Twittering from the Circus of the Dead

BOOK: Twittering from the Circus of the Dead
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Twittering from

the Circus of the Dead

A Story


Twittering from the Circus of the Dead

What is Twitter?

“Twitter is a service for friends, family, and co-workers to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing? . . . Answers must be under 140 characters in length and can be sent via mobile texting, instant message, or the Web.”


I'm only trying this because I'm so bored I wish I was dead. Hi Twitter. Want to know what I'm doing? Screaming inside.

8:17 PM – 28 Feb from Tweetie

My, didn't that sound melodramatic.

8:19 PM – 28 Feb from Tweetie

Lets try this again. Hello Twitterverse. I am Blake and Blake is me. What am I doing? Counting seconds.

8:23 PM – 28 Feb from Tweetie

Only about 50,000 more until we pack up and finish what is hopefully the last family trip of my life.

8:25 PM – 28 Feb from Tweetie

It's been all downhill since we got to Colorado. And I don't mean on my snowboard.

8:27 PM – 28 Feb from Tweetie

We were supposed to spend the break boarding and skiing but it's too cold and won't stop snowing so we had to go to plan B.

8:29 PM – 28 Feb from Tweetie

Plan B is Mom and I face off in a contest to see who can make the other cry hot tears of rage and hate first.

8:33 PM – 28 Feb from Tweetie

I'm winning. All I have to do to make Mom leave the room at this point is walk into it. Wait, I'm walking into the room where she is now . . .

8:35 PM – 28 Feb from Tweetie

She's such a mean bitch.

10:11 PM – 28 Feb from Tweetie

@caseinSD, @bevsez, @harmlesspervo yay my real friends! I miss San Diego. Home soon.

10:41 PM – 28 Feb from Tweetie

@caseinSD Hell no I'm not afraid Mom is going to read any of this. She's never going to know about it.

10:46 PM – 28 Feb from Tweetie

After she made me take down my blog, it's not like I'm ever going to tell her.

10:48 PM – 28 Feb from Tweetie

You know what bitchy thing she said to me a couple hours ago? She said the reason I don't like Colorado is because I can't blog about it.

10:53 PM – 28 Feb from Tweetie

She's always saying the Net is more real for me and my friends than the world. For us nothing really happens till someone blogs about it.

10:55 PM – 28 Feb from Tweetie

Or writes about it on their Facebook page. Or at least sends an instant message about it. She says the internet is “life validation.”

10:55 PM – 28 Feb from Tweetie

Oh and we don't go online because it's fun. She has this attitude that people socially network 'cause they're scared to die. It's deep.

10:58 PM – 28 Feb from Tweetie

She sez no one ever blogs their own death. No one instant-messages about it. No one's Facebook status ever says “dead.”

10:59 PM – 28 Feb from Tweetie

So for online people, death doesn't happen. People go online to hide from death and wind up hiding from life. Words right from her lips.

11:01 PM – 28 Feb from Tweetie

Shit like that, she ought to write fortune cookies for a living. You see why I want to strangle her. With an ethernet cable.

11:02 PM – 28 Feb from Tweetie

Little bro asked if I could blog about him having sex with a certain goth girl from school to make it real, but no one laughed.

11:06 PM – 28 Feb from Tweetie

I told Mom, no, the reason I hate Colorado is 'cause I'm stuck with her and it's all waaaaay too real.

11:09 PM – 28 Feb from Tweetie

And she said that was progress and got this smug bitch look on her face and then Dad threw down his book & left the room.

11:11 PM – 28 Feb from Tweetie

I feel worst for him. A few more months and I'm gone forever, but he's stuck with her for life and all her anger and the rest of it.

11:13 PM – 28 Feb from Tweetie

I'm sure he wishes he just got us plane tickets now. Suddenly our van is looking like the setting for a cage-match duel to the death.

11:15 PM – 28 Feb from Tweetie

All of us jammed in together for 3 days. Who will emerge alive? Place your bets, ladies and germs. Personally I predict no survivors.

11:19 PM – 28 Feb from Tweetie

Arrr. Fuck. Shit. It was dark when I went to bed and it is dark now and Dad says it's time to leave. This is so terribly wrong.

6:21 AM – 1 Mar from Tweetie

We're going. Mom gave the condo a careful search to make sure nothing got left behind, which is how she found me.

7:01 AM – 1 Mar from Tweetie

Damn, knew I needed a better hiding place.

7:02 AM – 1 Mar from Tweetie

Dad just said the whole trip ought to take between 35 and 40 hours. I offer this as conclusive proof there is no God.

7:11 AM – 1 Mar from Tweetie

Tweeting just to piss Mom off. She knows if I'm typing something on my phone, I'm obviously engaged in sin.

7:23 AM – 1 Mar from Tweetie

I'm expressing myself and staying in touch with my friends, and she hates it. Whereas if I was knitting and unpopular . . .

7:25 AM – 1 Mar from Tweetie

. . . then I'd be just like her when she was 17. And I'd also marry the first guy who came along and get knocked up by 19.

7:25 AM – 1 Mar from Tweetie

Coming down the mountain in the snow. Coming down the mountain in the snow. 1 more hairpin turn and my stomach's gonna blow . . .

7:30 AM – 1 Mar from Tweetie

My contribution to this glorious family moment is going to come when I barf on my little brother's head.

7:49 AM – 1 Mar from Tweetie

If we wind up in a snowbank and have a Donner Party, I know whose ass they'll be chewing on first. Mine.

7:52 AM – 1 Mar from Tweetie

Of course my survival skillz would amount to Twittering madly for someone to rescue us.

7:54 AM – 1 Mar from Tweetie

Mom would make a slingshot out of rubber from the tires, kill squirrels with it, make a fur bikini out of 'em, and be sad when we were rescued.

7:56 AM – 1 Mar from Tweetie

Dad would go out of his mind because we'd have to burn his books to stay warm.

8:00 AM – 1 Mar from Tweetie

Eric would put on a pair of my pantyhose. Not to stay warm. Just 'cause my little brother wants to wear my pantyhose.

8:00 AM – 1 Mar from Tweetie

I wrote that last bit 'cause Eric was looking over my shoulder.

8:02 AM – 1 Mar from Tweetie

But the sick bastard said wearing my pantyhose is the closest he'll probably come to getting laid in high school.

8:06 AM – 1 Mar from Tweetie

He's completely gross but I love him.

8:06 AM – 1 Mar from Tweetie

Mom taught him to knit while we were snowed in here in happy CO and he knitted himself a cocksock, and then she was sorry.

8:11 AM – 1 Mar from Tweetie

I miss my blog, which she had no right to make me take down.

8:13 AM – 1 Mar from Tweetie

But Twittering is better than blogging because my blog always made me feel like I should have interesting ideas to blog about.

8:14 AM – 1 Mar from Tweetie

But on Twitter every post can only be 140 letters long. Which is enough room to cover every interesting thing to ever happen to me.

8:15 AM – 1 Mar from Tweetie

True. Check it out.

8:15 AM – 1 Mar from Tweetie

Born. School. Mall. Cell phone. Driver's permit. Broke my nose playing trapeze at 8–there goes the modeling career. Need to lose 10 lbs.

8:19 AM – 1 Mar from Tweetie

Think that covers it.

8:20 AM – 1 Mar from Tweetie

It's snowing in the mountains but not down here, snow falling in the sunlight in a storm of gold. Good-bye beautiful mountains.

9:17 AM – 1 Mar from Tweetie

Hello not so beautiful Utah desert. Utah is brown and puckered like Judy Kennedy's weird nipples.

9:51 AM – 1 Mar from Tweetie

@caseinSD Yes she does have weird nipples. And it doesn't make me a lesbo for noticing. Everyone notices.

10:02 AM – 1 Mar from Tweetie

Sagebrush!!!!!! W00T!

11:09 AM – 1 Mar from Tweetie

Now Eric is trying on my pantyhose. He's bored. Mom thinks it's funny, but Dad is stressed.

12:20 PM – 1 Mar from Tweetie

Dared Eric to wear a skirt in the diner to get our takeout. Dad says no. Mom is still laughing.

12:36 PM – 1 Mar from Tweetie

I promised him if he does it I'll invite a certain hot goth to the pool party in April so he can see her in her tacky bikini.

12:39 PM – 1 Mar from Tweetie

There's no way he'll do it.

12:42 PM – 1 Mar from Tweetie

ZOMG hes doing it. Dad is going into the diner with him to make sure he isn't killed by offended Mormons.

12:44 PM – 1 Mar from Tweetie

Eric came back alive. Eric saves the day. I'm actually glad to be in the van right now.

12:59 PM – 1 Mar from Tweetie

Dad says Eric sat at the bar and talked football with this big trucker guy. Trucker guy was fine with the skirt and pantyhose.

1:03 PM – 1 Mar from Tweetie

He's still wearing it. The skirt. He's probably a total closet tranny. Sicko. Course that would be fun. We could shop together.

1:45 PM – 1 Mar from Tweetie

@caseinSD Yes we do have to invite a certain goth to the pool party now. She probably won't even come. I think sunlight burns her.

2:09 PM – 1 Mar from Tweetie

Every time I start to fall asleep, the van hits a bump and my head falls off the seat.

11:01 PM – 1 Mar from Tweetie

Trying to sleep.

11:31 PM – 1 Mar from Tweetie

I give up trying to sleep.

1:01 AM – 2 Mar from Tweetie

Oh fuck Eric. He's asleep and he looks like he's having a wet dream about a certain goth chick.

1:07 AM – 2 Mar from Tweetie

Meanwhile I'd have a better chance of sleeping if there were only steel pins inserted under my eyelids.

1:09 AM – 2 Mar from Tweetie

I'm so happy right now. I just want to hold this moment for as long as I can.

6:11 AM – 2 Mar from Tweetie

I just want to be home. I hate Mom. I hate everyone in the van. Including myself.

8:13 AM – 2 Mar from Tweetie

Okay. This is why I was happy earlier. It was 4 in the morning and Mom pulled into a rest area and then she came and got me.

10:21 AM – 2 Mar from Tweetie

She said it was my turn to drive. I said my permit is only for driving in Cali, and she said just get behind the wheel.

10:22 AM – 2 Mar from Tweetie

She told me if I got pulled over to wake her up and we'd switch and everything would be all right.

10:23 AM – 2 Mar from Tweetie

So she went to sleep in the passenger seat and I drove. We were down in the desert and the sun came up behind me.

10:25 AM – 2 Mar from Tweetie

And then there were coyotes in the road. In the red sunlight. They were all over the interstate, and I stopped so I wouldn't hit them.

BOOK: Twittering from the Circus of the Dead
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