Tracking Trisha (38 page)

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Authors: S. E. Smith


BOOK: Tracking Trisha
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Two hours later, Kelan studied the high tree where he could scent his mate. She was here. Kelan fought to hold in the growl at the scent of the other two males with her. He would kill them if they touched or harmed her in any way. Bio changed into the shape of a Pytheon again using the six legs to move silently up the tree. Kelan climbed up the other side until he came to the branch Trisha was on. He could clearly see the small platform built against the sturdy branches. He knew it was not something anyone of their worlds would know how to build so it must be one of Trisha’s designs. He moved silently along the branch until he came to the small, narrow opening. What he saw inside sent his blood to boiling.


Chapter 24

Terac jerked awake when he heard the low menacing growl. He froze as he instinctively pulled Trisha’s smaller body closer to his protectively. Jaron was staring at the entrance to their small platform. Terac’s eyes swung to the small narrow entrance, as well. Twin, gold flames burned with hatred as it returned his stare. The growl sounded deeper, more dangerous as Terac pulled Trisha’s sleepy form up and back from the heated breath and sharp teeth.

“Wh…what?” Trisha mumbled in a confused, sleepy voice.

She had been dreaming of Kelan. In the dream, he came for her, holding her tight against his hard body. She remembered running her hands up and over his broad chest and tangling her fingers in his long, black hair. They were just getting to the good part when she was dragged out of it. Why did the best dreams always get interrupted at the worst possible time? Trisha wondered grumpily.

Terac slipped his hand over Trisha’s mouth to quiet her. He scooted back pulling her with him, his hand wrapped protectively around her baby. The creature in the entrance grew more agitated the further he tried to take her. It let out a deep, angry snarl and pushed its huge head further into the platform.

Trisha’s eyes widened as she saw the jade green and silver scales of Kelan’s dragon. His huge head and glowing gold eyes snapped her awake in an instant. Trisha let one of her hands come up to pull Terac’s away from her mouth. When she went to move forward, Terac tightened his hold.

“It’s okay.” Trisha said softly never taking her eyes off the huge dragon’s head glaring murder at Terac. “I know him.”

Terac reluctantly released Trisha, pulling his arms from around her as she scooted forward towards the creature. Trisha reached out and gently touched the tip of one nostril letting her fingers move over the silky scales until she rubbed her thumb along its lower lip.

“Tag, you found me.” Trisha whispered. Her eyes were glued to the burning gold flames.

Within seconds, strong arms wrapped around Trisha and pulled her from the platform. Kelan did not stop until he was up against the trunk of the tree. He kept his arms tightly, but gently, wrapped around Trisha holding her while he drew in shuddering gasps of air. Trisha wrapped her arms around his huge body holding him just as tightly as her swollen belly would let her. She kept running her fingers through his hair like she had done in her dream.

"I knew you would come for me." Trisha sobbed quietly against Kelan's chest. "I knew you would find me."

Kelan ran his hands up and down Trisha's back, over her hair, and back again. He finally pulled away far enough to seal his lips over hers in a kiss that spoke of his fear, his longing, and his love for her. They were both shaking by the time he pulled back with a low growl.

"You smell of the other males. Did they harm you?" Kelan asked harshly as he voice deepened with his dragon's rage at the scent of other males on his mate. He didn't ask if they touched her. He saw the possessive way both males were laying against her, especially the one who pulled her away from him.

"No, they saved my life...and the life of our son." Trisha said pulling Kelan's hand around and over her swelling belly. "They protected us and cared for us until you could come for me."

Kelan's eyes flew to the two men standing on the thick branch behind Trisha. They stood quietly near the platform where the three of them had been sleeping. Kelan's eyes missed nothing. He saw the looks of longing and pain on their faces as they watched him holding his mate. But, he also saw understanding and acceptance. They knew Trisha was his mate. Kelan studied both men for a few moments more before he bowed his head in appreciation for their help and protection of his mate.

Jaron cleared his throat. "My lord, I am called Jaron. I am a healer for my people. Terac and I were both taken forcibly from our village. Many of our people were killed, including Terac's parents. We would be honored if you would accept our help in seeking revenge against the wrong done to you and your mate, as well as, to the many innocent victims from our village. A Lord Raffvin is to blame for your mate's capture."

"His is no Lord. He is a dead man." Kelan growled out. "My symbiosis, my dragon, and myself wish to thank you for your protection and care of our mates. I accept your help. I have already contacted my warship to come for us. Are there others on board either ship forced there against their will?" Kelan hated the idea of destroying innocent lives but he would do so if necessary. He would not let his uncle get another chance to harm Trisha or his brothers' mates again.

"No, my lord. Jaron and I were kept because of our usefulness. Jaron is a gifted healer and I excel as a pilot." Terac said in a voice devoid of emotion.

Kelan nodded. "The
should be here within a few hours. It was waiting for my signal. When it comes there will be payment for the injustices done."

Jaron took a step forward, nodding. "My lord, if you would like I can check on your mate and your child again. I try to do it several times a day. Your mate came close to losing the child once."

"I'm fine." Trisha said as she snuggled into Kelan's warmth.

Kelan looked down at Trisha in concern and splayed his hand over her belly. He called for the symbiosis on his wrists to check on Trisha and the baby. That should have been the first thing he did, Kelan thought in disgust. Bio, who was crouched silently on a branch above them, slowly lowered its massive gold body down onto the branch putting itself between Kelan and Trisha and the other two men. Both men took a tentative step back when Bio reshaped into a Werecat. Bio moved until it was pressed against Trisha's back. Kelan let his senses focus inward until he could see Trisha's dragon curled around the tiny form of his son. Trisha's dragon growled softly at the intrusion before purring as she scented her mate.

Kelan stared in wonder at the tiny sleeping form. Bio assured him Trisha and the baby were fine. The thicker symbiosis wrapped around Trisha's waist dissolved as it felt Bio. Bio absorbed the tired strands and sent fresh bands out of Trisha's arms and around her neck. Kelan briefly sent a wave of warmth and love over the tiny form snuggled safely within his mate. His dragon purred as it sent the image of stroking to his mate. A low rumble escaped Kelan's chest as his dragon pushed to be closer to his mate.

Kelan refocused on Trisha pulling her close again and brushing his lips against the dragon's mark on her neck. "My dragon wants his mate." Kelan growled out softly against Trisha's neck.

Trisha giggled as the warmth tickled her neck. "Now?!" Trisha whispered back, blushing.

"Now!" Kelan smiled, happy to have his mate in his arms again. "Come with me."

Trisha pulled back and looked up into Kelan's face. "But..." She glanced over her shoulder.

"Come with me or I will take you in front of them." Kelan warned as his voice deepened with need. "I need to feel you, Trisha, and so does my dragon. It is not something that can be denied this time."

To come so close to losing their mates was more than either male wanted to live through again. The fear escalated in a need to reclaim physically and emotionally with their mates. Trisha needed to understand it was a part of their genetics to ensure their mates were safe. Not only that, the scent of the other two males on Trisha was driving both Kelan and his dragon nuts! He needed to put his
own scent on her before he lost
control and killed the other two males.

Trisha watched as Kelan's eyes deepened again to the flaming gold. Jade green and silver scales were rippling across his neck and up along his cheeks. She could see the struggle and finally realized it was the scent of Jaron and Terac which were causing Kelan to be upset. It was like that with some animals back on Earth. Trisha let her hand slide over Kelan's cheek before she took a slight step backwards. Trisha turned and looked at Bio.

"Protect my friends until we get back." She whispered softly before she called to her dragon.

Trisha felt the change swept through her as her dragon eagerly came to the surface wanting her mate. Terac and Jaron both stared in awe. Where Trisha once stood now a delicate bronze, gold, and black dragon of incredible beautiful sat her wings glittering like tiny stars in the moonlight. Trisha turned towards the two men and stood up. She carefully walked over to them balancing her large weight as she moved. She lowered her head first to Jaron who tentatively reached out and ran his fingers over her small head. Trisha reached out with her tongue and gave him a lick on his face. It was her dragon's way of saying 'thank you' for saving her and Kelan's child. Trisha then swung her head over to Terac who stood gazing in awe and wonder at her. She pushed her small head against his chest gently. When she raised her head again she let out a purr. Trisha's dragon knew Terac kept Trisha warm at night and would do anything to protect her and her baby. She no longer felt threatened by his presence around Trisha because she knew he was a good man.

"I thought you were beautiful before." Terac whispered softly as he ran a hand over one of Trisha's delicate ears. "You are just as beautiful
as a dragon
and more remarkable than any woman I've ever met. I am glad I was given this chance."

Kelan's dragon growled in warning when Terac leaned forward and kissed Trisha lightly on her snout. "Go with your mate. He needs you." Terac whispered again with a small chuckle as Kelan puffed out a hot breath in discontent at his mate's affection for the other two men.

Trisha turned her head and with a low purr launched herself off the thick branch swepting down through the forest. She headed to the river not far away knowing Bio would protect her friends and Kelan and his dragon would protect her and their child. She felt Kelan's dragon flying right behind her. She giggled when she heard him purring. He was definitely a tail guy, she thought, as he nipped at her tail as she purposely swished it back and forth. She broke through the trees and lifted her wings as she softly landed on the grassy area near the bank. She barely had time to close her wings before Kelan's large form covered hers. He wrapped his tail around hers pulling it to the side as he slid into her hot core, impaling himself as deeply as he could go with a loud roar. Kelan lowered his head to grip Trisha's neck as he began rocking back and forth. Trisha lowered her neck and pushed back against the thick length moving deeply inside her. She let out a small series of soft coughs as she cried out her joy at her mate's possession of her.

Trisha cried out in dragon-speak.

Kelan groaned as the sweet taste of Trisha washed over and through him.
"Mine, Trisha. Never again do I want to know the fear of you being taken from me."
Kelan's groan turned to a series of roars as he felt his mate's hot channel swell around him, locking him to her as she spasmed in her climax. The tight grip was more than the huge male could handle and he came hard inside her, pulsing as his hot seed flooded his mate's womb. Kelan threw his head back, wrapping his wings around his mate as he held her under him, locked to him as one.

"I love you."
Trisha murmured softly as she felt the weight of the huge male move off of her a few minutes later.

"I love you more, mi elila. My true mate."
Kelan replied running his rough tongue over the scales on Trisha's neck where he bit her during their mating.
"Tell me what happened."
Kelan requested softly.

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