Tristan (The Kendall Family #1) (12 page)

Read Tristan (The Kendall Family #1) Online

Authors: Randi Everheart

Tags: #romance

BOOK: Tristan (The Kendall Family #1)
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“So it’s a solitary life.”

“Doesn’t have to be. Maybe that’s the way they want it. I know some do because they don’t really like their wives that much.”

“That’s depressing.”


“I don’t think that would work for me, the long-distance relationship thing. I’d miss you too much.”

He smiled. “Well, we can’t have that.”

“How much do you love that lifestyle? Is it everything that you had thought it would be? Are you happy?” She bit her lip.

Tristan looked away, wanting to give her an honest reply but not being sure what the answer was. He’d been struggling to figure that out lately. “I’m not sure anymore. Ever since the fight that got me suspended, I’ve been wondering. I mean, sometimes I get a little riled up on tour and I’ve been thinking maybe it’s due to some unhappiness or unrest I haven’t realized was there.”

“What do you think it could be?”

“I don’t know, but it reminds me of how I felt
I left to go racing. You know, that’s the feeling that made me choose that life, and now that life is what makes me feel that way. Funny, isn’t it?”

“Maybe you’re ready for a change of some kind.”

“Could be.”

“Have you accomplished what you set out to do? And what was that, anyway? I was never really sure.”

He pursed his lips. “I thought I told you?”

“You might’ve. I just might not have heard. All I really heard was that you’d be racing all the time and the danger to you. The reason you wanted to probably got lost in my fears.”

“I can see that. So all this time you weren’t even sure why I left?”

She nodded. “I had a vague idea, but that didn’t comfort me a lot.”

He squeezed her hand. “Well, it was partly to make a name for myself away from my family, but racing has been the only thing I’ve ever been good at—”

“You’re pretty damn good in bed, too, sweetie,” she interrupted.

“Yeah but I can’t make a living doing that.” He paused. “Well, I could, actually…”

She started laughing. “I think that’s illegal except in Vegas.”

“I could always move,” he offered.

She tossed a breadstick at him. He caught it, dipped it in marinara sauce, and took a bite.

“Part of me wanted to find out just how good I really was. At racing,” he clarified. “You can’t do that beating other locals. You have to go pro, if you can. I think it’s something I had to do, had to know. Otherwise it would’ve eaten away at me all the time.”

“And you’ve found out how good you are. I know you’ve won big races, even though I wasn’t following your career.”

“Yeah. I have my answer.”

“And is it enough? It sounds like maybe you don’t enjoy it as much?”

He spread his hands. “I don’t know. For a while there I thought it was great, and racking up wins was cool, for sure, but in the last year or so, I found that doesn’t get me as excited anymore.” He paused, remembering his accident. “I have to admit that a few tumbles I’ve taken have made me think twice, and a few guys have been killed, too. It sometimes does make you wonder what’s the point?”

“Maybe you should cash in your chips, as they say, and find another thing to make you that happy. You know, before your luck runs out.”

He looked her in the eyes and didn’t say the cheesy line about her being that thing, mostly because of how that would sound—insincere—when he’d mean it. His gaze said it anyway.

After dinner, they strolled along Baltimore’s Inner Harbor a few blocks away, enjoying the warm spring air. Tall buildings surrounded them and a Baltimore Orioles baseball game was underway in Camden Yards ahead, the bright lights shining into the dark sky. Scores of people walked along, too, though few were arm in arm like them, and Tristan began to enjoy the jealous stares. The idea of ravishing her in front of them made his cock bulge. Before long he was so horny that he ushered her back to the car and set a land-speed record getting back to her house. After both freshened up just a bit, he grabbed a blanket and took her hand, leading her back outside to the field behind the house.

“Oh, yeah?” she asked with a twinkle. “Are you planning to have me out here or were you just going to be sweet and loving?”

He kissed her hand like gentlemen did in the old days. “We’ll get naked and show the wildlife how it’s really done.”

“Just how wild were you planning to get?” Her nipples hardened faster than ever before.

He grinned. “Do you think your neighbors will hear?”

She glanced at the houses to either side. In her rural neighborhood, other residences weren’t that close, and a line of trees separated the yards, but if the way Tristan made her scream lately was any indication, the neighbors would come running to see the show.

“I’m not sure I can keep quiet, sweetie. Maybe this isn’t a good idea.” Despite those words, she felt her pussy throb with need.

“Let’s give it a try. The worst that can happen is we run naked for the house.”

She giggled. “You’re so naughty.”

“And you love it.” He slipped his hands under the sweater and lifted it over her head, revealing the lace negligee with holes cut out for her nipples.

“Yes I do. And so am I.” With that, she grabbed his belt buckle, undid it and the button on his jeans, pulled down the zipper, and then slid his pants and underwear to his knees while getting down on hers. Her warm lips engulfed his half-hard cock, a wet, smooth tongue undulating on the underside. He moaned. As she began to suck and he swelled in her mouth, she glanced toward the neighbors’ houses, seeing no one, both relieved and disappointed. The idea of someone watching them made her whole body bristle with excitement, her pussy dripping with juices and her nipples aching. One hand sought his balls, tickling him between the legs while her other hand squeezed his firm ass.

He slid both hands into her hair and began fucking her hot mouth.

“I love your ruby lips on my cock,” he murmured. “Your diamond necklace. The high heels. Dressed like a lady and sucking like a beast. I have to get you naked except for those. You drive me crazy.”

She pulled her mouth away, panting. “Well, what are you waiting for?”

He yanked off his blazer and shirt while she pulled his shoes and jeans all the way off. A quick yank of his socks and Tristan Kendall stood naked in the moonlight, his proud penis straining into the night sky, fire in his eyes and abs catching shadows. She sucked his balls into her mouth for a nibble, eyes darting to the neighbors’ houses again. For a moment she felt proud to be the one doing this. He was all hers, and she would devour him.

Then Tristan knelt before her, engulfing her in his arms as his lips crushed hers, one hand mussing her long hair. The other found a hard nipple and tugged it. A moan from her. A pinch. A gasp. Twist. Shudder. He began pulling her skirt up so that the silky fabric caressed her thighs and bare ass, for the negligee had only a thong for a bottom. His sure hand slipped between her hot thighs and deftly pulled aside the soaked thong to brush her pulsing folds. A spasm surged up her pussy. Fingers parted her flesh to fondle the hidden nub buried inside and a familiar build up rocked her body as Victoria came fast and hard, moaning into Tristan’s mouth. In an instant she lost all inhibition. Let people watch a real man ravish a woman!

Tristan broke the kiss to quickly pull the whole skirt up and over her head. His mouth slurped one nipple into his hot mouth, fingers expertly unsnapping her lingerie. Faster than she expected, Victoria was kneeling naked on a blanket. It felt both scandalous and natural, as if all pretense of human society had gone and they were nothing but animals. Tristan pulled his lips away so that her wet nipple caught the cooling night air and ached maddeningly.

“Leave the diamonds,” he huskily began, “and the heels.”

She nodded. Those signs of elegant living accentuated the animal lust enfolding them both. And like a beast, Tristan firmly turned her around to be on all fours before him. She spread both knees and presented her waiting pussy, eyes darting to the neighbors again. Nothing. No lights. No sound. She trembled as he lightly ran both hands up the back of her thighs. Then the head of his cock pressed against her wet folds and she suddenly thrust back against him. Tristan slowed and pushed all the way in until his pubic bone nuzzled against her bare ass, the blond hair tickling her flesh. Her whole body began to shake. She felt so scandalous, a thrill of exultation surging from her pussy to her tits, her heart, and back again.

“Oh, fuck me, Tristan,” she begged, near to weeping. “Please fuck me.”

“Oh, God, I love it when you say that!”

“Fuck me!”

And so he did. With powerful thrusts, he sent the diamond necklace around her neck bouncing against her engorged tits, which swung pendulously. Both hands spread her ass out, making her feel more naked than before, if that were possible. Moonlight streamed across their flesh, the stars twinkling almost as brightly as her tear-filled eyes, for Tristan’s cock felt so good that she nearly wept.

“Now I know why the man on the moon smiles,” she said dreamily, panting.

He laughed and then reached around for her lush mounds. One pinch of both nipples and she opened her mouth in a silent scream. The familiar weight of release grew inside and made her writhe against him like a mating animal in heat. The explosion rocked her so that she saw stars behind closed eyes and nearly collapsed but for his hands holding her hips up so he could enjoy her. She surrendered more than just her womanhood to him. Something about the whole experience made every wall fall away.

“Oh, God, I love you,” Tristan said, thrusting heartily.

She stiffened. He didn’t notice, for his balls tightened as an urge rapidly built deep within. With a throaty groan of pleasure, Tristan erupted inside Victoria. She felt his seed pump into her eager womb and drip down the back of her legs, tickling her. His cock throbbed for long moments as he rested his head down on her sweaty back.

Sounding spent and conquered, he whispered as if to himself, “I still love you.”

Victoria couldn’t breathe. The words she’d most wanted to hear from him for five years had come at the worst time. During sex can make it seem disingenuous, like fucking her was what he really loved, not her. He’d never been a pig like that, but she still deserved better, especially after all these years. She pulled forward and off his cock, which sprang free. Then she turned and sat back on her heels, still trembling, her heart a jumble of emotions. He looked at her, love clearly on his adoring face. She bit her lip and cupped his cheek with one hand, not sure what to say. She almost had the impression he didn’t know he’d said anything at all. Twice.

As if to prove that point, he pulled her close and made no further mention of it, not inquiring about how she felt. If he didn’t even know he said it, did that make it truer? More genuine?

Now she wasn’t sure what to do. Did she ask if he meant it? That seemed lame. If he said no, that would infuriate her. If he said yes, he might just be saying it because she asked, rendering it as meaning nothing—even if he
meant it. She sighed and felt like screaming.

And then he lifted her to her feet and promptly slung her over one shoulder, carrying her back to the house like a conquering hero coming home, both of them buck naked. She began to laugh and he slapped her rump. And for now, she decided she didn’t care.

Chapter 12 – Victory Lane

The next morning, Victoria watched Tristan sleep and pondered her next move. She still loved him, she knew. But she wasn’t going to say it. Not yet. She had to find a way to make him say it again, this time while they were dressed. Or she’d go get that frying pan and finish what she’d started.

Before long, they drove to CMS to arrange for a Honda Goldwing, the standard big touring bike that looked like a lounge chair on two wheels. It wasn’t as much fun around a curve as any smaller motorcycle, but the traffic on Skyline Drive would keep everyone below the thirty-five mph speed limit anyway. Rick told them the parts for her bike were coming soon without an extra charge as the parts were nearby anyway.

Tristan spotted a headset system that would allow him and Victoria to talk via wireless microphones and ear buds. Not only would it help on this trip but any time they rode on separate bikes beside each other. He bought it and spent part of that afternoon assembling everything and getting the headsets working.

His insurance company called and said his bike would have to be missing for longer before they would replace it or give him cash. A call to Ryan revealed there’d been no sign of it. Victoria’s insurance gave her an estimate that confirmed she’d be out her deductible of a few hundred. They weren’t covering her lost wages, either; she’d taken a few days off to recover from the crash. Or at least that’s what she claimed. She hadn’t been sore as expected. She used vacation hours instead and wouldn’t return to work until Monday. They’d be back from the road trip by then. It was now Friday.

While Tristan worked on the headsets, Chloe arrived to take Victoria away for an afternoon of rekindling their friendship. It wasn’t until they returned hours later with a multitude of bags that he found out what they’d been up to.

As she put grocery bags on the counter, Chloe said, “I have a message from Connor.”

“What?” Tristan asked.

She patted his shoulder on the way to the bedroom. “Get your own damn clothes.” She returned a minute later with everything of his brother’s that Tristan wasn’t wearing. With a meaningful look at Victoria, his sister gave him a hug and whispered, “Don’t screw this up. And tell her how you feel.”

Then she left, leaving him wondering about that last remark. Had Victoria expressed concerns about where his heart lay? Whether he felt the same? And why to Chloe, who had the biggest mouth this side of the Rockies? Maybe he needed to reassure Victoria of his intentions, which were growing stronger and clearer by the hour.

Victoria approached with a blue shirt she’d pulled from another bag, holding it up to his chest to check the size. “I bought you shaving cream, a razor, aftershave, cologne, a toothbrush, some socks, shirts, cargo pants, and underwear, including a thong. I might insist on you modeling that for me later.”

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