Read Toygasms! Online

Authors: Sadie Allison

Toygasms! (5 page)

BOOK: Toygasms!
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The anus has a high concentration of nerve endings and can evoke significant pleasure for men. While some men consider anal stimulation to be unnatural or only okay for women, others discover it can provide many new sensations and orgasms.

Extending from the back of the scrotum to the front of the anus, the perineum is often overlooked as an erogenous zone that merits exploration. Also known as the ‘taint.’

Nipples. A
man’s nipples can be every bit as sensitive as a woman’s, and many men enjoy gentle sucking, stroking or pinching from their partners.

Getting Ready For Pleasure

hether you’re planning for a solitary experience—or one shared with a partner—a few simple steps can help you get comfortable to free your mind and body.

Set the stage.
Disconnect your phone, cellular or pager. Accent your surroundings to create just the right ambiance. And be sure to gather any visual and sexual aids on your romantic menu within arm’s reach.

Select the music to match your mood: slow and romantic for sexy and sensual; upbeat for pump-it-up action. Flip in a long-playing CD so you won’t be interrupted by mood-busting commercials on the radio.

Candles and lighting.
Nothing beats a soft glow for romantic ambiance. Light the candles—and dim the lights.

Warmer air may ignite your passions, but cooler air might increase your sensitivity. Choose accordingly.

Scented candles, perfumes, flowers or incense can provide intimate, subtle aromas to heighten the senses. Just don’t overdo it.

Location location location.
Don’t limit yourself to the bed or couch—playing in the bathtub or shower adds spice!

Videos, magazines, erotic literature or Internet sites can all accompany toy play with great visuals for titillation or fantasy.

BOOK: Toygasms!
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