Tracking Trisha (18 page)

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Authors: S. E. Smith


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Trisha groaned out loud as she forced herself to get up. She needed a shower, some food, and a new strategy for getting home because the saying ‘Resistance is futile’ was definitely in full force whenever she was around Kelan. She had absolutely no will-power around him, she thought in disgust.

Trisha glanced at the end of the bed where Bio was lounging in a shaft of sunlight. “You were absolutely no help last night, do you know that? What happened to helping keep him away from me?” Trisha asked sternly. Of course, she blew the effect when she bent over and gave the big, golden lump a hug and kiss on its snout.

Bio ran a silky, gold tongue over Trisha’s cheek in affection. “Oh, and by the way, I didn’t appreciate some of the moves you made on me last night! The thing between the legs…” Trisha wiggled her nose in distaste. “…Not happening again, is that clear?”

Bio just snickered and laid its huge golden head back down ignoring Trisha’s complaint. It would do anything to make sure she was cared for, whether she liked it or not. It was bound to her essence as much as it was to Kelan’s. Bio watched as Trisha walked into the cleansing room, a shimmer of color rippled over it as it sent warmth through the bands around Trisha’s arms and neck to let her know its feelings about her. Trisha peeked back out of the doorway and blew Bio a kiss.

Trisha smiled affectionately and whispered softly. “I love you too.”


Kelan returned to his living quarters as quickly as he could. He was concerned they did not know anything about what happened to Trelon’s mate except the type of poison used on her. It was a type commonly found on their planet so it was impossible to trace where it may have come from.

Kelan opened the door to his living quarters eager to see Trisha. He moved through the living area when he didn’t see her, striding towards their sleeping area concerned. Glancing around, he saw his symbiosis on the rumbled bed laying contently in the sunlight. Turning towards the cleansing area where he heard water, Kelan grinned and quickly began removing his clothing. Wicked thoughts of what they did in the bathing pool last night filled his mind. He wondered how creative they could get in the shower unit. By the time he reached the doorway, a long line of clothing laid on the floor.

Kelan paused at the door to the shower unit gazing with appreciation at his true mate. Her long, curly hair laid in heavy, wet strands down her back as she tilted her head back to raise it. Her eyes were closed and a tiny smile curved her luscious lips. Kelan shivered as he imagined what those lips would feel like wrapped around his hard length. He silently opened the door and stepped in.

“I know you’re there.” Trisha said softly without opening her eyes.

Kelan reached out and pulled Trisha’s wet body against his, lowering his head to brush a kiss against the dragon’s mark. He loved how responsive her body was to his. He let his lips trail up her jaw while his hands trailed down over her hips to the rounded curve of her ass. Her moan filled the cleansing unit.

“Kelan…” Trisha breathed out on another moan.

“You are well rested?” Kelan asked between the light kisses he was peppering along her jaw and throat.

Trisha answered him but reaching out and grabbing his throbbing cock in her hand and stroking it from the base to the tip and back again. She opened her eyes and smiled as she felt his surprised jerk and answering groan. She cupped his balls with her other hand massaging them gently while she let one finger stroke the underside of them behind his legs.

“What do you think?” She whispered gazing into his blazing eyes.

Kelan sealed his lips over hers in a hungry kiss. He pushed her up against the wall of the cleansing unit, lifting her so she was forced to wrap her long legs around his waist. He kissed her with a hunger that shook both of them. Trisha curled her arms around his neck tangling her fingers in his hair as she lifted up high enough to align his cock with her hot core. She locked her ankles tightly together forcing Kelan’s ass forward. When they were aligned, she slowly lowered herself down onto his hard shaft.

“Oh, God!” Trisha groaned out loud as Kelan stretched her. “That feels so good.”

Kelan’s answering groan filled the cleansing unit as he began moving his hips back and forth. This position forced Trisha to open wide for him and gave him the advantage of impaling her deeply with each thrust. Kelan gasped as he felt her silky canal stroking the length of his cock. Burying his head in her shoulder, he tightened his arms and thrust upward faster and faster as the intense need to feel her come around him grew.

“Trisha, mine.” Kelan muttered over and over as he thrust as deeply as he could go. Suddenly, he froze as his climax hit him. A groan left him as he began to shake as his hot seed poured out of him in intense waves.

The feel of Kelan’s cock pulsing, combined with the stimulation against her clit from where his cock stroked her again and again with each thrust, was enough to throw Trisha into her own orgasm. She gasped out Kelan’s name as she felt her pussy answer his claim on her. As she started to come down from the explosive feelings rippling through her, she let her arms lay loosely around Kelan’s neck while she rested her head against his shoulder.

“I think I love you.” Trisha whispered against his skin.

A shaft of fear went through her as soon as the words escaped her lips. She wanted to withdraw them but it was too late. She could tell from Kelan’s sudden stiffening that he heard her husky whisper. It terrified her because the last man she said that to didn’t return it. Trisha turned her head further into Kelan’s throat, pressing her burning eyes against him in an effort to hold back her tears.

Kelan closed his eyes as he absorbed Trisha’s softly spoken words. He could sense the fear behind them, as if she was afraid he would throw her declaration back in her face. He did not know what happened to her before on her planet but he was going to find out. He would not let her fear telling him how she felt. He loved her with every fiber of him being.
We love her. Our mate. Our beautiful mate. Love our mate. Protect her.
His dragon growled out softly.

Kelan leaned back and waved his hand to stop the cleansing unit. He kept his arms around Trisha, even when she tried to slide down him. He simply curled one arm around her waist tightly and the other one under her luscious ass preventing her from moving away from him. He stepped out of the shower and reached for two towels stacked neatly on the counter. He gently set Trisha down on the counter, stepping just far enough away so he could tilt her chin up until she was forced to look at him.

Kelan smiled tenderly as he looked into Trisha’s dark, chocolate eyes. “I love you too,
mi elila
. You are my heart, my life, the true mate of my dragon and myself.” Kelan said each word slowly, carefully, tenderly as he gently used one of the towels to dry the water from her hair and face. “Never doubt you mean everything to me.”

Trisha gazed into Kelan’s eyes. What she saw took her breath away. The depth of love, of longing in his eyes was clearly on display. Unlike Peter who swore he loved her but never really did, Kelan spoke words that she knew came from his heart. He was a warrior who was strong enough to admit how he felt.

“Tell me why you fear your love for me. Tell me who hurt you so badly.” Kelan asked quietly as he continued to dry Trisha’s soft skin.

Trisha nodded, biting her lower lip. Kelan’s mom, Morian, told her she should tell Kelan everything. Trisha looked down as she thought of everything that had happened in her life. Perhaps, this was fate’s way of preparing her for the odd twist it had taken. Trisha slid off the counter and looked up at Kelan before responding.

“Let’s get dressed and I’ll tell you everything.” Trisha said in a calm, quiet voice.

Chapter 10

Kelan watched Trisha as she dressed into a pair of loose fitting black trousers and a silky white blouse that tied in the front. She quickly braided her hair, tying it off with a black ribbon on the end. She didn’t bother with putting shoes on. He could tell she was lost in thought as he dressed just as quickly. He picked up his discarded clothes tossing them into the cleansing unit in the wall before following Trisha out into the living area. Trisha poured herself a cup of tea ignoring the food one of the servants had laid out on the buffet along the wall. He waited until she was seated in the chair near the window before he poured himself a hot drink and came to sit down in the chair across from her.

“I told you about my mom and dad.” Trisha began softly looking out the window instead of at him. She seemed to have sensed Kelan’s nod because she continued. “My dad is the coolest guy I’ve ever met. He has this quiet strength about him that is just awesome.” Trisha said with a small smile curving her lips as she spoke of the man who meant so much to her. “By the time I was three or four he had me out in the woods with him. He was really patient showing me how to look for tracks, what plants were good to eat and which ones to avoid. He showed me all kinds of really cool things most people never learn about. He started his own business, Grove Wilderness Guides, so he could stay home with me.” Trisha paused to look at Kelan. She wanted him to understand how much her dad meant to her. She wanted him to understand why she needed to go home.

“I met Ariel when I was in kindergarten. That is the first year we start school. We became really close friends. Carmen started the next year and she just kind of got stuck with having two older sisters.” Trisha laughed softly as she thought of all the time and fun the three of them had over the years. “Mr. and Mrs. Hamm, Ariel and Carmen’s parents, became my home-away-from-home parents. Mrs. Hamm tried to teach me how to be a lady which wasn’t an easy task. They were killed in an automobile accident when Carmen was a senior in high school. Ariel and I were in college at the time and had decided to go into the Air Force after graduation in the hopes of making it into the Space program. Ariel didn’t make the cut but I did. I was always more physically active than Ariel and a little more on the adventuresome side. Ariel is the homebody of us three girls.” Trisha added before taking a drink of her cooling tea.

Kelan bit back a response to that comment. From some of the things he was hearing from Mandra, Ariel was more of a pain in the butt. He didn’t say anything for two reasons. First, he didn’t want to interrupt Trisha in case she stopped talking; and, second, he didn’t think she would appreciate his opinion of the females she considered to be her sisters.

“Anyway, by the time I was twenty-two, life was good. I was a test pilot in the Air Force. I had just been accepted into the Space training program and was finishing up on my Master’s degree in Aerospace Engineering. My dad and I used to lay out every night under the stars. He would point one out and tell me my mom was on it. I was determined to go find her.” Trisha laughed at how naïve she used to be. “I promised my dad if I ever went to the stars I would take him with me.” Trisha sniff back tears as she thought of the pain her dad must be in with her disappearance. It was probably killing him not knowing what happened to her.

Kelan was about to tell her he would be taking her back to her world as soon as he could to see her father when Trisha shook her head as if dispelling an unpleasant thought. He watched her take a deep, calming breath before she began talking again.

“I met Peter when I was finishing up my degree. Ariel, Carmen, Scott, and I had gone out to celebrate Ariel’s and my graduation. There was this little club where the service men and women liked to hang out. They served good food and great beer. Peter was there with a couple of guys. I used to see him coming and going on occasion on the base but never spoke to him before. He was tall, blonde, and cute in a surfer-boy kind of way.” Trisha grimaced as she set her cup on the small side table and wrapped her arms around her middle. Kelan and his dragon bit back the growl of jealousy at the mention of another man meaning something to Trisha.
Kelan whispered softly to his dragon.
He is no longer important to her. We are.

Trisha continued unaware of Kelan and his dragon’s displeasure at the mention of another male. “He swept me off my feet. We married a month after we met. I had the fairy tale life; a great career, a wonderful, loving husband, and the support of my dad and two best friends. Life couldn’t get any better. We were married for a year and half before the accident.” Trisha’s voice faded away as the remembered emotional and physical pain flooded over her.

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