Trust Me (31 page)

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Authors: Anna Wells

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Trust Me
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Alaina looked at her with amazement.  “Delia
you telling me the OAS was not responsible for those
That you and my father worked independently
from the organization?”

Delia shot her a look of disgust, obviously not
impressed with Alaina's lack of understanding. “Of course it was just me and
Tom.  Those idiots running the organization weren't getting anywhere. It
was time someone did something that counted.  Tom and I took the action
they were afraid to even contemplate.”

“But why would my father want you to go to jail if you
were working together?”

“Tom was angry with me for stealing from the OAS, so
he decided I should suffer, but he was too much of a coward to turn me in while
he was alive so he made sure to set me up after his death.” She paused
obviously finished with her explanation. “I know the key wasn't with the
papers, so it has to be with you.  I suggest you tell me where it is or
you are going to suffer a great deal.”

Alaina didn't know what to do next, she was sure no
matter what decision she made Delia was going to make her suffer.  She
could see it in the hatred emanating from Delia’s eyes.  Alaina knew with
a certainty Delia intended to kill her, one more death on her conscience would
be of no concern to her. It was then she regretted remaining angry with Donovan
for so long, for not telling him she loved him.  There seemed to be little
chance of her getting out of this alive and she would never have the chance to
tell Donovan how she really felt.

In those brief seconds when Alaina was trying to
determine what to do next, pandemonium broke out in the house, men armed with
guns, wearing jackets emblazoned with the letters F-B-I, crashed through the
house from every door.

A shout echoed through the room.
 It seemed to come from every corner of the

Alaina remained in her chair, not moving while Delia
and her accomplice Michael were handcuffed. It was unbelievable how everything
happened so quickly.  Out of the crowd of agents emerged Donovan's
familiar face.

He ran up to her and as he grabbed her from her seat
her feet came off the floor. He lifted her, and hugged her close. “Baby, I was
afraid I wouldn't get here in time. Thank God you're okay.”  He gently set
her down, although he didn’t release her.

Alaina went into his arms easily, grateful for his
timely arrival, and she returned his embrace fiercely. 
how did you find me?”
She had been sure no one would even know she had
been taken.

Donovan tilted her head back, brushing her dark hair
away from her face. “It was just luck,” he replied, “I was just about to pull
into the parking lot, when I saw our friend over there,” he said inclining his
head toward Michael, “force you into the car. I followed which was easy since
you had a GPS tracker on your car. And of course I called for back-up.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck. “Thank God you
still have me under surveillance,” she said her voice heavy with irony.

Alaina was trembling at the thoughts entering her
mind. “If you hadn't been coming to meet me, I might have died tonight.”

Donovan held her more tightly. “Let's not even think
about it, you're safe now.”  The two of them had been so caught up in each
other, they had completely forgotten about the ten FBI agents swarming around
them until Agent Casivetti approached.

Casivetti gave them a rueful smile. “Prentice, we're
going to take the suspects to headquarters for some questioning.  I assume
you'll take care of Ms. Simmons.”

Donovan cleared his throat much to Alaina's surprise
he actually looked embarrassed.  “Yes Casivetti, I'll see Ms. Simmons
home.  She can come in to make her statement tomorrow.”

Casivetti nodded. “Fine, then we'll clear out of

Donovan looked at Alaina. “Are you ready to go?”

“Are you kidding, let's get out of here, this place
doesn't exactly hold happy memories for me.”

“I guess it wouldn't, come on baby, my car is just out
front.”  He looked at Casivetti, “Could you have one of the agents drive
Ms. Simmons' car back to San Diego? I don't think she's up to driving right

“Sure no problem, where are the keys?” Casivetti

Alaina rummaged through her purse and handed them to
him. “Here you go thanks.”

Casivetti took the keys from her. “Glad I can be of
help, Ms. Simmons.”


Once they were in Donovan's car Alaina began to
explain to Donovan everything she had learned from Delia.

Donovan shook his head in amazement. “We had just
begun collecting some evidence of Delia's involvement, but it certainly never
occurred to me she was the mastermind behind everything.  She hid her
tracks carefully.”

Alaina nodded her head in agreement. “The scary thing is
she might not have been caught if my father hadn't left such a large paper
trail documenting everything and the only reason he did was to get even with
Delia for stealing money from the OAS.  In his own warped way he was
devoted to his cause and he felt Delia had betrayed it and the organization.”

“The only thing missing is the key to the safety
deposit box with the money and the direct evidence against her.”

Alaina smiled. “Wrong, I've got the key.”

Donovan turned his eyes away from the road, toward her,
with a look of shock on his face. “You have the key?  Where did you get

“Well before Michael kidnapped me, Delia came to see
me.  That's when she told me about the key. She tried to pretend someone
had been threatening her and asking her for it.  She insisted she didn't
have it and that I must.  I of course told her I didn't know of any key or
its whereabouts, which was the truth.”

“So how do you have the key now?”

“After Delia left, my eye was caught by my law degree,
and I remembered my father had my degree framed for me just before he
died.  I took the frame off the wall and dismantled it. The key was hidden
in the frame. It's been in my office all this time.”

“It might have been easier to find had we known what
we were looking for.  Where is the key now?”

Alaina held up her purse. “It's in here.”

His face held an expression of disbelief. “You put it
in your purse?  Don't you think that was a little risky?  It's a
wonder Delia never found it.”

“It's not as dumb as it sounds. When I found the key I
tried to get a hold of you right away but I couldn't reach you, so I dropped
the thing in an aspirin bottle in my purse.  You know the same aspirin
bottle I bought the day I ran into you?  You gotta love that irony!” she
joked, before continuing, “Anyway, I was on my way to meet you when Michael
grabbed me in the parking lot,” she shuddered, remembering.

He placed his hand on her shoulder, and squeezed it
reassuringly. “I'm
I was just surprised you had
it on you all of this time.

“Is it all over now Donovan?”

“Yes it's all over, and there are no more loose

Twenty Three

With his words Alaina felt an incredible amount of
relief, it was truly over.  She was determined not to waste any more
time.  She needed to tell Donovan how she felt.  When they reached
Donovan's apartment, Alaina didn’t know what to do next or what to say to
him.  Should she just blurt it out that she loved him? 

Apparently Donovan wasn’t confused about what they
were going to do next. He grabbed her hand, and pulled her into his bedroom.

She was surprised at the speed he was moving. “In a
hurry Donovan?” she asked laughing.

He placed his hands on either side of her face. His
eyes were intense as he said, “Do you know how terrified I was when I saw that
asshole put a knife to your throat?”

“Well, I know how scared I was.  I didn’t think I
was going to make it out of that situation alive.  Thank God you got there
when you did.”

“You know,” he said, “people have enhanced sex drives
when they have been in a life and death situation.”  The mood in the room
changed instantly with his words.

“They do, huh?”

“Yeah, it’s the adrenaline.”

“Hmmm, I find that sort of scary since your sex drive
seems to be out of control on your normal days.   I’m not sure I’m up
for it.”

“Well, I’m definitely up for it,” he said pressing his
erection against her sex.

“Does this mean you are pulling out the handcuffs?”

“You and the handcuffs, I think you’re a dirty girl,”
he said as he pushed her towards the bed.

“I’ll have you know that I was never was a dirty girl
until I met you.”

“Well, you have taken to it like a fish to water. Are
you ready for some extra fun?”

She felt a little nervous at that question.
“Extra fun???”
What did he have in mind?

“Don’t worry, I promise you’ll enjoy it. Just follow
my lead,” he said as he began unbuttoning her blouse.  Next he took off
her bra and stepped back to look at her. She was now topless with just her
skirt on. “I love that look.  It’s so hot.” He leaned down and began
kissing each of her nipples while he massaged her breasts. 

“You’ve really got a thing for my breasts.” She arched
her them into his palms reveling is the feel of his hands on her body.

“Alaina, I’m going to have to fuck those tits of
yours, I’ve waited too long as it is.”

Okay, so wow that’s hot, Alaina thought.  “Well,
I’ve never done that before so I guess I’ll just have to follow your lead.”

He unzipped her skirt and slid it down her hips. 
He lowered himself onto his knees and grabbed her waist, pulling her
close.  He ran his tongue across her abdomen, while his other hand rubbed
her mound through her panties.  She reached for his shoulder seeking
support and enjoying the sensations coursing through her body.  His tongue
stroked across her navel causing her to shudder.  Tugging her panties down
rubbed his thumb over her clit gently and in a
slightly teasing motion. 

“Donovan, please,” she panted as she rubbed against
his thumb trying to encourage him to go faster. 

He chuckled at her plea.  He moved his hands
behind her thighs encouraging her to spread her legs, but instead of placing
his mouth where she wanted it most he began to give her gentle nips on her
inner thighs.  She felt his tongue sucking on her soft flesh and just when
she thought he was going to move between her legs he found another place on her

“Donovan you’re driving me crazy.”

“Oh good, that’s what I was going for.”

He got up from his knees and took her hand. “Lie down
on the bed.” She
down, waiting expectantly for
what was next.

After shedding his clothes he went to his night table
and pulled out some body oil.  He poured some into his palms. 
Joining her on the bed, he leaned over her and began massaging her breasts and
rubbing the oil into her cleavage.  He continued working the oil into her
stomach and then worked at slowly kneading her thighs and calves.  He even
spent time rubbing her feet.  She felt pampered and completely turned on
at the same time.  He then worked his way back up her body continuously
rubbing and massaging her skin.  He tweaked and played with her nipples
until they were hard and erect.  He placed his thigh on either side of her
while he leaned down and kissed her, continuously massaging her breasts. 
She could feel his hard cock pressing against her stomach. Alaina groaned as he
stroked his hard hot length across her belly.

He lifted his head. “Have you ever used any toys?”

Her eyes widened slightly, as she shook her head
slowly. “No.”

He smiled at her reassuringly. “Don’t be frightened,
it’s fun and it feels good.”  He reached over into the nightstand drawer
and pulled out a small silicone u-shaped device.  The ends were slightly

“Let’s make sure you’re wet enough to insert this
first,” he said knowing full well she would be soaking.  He lowered his
head between her legs and lapped away at her delicious cream and took in her
scent.  He put two fingers inside and pumped them back and forth marveling
at how good she felt as her vagina sucked in his fingers. He moved his tongue
to her clit and flicked it across quickly back and forth just the way he knew
she liked it.  He waited until he heard her soft gasp before he

He sat up with the vibrator still in his hand. 
He pressed down on one of the ends and she could hear a slight buzzing. 
“This is going to stimulate your clit and your g-spot at the same
time.   Trust me, you’ll love it”

“I trust you,” she replied, meaning it in every way.

He placed one end of the vibrator inside her vagina
and the other end on her clit.

The sensations were immediate and incredible.
“Holy Shit!”

He chuckled. “See, I told you would like it.”

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