Two Wanted Men [Badlands 2] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour) (6 page)

BOOK: Two Wanted Men [Badlands 2] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour)
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“That looks good.” Reese bent at the waist, leaned his head around her body and fastened his mouth to her other breast.

Miranda looked down and watched as they each sucked on her nipples. The low curl of arousal in her belly intensified to the point she wasn’t sure she could stay on her feet. She placed a hand on each man’s head to pull them tighter against her breasts.

They each sucked harder and a gush of fluid soaked her lower lips. She wanted to have sex again. Her pussy tightened with desire. She wanted to experience the arousing feel of another cock deeply embedded and pounding in her body. Reese would have her this time. She couldn’t wait.

“Reese,” her whispered plea broke his hold on her nipple. “I want you.”

He stood and kissed her mouth as Luke continued sucking on her breast. Reese put his hand on her breast for only a moment as he kissed her. He slid it down between her legs and stroked the hot button of exquisite pleasure that Luke had rubbed earlier.

“I want you, too.”

Luke released her breast. “Why don’t you put her on the bed? I’d love to watch you on top of her, Reese.”

“Yes. Perfect.”

Luke pulled her sheets down all the way and stretched out on the far side of her bed. Miranda climbed in bed next to him and onto her back. Reese started taking his clothes off slowly as she watched. Luke trailed his fingers lazily up and down her body stopping to pluck her nipples as Reese pushed the last of his garments to the floor.

She’d seen a naked man before, of course, but never one put together so well. From what she saw of Luke when she stitched him up, he was very well muscled. Reese was just as perfectly well built. Where Luke had sandy hair and light eyes, Reese was the opposite. Dark hair sprinkled across his chest and torso including an intriguing line that ended in a patch surrounding his long, thick cock.

“Like what you see?”

Miranda smiled and nodded.

Reese climbed onto the bed and over her body. He carefully positioned himself directly above her on hands and knees. His head dipped down to clasp a nipple between his lips as Luke slid his hand between her legs to stroke her clit. Having two men touch her and arouse her was thrilling. She wondered a moment at whether she’d dreamed this whole episode, but her dreams weren’t this vivid.

The lazy pull of suction from Reese’s mouth sent another gush of moisture spiraling out of her pussy. The wiry hair from one of his legs brushed against the inside of one thigh sending a tingle of sensation all the way to her belly. The spicy masculine scent of the both of them vied for attention. She turned her head to stare at Luke. He smiled and lowered his mouth to kiss her as he continued to stroke her clitoris.

A heart-pounding sensation rose in the center of her body. The same feeling she’d had with Luke when he rubbed her clit as she impaled herself repeatedly on his cock. That same feeling of rapturous bliss was building again with each stroke of his finger across her clit. It felt so very good to be touched and loved.

The very idea that she was in bed with two men sent her arousal through the roof. With only two more strokes of his calloused finger, Miranda broke the tender kiss with Luke to arch her back and squeal in delighted climax. The pulsing sensation traveled from the top of her head to the tips of her toes and back again. Reese remained above her, head bent and sucking her nipple as she got hold of herself. She flattened her body back onto the bed and waited to see what would happen next.

Reese broke the connection with her breast and murmured, “Sounds like you’re ready for me to slide my cock inside your hot, wet pussy.”

The words were coarse, but that also aroused her. “Yes. I’m very ready. Take me. I want to feel you inside me.”

The tip of his cock grazed her sensitive clitoris before he pushed deeply inside.

He lowered his head and a rush of breath washed over her chest. “Damn, you’re tight.”

“Go easy,” Luke whispered. “She’s new at this.”

Reese stilled his hips and looked into her eyes. “How new?”

Miranda felt it only right to answer the question herself. “Downstairs with Luke was my first time. This is my second.”

Reese’s expression tightened. He twisted an unforgiving gaze to Luke and opened his mouth as if to respond, but Miranda put a palm up to his cheek and turned his focus back on her. “He didn’t know until it was too late. I didn’t say anything. I was afraid he wouldn’t go through with it and I wanted to try it so very much. Don’t be angry with him.”

Reese’s stern expression softened. “Are you too sore for me to continue?” His concern was endearing. She’d never met two more charming men in her life.

“No. Not at all. You feel…glorious.” She grinned. “Please don’t stop.”

His eyes slid shut and a groan escaped as he pushed his cock all the way inside. “You feel so goddamned good.”

Miranda widened her thighs to give him easier access. He pulled his wide cock out and thrust inside harder than before wrenching a pleasurable moan from her lips.

“Kiss me,” Miranda pushed her lips against Reese’s mouth and he stabbed his tongue inside to the same rhythm as he pierced her with his impressive cock. The friction of the connection was especially satisfying. He stroked inside as deeply as Luke had done earlier. She also liked this position.

Reese covered her from ankles to chest, but rested his weight on bended elbows. The near embrace cocooned her in masculine warmth. He kissed her aggressively for several long moments as he pumped his cock in and out of her slick pussy. Another passionate release built low in her body. And through it all, she was very aware of Luke watching them close by on the same bed.

Her heart pounded with seemingly the same force as thunder. With each deep penetration of Reese’s cock, Miranda felt wickedly possessed, giddy with joy over the idea that a man was slaking his lust and delighted to be experiencing an act she’d only dreamed about before.

A streak of warmth radiated inside from belly to heart each time his cock struck the end of her pussy. She lifted her hips off the bed matching his thrusts for a deeper connection.

A few strokes later and a rush of pleasure enveloped the inside of her body as she climaxed hard once again. Her body stiffened momentarily as a moan escaped her throat in bliss. Reese’s mouth slid off her lips to kiss and nibble on her shoulder. Miranda turned her head and gazed lovingly into Luke’s intense eyes.

Reese’s thrusts sped up and after a few moments, he pushed deeply inside and groaned against her shoulder. Luke leaned down to kiss her gently. Reese pumped inside only a few more strokes before slumping onto her limp body.

“That was amazing,” she managed to say as she panted trying to catch her breath.

Luke grinned. “And very arousing to watch. You’re so beautiful when you come.”

Reese turned his head, kissed the base of her throat and added, “Astonishing is what it was. Nothing less than astonishing. And by the way, she’s beautiful before and after she comes, too.”

“You’re right. She’s just beautiful all the time.”

“I don’t know where you two are from, but I never want you to leave.” Miranda sighed and her eyes drifted shut. The loving gaze of two men was her last vision before nodding off.

* * * *

Luke and Reese exchanged surprised glances as their lovely bedmate promptly closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep. She was so exquisite. Tall and willowy with dark hair and wide blue eyes, she was perfect.

“We should ask her to come with us.” Luke knew it was a blatantly shocking thing to say given their particular past with sharing a woman, but he meant it from the depths of his soul. Miranda Herrington, the doctor’s daughter, was ideal for them.

“I agree. We should definitely ask, but don’t get your hopes up. She may not want to leave her home. She may not want to move into the ‘uncivilized west’, either.”

Luke pushed out a long sigh. Reese was right. They’d already gone through this once before when they’d left their hometowns back east. Serving as lawmen in two small towns close by for the past twelve years had forged their friendship. Leaving behind the woman they’d shared for the better part of last year had been difficult.

Eileen hadn’t wanted to travel to the Badlands of South Dakota in the first place, however she’d promised to try living with them out there for a year. She had already served as secret lover to each of them for six months prior to them finding out about each other by accident. It had been a surprise to learn he wasn’t the only man in her affections, but she told them she wouldn’t choose.

Luke had so much respect for Reese, he planned to bow out and let Reese continue his relationship with her. However, Reese suggested they simply continue to share her as the best solution. Two months later, and after showing up on the same night at her request, they’d spent another several months sharing Eileen at the same time.

Not surprisingly, Luke and Reese hadn’t been jealous once they’d found out. It had been a relief to Luke since he and Reese had been talking about going out west for years once they got tired of being shot at. Luke wanted to ask her to go, but didn’t want it to be awkward for Reese to be without a woman.

Once they were both sharing her bed, it seemed perfect that she’d go with them and forge a life on the land they’d already purchased. Two hundred acres of partially wooded land waited for them to farm or ranch, or whatever they decided to do.

A month before they’d packed up to leave, Eileen had sent a note to each of them declining to go and favoring a different lifestyle altogether. Instead of settling down with them, she moved into a local whorehouse to share many more men than just the two of them and get paid to boot.

Luke and Reese had gone to visit her before they left to make sure the note hadn’t been a joke. With an arm around the necks of two drunken townsmen, who spent the whole time pawing at her breasts, Eileen informed them heartlessly that she didn’t want to move out to the “uncivilized west” for only two men.

While they stood centered in the parlor’s garish red décor of her new address, Luke and Reese learned that Eileen hadn’t been exclusive to just the two of them after all. A hard lesson ultimately, but better to find out before they left with her than afterwards.

“Maybe it would be different with Miranda. Maybe the two of us would be enough to keep her happy.” Luke brushed a dark lock of her hair away from her hairline to reveal the hidden side of her beautiful face.

Reese stared down at her with a rare soft expression. “Undoubtedly. But like I said before, don’t get your hopes up.”

“She’s not Eileen.”

“No. She’s better. And she doesn’t deserve undue pressure.”

Luke nodded. Reese was right. “We’ll ask, but if she says no, then I won’t bring it up again.”

Reese nodded and sent his gaze to the beautiful woman beneath him.

She sighed in her sleep and Luke’s heart melted a little bit more. It was the first time in a long time that he seriously considered the extreme pleasure of them sharing a woman again. And this time would be so much better.

Chapter Five

Miranda stirred awake from a deep slumber unable to move her arms and legs. Panicked a little at being trapped, she woke enough to realize that she was sandwiched between two large men.

She sucked in a deep breath ready to let loose an ear-piercing scream, until her memory seeped in and the surprising evening with Luke and Reese filled her mind and quieted her need to shriek. Luke’s chest on her right and Reese’s back on her left, Miranda was cocooned between warm, masculine flesh. A sigh of appreciation escaped her lips as the sensual memories flooded her brain.

Luke’s head popped up. “Are you all right, darlin’?”

“Yes. I’m just not used to anyone else sleeping with me. It’s a little startling to wake up to someone else in your bed let alone two of you.”

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