Trouble Comes in Threes (9 page)

BOOK: Trouble Comes in Threes
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Maybe Tal could build me something, since apparently he had the skills. Would he mind? Was it even okay for me to ask? Thing was, I had to pull my share of the load. I had to. To do that, I had to work. Being a mechanic was all I knew. I guess I could work in someone else’s shop, but that would suck big time after owning my own.

“So… if we three are going to be in a relationship, then let me tell you right now, I get a vote on what’s decided. Just because I’m human doesn’t mean the two of you get to make all the decisions around here. First off, I’m okay with moving in with you guys.”

Dolf leaned back in his chair. “Glad to see you’re up. Hope we didn’t wake—”

Tal blushed as he spoke over Dolf. “We certainly want you to take part in—”

Dolf grinned. “—you. Are you hungry or would you—”

Tal slapped his hand on the table. “Wait! Wait just a minute! Did…. Did you say you’d—”

Dolf snorted. “—like to try talking about our future? Or, after experiencing us trying to have a three-way conversation, maybe you’d like to make a run for it now.”

“Dolf!” Tal huffed. “That’s not funny!”

I sat at the table. “Okay, so… I heard you talking, but I was already awake, Dolf. I know you weren’t trying to exclude me in the decision-making process, Tal, but I want to start off how I mean to go on. Yes, I’m hungry, Dolf. And yes, Tal, I said I had no problem moving in with you two. This place is just a place to stay. It was never home. Next question?”

Dolf pushed the sandwich he’d fixed over to me. “I’d say there’s nothing wrong with your brain if you can do all that. Here, take mine, and I’ll fix another.”

Startled, I glanced at the food. “Oh, I didn’t mean for you to give up your meal.”

Dolf stood, poured me my own glass of water, and brought it to me. Then he gathered what he needed to make another sandwich. “You need to take it easy, and I certainly don’t mind seeing you eat something I fixed. It pleases me, so eat.”

“Um, all right. Well, thanks.”

Tal reached over and took my hand. “Did you really mean it? You’re okay with living with us?”

“Want to live here?” I asked.

Tal blushed and shook his head.

“Are you going to let me stay here alone?”

“I can answer that, and the answer is no. Once we mate with you, none of us will want to be too far from one other because of the mate pull,” Dolf said. “That’s just the way it is.”

“I kind of figured my staying alone was not an option.” I sipped the water in front of me. “I’ll admit living with you makes me nervous. I mean, I don’t really know either of you.”

“What better way to get to know Tal and me than by living with us? Kirk, eat your dinner.”

“I’m….” I shrugged as I ate another bite. “I’m not used to anyone waiting on me, I guess. Feels a little weird.”

Tal leaned a little closer and waggled his eyebrows. “It’s a dominance thing.”

“Ah, about that.” I took a bite and swallowed. “I’m not what you’d call submissive. I don’t take orders very well. Ah, let me amend that. I don’t take orders blindly. From what I remember reading about wolf packs, that’s kind of required.”

Tal shook his head as he ate. “First, we share some of the same principles as wolf packs, but we are feline,
wolves. There are differences.”

“Actually, the more important thing to remember is that our Alpha doesn’t expect blind obedience. If people have questions, they make an appointment with him and ask. The key is to be respectful.” Dolf brought his food to the table and sat. “We’re still testing the waters here too, so we all need to remember to ask questions of each other.”

I took another bite of my sandwich. “Sounds like you’re used to giving your fair share of orders too.”

Tal used his plastic cup to point at Dolf. “Oh, he is, and he’s good at it. Or he will be when he takes over from his dad.”

“So, you’re next in line to rule, or however you say it? How does that work?” I asked.

Dolf ate some of his sandwich, then answered. “Think of it like retirement. When Dad’s ready, he’ll step down, and I’ll take over. He’s not ready yet, and I’m still learning from him, so it’s all good.”

“So, no infighting, huh?”

Tal’s cackle bounced all over the kitchen. “Dolf’s mom would kick both their asses.”

“Got it.” I laughed. “What’s your dad’s name, Dolf?”

“Armonty Hoyer. Family calls Dad Monty. Mom’s name is June.”

“Interesting name.” Very telling, too, that I had no idea. “Shit, man, I don’t even know you guys’ last names, and here I’m talking about living with you? What the hell am I thinking?”

“No, no, don’t think that way,” Tal said. “My full name is Talise Martin. I own my own construction company. Most of the work I do is for our clowder, though. We number about thirty, and we live in and around West Falls. Um, I like all kinds of food, but I love hamburgers. My favorite color is black.”

“My name is Dolfoon Hoyer. I handle the business end of the company for Tal. I like steak and potatoes, and my favorite color is red.”

My lips twitched. “Do I get a resume too?”

Tal snickered.

Dolf raised an eyebrow. “If it helps get you riding my cock faster, I’ll send one right on over.”

My mouth fell open.

The guffaws from Tal echoed around the kitchen. “Oh, this is going to be interesting. I may have to takes bets as to which one of you gets the last word.”

Dolf suddenly smiled at me. “The winner gets Tal’s ass.”


I smirked at the look on Tal’s face, then winked at Dolf. “I can work with that.”


Dolf’s laugh drowned out mine. As we sat there eating, I had the passing thought that this just might work.



of the day passed quickly, all of us sharing stories from our lives. Dolf told how he and Tal met. There had been a mating between a female from Dolf’s clowder and a beta from Tal’s clowder. Dolf told how he’d scented Tal almost immediately when he and several others arrived for the mating. Like the animal kingdom, the majority of paranormals didn’t have problems with same-sex matings.

We ate a very late lunch, and they helped me do what little cleanup there was in the kitchen. I’d barely set the last plate down to dry when Dolf had me backed against the counter, his hands on my hips. I clutched the counter as we stared at each other. From one heartbeat to the next, my body lit up. Tal was right there next to him, as close as he could get.

“I’m going to ask one last time. Are you
you’re ready, Kirk?”

My heart pounded, and fire raced through my veins. Desire was a living thing in me. I needed their hands on me, both of them touching me.

Tal moaned softly next to me. “You smell like honeysuckle.”

So that was what my desire smelled like. Now I knew why I smelled cinnamon and apple pie around them at times.

I looked Dolf straight in the eye. “I’m sure.”

“Good,” Dolf said. “For now, leave your hands where they’re at.”

Holy shit, why did that make me so hard I throbbed with excitement? I didn’t have time to wonder because Dolf tilted my head back and exposed my throat. A moan popped out before I caught myself, and my eyes drifted shut.

Dolf nibbled up my throat, sharp little bites that made me grind against him, looking for friction for my cock. He pressed his warm, firm lips to mine, and I opened immediately. He swept his tongue inside, exploring. His kiss was demanding and strong, like the man himself.

Tal plastered himself against us, licking the shell of my ear, roaming his hands over my chest, and dipping inside my robe. He feathered his long fingers over my nipples, and another moan burst from me. Chill bumps rose on my arms as Tal rolled the hard peaks. His breath fanned across my skin as he nuzzled my neck, those wicked fingers driving me crazy.

He pinched both nipples, and I rose to my toes, squirming, the sweet zing of pain flooding my system. He fastened his lips on my throat and sucked hard. I thrust my hips, and Tal rubbed his hard-on against me. One last swipe of his agile tongue, and Dolf released my mouth, sliding his hand out of my hair. Tal must have been satisfied with the mark he sucked on my neck, because he, too, released me.

Then, suddenly, both of them inched back from me. For a moment I stood there panting, still clutching the counter while my cock and I debated the merits of coming now versus later. Then a loud purr from Dolf echoed through the room. That was the hottest fucking thing I’d ever heard, and I moaned loudly in response. Well, debate over. If one of them so much as laid a finger on my shaft, I was done.

The last time I’d come in my jeans was high school, and I was about to do it again. “I-I… I’m so close. I’m telling you right now that there’s no way I’m going to last.”

Dolf held his hand out to me. “Not to worry, you’re going to come more than once today. But let’s take this to the bedroom. We’ll have more room.”

More than once, huh? Not at my age.
I stepped away from the counter, and Tal snuggled up to my side. As the three of us staggered down the hall, my robe came off, only to disappear somewhere behind us. Dolf was behind me, guiding us down the hall, easing his hands down my night pants.

Tal walked backward, his hands on my face while he kissed me. Already, I knew the difference between the two. Tal’s kiss was playful and sweet, whereas Dolf’s was more demanding and hard. Kind of like the men themselves. We barely entered the room before my night pants hit the floor, and I found myself on my bed, Tal leaning over me.

“Jesus,” I mumbled.

All that long hair of his fell around us. I wrapped a thick strand of it around my fist and jerked him to me. Tal’s startled gasp greeted me as I slammed my lips against his. This time, I controlled the kiss. I leaned back against the pillow as I worked off the sweatshirt he’d borrowed. I wanted skin, dammit. I nipped that full bottom lip of his, then pulled back.

“Is everything okay?” Tal asked breathlessly, straightening up on his knees.

“Fine,” I gasped, looking up at the gorgeous man above me. I tugged at the sweatshirt. “Just too many clothes.”

Tal pulled the sweatshirt off and tossed it. Well, shit, look at the miles of smooth, golden skin. My mouth watered. Loved me a hairless guy.

The bed dipped as Dolf crawled behind Tal and slowly eased the night pants to Tal’s knees. Tal’s fat, swollen cock bounced up, smacking his belly. Dolf, on his knees too, grasped Tal’s cock, leisurely stroking it. Tal moaned, eyes hooded, his head resting on Dolf’s shoulder, that long hair cascading over his chest and onto Dolf’s arms. Tal ran his hand up and down his chest, tweaking his nipples.

“Do you want this?” Dolf stroked Tal’s dick, making him moan harder. Dolf twisted his wrist, and Tal’s hips bucked.

“God, yes,” I answered.

Dolf nipped Tal’s shoulder, sending another shudder through the other man. “You don’t come until you’re buried in Kirk’s ass and he’s come first. Understand, Tal?”

Tal panted, a strange yowling sound. He continued to fuck Dolf’s fist, his arm wrapped around Dolf’s neck. “Yes, Dolf.”

That’s when I noticed both of them had really, really long canines. “Fuck.”

Tal’s attention snapped back to me. “Yes.”

He crawled away from Dolf and slinked across the bed toward me. In a graceful move that left me shaking my head in envy, he shimmied the rest of the way out of the night pants. My breath quickened when he crawled up my body and straddled my chest, his cock right at my mouth.

“Suck me, please? Just a little. I want to feel your mouth on me, Kirk.”

Now how could I say no to that? I opened up.

Hard and hot. Salty and sweet. Silken skin over steel. He was a pleasant mouthful, not long enough to choke me, but long enough to make me work. I glanced up at him, all that hair falling wildly around his very flushed face as he hovered over me. I caressed his legs, traveling farther down with my hands until I was able to touch his feet. I relaxed and let him gently fuck my mouth as I looked at him.

God, he was beautiful. He stared down at me, those oddly blue eyes giving off a slight glow, a canine showing as he thrust in and out of my mouth. A slight smile lit his face as he watched me take him deeper.

“Yes,” he whispered. “Just like that. Slow. Make me crazy.”

Next thing I knew, my feet were flat on the bed, my knees bent and spread. Dolf touched my hole with his wet finger, and I jumped under Tal.

“Dolf found your lube,” Tal whispered. “He’s going to open you up for me.”

Since my mouth was stuffed full, I winked to let him know I heard. Dolf rubbed his slick finger back and forth across my hole, spreading the lube. A little pressure, and then he eased the tip inside me. I grunted around Tal’s cock, trying my best to shove back.

“Want more?” Dolf asked.

I wiggled my hips. Yes, I wanted more. My body was burning up. Need scraped greedy fingers across my skin. If I weren’t so fucking horny, I’d panic. I’d never felt this inescapable desire in any of my other relationships. Dolf added another finger, pushing in rapidly so I’d feel more of the burn. Squirming with delight, I sucked harder, pulling a startled gasp from Tal.

Tal’s voice wavered over me. “Dolf, Dolf, please, get him ready. I need… I need him.

He entered me with another finger, three in all. I dug my hands into Tal’s thighs. Oh, that was good. I liked that little bit of pain, and Dolf was giving me what I wanted.

“You’re dripping precome, Kirk. I’d stroke you too, but I don’t want you to come until Tal is in you.”

As much as I wanted to feel Dolf jacking me off too, I agreed. One touch to my cock and I’d blow. Tal pulled his dick out of my mouth and lay down next to me. Dolf used his slick hand to lube Tal up more. Then Dolf leaned over and kissed Tal, and I turned on my side, watching. They were so…. I felt stupid saying it, but they were beautiful together.

“Damn,” I muttered. “You two are fucking hot.”

Dolf ended the kiss and reached for me. A quick, hard kiss, and he leaned back. “
,” he clarified. “We are fucking hot together.”

BOOK: Trouble Comes in Threes
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