Twice The Growl (BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance): A BBW in need of a date + Two hot Alphas looking for a mate = The hottest triad ever. (Paranormal Dating Agency Book 1) (10 page)

BOOK: Twice The Growl (BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance): A BBW in need of a date + Two hot Alphas looking for a mate = The hottest triad ever. (Paranormal Dating Agency Book 1)
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“After that, I get to fuck your pussy and he gets to fuck your ass and we get to do
you all over again,” Theron rumbled. “Until we’ve both had you and filled you with our seed. We’ll both bite you and then you’ll be ours. Nobody else could ever claim you because you will wear our scents. Our marks. You’ll be ours fully.”

She almost came listening to his words. Connor slid his hands up to cup her breasts and
thumb her nipples.

“You are so sexy, Tally
,” he said softly. “Your body is gorgeous and I love being inside you.”

She didn’t get a chance to say anything, not that she could. Theron dropped a trail of lube down the crack of her
ass. Then he worked the lube into her with one finger. She wiggled on Connor’s hard cock, wanting to ride him but at the same time waited to see what else Theron would do. He added a second finger, the burning of her anal muscles increased.

“Don’t tense, sweetheart
,” Theron whispered, pushing his fingers in and out of her. At first slow and then with increased speed and frequency. “That’s right, let your muscles relax. Take my fingers.”

He plunged them deep into her
hole. In. Out. Then he added a third finger, the burning and stretching a lot more intense than before.

Connor attached
his lips to her tit and he sucked hard. She jerked on his lap. Her pussy squeezed at his dick as she tried to pay attention to his pulsing cock and Theron’s fingers. She pushed back, wanting Theron to continue the thrusting of his fingers once she got over the burning discomfort.

He pulled out and Connor moved to her other breast. He sucked her all over. Hard. Rough. So unlike him and it felt so good. She forgot all about Theron until he pushed the head of his greased up cock into her
asshole. The burning started again, but not as much as before.

,” he groaned, his breath right by her ear.  “You’re so tight. I can hardly get in there. Relax those muscles and let me in, baby.”

She pushed back. The move rocked Connor’s dick in her pussy and she moaned at the sensation. Theron pressed into her
ass. He slowly drove himself into her. Before she knew it, he was in her. Both men deep inside and pulsing hard.

“Jesus. Someone move or I’m going to die,” she groaned.

Theron pulled back until he was almost fully out and then pushed all the way in. Not hard, but not as softly as before. She rocked on Connor’s dick. Then both men took control. Connor held her up and lifted his hips to thrust into her at the same time Theron pulled back. When Theron drove into her, Connor pulled back. Both men worked with amazing speed and rhythm. She clawed at Connor’s arms.

“Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God!” She couldn’t seem to catch a breath.

Her ass and pussy clenched in tandem with both thrusts and retreats. She’d never felt anything like it. The sizzle in her womb turned into an electric spark that lit every cell in her body. She moaned. There were no words to describe how amazing it felt to be taken by both the men she wanted at the same time. A new emotion unlocked in her heart.

Theron licked the back of her right shoulder. He thrust deeper, hard
er. Every drive pulled a new moan out of her. Connor swept his tongue over the front of her right shoulder. Both men fucked and licked her at the same time. She could not for the life of her form a coherent sentence or thought.

Connor slipped a hand between her slick pussy
lips. Right where her hard little clit peeked from its hood.

“Come on, Tally,” Theron groaned on her back. “Let go, baby.”

Connor thumbed the tiny bundle, slow at first and then harder. Rougher. Until she could do no more than feel the tension snap and her body shake from the almost painful orgasm that overtook her. Waves of bliss rocked her from head to toe. Theron and Connor both growled and bit down on her at the same time. She moaned. The painful bites sent her over the edge so fast she choked on the air rushing into her lungs.

Their movements turned jerky, until they stopped altogether and at first Theron growled into her back. Then Connor did the same, his teeth still biting into her front. Both men came in her then. Hot. Deep. For long moments their cocks pulsed and jetted warm semen into her
ass and pussy. She couldn’t have moved if she wanted to. She was held up by Theron’s arm around her waist.

They fell on to their sides on the bed. Connor pulled out of her body first, then Theron slowly followed. His wet cock
nestled right between her cheeks. She moaned as they both caressed her breasts, down to her waist and rained kisses all over her. From her neck to shoulders, they kissed everywhere they reached. Theron slid his hand down her side, to her breasts and fondled a nipple. Connor roamed a hand around her hip to grab a handful of her hips.

“You’re ours now,” Theron murmured. “There’s no one else for you or us.”

She sighed. She knew that already. She hadn’t made the decision lightly. They might not be what she considered the traditional couple, but she’d never had luck with a traditional anything. This was a new step in her life and she had to do whatever made her happy.

Theron and Connor made her happy.

“I want inside your pussy.” Theron kissed behind her ear. Goosebumps broke over her arms.

“You do?” She moaned and flipped over to face him.

He grinned, his bright golden eyes those of a predator. “Oh, baby. I always want inside your tight pussy.”

“And it’s my turn in your
ass,” Connor rumbled behind her. He slid a finger between her cheeks and into her hole. Her anal muscles sucked it right in. “Fuck that is awesome.”

“I think a shower is in order first
,” she mumbled.

,” they said in unison.

“Our mating process isn’t over until we’ve both had you. Every way possible.” Theron licked his lips. “Once we have, then you can have all the warm baths you want. Until then
…” He pulled her head toward his and kissed her. “We fuck.”

Though she wasn’t used to the animalistic tones and the need for dirty sex, she definitely enjoyed having Theron and Connor inside her at the same time. That was something she’d easily grow used to.

“Fine. Fuck me. Both of you. But then you better feed me.”

* * *

“Today we go visit our pack,” Theron declared just two days after their mating.

“Are you sure? I mean, I thought you guys were all worried about me being around your pack women
,” she grumbled. She didn’t like that they took turns going back and forth to deal with the Wildwoods Pack and she was often left without one of them. Though it gave her alone time with the other mate, she would like the time to be because they wanted it that way, not because they were afraid to bring her around their people.

“They’ll get used to you. Or deal with me.”

“What if they don’t like me?” she muttered.

“Then I’ll handle them.”

She shook her head with a grin. “You can’t fix everything for me, Theron. I have to be able to handle your pack too if they’re going to be a part of my life.”

“Yes, but that’s what I’m there for. I’m the alpha. You’re my mate. And I won’t let anyone disrespect you.”

“I’m more worried about you not letting me out of your sight until you’ve had your way with me again.”

He gave her a hot look. “You have gotten to know me so well. You’ve gotten used to my kind of sex.”

She had and boy did she love it.

“You mean the all day, every day kind?”
She was still getting used to the aches from the longest night of sex ever. She’d enjoyed it, but damn had she been fucked raw. Of course, just thinking about it made her instantly wet.

“I like that smell,” he said with devilish grin.

“Oh, cut it out. You do this to me every single time you look at me,” she grumbled.

He sat down on the armrest of the sofa and pulled her between his legs. “I want you to always have that need for me. For us. I want you to get wet when we look at you. When anything reminds you of us. You are ours and that means we want you to want to be with us. All the time.”

She sniffed. “That doesn’t help me when I have to go to work, you know.”

He chuckled and hugged her. She curled her arms around his neck and leaned into him.

“I know it doesn’t, but you decided you wanted to continue working. We’ve given you the option to stop.”

She shook her head. “No way am I depending on you t
wo for money for the rest of my life. I’m an independent woman. I pay my own way in life.”

He slid his hands down her back and pressed her ass forward until her pussy was flush with his erection.

“Oh, Theron, stop...”

“I won’t. You are my mate and I want to fuck you every hour of every day.
You have a body that makes me so hard I can’t think straight.”

She gave up. Heck who was she kidding? She wanted him to fuck her too. She walked back and tugged the dress over her head
. He was so easy. He growled and she giggled. “Connor will be sad he missed this.”

“He can have alone time with you later
.” Theron grinned.

That was the amazing thing about them. They both knew she needed to spend alone time with each so their
individual relationships could deepen. It was what made the entire mating that much more special. She glanced down and before she knew it he threw her over his shoulder and ran for the bedroom.


“You walk too slow, baby. I want to fuck now!”

laughed as she landed on the sheets in a tangle. She didn’t get a chance to fix herself when he was on her, his hands held either side of her head.

“I love you, Tally.”

She gasped, her heart beat painfully loud in her ears. “Are you sure? It’s so soon.”

He nodded. “I don’t want to hear you say the words if or until you ever feel the emotion. But I wanted you to know. You’ve seeped into my pores, sunk into my blood and made me an addict. I can’t be without you. I don’t want to be.”

She blinked back tears. She didn’t think Theron had those kinds of words in him. “I don’t know what to say.”

“Don’t say anything, love.” He pressed a kiss over her lips. “You’re here. That’s all I need.”

She nodded and kissed him back. The relationship between them grew another string at that moment to make their link that much stronger. When he made love to her that day, she felt it in the deepest areas of her heart. Those areas she’d thought untouched until then.









Tally bit her lip. Nerves sucked. But she didn’t know how to stop herself from showing them. Theron led her into a community of houses in a forested area. It was growing late in the day. The sun’s light had dimmed through the thick trees. She’d swear it was closer to nighttime than early evening.


“Relax, darling. You shouldn’t be afraid
,” he admonished.

“I’m not afraid.” She truly wasn’t. She was nervous. Meeting people had a bad effect on her. She tended to be sarcastic and a lot of times nerves made her babble. “I’m a little
weirded out about meeting new people is all.”

“Don’t worry, love. We’ll both be here for you.”

Lovely. The fact both her men, which happened to be the leaders of this pack, were there as her babysitters didn’t really give her any warm fuzzies.

“Where’s Connor?”
she asked just as they reached an open area where a large group gathered at the center. She stopped dead in her tracks.

There were a lot of glowing gold eyes staring at her. Instinct told her to move back. To get away from the danger, but something new and angry roared to life inside her. An emotion she’d never known she possessed spread wings and took hold of every one of her cells. Dominance.

She squared her shoulders and continued forward. No longer worried about what the people might think, now she worried about what Connor and Theron would think of her.

“Thank you all for coming tonight,” Connor greeted the large group. His voice was low, so she didn’t know how she could hear him so far away.

“We want to meet your new third,” a woman said. She was tall. Much taller and slimmer than Tally. With beautiful porcelain skin and rich auburn hair. The woman didn’t smile. She eyed Tally with open interest. “My name is Aura. What is yours?”

Tally opened her mouth but Theron answered for her.

“Her name is Talia or Tally,” Theron said to Aura.

Another woman, circled by three others
, moved forward. She had chocolate-brown skin and short curly hair. Almond-shaped eyes glared at Tally. “She doesn’t look to be Alpha mate material.”

Theron growled low. Tally almost got whiplash
glancing to the side to see his partially shifted face and looming stance. “You have a problem with our choice of mate, Keya?”

BOOK: Twice The Growl (BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance): A BBW in need of a date + Two hot Alphas looking for a mate = The hottest triad ever. (Paranormal Dating Agency Book 1)
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