Read Twisted Online

Authors: Dani Matthews

Twisted (12 page)

BOOK: Twisted
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“No problem. It's not like I
have anything else going on. I'm ignoring Cole for the weekend.”

Paige pauses and looks at me
with surprise. “You are?”

“Yeah. I don't want him
okay to hit me when he's pissed. He didn't
mean to, Paige. I saw it in his eyes and he was pretty upset afterwards.”

“He didn't mean to?” Paige
echoes, lifting her eyebrows disbelieving. “We are all in control of our
actions, mad or not. He hit you last night because he meant to.”

“Why do you hate him so

She sets the rag down and
sighs. “He's controlling. And I don't like the things he gets Blake involved
in. He's bad for Blake but Blake doesn't see it that way. He sees Cole as his
best friend and he's not going to turn his back on him just because I want him
to. Blake and I fight about this all the time and I've finally given up and I
keep my mouth shut. If I keep fighting him over Cole, eventually he's going to
choose between us, and I do not want to be on the losing end of that decision.”

“You really think he'd choose
Cole over you?” I ask with amazement.

“I swear Cole has Blake
brainwashed,” Paige mutters.

“Does Cole know you can't
stand him?”

“Oh, I'm sure. I don't think
he cares. He probably thinks it’s amusing,” Paige says flatly.

“I didn't realize your issues
with Cole run so deep. I'm probably making things worse by coming to you,” I
say quietly, not wanting to cause her any more stress.

Much to my surprise, she
reaches out and grabs my hand, her eyes sincere. “Please don't think that. You
can talk to me anytime you want,
. I don't
mind, really. Just don't expect me to have anything good to say about him,


Paige smiles. “Good. Because
it's nice to have another girl around. I like you.”

“I like you too,” I say with
a laugh and then I look at her quizzically. “Why don't you have other friends?
I’ve always been curious about that.”

Her smile instantly fades.
“Cole. He's picky about who hangs with him, especially with all the drugs he
deals. If I want to be with Blake, I have to choose him over my friends.”

“That sucks.”


Then I look at her suddenly,
my expression one of open bewilderment. “How does Cole not have a record if
he's that successful at selling drugs?”

“How would you know he
doesn't...ah, big brother ran a background check, did he? I like him already,”
Paige says approvingly.

“Figures that's all it'd take
for him to win you over,” I state dryly. “Seriously, though.”

“He's careful. Ethan's got a
record but Cole's squeaky clean. He's smarter than Ethan and calculating.
Eventually though, he's going to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I
just hope you're not with him at the time.”

“Yeah, that would not go over
very well with Tate,” I have to agree dryly.


When I get back home, I find
that Tate is gone and probably won't be back until late tonight and Noah is
most likely working. After snacking on some left over ham and cheese, I catch
sight of an iPod laying on the island counter top. I walk over and turn it on,
scanning the songs.
Hm. Not bad.

My eyes shift to the backyard
and I see the sun is still high in the sky. After last night, I'm in the mood
to relax. With Tate's iPod in hand, I head outside, and walk over to a lounge
chair and strip off my shirt so I am wearing just my black lacy bra and my jean
shorts. After kicking off my flip-flops, I sink down on the lounger to catch
some sun as I put the ear buds in my ears. Soon my body is as relaxed as can be
as I enjoy the heat of the sun on my skin. My mind drifts along with the songs
floating through my ears.

I'm not sure how much time
has passed, but I feel goose bumps rise on my skin and I feel as if someone is
watching me. My eyes open and widen when they catch sight of Noah standing next
to my lounger. “Shit! You just scared the crap out of me!” I exclaim as I yank
the ear buds out of my ears while looking up at him.

He gives me a rueful smile
and on him it's adorable. “I said your name twice. I was just contemplating
tapping your shoulder when you opened your eyes.” Those dark eyes of his drop
down to my lacy bra briefly before they lift and meet mine, brows lifting.
“Wouldn't you be more comfortable in a swimsuit?”

“I don't have one,” I say
before I glance down at my chest, making sure I'm decently covered. The lace isn't
see-through, so I'm good. My eyes shift back to him and I take in the fact that
he's wearing a nice pair of designer jeans paired with a dark red polo, and his
tanned feet are in a pair of nice flip-flops. He's dressed nice but casual.
Honestly, he looks pretty fine tonight. “Going somewhere?”

Before answering, Noah grabs
a hold of the lounger near mine and pulls it over so he can sit down. “I was
but I changed my mind and came back home.”

“Why?” I ask, setting the
iPod aside.

He shrugs. “There was someone
there that I didn't feel like being around.” Then he looks at me questioningly.
“You eat yet?”

“Not really. I've just
snacked today.”

“Let's go grab something to
eat. I'm starving and not in the mood to cook.”

“Sure,” I say immediately.
The idea of getting out of the house sounded incredibly appealing. I grab the
iPod, rise to my feet and turn to him to make sure he can read my lips. “I'll
just go change.”

He nods. “I'll wait out

I quickly hurry inside, toss
the iPod on the counter, and practically sprint up the stairs to the second
floor. Then I am digging through my closet, debating what to wear. Noah is kind
of dressed up but all my stuff happens to be pretty casual. I catch sight of
the pretty little sundress that Paige had talked me into buying last week when
I'd tagged along with her shopping. I pull it out and my eyes light up. Then
they fill with disappointment. The dress has a halter top style and I still
have dark bruises on my upper arm. I wish I had something I could wear
over...wait a minute. I dig around some more and pull out a white short-sleeve
little button up cardigan top that I could wear unbuttoned over the dress.

After quickly stripping, I
pull the dress on and then straighten the fabric that falls a few inches above
my knees. The dress is yellow with pretty little flowers on it and for once I
feel I look good. I slip on the little cardigan and then push my feet into a
pair of cute brown strappy sandals. After running a brush through my long dark
hair, I grab my purse and head downstairs.

I find myself doubting my
outfit as I walk through the kitchen. What if Noah thought I was assuming this
was a date? I hadn't thought of that. I'm too young for him and I know that. I
find him hot as hell but didn't want him thinking his housemate's sister was
crushing on him.

When I peer out the patio
doors, I see that he's still sitting on his lounge chair, his back to me as he
patiently waits. Oh, to hell with it. I look good and I'm going to enjoy it. Of
course the split lip deters from my looks, but there's nothing I can do about

After pulling the sliding
glass door open, I walk towards Noah. He must see my shadow across the patio
because he rises to his feet and turns, a warm smile on his lips. His eyes
immediately move over my sundress and he gives me an appreciative look. “You
look beautiful.”

My face actually heats up at
the compliment. I don't take compliments well. “Uh, thanks.”

He motions for me to head inside
and I turn and walk back towards the doors. Once we're in the kitchen, Noah
shuts the sliding glass door firmly. “Toss your purse on the counter. Dinner's
on me.”

After a brief hesitation, I
set the purse on the counter and then we head toward the garage. When we reach
Noah's Black Mazda 3 I sport, he opens the passenger door for me. It takes me
by surprise and after another hesitation, I carefully slide in, not wanting to
flash him too much thigh. He shuts the door and walks over to the driver's side
and climbs in. He looks at me as he slips the key in the ignition. “What are
you hungry for?”

“Anything. I'm not picky.”

Noah nods and after waiting
for the garage door to open all the way, he backs the car out into the street
and soon we are leaving the house behind. His cologne is slightly stronger
tonight and it seems to envelope me where I sit, making me relax and feel

“You can turn the radio on if
you'd like.”

I glance at him to see that his
eyes are on the road, so I don't bother answering him. I don't mind the
silence, it's actually kind of nice. Instead, I sit in the passenger seat and
try not to watch him as he drives. He's a confident driver, his movements
self-assured. I really like that Noah doesn't allow his disability to control
his life.

It's not long before Noah is
pulling his car into a parking space at a restaurant. As we make our way
inside, I find myself feeling relieved I'd taken the time to dress nice. The
restaurant is not your casual fish and fry place, instead it's classier, but
not overtly. The hostess smiles warmly at both of us and leads us to a private
table in the back. Once we are seated, she hands us menus and tells us our
waitress will be with us shortly.

I pick up my menu and scan
it. It's another relief to see that they are not over-priced. After I decide on
my meal, I set the menu down and watch Noah study his for a minute longer
before he sets his down as well.

He opens his mouth to speak
but then our waitress comes up and asks if we're ready. I request the lemon
pepper chicken dish and Noah orders steak. We don't speak until she fills our
glasses—water for me, soda for him, and then moves away to another table.

I look at him with interest.
“So, who were you avoiding tonight?”

“A friend of Marley's. Have
you met her yet?”

“I think Tate's mentioned her
before. She's dating Alan or someone?” I ask as I reach for my glass and take a

“Alec,” he corrects with a
smile. “Marley's always trying to set me up with one of her friends and there's
one that tends to forget I'm deaf. Then she gets flustered and the night just
goes to hell. She was hanging with the group tonight and I just didn't feel
like dealing with her.”

I can't help but frown. “Does
that happen very often?”


“Women getting flustered or
uncomfortable because you're deaf?”

He shrugs. “It happens.”

I find it ridiculous. I have
absolutely no trouble remembering he's deaf. And I certainly don't feel awkward
around him, that's for sure. “But they get used to it, right? I mean, I'm sure
you've had girlfriends,” I point out.

Noah gives me a wry look.
“You're nosy, you know that?”

“I warned you a while back
about that little habit of mine. Just tell me to back off.”

He chuckles, settling back in
his chair and looking comfortable. “No, it's fine. It's refreshing to have
someone take over the conversation versus me trying to pull it out of them. And
in reference to your question, I stay away from long term relationships. It
just seems easier that way.”

“Do you mind if I ask why?”

His expression turns serious.
“As I said, it's easier. Eventually, she gets frustrated trying to argue with
me or she in turn starts answering questions for me in public or what not. Or
they walk away in the middle of an argument, which generally pisses me off
beyond repair. It just gets complicating and if the relationship starts turning
awkward, it's just not meant to be. Sooner or later someone will come along
that can handle it. Until then, I keep things casual.”

I shake my head, feeling
disgust rise within me. “You've definitely been dating the wrong women.”

He gives me quick smile. “I'm
aware of that. What about you?”

“Have I been dating the wrong
women as well?” I ask cheekily. “Nope. I don't swing that way.”

“Ha, funny. Did you have
boyfriends back in Minnesota?”

I figure turnabout is fair
play so I try not to care that the conversation has turned on me. “No,” I say
honestly. “My aunt and uncle were really strict and I didn't get out much.”

“So this Cole guy is your
first real boyfriend?”

My nose wrinkles. “When you
say it like that, I sound pathetic,”

“By no means are you
pathetic,” he says firmly as he reaches for his drink. “It's just surprising,
that's all.”

“That I haven't had a
boyfriend before?”

He nods.


“You know you're attractive.”

Pleasure streaks through me
at his bold statement and I try to ignore it. This is
a date and we
are just making conversation. I refuse to read anything into it. Instead, I try
to figure out how to explain to Noah why the guys didn't want me back in
Minnesota. Finally, I opt for the truth. “My aunt and uncle are really
religious, to the point where they are obsessive. I kind of had a reputation
back there since I came from...well, everyone in the community considered my family
religious freaks. I pretty much kept to myself.”

BOOK: Twisted
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