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Authors: A. S. Fenichel

Training Rain (14 page)

BOOK: Training Rain
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His hand explored the underside of her breast and she
arched, pressing her ass firmly back against his arousal, and her chest to his
exploring hand. “What do you want to tell me?”

“In all the time I’ve been an agent and even back to when I
was in training, I never cared if I lived or died until today.”

She tried to pull out of his embrace, wanted to turn and
look into his eyes. How could what he was saying be true? Jess tightened his
grip and kept her in place while his mouth gently touched the shell of her ear.
“The idea of finally finding you and then dying in almost the same breath—I
couldn’t stand it.”

Her heart literally ached from the power of his words, the
sweetness. “You make my life worth living too. I know it’s corny, but I don’t
care. I want to be with you for as long as we have. Today in the plane, when I
was sure we were both going to die, I was happy for the first time in my life.”

“Happy?” His grip eased and she was able to turn to face

He must have shaved before he’d come to bed, but a light
stubble had grown while they slept. “Yes. You trusted me. Even though I don’t
have all the training and I have no psi offensive skills. You had no idea if I
had really understood the message you conveyed or if I had the guts to do what
you told me. Still, you loved me enough to take a leap of faith. How many
people do you think have that kind of love? So if I had died today, I would
have gone to the Great Spirit happy. My life, everything I’ve seen and done was
all worth it because it led me to you.”

The kiss started gently, but in seconds his mouth opened and
demanded entry. She happily slid her tongue around his, feeling every ounce of
his passion as it mingled with her own.

A moment later he broke away. “You’re wrong about one thing,

She laughed. “Only one?”

“I never doubted that you had the guts. You’re the bravest
person I’ve ever met. I knew it the day you saved me in Las Vegas. You had no
law enforcement background and yet you were willing to take on the most
dangerous psychic in the world. I never doubted you would zap an oversexed
mercenary, only if you would hear my instructions.”

“I’m not going to go back to the reservation. You are going
to have to get used to me putting myself in danger without becoming a

“I will try to evolve.” As he said it, he ran his hand from
her waist to the back side of her knee. Pulling her leg forward and over his
hip caused his cock to nestle delightfully against her pussy.

“Are you evolving at the moment?” She pressed forward,
loving the sensation the friction sent rocketing through her.

Jess’ smile was sweet and sexy and all she wanted was to
have him buried deep inside her. How could anyone be so perfect? He ran his
tongue along her lips and she gasped at the shock of desire that rushed to her

“I hope this never evolves or becomes civilized,

She wanted to agree, to tell him that he could be as
uncivilized as he wanted. Her brain would not give instructions to her mouth
about anything other than kissing him. No words would be formed.

He grabbed her ass and pulled her hard against him while
still devouring her mouth. Her breaths were short and shallow and her pussy
pulsed with need. He broke the kiss while tugging her tee-shirt over her head
and tossing it on the floor. A moment later she heard the crinkle of foil and
opened her eyes to watch while he rolled the condom over his thick shaft.

She barely moved, only tipped her hips slightly. He perched
at her slick opening and pressed inside, one centimeter at a time. He never
backed out, just drove deeper until he filled her completely. She loved the way
his cock pushed against the walls of her pussy, stretching her. His eyes locked
on hers and neither of them moved.

Trying to remain still was sweet torture. Rain couldn’t take
anymore. She whimpered and rocked her hips back and forward. A low groan of
satisfaction from Jess encouraged her to continue to bring him deep inside her
and then release him. Each time he filled her, the sensation escalated.

Then his fingers found her slick folds, teasing her clit.
With one finger he circled the sensitive bud again and again. She bucked faster
and harder, losing the rhythm but not caring. Any sense of reality slipped away
as he added a second finger and lightly slid over her clit. It was the lightest
of touches and it was driving her wild.

Rain clutched at the blankets with one hand and gripped his
bicep with the other. She barely recognized that her nails were digging into
his flesh. The explosion of rapture had her too far gone to care and then it
crashed around her. She screamed again and again while her pussy clung to his
cock, demanding more. Waves continued to break against her and his light touch
stirred yet another onslaught of sensation. Her body shook and jerked.

Jess pushed deep and pulled out almost completely before
thrusting inside her again. All the while his delicate touch drove her to yet
another cascade of rapture. She couldn’t breathe. Part of her wanted it to stop
while another part never wanted the end to come. Thoughts were fleeting and her
screams continued to fill the hotel’s bedroom.

Another, stronger wave hit and finally the orgasm subsided.
Panting, she gulped for air. Jess stilled, though he was rock-hard and buried
deep inside her.

“That was…I never…holy shit.” It was the best she could do.

A low chuckle from Jess caused a slight vibration in his
shaft and her pussy clutched at him again. With her eyes still closed, she
noted his hand on her thigh adjusting their position until he was lying on top
of her. She loved the feel of his weight pressing her into the soft mattress.

He pulled back until only the very tip of him was still linked
with her. “Open your eyes.”

She did. Intense blue eyes looked down at her. A slight
smile warmed his lips and he pressed slowly inside her. It was amazing she had
anything left, but another tightness pulled together deep behind her pelvis and
forced her hips to respond to his pace.

His gaze was nearly as stimulating as the fucking. Faster
and faster he plunged inside her sopping pussy until a guttural cry poured from
his mouth. His body jerked and thrust deeper, pushing her over the top of
another orgasm. Her body milked his cock for every drop. She had the most vivid
fantasy of not having a rubber blocking his seed. She wanted to feel him, hot
and wet, filling her with possibilities.

Never in her life had she had a thought like that ever cross
her mind. Never. And the fantasy was intense.

It must have been a very clear image because Jess stilled
suddenly before grabbing her and rolling them both to their sides. He sweetly
pushed her mass of hair out of her face. “Really?”

“I don’t know where that came from.”

“I would love to fill you with my seed,

Her chest tightened and she pushed him away, though not with
any real force. She rolled so that her back faced him. “Let’s talk about it
another time. I’m tired, Jess. I can’t think.”

Warm, moist lips pressed against the back of her neck and
shoulder as his arms banded around her and pulled her in tight. “Whenever you
want. I’ll be here.”


Chapter Eleven


How could he sleep? No way, not after the way she’d
broadcast that thought of sex without a condom. Did that mean she was thinking
about having babies with him? At once he was giddy with excitement and swamped
with terror.

He really should try to sleep.

An hour later he still watched Rain’s face in the shadowy
light from the bathroom. He listened to her slow, steady breathing. Every once
in a while a high-pitched sigh pushed from her full, bowed lips. What was the
sigh for? He had an intense desire to poke around in the pretty head and find
out, but he’d made a promise and he would not break his word.

In his entire life, he’d never been so consumed by another
person. He loved Rain. How was it possible to have fallen so completely? Even
more amazing, she loved him too. His cock stood at half-mast for the entire
night, fitted perfectly against her curved ass. Her head rested against his
biceps. It should have become uncomfortable after a while, but he never wanted
to let her go.

The idea of her going into danger knotted his stomach. Then
he thought about how fantastic she’d been with a small percentage of her
training complete, and the way she’d stood up to Kane and Tessa. He knew she’d
been born to be in law enforcement. Protecting was her nature. She would always
stand on the side of right.

The last time he glanced at the clock, it had read four in
the morning. At five thirty he shook Rain gently. “Time to get up,
We have a big day.”

As if she were a cat, she reached above her head, arched her
back and stretched long. What he wouldn’t give for an extra hour to delight in
her body. He wanted to kiss every curve, explore every angle. It would have to

Within the hour they would be expected to be downstairs and
on their way to rescue Bradly Breckenridge’s son from a mental hospital.


The Alexandria Mental Health Facility looked as if it had
stood on the property since the city had first been developed in the mid-eighteenth
century. Ivy covered the red brick, and white columns stood sentinel on either
side of the front entrance.

Rain did not block their psi senses, but he knew she was
prepared to block any and all people once any danger became apparent. Jess made
the guards think they heard a noise elsewhere and the five agents from the Psi
Alliance walked inside the facility just after the doors opened for the day.

The nurse at the front desk asked who they were and they
said doctors touring the facility. She was particularly weak-minded and Jess
easily convinced her it was true. She would even remember seeing them all wearing
white lab coats rather than the black swat gear they actually wore.

As charming as the building was on the outside, the inside
had been stripped of any character. Flat gray walls and floors painted in a
darker shade of the same gray. Every hallway lined with bare light bulbs
covered only by steel cages. White doors with numbers on the right side of
each. Each door had a small window with a metal grate between two pieces of
glass. Jess noted nothing personal of any kind as they traversed the halls toward
room 2032. FBI Agent Blake had supplied them with the room number, though Jess
was confident that he could have gotten the information from the desk nurse if
it had been necessary.

“I think we have company,” Joshua said. They each had a
weapon, but they were going to try not to draw them inside the hospital. The
idea was to get the kid and get out.

“Who?” Tessa’s voice was soft, but confident.

“I think it’s Breckenridge. He entered just behind us.”

“Maybe he’s just visiting.” Rain’s voice didn’t seem nearly
as confident as her words implied.

Jess backed up and let his colleagues continue. He would
check on the senator and see what he was up to.

“You’re here early, senator.” It was the front desk nurse’s

Jess couldn’t risk being seen, but he listened from around
the corner.

“Have the medications I requested been administered to my
son?” Disdain seeped from every word. In spite of the nurse’s attempt to be
cordial, the senator sounded stern and annoyed.

“Let me just check for you.”

Jess heard the ticking of computer keys echo in the empty
entrance hall.

“Everything was given to Troy this morning, sir. Do you want
me to call an orderly to accompany you?”

“Don’t be an idiot. I can see my own son without any of
those guard dogs. He would never harm me.”

Jess’ gut tightened. Was the patient dangerous?

“If you say so, senator, but he did break your wrist just a
month ago.”

“He was upset and his medication wasn’t quite right. He’ll
be fine now.”

“If you say so.”

“Are you afraid of him, nurse? Maybe it’s time you had a
reassignment.” Breckenridge’s voice brimmed with malice.

To the nurse’s credit, her tone remained completely even and
unaffected. “Not at all, sir. He never attacks anyone other than you. When
you’re not here, he’s a model patient and always has been.”

Jess tucked that information away and headed toward the
room. By the time he got there, Joshua and Kane were exiting room 2032. They
had the arms of an enormous man slung over each of their shoulders and
practically carried the listless guy.

“That’s Troy Breckenridge?” Jess couldn’t hide his surprise.
For some reason he expected a frail twenty-three-year-old, not a giant as big
as Will.

Whatever the drugs were that the senator demanded be
administered, they were working. The bottoms of Troy’s feet barely made contact
with the floor. He tried to walk, but mostly he was dragged.

“This is the guy,” Tessa said.

“Yeah? Well, his father is here and evidently our young man
gets a bit testy with dear old dad from time to time.”

“Great,” Kane said.

Joshua passed his side of Troy over to Jess. The kid had to
weigh two hundred fifty pounds. Jess grunted under the dead weight.

“Rain, you’d better block Troy for now.”

Jess could see that she didn’t like the idea, but she didn’t
argue with Joshua. “I’ll be blocking Jess and Kane as well. They’re too close
to Troy for me to separate the effect of the block.”

“I understand.”

Breckenridge turned the corner and stomped down the hall.
“What do you understand and where the hell do you think you’re going with my son?”

“You’re up early, senator. Were you going to have a visit
with Troy or just use him for something? Is that why you had him drugged up
good and early?”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about and you sure as
hell don’t know what you’re dealing with. You think you’re stealing an asset,
but he’s a monster. He’ll kill you as soon as he gets the chance. He can crush
your bones more easily than an aluminum can and he won’t think twice about
doing it either.”

A low sound emanated from Troy. It was a kind of growl, but
if he was angry about his father’s words, the drugs he’d been given kept the
emotion in check.

Joshua turned toward Rain and lifted an eyebrow.

“He seems quite passive.”

“Maybe it’s only your bones Troy is after, senator.” Joshua
looked from the senator’s eyes down to his casted wrist.

Breckenridge widened his eyes and one of the bulbs in the
hallway popped and exploded glass all over the slick floor. “Lakeland, I’m
warning you, if you leave now, I won’t report this. Don’t test my power. I will
crush you and your little organization.”

Tessa moved to stand in front of Rain, effectively
protecting her and Troy. “It seems in spite of Senator Breckenridge’s claims to
hate all things psychic, he has a bit of a gift himself.”

“So it would seem.” Joshua opened his palm so their foe
could see the electricity popping from his skin. “I assure you, we
going to take Troy out of here today. Though not for the reasons you assume.
But I’ll tell you what, senator, once Troy is himself and all the drugs are out
of his system, if he wants to come home to daddy, we’ll deliver him to you
without delay. Until then, he’s coming with us.”

Jess saw pure fear in Bradly Breckenridge’s eyes. He was
definitely afraid of his son and the idea of a drug-free Troy had him shaking
in his seven-hundred-dollar Italian shoes. The senator was more afraid of the
boy than he was of Joshua. Most people were terrified of a guy who could shoot
electricity from his fingertips. His son must have really had it in for him. It
begged the question,
? “Kane, you think you can hold him up for a few

Kane nodded. Jess moved forward and out of the corner of his
eye, he saw Rain slide Troy’s arm over her shoulders. He had to get away from
her blockade, so he moved closer to Joshua and Breckenridge.

As soon as he was five feet away from Rain his psi senses
slipped back into place. It was comforting to have them back and disturbing to
be blocked, as if he’d lost the use of his eyesight or hearing. He focused on
the older Breckenridge. “Senator, what have you been using your son for?”

The senator fought the impulse to tell the truth. His face
strained with the effort.

Jess pushed harder. “Why do you have to keep him drugged?”

“He’s dangerous. I already told you that. Look at what he
did to me.” The senator’s mind was strong, but not strong enough.

“Has he ever hurt anyone else?”

Breckenridge’s breathing was labored. “No.”

“What do you use him for?”

“He finds you fucking monsters.” Sweat broke out on the
senator’s unnaturally red face. His efforts to keep Jess from bending his mind
were likely raising his blood pressure to unhealthy levels.

Jess knew his eyes must be as wide as Joshua’s. “A dowser.”

“I think that’s enough,” Joshua said.

“What about Will?”

“If the senator strokes out in this hallway, we’ll have a
lot to answer for. We’ll find Will another way.”

Jess released his hold and stepped back to take Troy’s
weight from Rain.

“I’ll have you arrested for kidnapping.”

“I don’t think so. If you so much as breathe a word to the
police or the media, I will make sure the public knows exactly how you’ve
treated your own son. Using him and keeping him drugged so that he wouldn’t
interfere with your political goals. Not to mention that I’m fairly sure you’ve
done some kidnapping of your own. You wouldn’t care to tell us where Will
Starkey is, would you?”

“I have no knowledge of anyone with that name. Besides, no
one will believe you. I’m a United States senator.”

“And I have the ear of the president. I suggest you tell the
media you’ve had Troy moved to another facility for his own good and leave it
at that.”

Breckenridge looked as if he might pop a vein in his temple,
but he said nothing. They had won the round. They moved toward the elevator as
a group, leaving the senator behind. Troy stumbled and it was a struggle for
Jess and Kane to keep the dead weight from pulling them down, but they managed
to make it out of the hospital.

Once again, Jess used his mind to manipulate the front desk
nurse and the security guards.

They had parked the cars just outside the gates, which meant
they still had to cross an open courtyard. They would be seen by someone. It
was unavoidable. Patients would likely be waking. Someone would look out the
window or drive past the hospital.

“That didn’t take you long.” FBI Agent Blake stepped out
from behind a shade tree and into their path. “When I saw the senator enter, I
was sure you would come out empty-handed.”

The expression on Joshua’s face was halfway between a grin
and a grimace. “You still don’t know me that well, Blake.”

The relationship between the Lakelands and Blake was
tenuous. Yet there was an odd sense of trust between them. Jess didn’t know all
the details, but the FBI agent had been essential in them getting out of the
Troth Banta incident alive, so the guy was okay in his book.

Joshua towered over Blake, yet the agent never appeared the
least bit afraid of him or any of the psychics he encountered. It earned him
respect. “What are you going to do with him?”

Joshua frowned. “Keep him safe until he can take care of

Agent Blake didn’t look that surprised. “I’ll check in with
you in a few days and see how the kid is doing.”

“What are you doing here?” Tessa asked the question every
one of them wanted to know.

Blake shrugged. “I figure this place is lined with
surveillance cameras.”

Tessa stepped closer. She was tall for a woman and Blake had
to crane his neck to look her in the eye. Still he didn’t flinch. Jess couldn’t
help it, he admired the guy.

She said, “Not to protect us.”

The short burst of laughter was more scoff than laugh. “Not
a chance, sweetheart. I’m in the business of protecting this country. I’m going
to keep those tapes nice and safe so that if the good senator decides to make a
bid for the presidency…”

In spite of the Lakelands’ feelings, Jess liked Blake. He
was a clever, fearless bastard.

Blake’s smirk said it all as he walked around them and
headed toward the hospital’s front entrance.

Rain never let her barrier down as she climbed in the car
after Troy. Tessa started the engine and as soon as Joshua got in, they were on
the move.

Jess stood with Kane and watched them pull away from the
gate. Then the two men ran toward the second car. They didn’t follow too
closely. Breckenridge would probably try to find them. There was only one place
to go. They headed toward the airport.

“It’s not easy, but you get used to it.” Kane pulled into
the left lane.

“What are you talking about?”

The younger of the two Lakeland brothers was rough around
the edges. He’d been a bounty hunter. In fact his wife Lena had been his mark.
That’s how the two had met. He shrugged. “Watching them walk into danger.
You’ll always want to protect her and you’ll have to accept that sometimes you
can’t. It sucks, but it’s just the way it is with strong women.”

BOOK: Training Rain
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