brother! If you talk about this shit, you’ll end up jus’ like them! You won’t even make it to the witness stand
you’ll bury all your fuckin’ family members long before the

trial begins! Look at it this way people; we took the money you already lost…get over it.” Tyce said loud enough for all the customers to


They all ran up the steps and dashed out the back door of the cleaners. The van was parked right outside the door. Tyce ran behind his crew as they hustled to the getaway van. He threw his heavy bags of money in the side door as Omar slid it open. Just like they'd practiced, everybody jumped in and was seated in a split second. Sway and Omar concentrated on the dim door way just in case someone decided to follow them. Tyce then ran around and jumped in the driver’s seat; he hastily put the late model Chevy in gear and sped off down the shadowy alley. The van made a sharp right turn onto the street and merged with oncoming traffic. Tyce looked at Angelique who was sitting in the back seat and winked at her. The robbery seemed like it took an eternity but the whole thing only lasted about five minutes; that was two minutes too long by Tyce’s standards.


When the van disappeared around the corner, the headlights of a car parked quietly at the opposite end of the alley came on and drove away slowly.




Snitchin Aint Easy



Omar took a little detour before heading back to his house. He had about a million three in cash in the back seat as he pulled up to the massive northern California mansion. He was anxious to leave the warehouse after the robbery. He collected his wages for the night and left in a hurry giving the excuse that Tasha was waiting on him. Omar stepped up to the large double doors and rang the bell. It took a minute but finally after ringing the bell three times a young pretty woman answered the door. She didn’t look a day over 18 and her beauty would rival any Hollywood model or actress. Her eyes showed intelligence and she carried herself like she knew she was attractive.

      “Can I help you?” She asked sweetly.

      “Yeah baby…I’m here to see Biz.”

“Oh ok, come on in.” She said stepping to the side to let Omar pass.

His young guide led him up the winding staircase to the back office were Biz was waiting. She walked with him to the smoke tinted glass door and knocked softly. Omar heard Biz say “come in” as he stood there staring at her shiny red lips.

Omar regained his composure and prepared to talk business, with his best friend’s enemy.

“Omar, my nigga…what’s the word young blood? Have a seat.” Biz smiled as he gestured to an empty chair directly in front of him. “I see you got the message from Simone that I wanted to see you, thanks for coming on such short notice being that you had to work tonight and all.”

“Yeah she said you had the rest of my money. She also said you had a surprise for me.” Omar leaned back in the comfortable chair ignoring that last comment.

Biz reached under his office desk and grabbed a brief case. He slid it across the top of the smooth table. Omar immediately pushed the tabs aside and flipped open the lid. It was neatly packed with stacks of hundreds; he chuckled and quickly shut the case, placing it on his lap.

“That’s cigarette ashes compared to what you could make with me. I got big plans for you young blood. I want you to run shit up north.” Biz continued, “You get the work from me for 18 a brick and you can sell it for 25 to 27 a key. I already got 30 niggas who rock with me now but I jus’ killed my lieutenant ‘cuz he started sniffing the shit and getting sloppy. They’ll cop from you if I tell them to, I’ll introduce you as my new lieutenant, and you can start makin’

money instantly. The northern operation moves a hundred and fifty to two hundred keys a month. At a profit of seven thousand a brick that’s about a million dollars every 30 days.” Biz paused to let all that math sink in to Omar’s head.

Omar’s mouth began to water as he calculated how much he could make in a year.

“Shit, hell yeah I’ll take that shit over! Aint nobody gonna run that shit better than me! When you want me up there?”

“Patience grasshopper, a million a month doesn’t come cheap. You gotta finish paying for it first.” Biz schooled.

“What you mean pay for it? I got the money to buy the bricks now!” Omar reasoned patting his brief case, “And if that aint enough I got more in my truck.”

“That’s outstanding young blood, but that’s not what I’m talkin’ about. I don’t want your money…yet. You gotta prove your loyalty before you can work with me.” Biz took his time lighting a cigar.

“Man I been snuffin' niggas out for you for almost ten years…what the fuck you mean loyalty?”

“You got one more nigga to snuff out.” Biz blew smoke in the air. Omar could sense his

growing anger. “This whole Tyce situation is about the principal.” Biz jumped up suddenly from his chair. “That nigga cost me millions of fuckin’ dollars! He turned his back on me! He threatened my life! That disloyal muthafucka stole my bitch…a bitch I’d groomed since she was a girl! Biz became more agitated with every word. “That pretty punk spat in my face, and in this game you can’t let a muthafucka get away with that shit, you gotta make an example outta that nigga…you gotta take his heart out of chest and squish that shit like a bloody sponge!” He shouted; spit flying from his mouth.

Omar stared at Biz; he’d never seen him so worked up before. He was really tripping over this shit.

      “What I gotta do?” Omar asked bluntly.

“I want you to put a bullet straight through his weak ass heart. Then I want you to bring Angelique to me kicking and screaming.”

Omar was still staring at his boss when he got curious, “Why don’t you kill him yourself?” He leaned forward in the chair.

“Young blood, you think I got this old in the

game by getting
hands dirty? I play the music that makes these niggas dance. I pull the strings behind the curtains.” Biz stated proudly walking around his office desk, “Now can you do that for 12 million dollars a year or should I find someone else?”

Omar rubbed his baldhead and pretended to contemplate the question. There was no way he was going to pass up this opportunity for punk ass Tyce. He’d missed enough money fucking with him in the first place, now he had a chance to bust the dope game wide open and start at the top. If Tyce had to die for that to happen…then, so be it.

“Naw you aint gotta get nobody else. Besides, didn’t you try that already? Omar said sarcastically. “Tyce is too smart for bitch ass niggas from out of town.”

“That’s exactly why I need you to get to him.” Biz placed a hand on Omar’s shoulder.

“I can get to that nigga anytime I want, you want it done tonight?”

Biz thought about that option in silence as he walked back and forth on the gigantic Oriental rug.

“I don’t want him dead yet. Like I said before he owes me. According to you, ya’ll have hit two places already. I want you to hit the last spot, kill him, and bring me all of the money.” Biz instructed looking directly into Omar’s

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