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Authors: Rachel Caine

Two Weeks' Notice

BOOK: Two Weeks' Notice
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“One hell of a first novel in what looks to be a must-buy urban fantasy series. From [a] world-building and plotting perspective,
Working Stiff
completely rocks.”

—The Book Smugglers

“Caine’s imaginative new series starts with a bang as she puts a frightening new twist to corporate greed and zombies. Fast-paced and full of surprises, this is one exciting thrill ride packed with both the best and worst of human behavior.”

—Monsters and Critics

“A fun, thrilling new series…. Bryn is a capable and multifaceted heroine…a great new take on the popular ‘zombie’ subgenre. Even more interesting, perhaps, is the way Caine has her characters show respect for the dead—something that’s missing from nearly every zombie book I’ve ever read. Well-done, indeed.”


“Completely engaging and impossible to put down. This unusual, macabre tale will attract both urban fantasy and zombie fans alike.”

“An utterly fascinating and unique plot in the urban fantasy arena…. It will draw you in and not let you go until the very last page.”

—Bitten by Books

Working Stiff
has an interesting story line and there isn’t a brain-eating zombie in sight. Conspiracy upon conspiracy made for a good read.”

—Night Owl Reviews

“[Caine] gives us another strong leading female character who has the right balance of emotion to kick ass to make her come off of the pages as real to the reader.…
Working Stiff
has a steady pulse, pulling the reader from beginning to end to see how it all turns out.”

—Fresh Fiction

“The opening of Rachel Caine’s newest urban fantasy series is a terrific chemical zombie thriller…. Fans will relish Bryn’s adventures in death and life.”

—Alternative Worlds

“From page one,
Working Stiff
was a wonderful surprise…. Bryn’s careful, quiet personality is so winning and fierce, I was captivated.”

—All Things Urban Fantasy

“A smart zombie novel that goes beyond the typical reanimation explorations and delves into the world of big Pharma and corporate takeover…. This series is shaping up to be a very rewarding and interesting new addition to the urban fantasy genre.”

—Alpha Reader

“An intriguing new twist on the zombie mythology…. If you’re looking for a twisty, fast-paced escapist read, hop on the Revivalist train and settle down with
Working Stiff
. You can say, ‘I was a fan from the start,’ because if Caine can keep the suspense flowing in future books, this story has HBO series written all over it.”

Fort Worth Weekly


“The forecast calls for…a fun read…. You’ll never watch the Weather Channel the same way again.”

—Jim Butcher, #1
New York Times
bestselling author of
the Dresden Files

“With chick lit dialogue and rocket-propelled pacing, Rachel Caine takes the Weather Wardens to places the Weather Channel never imagined!”

—Mary Jo Putney

“A fast-paced thrill ride [that] brings new meaning to stormy weather.”


“A tale that’s sure to keep fans at the edge of their seats…a must read.”

—Darque Reviews

“[Caine] invents new and interesting ways to ramp up the tension and the stakes…another excellent entry in a series that’s been consistently enjoyable all along.”

—The Green Man Review

“The Weather Warden books are an addictive force of nature that will suck you in.”

News and Sentinel
(Parkersburg, WV)

“Exhilarating…The story line is fast-paced and filled with plenty of magical action….Rachel Caine provides another terrific tale in one of the stronger urban fantasies on the market today.”

Midwest Book Review

“Chaos has never been so intriguing as when Rachel Caine shapes it into the setting of a story. Each book in this series has built in intensity and fascination.”

—Huntress Book Reviews

“Rachel Caine is still going strong, throwing one curveball after another as she continues to shake up the status quo. She successfully maintains a sense of impending doom and escalating tension as the stakes get ever higher….I really like this series, because it’s urban fantasy that…tell[s] something exciting and original and ever-changing.”

—SF Site

“The action never stops, and like every other book in the series, this is a roller-coaster ride through all the elements Mother Nature can throw at Jo.”

—ParaNormal Romance

Total Eclipse
presents a fantastic culmination of the action, angst, danger and romance of the entire series.”

—Fresh Fiction



Ill Wind

Heat Stroke

Chill Factor



Thin Air

Gale Force

Cape Storm

Total Eclipse







Working Stiff

Two Weeks’ Notice


Glass Houses

The Dead Girls’ Dance

Midnight Alley

Feast of Fools

Lord of Misrule

Carpe Corpus

Fade Out

Kiss of Death

Ghost Town

Bite Club

Last Breath

Black Dawn



Rachel Caine



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Copyright © Roxanne Longstreet Conrad, 2012

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ISBN: 978-1-101-59434-6


Printed in the United States of America


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To my dear friend, and superhero, Rosemary Clement-
Moore. Just because.


So many lovely people have been enthusiastic and supportive, but I have to give a special shout-out to Sarah Weiss, whose eleventh-hour text messages were absolutely wonderful. Thanks for the candles, Sarah, particularly the one for Our Lady of Deadlines. I’m burning it at both ends!

And to my family and friends who suffered through the dreaded Deadline During Christmas again. Thanks for sticking with me. Again.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
BOOK: Two Weeks' Notice
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