Two Worlds Collide (An Erotic Spanking Book) (3 page)

BOOK: Two Worlds Collide (An Erotic Spanking Book)
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his huge hand would land on one cheek, completely covering it and
then on the next one. Back and forth and back and forth. It was
stinging and so painful. He was just so strong and I needed him to
quit. I couldn't take the burn and my cheeks were on fire. I was
picturing them with smoke raising up like my it had from my arm

It was
hopeless. My screams slowly subsided and crying replaced them. I weep
over his knees, no longer trying to fight him. He continued the
spanking even though it was very clear that he had won. I was laying
limply over his knees as he continued.

he stopped and lifted me to my feet. My legs were shaking so bad that
I couldn't stand on my own. He reached out and grabbed me before I
hit the floor. Then he gently laid me on the bed and sat down next to

He was
saying shh again. I knew that he wanted me to stop crying. I wasn't
even really crying. It was more of a self pity sniffling. He ran his
finger along my cheekbone while he spoke softly to me.

voice came out of nowhere making me jump. It was talking to him and
he was answering it. It could only be an intercom.

the whole ship heard me screaming? Why did I think I was on a ship I
asked myself? Because there were no windows and because I had a ship
feeling. I knew we were traveling. That only made sense but the ship
was too big for that. This was a slave ship, only the cargo was all
young women. We would be sold as sex slaves. This was all so
confusing. I cried all the more.

stopped talking to his computer and looked at me saying something
again. I didn't want to but I cried all the harder. I just wanted to
go to the other girls and to the bathroom.

I had
to go so bad that it hurt. Being spanked with my bladder pushed into
his huge hard leg hadn't helped that problem. I decided to try again.
“I have to go to the bathroom, please.”

still stared not understanding me. How could I get him to understand?
I racked my brain trying to think of something, but I couldn't think
of anything. If I didn't get a chance soon, I would be peeing on his
bed. The idea of that had my smile for a second. He smiled back at

shook my head. That smile hadn't been for him but against him. He
pulled me to him and wrapped his arms around me. I tried to push away
from him but the spanking had left me weak. In the end I was even
leaning on his chest sobbing.

still have to go to the bathroom.”

intercom started in again after I had spoken. When it was finished.
He picked me again and stood facing a wall. He said something and the
wall opened. About ten different swirls opened up and revealed a
bathroom. My eyes widen, watching the opening wall. That had him
grinning at me. He carried me in through the arched doorway and
washed my face clean. He held me with his left hand and washed my
face with his right hand.

could the same hand that had been so violent with me a couple of
minutes ago be so gentle now? Just thinking about that brought new
tears to my eyes. He washed those away too. He set me down on my feet
again and waited to see if I would fall again. I eyed the toilet over
in the corner. I looked back at him and then back at the toilet. I
wanted him to leave so I could go. He nodded but he didn't leave. I
hung my head again. I was so close to my goal and I couldn't go
because I couldn't tell him to leave.

lifted my head with his finger so he could look at me. He looked
confused again. I was still crying. He picked me up, carried me over
to the toilet and set me down on it. I yelped in pain and jumped up
again rubbing my sore behind.

He too
started rubbing my behind. He even gave me another smack before he
sat me down again. I peed instantly. I was as embarrassed as can be.

looked for toilet paper. There was none to be seen. He said something
and the toilet seemed to come alive under me. I felt warm water
washing me thoroughly and then hot air dying me. My sore bottom
didn't really appreciate that. But it was nice to be cleaned up that
way without me having to do it myself with him watching. He helped me
to my feet again when I was finished.

he sat down and peed. I guessed that toilets like this one were the
trick to getting men to sit down. He wasn't in the least embarrassed
to go in front of me. I guessed I was just a lowly servant so it
didn't matter.

took me by the hand again and led me to the door. He was marching me
out of the door again. I had taken a quick peek in the mirror, my
backside was extremely red. He wanted the others to see that? He
probably didn't care. I was just his slave.

wondered when he was going to start to ask me to get things for him.
I wouldn't understand him and he would spank me again. Again fresh
tears came to my eyes. He noticed and stopped and wiped them away.

people in the halls all bowed to him. He was taking his time walking
and spoke with everyone he meet. He said the same thing to each of
them. I was pretty sure that this was part of my punishment because
they all looked at my backside after he spoke, men and women alike.

held my hand and we went back into the huge women cleaning room. Most
were finished being washed and scanned. Four more women were sitting
by his throne.

didn't let go of my hand. He said something and a couple other slaves
came and removed the women from his throne foot area. He sat and I
stood next to him. He pulled me onto his lap. My sore behind
protested. I arched back trying to lift my behind off his lap. My
breasts arched up as I did this. He looked at my breasts for a second
before he repositioned me. He had me leaning on his chest. Everyone
had a fine view of my red backside. His hand was resting on the back
of my head, making sure my head stayed right where it was.

watched the last of the women getting cleaned up. Only one more woman
was moved aside to the others, who had been sitting around the
throne. They were all huddled over in a corner behind his throne.

others were all taken away. It resembled sheep herding the way they
were pushed away. I had a bad feeling about them. I couldn't tell why
they had been singled out. They weren't the prettiest of the women.
Nor were they the ugliest.

rescuer picked me up and set me down on the floor again. He stood up,
grab my hand and walked over to the group of women. They were huddled
so close together. They were whispering to each other saying that he
had beaten me and that he seemed to be the overlord here.

slaves showed up and pushed them into a straight line. They were all
facing forward. My rescuer looked each woman over. He even often
looked at one of them and back to me. He smiled at me. After he had
inspected all of them he said something. The women all looked at me.
I shrugged my shoulders. He gave me a mean look that scared me so
much that I took a step back and hung my head.

group of men came in. They came right over to group of women. Their
eyes roamed over their breasts and thighs. Most looked at my breasts.
I stepped behind my rescuer again. This seemed to please him. He
repeated what he had said to everyone we had meet in the halls. After
he spoke he reached behind himself and grabbed me by my shoulder and
spun me in front of him so they could all see my backside. My face
was aflame just like my backside. He let go of my hand and stepped in
front of me. I wrapped my arms around myself and hung my head in
shame. Had I just been claimed? Did they do that by spanking? This
was just too weird.

others let me be for the moment. This was the first moment I had had
alone since I was here. After a bit I looked over my shoulder. I saw
that the men weren't just looking at the women anymore they were
touching them too. It was all very indecent.

I saw
one woman spit in a man's eyes as he reached out to grab her breasts.
A guard looking man grabbed her and pulled her away from the group.
He threw her across a crate and beat her with a long thin whip-like
stick that whistled as it cut through the air.

stopped and stared. The woman screamed and tried to get up and
runaway but another guard took her hands and held her still. My
rescuer slipped his arm around my waist and held me tight as I sobbed
for the poor woman. He pet my cheek again as I shook in fear.
Whenever I turned my head away he turned it back. I had to watched
her get twenty-seven lashes. The woman was brought back to the line
when the guard was finished with her. She was shaking like a leaf. So
was I. We all were. Would that happen to me next?

rescuer stepped back to the other men. I looked for a way to escape.
No one was looking at me at the moment. I took a step back and then
another. There was a door over in the corner. The intercom voice said
something again. My rescuer turned and looked at me. His eyebrows
were pinched together as he walked over to me and grabbed my hand
again. He pulled me over to his throne, sat down and pulled me over
his lap. “No. Please don't. Stop.” My begging was pointless. He
couldn't understand me anyway.

was going to be worse than last time. There were so many people
watching. He wanted to punish me and humiliate me.

first smack landed on skin that was already so sore. I bite my tongue
not to cry out. I was able to keep silent for about the first five
smacks but then I lost all control. I screamed, begged and pleaded.
In my pain I was even naïve enough to try to bargain with him. All
to no avail. This spanking took the same course as the last one.
First after I had given up and laid limp on his lap did he stop.

turned me on his lap and cuddled me again. He was whispering
something into my ear that I couldn't understand.

a while he stood up with me still in his arms. He went back to the
men. I could hardly hold my head up. I laid it defeated on his chest.
How the other woman was able to stand there steady after her beating
impressed me. The men talked with each other as if nothing had just
happened. The women all looked just plain scared.

men stood back. My rescuer was calling them ahead one at a time. A
man would step forward and grabbed one of the women by her hand and
take off with her. I noticed that there were more women than men
here. I had to wonder what would happen to the ones left over.

men were quick in deciding. They stepped forward and grabbed one in a
matter of seconds. One woman got scared and tried to run but all the
men were big and strong like my rescuer was. The man who had chosen
her gave her a few swats on her behind before he pulled her away with
him. I was surprised when one man chose the woman who had spat at
him. He pulled a very meek woman behind him. After every man had
chosen and left, my rescuer set me down and looked at me

I felt
like all the blood had left my face. I was very weak. I had finally
stopped crying but I started in again when he looked at me so
tenderly. He took my hand again. My hand was so tiny in his. He
turned to the two women left. He said something to them and he turned
back to me. I had no idea what he was saying. I just looked into his
eyes. They were dark purple, almost black. That wasn't possible. I
had never heard of anyone having eyes that color. Why was I just
noticing that now. I had clearly been traumatized.

looked at him even more closely. He was so strongly built that it was
hard to look past that to see that he well tanned and had a reddish
brown hair, supporting my devil theory. His face was hairless. It
wasn't shaved off. It had never grown there. He was wearing clothes
that screamed outdoors. I think they were out of leather. They had
been soft as I laid over his knees. They were pulled tight over his
muscles. He was bare foot.

looked at him confused. He gave me a similar look back. More men were
coming in again. He pushed me to the side and raised his hand like he
was going to strike me. He didn't. Instead he pointed to the floor
and raised his hand again. The meaning could only be – stay put or
I will hit you again.

nodded at him. That made him smile. He went over to the other men and
explained this and that. He pointed at the two women a lot. Six men
and two women how was he going to settle that. That was when I
realized that I wasn't to be fought ever. My rescuer didn't look like
the kind to share.

I was
surprised when three of the men just left. They had looked at the two
women and shook their heads. My rescuer grabbed one woman by her
upper arm and pulled her forward. One of the men stepped forward. He
grabbed her by the hand and took her out.

rescuer grabbed the last woman and pulled her forward. The two men
argued over her. My rescuer shoved her towards one of the men and he
took off with her. The other man turned and looked at me for a
second. My rescuer barked something at him and he bowed to me and

looked at my rescuer. What would happen now? He turned and looked at
me. He looked me up and down. Just like the machine had done. He
reached out and touched my face again. He said something that I
didn't understand.

wanted to cry again. I was afraid that he would beat me again. Well,
after watching that poor woman get whipped I had to turn down what
had happened to me by a couple of knots. I had gotten a spanking like
a child would. Is that what my rescuer wanted from me, a child to
spank? The other men had played with the breasts of the other women.

hadn't. Instead he had washed me before but he hadn't done it in a
way that would lead to anything else. He took me by my hand and
walked slowly through the halls. We were going someplace new. My
heart was beating like crazy. He took me into a room that had tables
set up in a U-form. He sat down in the very middle of the 'U' and
pulled me onto his lap again. I cried at the pain of sitting but I
didn't twist around this time. I wanted to learn out of my mistakes.

BOOK: Two Worlds Collide (An Erotic Spanking Book)
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