Read Twins for the Bull Rider Online

Authors: April Arrington

Twins for the Bull Rider (10 page)

BOOK: Twins for the Bull Rider
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He swallowed hard. “Yeah.”

At that moment, he'd follow her straight to hell if that was where she wanted to lead him.

It took her several minutes to navigate a path through the clutter of dancers. He took over when she faltered behind a clump of ranch hands moving with chaotic jerks to the tune of liquor and laughter. Dominic swept her under his arm, holding her tight to his side, and plunged ahead.

“Wait.” Cissy laughed once they cleared the chaos and emerged onto the dirt trail. “I just need to get my feet under me.”

Her voice was giddy. Dominic stopped to steady her, tracing the blushing curve of her cheek with the pads of his fingers. He was such an ass. Dragging her across the ground with force. Ten of her steps to two of his. He'd probably scared her. Given her second thoughts.

He rolled his shoulders and dropped his head back. Away from the lights on the field, the stars were bright, blinking at him. A soft summer breeze lifted the night heat from his face and drifted down his neck.

“Okay,” she said, taking over again.

She wrapped her small hand around his and led the way up to the main house. Inside. And to the door of her room.

Cissy pulled him in, then reached around to nudge the door closed. Dominic dropped against it, the hard wood pressing into his back and Cissy's soft curves caressing his front.

She nipped and teased his throat. The tip of her tongue traced over his skin, shooting zips of electricity up his spine. He snatched in some air before swooping down to catch her mouth. He plundered it, thrusting inside.

The sweetness of her filled his senses. He moaned, angling deeper with a hand against her head when the subtle hint of beer—
or was it wine?—
hit his tongue. With reluctance, he pulled back and glanced down at her.

Her face was flushed, her breathing labored. And she wobbled a bit on her toes. He wasn't sure if it was drink or nerves that caused it. But he knew she'd had her fair share of both tonight.

A good man
. That was what she'd said. He was a good man.

His groan of frustration was audible. What would a good man do right now? Take advantage of her moment of weakness? Give in to the demands of his body even if she might be at a disadvantage?

His body locked down with defiance at the thought of walking away. His mind raced to find a justification to continue. Maybe she wasn't at a disadvantage. Maybe she did still have some control.

“Cissy? Is this really what you want?” She didn't answer. Only sighed and leaned in closer. “Look at me.”

Shifting, he slipped his leg between her knees and nudged her up against him. She gasped, her body tumbling to the side before she caught herself, hands at his chest, and righted on her own. The warm, damp core of her settled over the hard muscle of his thigh.

Dominic's breath left him on a rush. It was exquisite torture.


Her soft plea whispered over his skin before she took his mouth. She recaptured control, undulating against him and overpowering what little sense he had left.

She was warm. And soft.
So damn soft...

He tipped his head down, realizing his hands had found her breasts. His palms cupped them, lifting them with gentle touches, relishing their weight and feel. His thumbs drifted over the hardened peaks, the thin material of her dress just a flimsy barrier.

She damn near purred. Heaven help him.
It wasn't enough
. He wanted more.

Moaning, he moved his mouth over them, laving and suckling, ignoring the cling of the cloth.

“Please. Just—”

Her whimper of pleasure spurred him on and led his hands down her back to knead the smooth curves of her bottom.
. He drew her hips up his thigh to meet the hard demand of his. Then slid them back down again. Pulling stronger with his hands and mouth. Over and over.

“Please,” she begged again, winding her arms tight around him. “Just one night.”

A heavy discomfort intruded. Dominic raised his head from her breast and blinked, trying to fight off his unease. He tried to concentrate on the soothing pass of her fingers through his hair.

It didn't work.

“Cissy, hold on.” He tried to shake off the unease. Tried to focus.

She pulled and pushed at him with equal force. It didn't make sense. Something was wrong. He examined her face and tried to pin it down.

But he'd grown too hard. His thinking was too blurred. He struggled to keep his hands on her arms, away from the parts of her he wanted to hold the most. Something clawed at the edge of his mind. Something strong and unpleasant.

“Just one night,” she whispered, eyes closed.

That ominous shadow tore into his gut, leaving him winded. He scrambled to put a name to it. To what he was feeling...

Was it fear? Anger?


“Stop.” He winced at the accusing grate of his voice. He firmed his grip, stilling her arms at her sides.

It was all too familiar. The taste of alcohol lingering in his mouth. The rush of blood and excitement. The shared knowledge of a few hours of pleasure.

Just one night
. Those hellish words returned. Words that had no place on Cissy's tongue. Haunting and shaming.

Just one night
. Like so many empty ones before it.

A sudden urge to smother his face with his hands ripped through his chest. He tensed, tremors tearing through him at his restraint.

“You d-don't want...”

Her eyes were open now. Her soft stammer highlighting the hurt and embarrassment in the blue depths.

The tide of anger left him on a frustrated sigh. It wasn't her fault. None of it was. It was no one's but his own.

He cupped her face with shaky fingers, kissing her forehead before lowering his against it. She couldn't be more wrong. He wanted. Knew with terrifying exactness what he wanted.

“Oh, I want, Cissy.” He inhaled, forging ahead before he lost his nerve. “There's nothing I want more than to be inside you.”

She balled her hands into fists against his chest. “Then, why—”

“I want inside here.” He touched his thumb to her temple.

At her silence, he dropped his hand and placed it over the upper swell of her breast.

“And I want inside here.” He hardened to the point of pain at the rapid pound of her heart. Easing her from him, he lowered her feet to the floor and moved her back. “I can't manage that in one night.”

She shifted from one foot to the other, face flaming. Her hands moved to her dress, pulling up the neckline and tugging down the skirt. The material at her breasts clung, still damp from his mouth.

His body screamed.
. He wanted to mark her more than that. Wanted to brand her. Needed to make it known she belonged to him.

He jerked his restless step toward her to a halt.

There she stood. Wringing her hands in her dress in much the same way she had her first night here. Except it had been Kayden and Jayden that had marked her then. Left a visible imprint from when they'd slept at her breast, waiting for a room.

Yearning bloomed in his chest. Those boys had a right to her. She devoted herself to them. And they lived each day without any doubts that tomorrow held the same promise. He wanted that same assurance. And so much more.

“I want it all, Cissy,” he said. “I want everything.”

Dominic froze. The excited heat searing through his veins iced into blocks. Hell if he knew where the thought had come from. Or how it'd escaped him.

His palm lifted, fingers reaching into the empty air as if to draw the words back. As if to catch them, wad them up and rub them out.

“But what if I can't give you that?”

Cissy's hesitant question trembled. She tucked a strand of blond hair behind her ear. Her blue eyes widened, lush mouth quivering. The fear on her face increased his.

Curling his hand into a fist, he dropped it to his side and shook his head.
What if he couldn't give it to her, either?
At a loss—
at a complete damned loss
—he left the room, shutting the door firmly behind him.

Chapter Seven

The morning after
. Was that what they called it?

Cissy closed her eyes and rubbed the heel of her hand into her forehead, trying to ease the relentless throb residing there. It only served to heighten the waves of nausea rolling through her belly. She pushed the plate of bacon and eggs farther away with a finger.

Two feminine moans of sympathy sounded softly from across the table.

“Oh, gosh, girl. You look bad.”

“How long has it been since you had a night of drinking?”

Cissy peeled one eye open to find Tammy and Jen leaning across the kitchen table, their faces wreathed with worry.

“A while,” Cissy whispered.

Years, in fact
. And it would be another long set of them before she tried it again. If ever.

“Well, at least it was for a good cause,” Jen said. “I mean, you had a worthy goal.”

“A delicious, sexy goal,” Tammy added with a wink and nudge.

A laugh bubbled up before Cissy could stop it, her shoulders and stomach jerking with it. Her head pounded harder and saliva flooded her mouth. She held up a shaky hand.

“Please don't,” she begged, softening the request with a hand on Tammy's arm.

“Sorry,” Tammy whispered through a pained grin.

Tammy and Jen returned to their breakfast, gobbling it up with delicate gusto. Cissy pulled a hot mug of black coffee closer and took a sip. There were small blessings, at least. One, the coffee. Two, the ranch hands and guests had lived it up for much longer than she'd anticipated, sleeping in and leaving the grounds almost empty. Three, it was quiet.

Cissy sighed. Though she wasn't sure if that was a blessing or more of a curse. When it was quiet, she had time to think. To remember. And the last thing she wanted to do was dwell on her behavior at last night's shindig.

She stifled a groan. She must have looked like a fool to Dominic. She'd stalked him for a dance, dragged him up to her room and attempted to jump his bones. No wonder he'd put the brakes on.

But he hadn't. Or, not all together. He'd just turned the tables on her, his words shocking her.

I want it all, Cissy. I want everything.

For a moment, the painful pounding in her head faded. Her stomach turned over but for a different reason. Warmth pooled low in her belly and her heart raced.

Dominic wanted everything. He hadn't implied it. He'd straight-up announced it with conviction. And she'd loved him all the more for it—

The relentless throbbing returned and her stomach churned on a fresh wave of nausea.
Where had that come from? She'd known her attraction to Dominic had steadily grown but she hadn't anticipated it morphing into something so much stronger. Something so unpredictable and uncontrollable. She'd always been so careful. So aware.

She froze. Did he suspect? Or had he already known? Was that why he'd been so determined last night?

“You sure you're okay, Cissy?” Jen eyed her.

She sat up straighter and fiddled with the napkin in her lap. Then reached for the most convenient excuse.

“Right as rain. Just tired is all. I didn't think the boys would be coming back so early.”

The boys
. Her mouth ran dry. For a moment, she'd forgotten.

Her cell phone clattering across the nightstand an hour earlier was what had dragged her hungover butt out of bed. Logan had explained the boys were anxious to get back and had asked to come in ahead of the others. They were packing up and would be returning soon.

Longing streamed through her veins. Even though her night had been full, she'd missed them just as much. It was odd sleeping without them next door. Not hearing their late-night giggles and soft snores. Already, she was looking forward to holding them close and hearing the thousands of tales they'd have to tell from their camping trip.

“I don't know how you do it.” Jen paused, crunching off a bite of bacon. “Taking care of those boys day in, day out. Barely having a moment's peace.”

Cissy smiled despite the painful hangover. “It's kind of nice, actually. Once you get used to it.”

And it was. Kayden and Jayden had become the center of her world. They stretched her limits and made her stronger. Commanded her devotion and taught her how to love. How important it was to love.

So, why shouldn't she love Dominic?

No distr—
No damn reminders were needed! She shushed the aggravating voice in her head. This thing with Dominic was far beyond anything that could be termed a distraction. It'd turned out to be so much more. And, whether he knew it or not, Dominic did have a hold on her heart. Which was disconcerting because there were two small pairs of hands already clutching it.

“Well, I see the women are up bright and early.” Colt's cheery drawl boomed across the kitchen, reverberating in Cissy's ears.

“Bring it down a little, Colt,” Tammy said. “Some of us aren't used to late nights like you.” She nodded in Cissy's direction.

Big, warm hands settled on Cissy's shoulders from behind. Fingers caressed them before drifting up to gently massage her neck.

“You okay?” Dominic's deep tenor vibrated at her back.

Cissy's head tilted forward, her throat moving on a hum of pleasure. Unable to speak, she nodded.

Dominic moved away to plunder in a couple of cabinets, his shirt stretching across the broad muscles of his back. A bottle rattled and glass clinked before he moved to the sink. He ran the tap, then retraced his steps to the table, placing two pills and a glass of water in front of her.

“Try to get that down. It'll help.” He waited for her to comply, then continued as she swallowed. “Logan just pulled up with the boys. They're unloading their gear into the shed now. Should be up in a minute.”

“Okay.” Her stomach rumbled. She took another sip of water.

“I can take them for a while if you need a few more minutes.” Dominic's handsome face creased with concern.

She shook her head. “No. I'll be fine.”

He nodded, hesitating by her chair for a minute. “Colt and I mucked the stalls already. I'm about to hit the paddock and saddle up some horses for the first trail ride. I figure Logan's had a long night and could use the help.”

Cissy winced good-naturedly. “I'm sure he could. He sounded tired on the phone. The boys probably put him through the wringer. And that's not counting what he had to go through with all the other kids.”

“Well, I've got him covered. And you've earned a day, so just hang here and spend it with the boys.” He dropped a kiss on the top of her head. “Get some rest.”

“I thought we were hittin' up some training today?” Colt wedged a chair in between Tammy and Jen and began polishing off their breakfast remnants.

Dominic's smile was small. “Maybe tomorrow. Got stuff to do today.”

“Damn, man.” Colt frowned. “You been off the circuit for a while, and from what I've heard, you haven't laid eyes on a bull in over a month.” He flung out his hands. “Nothing against that. I'm taking a break, too. But you still got to train. And I could really use some pointers.”

“Tomorrow.” Dominic turned and left, tossing over his shoulder, “Promise.”

Colt narrowed his eyes, staring after him. “That's a first.”

“Well, just let the man spend his time the way he wants,” Tammy said. “There's more to life than rodeoing.” She cast a wink in Cissy's direction.

Colt scoffed, scowling good-naturedly at Cissy. “Whatever you done to my boy, you need to undo it soon. Otherwise, he's gonna be so out of shape he won't be able to throw his leg over the back of a bull.”

This evoked a giggle despite her headache and queasy stomach. Cissy dropped her head and palmed the sides of the glass. It was still warm from Dominic's hand. She clutched it, savoring that bit of comfort.

“Is he good?” Cissy dragged her teeth over her bottom lip. “I mean, I know he's good. I've just never seen him ride before.”

Jen released a wistful sigh. “Oh, girl, you've missed a real treat. No one rides a bull like Dominic.”

“Hey, I resent that,” Colt interjected, throwing a brawny arm across the back of Jen's chair. His lips twitched. “Though, I do gotta say, Dom's the best there is.”

“The best ever.” Tammy rose and piled up the dirty dishes before dropping them in the sink with a clank. “You really ought to check him out sometime.” She raised her voice over the running water and squeezed a bottle of dishwashing liquid into the sink. “You and the boys could ride out with us on the next trip. I bet the twins would love it.”

Cissy gripped the glass tighter, the warmth of Dominic's touch having faded. “Is it soon?” she asked, clarifying at Colt's bewildered glance, “The next trip?”

“A couple weeks or so,” Colt said, running a hand through his blond hair. “In Atlanta. Not too bad of a drive.”

Cissy lifted her eyebrows and smirked as Colt took a swallow of Jen's coffee. She'd driven down that road before. And “not too bad” wasn't an accurate description.

“Some of the best bulls are supposed to be at this one,” Colt added. “Chaos, Slammer. Those jokers can break your back.”

Jen nudged Colt's broad chest with her elbow, muttering, “That's enough, Colt. You're scaring her.”

Cissy followed Jen's eyes to the death grip she held on the glass. She relaxed her hold and settled back in the chair.

“Why does he do it?” Cissy wondered out loud. “Why do any of you do it when it's so dangerous?”

Colt grinned, a note of reverence coloring his tone. “Because it's a hell of a ride. Nothing else like it.” He shrugged. “Some guys do it for fun. Some for money. Dom, well, he's just wild himself. Been that way since the day I met him. Lives like a hellion.” He chuckled. “Like the damn sun's burning out and won't rise again.”

He sobered, dropping back into his seat. Cissy squirmed under his scrutiny.

“Though, I gotta say, he's slowed down since I last saw him,” he said. “Never known him to hang around home for so long.”

Cissy's stomach dropped. Which meant it wouldn't be long before Dominic took off again. About two weeks, in fact. Her mind hung on that thought before snuffing it out and conjuring up Dominic's words from last night.

I want it all, Cissy. I want everything.

Whatever Dominic saw in her was attractive enough to draw him to her. Make him feel she had something valuable to offer him. Maybe that'd be reason enough for him to stay.

“Aunt Cissy!” The door banged a couple of times, shattering the comfortable silence at the table.

“Aunt Cissy,” Kayden shouted, clutching a bundle at his middle and throwing himself into her arms. Jayden was hot on his heels, clambering up on Cissy's lap to hang on to her other side.

“There they are,” Colt boomed, sexy smile and sunny disposition back on full blast. “Whatcha got there, man?”

Kayden pulled back and jerked his wrist out toward the floor. A long rope flicked out, knocking against the table leg and Jen's foot. She let loose a squeal.

“Sorry, Miss Jen.” Kayden's jubilant expression was anything but. “Mr. Logan found me a new rope. And it's a long one, too.”

“Is that right?” Cissy ran a hand through the soft layers of his hair, breathing him in. He smelled of fresh air and sunshine. And dirt.

“And Pop took us fishin' again down by the creek,” Jayden added.

“We got to ride in a canoe.” Kayden hastened to add, “We wore life persurvahs.”

“Preservers,” Cissy corrected.

Kayden shrugged. “Yeah, that.”

“And we used crickets instead of worms.” Jayden bounced on her left thigh, making her wince.

“And we roasted marshmallows.” Kayden flicked the rope again.

“And Kayden got in trouble because he—”

“Hush, Jayden. Aunt Cissy don't want to hear all that.” Kayden wrapped his arm around her neck and gave her a peck on the cheek. He whispered in her ear, “Mr. Logan said I wasn't bad. I asked him. He just said I was givin' him a run for his money.” He pulled back, contemplating that. “You think he's gonna give me some allowance?”

Cissy cringed despite the humor in the situation. At least the others got a kick out of it. Laughter was on all sides of the table.

She tugged the boys in and hugged them close. Last night's fun aside, this was the highlight of her weekend. Having the boys here, healthy and happy. And she'd had a hand in that.

Her money pile had multiplied. She only needed two more weeks of wages to get her head fully above water. And she planned to use that money to start over and provide a safe, secure life for the boys.

How could she have forgotten that? Even for a second? She squeezed them tighter and kissed the tops of their heads.

“We missed you, Aunt Cissy.” Kayden snuggled back up to her ear, his voice soft. “You'll go camping with us next time, won't you?”

“Of course.”

“Good.” Kayden examined her face for a moment, then tucked his small hands around her neck and leaned against her. “I knew you'd still be here. We're a team, right? Just like you said.”

Cissy's heart clenched. She hadn't realized his uncertainty ran so deep. How had she not seen it?

Heat washed over her face and chest. Cissy firmed her mouth. She hadn't seen it because she'd been too concerned with her own uncertainties. Uncertainties that had seemed all consuming at the time but now held no weight.

Jason hadn't been completely wrong about her running from things. She had been running—from her fear of not being strong enough or good enough for the boys, fear of not being able to love them the way they deserved to be loved.

But she did love. And her love was valuable. The boys treasured it. And Dominic had asked for it almost as though he'd known...

BOOK: Twins for the Bull Rider
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