TYCE 3 (18 page)

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Authors: Shareef Jaudon

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“Hmmphhh, that’s surprising. Look here Dupree, I can give you two choices for work detail. You can either clean the bathrooms twice a day Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, or have outside trash pickup Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. It’s your choice. So what’s it gonna be?”

“I’ll take trash duty.”

“Hmmphhh, that’s surprising, I took you for the toilet cleaning type.”

Damn this bitch was pushing it. It must’ve been a requirement to be an ill-mannered downright nasty person to get a job as a CO.

“Ok, trash duty it is. You start tomorrow. Report to the deputy desk in your pod by 7:30 in the morning on the designated days. You’ll be provided a sack lunch for a six hour shift.”

“Thanks, I got it.” I got up and left.

“Melanie Waters!” The deputy shouted the next girl’s name.

My mission was accomplished. I walked back to my cell with a smile on my face. Tomorrow I would be out in the California sun. Damn, it was funny what you miss once it’s taken away from you.



The next afternoon came and Dallas was still at my house. She hadn’t changed clothes since yesterday, nor did she look like she was planning on leaving anytime soon. She pretty much stayed downstairs watching T.V, fiddling with her cell phone and leaving me to wonder what the hell she was doing here. After getting dressed in the privacy of my bedroom, I ventured downstairs to see what she was up to.

“Wasup girl, how you feelin’?” I sat on the sofa next to her.

“I’m good. Do you mind if I take a shower?” Dallas asked putting her hair up in a pony tail.

“Naw, go ahead. There’re fresh towels in the closet in the guest bathroom down here, so help yourself.”

Dallas looked puzzled, “So I’m a guest now?”

I patted her bare thigh in a friendly manner.

“Naw, you’re not a guest. I’m jus’ sayin if you wanted you could use the bathroom down here.”

“But I like the shower in your room. It has all those wonderful jets and the overhead rain shower nozzle.” She whined. “But if you’re uncomfortable with me using your bathroom then I guess I can shower down here.”

“Okay.” I answered back.

Leaving Dallas alone in the front room I made my way to kitchen to grab a snack from the fridge. I opened the door and looked at all the various options. Sure, there was food in there, but it was all stuff you had to cook and I didn’t feel like being a chef today. I’d given Carmela two weeks off with pay, so for the time being I was on my own as far as meals went. After I grabbed a Sunkist soda from the fridge, I closed it and was surprised at what I saw behind the stainless steel door. Dallas was standing there wearing nothing but a smile.

“You can snack on me.” She said seductively.

I had to admit she looked scrumptious in her cocoa brown birthday suit. I felt my attraction growing by the second as I looked her over from head to pedicured toe.

She could see the hesitation all over my face as I held my ice cold can
my gaze at her amazingly hot, petite body.

“Let me suck your dick.” She boldly stepped to me.

“What?” I cocked my head to the side.

“I don’t speak Chinese Tyce. I said let me suck your dick.”

“Come on now, you need to go shower and keep your hands to yourself.”

Dallas stepped a little closer looking up at me with sex in her eyes.

“I will shower and trust me-I know how to give head without usin’ my hands.”

My dick was screaming, “LET HER NIGGA! I AINT HAD NO ACTION IN MONTHS! IS YOU CRAZY?!” I took a deep breath trying to ignore its overzealous ass.


I was thinking this whole shit was wrong as Dallas grabbed my belt buckle.


I was telling myself not to do it as Dallas unzipped my jeans.


I was trying to override my horny overdrive as Dallas kneeled down in front of me.


I was trying to keep the nigga inside me in check as she pulled my jeans down below my ass cheeks freeing the beast from its cotton cage.

“THAT’S WHAT I’M TALKIN’ BOUT NIGGA LET ME OUT!” My dick said stiffening up.

I gripped the can in my hand tensing up as my ex girlfriend blew her warm breath on the tip of my pink pulsating head. Her moist mouth was inches away from my cock.

“Jus’ relax baby and let me work on you.” She whispered into the hard mic.

Out of the blue I felt a vibrating sensation on my right ass cheek followed by Eric B and Rakim’s Paid in Full song. My cell phone was ringing. The unexpected interruption snatched both of us out of the lustful moment we were in giving a brief flash of horny free clarity. I fumbled to retrieve my phone before the voice mail answered it for me. I looked down at Dallas as I answered it.


This is a call from the Lynn Wood county correctional facility from Angelique who is an inmate. Please press the pound key if you would like to accept the call or the star key to decline
.” The automated voice instructed.

I pressed the pound key and stepped back from a still kneeling Dallas with my disappointed dick still outside of its cage.

Angelique’s sultry voice came over the line, “Hey baby. What you doin’?”

“I’m good, jus’ hangin’ out in the kitchen.”

“Oh ok, where’s Khari?”

“She’s safe.”

These calls were recorded so I didn’t wanna give too much information on an open line.

“What do you mean she’s safe, where is she?”

“She’s safe babe. You gotta jus’ leave it at that.”

“What. Where is my child Tyce and why don’t you have her with you?” The concern in her voice rose with each passing second.

“I have a few things to do, so I had G watch her for a few days.”

I hope she got the code I used for Gloria’s name and didn’t press the issue any further.

Angelique calmed down a little. “Oh ok, I thought I was gonna hafta bust outta here and spank you.” She joked.

“Naw, you know I can handle shit, I got my daddy on.” I chuckled.

Dallas stood up and started stroking my throbbing dick with her hand. My bare ass clenched as I backed out of her reach. I stuffed my dick inside my jeans concealing the temptation from her wanting eyes.

“I know you can handle shit. I was jus’ callin’ to check on you two.”

Angelique was silent. I could hear the long sigh as she searched for her next words.

“You ok babe?” I asked zipping up my pants.

“I would say yes, but I’d be lying. I hate it. I gotta get outta here Tyce. I can’t stand this place. It stinks, the bitches stink, the food stinks. I don’t belong here! And you’ll never guess who my cell mate is!”

“Who?” I raised my eyebrows.

“Tasha’s stank ass!”

I searched my mental rolodex to match the name with a face.

“Omar’s Tasha?” My voice raised an octave.

“The one and only. She came in a few days ago talkin’ bout she still wants you and how fine you are. The bony bitch tried to make me jealous. I started to stomp the shit outta her but I stopped myself. I couldn’t believe it. Of all the chicks in

California I had to be shacked up with this bitch.”

“Wow, that is a trip. I thought she was in Vegas.” I said surprised.

“I thought so too but I guess not. I asked around and she got arrested on an assault and battery charge on some nigga she was with.”

“Damn, well jus’ try and keep your cool. You’ll be outta there in no time.” I tried to reassure her.

Angelique huffed. “Tyce, it don’t look too good for me. The judge denied my motion for bail. They tryna give me 10 years in prison behind this shit. I don’t even know who the fuck set me up, but I can’t risk goin’ to trial on some shit I didn’t do!”

My heart went out to her. I could tell she was getting upset. Little did she know, but I was working things out so she wouldn’t have to go to punk ass trial.

“I know babe. Hey, did you get that trustee spot?” I changed subjects keeping the conversation upbeat and non-suspicious.

“Yeah, I got trash detail, but at least I get to go outside for a few hours a day.”

I grinned.
“That’s real good news babe, real good.”

“Yeah I was happy about it. I guess in this jacked up situation you gotta be happy for the little things. Speakin’ of little things I miss my little girl sooooo much. Give her a big kiss for me.”

Angelique’s voice started cracking with emotion.

“Hey hey hey, don’t cry now babe, like I said you’ll be out in no time and be able to kiss her yourself, jus’ keep ya head up.”

“I’m tryin’ baby. I’m tryin’, but it aint easy. I can’t spend ten years in prison. I keep prayin’ to God and it seems like he aint listenin’ to me. I don’t know what else to do.” The tears started to flow. “It’s like God took a day off and the devil is workin’ over time.”

“Yeah the devil might be workin’ over time, but so am I, and I always get the job done.”

Angelique sniffed wiping the tears from her eyes.

“Jus’ do what you can to get me outta here.”

“I’m on it babe, don’t worry.”

“Ok, I’ll try and call you tomorrow. Be safe.”

“Always babe. I love you lots.” I kissed the phone speaker.

Angelique made a kissing sound with her full lips, not wanting to touch the nasty germ riddled phone.

“I love you too baby.”

The brief phone call ended and I stood in the kitchen looking at a still nude Dallas. A wicked smile spread across her face.

“Look at you being all supportive. She’s havin’ a hard time in jail huh?”

“Yeah, but she’ll be alright.”

Dallas nodded her head. “I know she will. I jus’ feel so bad for her.”

I pointed to the hallway with my finger.

“The shower is that way Dallas and after you’re done you need to leave.”

“You sure you want me to go?” She batted her brown eyes.

“Woman, if you stay here I’ma wear that pussy out so bad it’ll be an out of order sign hangin’ from your belly button, so please go.”

Dallas put her hands up in bewilderment.

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