Twin Ties 1: My Brother's Lover (16 page)

BOOK: Twin Ties 1: My Brother's Lover
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The soft sound of footsteps could be heard over their heads. It was Alek and Evan walking around on the second floor. Presley gazed pointedly up at the ceiling. Carter was unmoved.

“I think they’re a little preoccupied right now,” Carter told him. “And who cares anyway.”
It’s not like they don’t know
, he didn’t need to add. Presley got the gist anyway.

As he was generally in a withdrawn mood, Presley gave in very reluctantly. Carter stepped aside to let him through the doorway, closing it behind him.

The light in Carter’s room was dim but, on top of the dresser, Presley could see a gleaming white slip of paper with some girl’s phone number scrawled on it, lying right beside Carter’s discarded wallet.

Carter turned to face his friend, getting an eyeful of dark, glistening, chiseled muscle. He planted a hand on Presley’s sternum and pushed hard, sending him falling backward onto the bed. Greedy and unhesitant as ever, Carter sank to the floor and had Presley’s cock pulled free and wrapped in a tight fist in one fluid movement, stroking him hard. Carter’s shoulder-length, light brown hair tickled as it brushed lightly over the exposed skin of Presley’s hip.

“Anything you want. Anything at all,” Carter promised, licking his lips moist, trying to talk Presley down, to tempt and lure. A wicked grin teased at the corners of his lips, lighting up his face.

Presley tried to shift his gaze, fixing it firmly to the ceiling, listening for more sounds from above, but there were none. Then he gazed down his body at Carter kneeling between his spread legs.

Opening his mouth, Carter extended and curled his tongue, licking a thin, wet stripe up the underside of Presley’s shaft, then over the tip of the rapidly thickening flesh cradled in his hand before simply engulfing it completely. His lips, sealed tightly, kissed around the girth, his cheeks hollowing out as he sucked. Presley hissed, grabbed a handful of Carter’s hair and thrust up into him.

“Anything,” Presley echoed, letting the offer sink in, knowing what it meant and what Carter was asking for. He swallowed back a groan that rose up from low in his throat as Carter’s warm, wet mouth worked on him in an intense, long pull from root to tip and right back down again. The blissful sensation wiped out all thought or protest and left him wanting, just like he knew Carter intended.

Carter always knew just how to play him, and Presley let him. There was really no point in resisting anymore. Presley hooked a thumb under his sweats and underwear, pushing at them to shift them lower, exposing even more skin. Carter’s eyes flicked up to Presley’s face, eagerly. Since he knew Presley liked to watch, Carter tried to make it look good, letting the dark length of Presley’s shaft slip out from between his stretched lips so he could suck and lick just at the head. Stroking over a fat, throbbing vein, Carter kept an eye on Presley’s hand on his pants. He took the hint and grabbed hold of the fabric, yanking it roughly down even farther.

Presley asked, “You got stuff?”

“Mm.” Carter moaned as he pulled off with a wet slurp. A thin, gossamer string of saliva and pre-come stretched out between his lower lip and Presley’s cockhead. “Hell yeah, I do. That a yes?”

“Just get it,” Presley answered quietly, giving in, kicking off the rest of his clothes.

Finally getting permission, a switch flipped in Carter as he focused on getting what they needed so they could get on with it. He rifled like a madman through his top drawer, searching, palming his very obvious erection through his pants.

Heart hammering in his chest, Presley knew how wrong it was to let Carter pressure him into having sex, especially when it never seemed to mean anything to Carter, or lead to anything more than an orgasm. Realizing he should respect himself more than he did, Presley took a deep breath, getting ready to hold on and let it happen. Because it didn’t matter how wrong it was. It didn’t change the fact, naked and alone with Carter in that bedroom, seeing the passion burning in those grey eyes for him and only him, that Presley wanted it too.

Chapter 12

“You want a drink? Maybe something stronger?”

They were standing in Alek’s room by his bed. Alek was right in Evan’s space, breathing hot against his neck, fingers tickling through the divot inside Evan’s hipbone. Evan’s head lolled to the side and he exhaled through his nose. The buzz from five or six beers was more than enough to take the edge off. Any more would just cloud his senses and he wanted to remember everything that happened come morning.

“No, thanks. The hard stuff and me don’t really get along anymore.” Evan sighed, leaning back against Alek’s bulk, letting it prop him up as long fingers slipped down inside the front of his pants, grabbing a handful and kneading, pulling gently on his sac and cock.

“Shit,” Evan said on a sharp exhale, reaching back over his head for purchase, finding a cascade of Alek’s dark, shaggy hair to hold on to. Alek’s mouth closed up around Evan’s neck, under his jaw and on the left side of his throat, sucking the blood to the skin, leaving a bruise there as he yanked gently again, evidently liking the way it made Evan twist and shiver.

“God, you make me so hard,” Alek growled. “Gonna take it slow, okay? Make sure you enjoy it, too. Want you begging for more when we’re done.”

Alek’s free hand stroked up slantwise across Evan’s torso, moving across his chest, and pushing up under his shirt. His fingers sought out and tugged on Evan’s nipple, twisting it sharply as Evan gasped and undulated. Holding him flush to his body, Alek kissed in a line up to Evan’s ear.

“Look, I know you’re nervous, but I’m gonna take care of you. You trust me?”

Evan shivered again as Alek twisted his nipple the other way. Evan’s cock pulsed wetly in Alek’s hand, twitching and almost fully erect.

“Mmm,” Evan grunted.

“Say yes,” Alek breathed against the shell of his ear.

“...Y-yes,” Evan rasped.

“Again.” Pinching, squeezing, kneading, fondling.

,” Evan whimpered, pulsing pre-come again, and every inch of him flushing pink.

Alek impatiently pushed Evan’s pants down. They caught and puddled around his knees because of his wide stance. Alek released Evan’s cock, let it arch up snug to his belly and pulled at Evan’s shirt, getting it up, over his head, and off. Rubbing a flat hand down the front of Evan’s body, over the firm muscles of his stomach, skirting down around his cock to his hip, down his thigh, Alek commanded, “Get on the bed for me. Lay down.”

All Evan had to do was turn around to face Alek and sit down on the mattress’ edge, which was right beside them. They had come up a back staircase into the house which led right to Alek’s bedroom door. Alek told Evan that it used to be rented out as a separate apartment before he moved in, hence the private entry.

They had migrated over to the bed once Alek had turned on the stereo and lit a few candles for ambiance. The heavy, humid warmth of the room helped Evan relax a little as he sat, leaning back with his hands braced on the bed behind him as Alek tugged Evan’s jeans off and climbed on top of him.

At first Evan just went with it, laying back and letting Alek settle there. He nudged Evan’s legs apart with a knee, hooked an arm under one then drew it up to wrap around his lower back. Alek surged in, kissing Evan deeply. Caressing down Evan’s inner thigh, Alek hummed and suckled at Evan’s full lips, teased the tip of his tongue.

Alek’s eyes were open, taking in every little thing. Alek hadn’t removed any of his own clothes yet, maybe to help reassure Evan he wasn’t in a rush. The leg slung around Alek’s body tensed more the farther up Evan’s thigh Alek’s fingers got. Pivoting his wrist, Alek rubbed lightly over the underside of Evan’s ass and played up through his crease. Watching his face, kissing him through it, Alek circled the pucker of Evan’s hole with his thumb, making Evan want to squirm.

Evan whined in anticipation when the thumb circled in a gradually smaller and smaller spiral, finally coming to rest right on the center. Alek rubbed gently with Evan’s bottom lip trapped between his in a tender kiss. He broke the kiss right as he pushed through, breaching Evan dry, popping his thumb through the outer ring then deeper, pushing in all the way to the hilt. A startled, tiny grunt escaped Evan’s fallen-open mouth before he sealed his lips, squeezed his eyes tightly shut and pressed his face against Alek’s neck to hide it from view.

Stroking gently over Evan’s inner walls, with Evan’s body clenched like a vice around the intrusion, Alek whispered, “Evan, baby, let me see you.”

“I can’t,” Evan gasped. “You watching me while you.... I can’t do it this way.”

“You wanna flip over? That be easier?”

“Yes, please.”

Alek sighed, kissing Evan breathless, not letting him stop even to gulp down some oxygen, cupping his face in his free hand.

“Okay. I just wanted to be able to kiss you. I could kiss you for hours.”

He gave Evan some space and used the brief reprieve to find lube and a condom. Returning with them as Evan scooted a little farther up the bed, their eyes locked as Evan gazed over a shoulder.

“This is a first for me too,” Alek confessed as he knelt on the bed behind Evan, who was now up on his hands and knees. “I’ve never been with a virgin before.”

Evan, looking forward now, rolled his eyes as a pang of embarrassment ripped through him. “Sorry.”

“Sorry? For what?” Alek draped his huge body over Evan, kissing the nape of his neck reverently. “You’re gonna be so
. I don’t know if I’m gonna just lose it before we even really start. I can’t wait to be inside you. Been fantasizing about this since I first laid eyes on you, before I even found out how amazing you are. There’s nothing to be sorry about.”

Evan clung to the small hope it might be over fast, but didn’t tell Alek that. He was convinced it was going to hurt. He knew about prep and all of that, but he just couldn’t imagine it not hurting at least a little bit. And the whole thing was beginning to cause something like an identity crisis in Evan.

This was it. This marked him as something he always knew he was. After he let Alek screw him, there would be no more pretending. He’d just be a faggot. No going back. No more lying to himself that maybe he was just going through a phase and he’d get over it. Maybe he’d meet some girl that turned him on as much as Alek did. Maybe he didn’t have to be such a freak, beating off to daydreams of getting butt-fucked by a broad, ripped, towering guy like Alek.

But it was just not so. All of those kids who loved to kick his ass and send him home bloody were right about him. And not only that, it seemed Evan was developing a crush on his own brother.

What a swell guy I am, huh?

He got a flash of memory of what Brennan and Luka sounded like through the open window, making out, and quickly pushed it away.

What’s wrong with me? What the hell is wrong with me?

But Alek felt good—solid, strong and real. Evan held on to that, how safe he felt with Alek’s left arm circled around his chest, holding him in an embrace.

“You can lie down. You might be more comfortable that way. This might take a little while and I want you as relaxed as possible.”

Evan turned his face toward Alek, almost looked back over his shoulder at him again but not quite and murmured, “Okay.”

He settled himself down on the worn, soft nest of Alek’s black sheets. Alek quickly got undressed, grabbed a pillow from near Evan’s head and said, “Lift your hips for me.”

Evan complied, his stomach restless with nerves as Alek slid the pillow under him. It forced Evan’s back into a curve, his hips and ass tilted up. His legs were only slightly parted and he wondered if that was okay, but wasn’t really in a hurry to further expose himself.

“This is gonna be a little chilly,” Alek warned. “I just wanna make sure I use enough.”

Something cold was squirted up Evan’s ass, and he made a surprised little grunt, clenching up reflexively, but tensing did no good. The cold spread deeper. He was concentrating on the foreign sensation when a slippery but thick-as-ever finger popped through his sphincter and corkscrewed up into his rectum, rubbing through the slick, smearing it around inside.

Hands planted by his shoulders, Evan gaped, open-mouthed, burying his face in the bed to stifle a wrenching moan as Alek added a second finger, too. The stretch was intense and Evan pushed his ass even farther up off the bed to try to relieve it. Alek moaned Evan’s name and lay down half on top of him, half on the bed, thrusting and twisting his fingers inside Evan.

Sucking light kisses down the back of Evan’s shoulder, Alek worked to coax the muscles loose, prying Evan open.

Evan bit off the hard grunts he began to make despite trying to be quiet and breathed hard through his nose. With his face turned away from Alek, he softened a little when Alek nuzzled into his neck and thrust gently against Evan’s hip. The impossibly thick line of Alek’s dick nudging him distracted Evan and reminded him of Alek’s desire for him. The proof of it was right there.

Alek’s index and middle fingers pulled apart as he withdrew them from Evan, spreading him, widening the opening. Then they were free and Alek squirted on more lube, rubbing it around in his hand to warm it before spreading the fluid onto then into Evan. He rubbed through Evan’s rim and pushed in as far as he could reach. Alek finger-fucked him like that a few times, half of his hand disappearing into the yielding passage with each thrust. Evan arched his back, adjusted the angle his hips were tilted at and gasped against the bedding. He was flushed a darker pink and sweating. His fingers were clawed around handfuls of the sheet.

Exhaling roughly against Evan’s neck, Alek rasped, “Goddamn, I hope I fit in you.” Bending the fingers nestled in Evan’s ass, Alek hummed hungrily at Evan’s next wrenching moan. Evan undulated, moving his ass in a gentle, rocking motion to try and find a more comfortable position. Alek just chased in farther, bent his fingers more, and rubbed his knuckles along the passage with little twists.

,” Evan whimpered. His hips snapped as he thrust against the bed, trying to relieve some of the pressure building in his balls. “I-I guess I should’ve picked some pencil-dicked guy instead of you, huh? With the goddamned baseball bat between his legs.”

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