Twisted Pursuits (5 page)

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Authors: Krystal Morrison

BOOK: Twisted Pursuits
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, her brain screamed as her fingers groped through the stack of papers on her desk for the item in question. She checked her watch, it was four o’clock and Jordan would be there any minute now. She sighed heavily; everything seemed to be going wrong at the moment. It had been three weeks since she had been working at the hotel on weekends and everything was going fine there at least. Her first performance had been nerve rattling but Jordan had been there to help her through it. She had been so worried that he wouldn’t show as she had tried unsuccessfully to contact him to explain after their confrontation in front of the band the evening before.

She smiled at the memory of him appearing at the last minute when she was about to lose her mind at singing in front of so many strangers. He had told her she looked beautiful and not to worry as everyone would love her performance and he’d stayed throughout her entire performance offering silent courage and support. It had been like that throughout all her other shows except he’d just turn up in the middle of a performance and disappear hurriedly afterwards.

Their relationship, if one could call it that, was heading downhill and even though they continued their usual routine of seeing each other daily, the atmosphere around them was strained with unspoken questions. She’d wondered if he had misinterpreted what he had seen with Nickolas that night but each time she had tried to explain, something would get in the way and she would forget.  They were having dinner at her favorite Chinese restaurant one evening when he announced that his parents were here for a few weeks and he had told his mother about her and she was insisting on meeting her. She had been confounded but he had convinced her it was nothing to worry about; so he had selected tonight for the excursion.

She decided for the millionth time not to dwell on it as the state she and Jordan were in was becoming depressing for her; besides good things were happening, she comforted herself. Anna was getting married, finally, Lauren thought, as she knew Daren had asked her on her last birthday and even though she had accepted she had insisted they keep it between them until Anna graduated, however he had asked again and Anna had accepted and they would be married in two weeks.
She had finally located the item she had been searching for when Sandy appeared in her office, a smug smile on her face. She shoved a newspaper in Lauren’s face and as she studied it, her worst fears materialized.

“It seems Mr. Lover boy is not so in love after all”, the other girl said pleasantly, “and in case    you’re wondering, that was taken last night”.

It was a picture of Jordan with a brunette wearing a tight little black dress, hanging on to his arm. The woman was very beautiful with long graceful limbs and startling grey eyes. It seemed Jordan had found a more pleasing and willing woman to replace her; if she was ever the ‘her’ in his life.

Sandy’s harsh laugh pulled her from her thoughts, “I can’t believe you thought a little virgin such as
yourself could satisfy a man of his appetite”.

The other woman’s words hit her like a bulldozer in her chest; she refocused on the picture instead of staring at the triumph on Sandy’s face. There was an article which listed several prominent women he had dated over the years as well as others who weren’t so popular, and hinted that there might be something going on with the couple in the picture.

“You were a virgin, weren’t you?” Sandy jeered, then scoffed, “might still be”.

Lauren’s face grew scarlet with shame and rage as the other woman threw the truth in her face.

“That’s none of your business”, Lauren said stiffly, “now please get out of my office”.

“Oh my God!
I’m right, aren’t I”, Sandy exclaimed, her face clouding with distaste, “Jordan must have been disgusted”.

That said the other woman turned and stormed from the office. Lauren felt like the smallest creature on the face of the earth; how could Jordan do this to her.

She wanted to scream and shout her hurt but she couldn't give Sandy that satisfaction, so she arranged the items on her desk as best she could with shaking fingers, grabbed her handbag and headed for the door. She would have to get a taxi as she doubted Jordan was coming to take her to the hotel. She was making her way through the parking lot on trembling legs when to her utter disbelief and bewilderment Jordan’s car stopped at her feet.

He opened the door for her; she thought for a second about telling him to go to hell but concluded that it would seem childish. She got in and sat awkwardly in her chair, afraid that if she looked at him she would crumble in tears. They drove to the hotel in silence.

“I’ll wait in the lobby while you go and get changed”, he said suddenly.“What?” she asked incredulously, her voice shrill.

“I thought you might want to change before we go see my parents”, he replied sounding exasperated.

“Forgive me, I thought that was cancelled”, she said bitingly.

He frowned, “Why would you think that?”

She wanted to scream the truth of her feelings but instead remained silent.

“This is important Lauren”, he beseeched, “mother is not well and I do not wish to upset her”.

The ice that had filled her heart thawed a little, if not for him then for his mother. He had told her that his mother had always been a delicate woman as she had gone through several miscarriages before and after his birth which had brought her close to death on several occasions, and after several warnings the doctors had finally persuaded her to do a mastectomy. Over the years she had developed several gynecological issues which had even threatened her life more than once. Besides she was upset with Jordan not his parents and she could be courteous, despite all else.

“I’ll go”, she responded resignedly and he visible relaxed.

She scolded herself for being selfish, the older woman had nothing to do with her own misery; it was as a result of her own making. Tonight she would tell him, she resolved, that she couldn’t see him anymore. She couldn’t bear it, this unbearable pain, the distance between them, the fear of sharing him with other women. Yet how could she live without him; she looked across at his magnificent face and her heart shattered and a tear slide down her cheeks. She turned quickly to stare at the waves crashing against the sea shores so he couldn't see the tears in her eyes, wishing it would calm her. The pain constricting her stomach only grew worst and she was all too happy to escape to her suite and allow the water from her shower to wash away her tears.

She was so distraught that she wasn’t even aware of what she’d chosen to wear until they were in his car making their way to his house.

“You look fabulous”, he said glancing off the road, his eyes seeming to devour her.

“Thank you”, she said her voice scratchy, as she surveyed her attire.

She was wearing a royal blue sequin evening gown that belted at her waist and flared around her legs and fell to her ankles; the V neck exposing the smooth skin of her throat and outlined the swell of her breast. She wondered why he was being kind as they both knew he wasn’t attracted to her anymore.

“Are you okay”, he asked glancing into her eyes.

“Why wouldn’t I be”, damn! It seemed the shower hadn’t prevented her eyes from getting puffy. She made a mental note to apply a little makeup as soon as she got to his house.

He shrugged nonchalantly and returned his attention to the ongoing traffic before them.

They drove a few miles outside of Ocho Rios and turned into a gated community with the most luxurious homes she had ever beheld. They took so many turns that she was sure she wouldn’t be able to find her way back on her own.

“We’re here”, he announced finally pulling into a huge three story house; night had fallen by this and it was shrouded in electric lighting.

They entered the house through a small passage leading from the garage and opened into an elaborate foyer that displayed an impressive wooden staircase. He led her into a vast living room
decorated with elaborate
furnishing, paintings she could not decipher and potted plants almost as tall as her.

“Mrs. Stewart”, he called and a rotund woman who appeared to be in her early fifties materialized in the hallway.

“Yes, Mr. Myles”, she answered.

“Please attend to Ms. McKenzie”, he instructed the woman, then to Lauren, “just give me a few minutes to shower and change”.

She nodded mutely as he disappeared through the door and she heard him mounting the stairs rapidly.

“Would you like something to drink?” Mrs. Stewart’s kindly voice prompted her.

“That’s fine”, Lauren responded, “I’ll just wait until the others get here”.

“Ok, I’ll be in the kitchen. If you need me, just call”, with that she returned the way she had come.

She sat, sifting through her scattered emotions, wondering nervously how she would eat with the lump that had formed in her throat. She was becoming more apprehensive about meeting the older Myles’ as the hour grew closer. Exactly fifteen minutes after he had left Jordan returned in cream trousers and a brown shirt that hugged his torso like a second skin. He looked so glorious that her body began to tingle with awareness.

“Dad just called”, he said looking a bit disappointed, “it appears Mom was tired after the journey from Montego Bay so they stopped at the estate for the night”.

“I guess I should be leaving then”, she could hear the disappointment in her voice; she had been looking forward to spending a few more hours in his company, as a parting gift to herself.

She looked into his eyes for the last time and something shifted within her as she turned in the direction they had come.

“Who is she”, she spun so abruptly that she almost collided with him, the question uttered before she could think about it and suddenly she had to know.

“What?” he seemed genuinely

“Don’t play dumb with me”, her voice raised an octave, “your face was plastered in the newspapers alongside her and the history of your love life”.

He marched over to her and gripped her chin, forcing her to look at him, “I was at a charity gala and I saw her there and we talked, that’s all”, he said earnestly.

“Liar!” she insisted pulling away from his grasp as her eyes pooled with tears, “do you think I’m a fool”.

“Come here baby”, his features became strained and he tried to pull her into his arms but she sidestepped him.

“Don’t you dare call me that”, she was shouting now but she didn't care, she had to will her anger to remain as her heart was begging her to believe him.

“Where is all this coming from?” he asked.

“You’re not attracted to me anymore”, she stuttered, going red at her next statement, “you haven’t even…kissed me in three weeks”.

He was upon her so fast that she didn’t have time to escape him, cupping her face in his palms, “Don’t you understand, I’m afraid to touch you because if I do, I don’t think I’ll be able to stop”.

Hope burgeoned in her heart as she met his smoldering brown eyes.

“I haven’t been able to look at another woman since I met you”, he continued, “The thought of not seeing you fills me with gloom and when I saw you with that guy from the band that night I felt murderous”.

She was astounded as she watched the play of emotions on his face and her heart soared as she found truth in his words.

“But you need to be honest with me Lauren “, his voice was soft and beseeching, “why do you freeze up whenever I touch you”.

She tried to pull free but he held her in a death grip; she averted her eyes.

“Were you hurt by a past lover”, he quizzed, stroking her hair gently, “I’ll be gentle, I promise”.

“No, it’s nothing like that”, she finally whispered.

“Then what is it”, he asked, his eyes pleading with her, “you can tell me anything Lauren”.

She began to panic, what if Sandy was right and he was disgusted by her innocence. It would be so heartbreaking to lose him when she had just gotten him back after thinking she had lost him a short while ago. She wrenched free of his arms, she couldn’t bear to see the disgust on his face, she had to leave before knew the truth.















she could reach the exit and pulled her to the hard length of his body.

His lips branded hers in a searing kiss that was almost brutal in its honesty and filled with hunger. He spun her in his arms so that her buttocks pressed into his groin; he gripped her hips and moaned in his throat. His lips were inches from the nape of her neck, his warm breath causing her body to quiver uncontrollably and her mind to cloud with desire; all thought of fleeing, forgotten.

He lingered at her ear lobes and when his lips finally touched the sensitive spot behind her ear her knees buckled and she sagged against him in sweet surrender. His soft lips trailed the length of her neck down to where her dress opened at her shoulders while his hands skimmed the length of her body.

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