Touch of Fate (Bennett Sisters Book 2) (13 page)

BOOK: Touch of Fate (Bennett Sisters Book 2)
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“Finally, all mine,” Abby thought she heard him say, but she couldn’t coax a word past her lips when his tongue shoved in deep.

“Oh yes,” she whispered.

His thumb circled her clit. He replaced his tongue with his fingers and moved his mouth where his thumb had left. He toyed with the tiny bud against his tongue. He pushed two fingers into her core, scissoring them to stretch her walls. Just when she didn’t think she could handle any more, Sam stopped his ministrations and slid up her body. His shaft poked at her entrance. Sam leaned down and took her mouth in a tender kiss. He lifted up from her and watched her eyes as he slowly inched into her. Wanting more, she arched her back, lifting her pelvis up to him. He waited for her to acclimate to the feel of his thick shaft in her, stretching her.

He slid in to the hilt. Abby released a breath when she grew accustomed to his large size.

“I’m not going to last, baby.” He leaned down and breathed into her ear. “You’re fisting me like a glove.”

Sam slowly pulled out and thrust back in for more. Abby lifted her legs and wrapped them around his waist. She pushed her heels into him, begging for more and urging him on.

“Take me, Sam. Make me yours.”

His powerful thrusts quickened as she lifted her body up, meeting him stroke for stroke. He licked his finger, reached down between her thighs, and found the little bundle of nerves he was searching for. He circled her clit, driving her higher, and pressed down hard. She came, screaming his name.

She felt her walls tightened around his shaft. He rammed home one more time, shooting his seed into the rubber barrier she wished wasn’t there. She wanted this man. No, she needed this man, more than she needed to breathe.

He collapsed down beside her, pulling her into his arms, right where she knew she belonged. A sense of peace overcame her. Their labored breathing began to slow to normal. He leaned down and pressed his lips tight to hers. It would have melted her if her body weren’t already limp.

“I love you, Abby.”
“I love you too, Sam.”
A grumble came from Abby’s stomach during her tender declaration, and she giggled.

Sam pushed himself off the bed and held his hand out to her. “Let’s get you showered and fed.” He pulled her to the bathroom for another shower that she hoped would turn out the same way.




Chapter 16




Abby and Sam descended the staircase, holding hands. Their late afternoon romp had brought them closer than she could have imagined. Abby giggled as Sam whispered sweet nothings into her ear and hit her on the ass as he pushed through the kitchen. She almost tripped, reinforcing the need for her to return to her house for another change of clothes. Though she rolled them up, all of Emma’s pants were about a mile too long. Sam followed behind Abby into the kitchen. She inhaled, and the aroma of tomatoes, oregano, and garlic drifted to her nose, making her mouth water. Emma was making her all-time favorite dish. She was bent over the chef stove, pulling out the first of three pans of homemade lasagna when Abby approached. “Let me get those for you. You go sit down and prop up your feet.” Abby tried to shoo Emma out of the way while reaching for the oven mitts.

“Oh no you don’t. You’d sneak off with a whole pan if I’d let you.” Emma grabbed the mitts back and went about pulling the remaining pans from the oven. After that, she grabbed the salad items from the fridge. She handed a knife to Abby with the cucumbers. “Make yourself useful and chop these.”

Abby sat at the bar with a cutting board while her sister prepared the rest of the salad. Abby looked over her shoulder. The men were engrossed in their own conversations, now including Sam. Her lips curved in a smile.

Emma leaned over and whispered, “I know that look. You did the dirty with the hunky FBI agent, didn’t you?” Emma was acting like a teen, trying to get her to spill the dirty little details of her escapades.

Abby felt the blood drain from her face. “Oh my god, how do you know? Please don’t tell me you heard us.” She lifted the knife and pointed it accusingly at her sister.

“No, I didn’t hear you. I’ve just never seen you this relaxed, especially with a killer on the loose.”

Abby’s head fell forward. How could she have been so stupid? Her mind should have been thinking of ways to find the creep, not immersed in pleasure. She wanted to bang her head on the counter.

Emma walked around the counter and placed her hand on her shoulders. “It’s okay, Abby. Maybe you just needed to get some of it out of your system so you could concentrate on other things besides his hot body.”

Abby felt her face flush.

The rest of the evening went without another word spoken about whatever noises were coming out of their bedroom, and she tuned back into her family.

“When are you leaving for the beach house?” she asked Briggs, knowing that he was the logical choice for protecting Emma and John.

“In the morning when Claire gets back in town. She had to go accept an award for one of her charities.”

Concern had her mind spinning. Mike must have noticed the look. “Don’t worry, Jake sent Jacobs with her.” The tension in her shoulders evaporated. Jake wouldn’t let anything happen to any of them. She continued eating her dinner without engaging in more conversations. Sam’s fingers, making circles on her thigh, kept making her lose her train of thought. All cohesive words vanished from her mind as she replayed their lovemaking over again in her head. Sam gave a light pinch to her leg, and she looked up into his face. “Ow.”

“Jake’s talking to you, baby. What were you thinking about?”

Abby leaned over and whispered, “You,” before turning back to look at Jake. “Uh, sorry about that. What did you say?”

“We need to devise a new plan for this bastard. I didn’t realize how fixated he is on you until we raided the cabin. I haven’t heard from my men that he’s been back, so he must have found another place to hole up.”

They were starting from scratch again. The knowledge that he wanted her would only help in her cause. She hoped. They had missed the opportunity to catch him unaware, but that wasn’t going to stop Abby. She just needed another big break, and she didn’t know how she was going to pull that one off.

Sam pushed his chair back from the table. “Dinner was great, Emma, but I need to go to my house to make some calls, get another change of clothes, and check on a few things.”

Abby rose. “I’ll go with you.”

“Oh no you don’t, baby. You’re safer here with them. You’re the one he wants, remember?” He leaned down and placed a chaste kiss on her lips. Abby’s brows knit together and she felt a frown forming on her face. Deflated she looked down.

John pushed his chair back, scratching it against the wood floors. “Don’t worry, Mom. I’ll go with him and make sure he doesn’t skip town.” Leave it to her kid to notice.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea, John. Why don’t you stay here with me?” Abby’s voice rose.

“Nah, I’ll go with him. Just consider it some bonding time.” John made quotes when he said bonding.

Abby walked them to the door. “Just to your house and back, right. No stopping for anything else.” John had already disappeared outside the door and was climbing in the passenger side of the black SUV. Abby touched Sam’s arm, stopping his exit. “You know this isn’t going to be pleasant. You don’t have to take him.”

Sam pulled her into his arms and kissed the top of her head. “Yes, I do. We need to clear the air on some things.” He cupped her chin and lifted it to his. His gaze held hers. “I’m not leaving, and he needs to know that. Besides, I’m sure he just wants to threaten me again.” He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her lips. Against her better judgment, she let them go as she stood on the porch and watched them drive away, taking her heart with them.



Chapter 17




Sam knew the silence in the car wouldn’t last. He looked over at John and could tell he was busting at the seams to say something, so he took the edge off. Maybe if he told John, his son how he felt. He shook his head and smiled before whispering, “I have a son.” His gaze traveled over to John again. “I love her, John, and there isn’t anything you can say to make me leave her.”

John’s gaze turned from the apple trees they passed to Sam’s eyes. “I haven’t seen her happy in a long time, Sam. Don’t get me wrong, she hasn’t complained, and she’s had a hard life raising me by herself.”

Sam swallowed the lump in his throat, mourning all of those years lost with his son and with Abby. He wouldn’t ever get them back. All he could do was move forward. “I won’t hurt her or you.” His voice cracked.

“I just want her to be happy; she deserves that.”

“John, I promise I’ll spend the rest of my life making her happy if she’ll have me.” Sam’s gaze left the road to look at his son. “You know, she won’t do anything that’s going to make you miserable, so I guess you hold her happiness in your hands. I’m not stupid enough to think your opinion doesn’t mean anything. But don’t get me wrong, even if you don’t agree, I won’t ever give up on getting her back until the day I die.”

“I guess that’s a good thing. I’d hate to have to get my uncle to shoot you. You better make her happy, old man. I promise to try if you will.”

Sam’s pulse raced. Had his son just given him permission to date his mother? He knew if he could see own his face he would be grinning from ear to ear. This day had just gotten a whole lot better. Until his mind started thinking of everything that could go wrong. “We need to catch this guy.”

Sam pulled up to his house and went inside with John on his heels. “How do you suppose we do that?”

“I wish I knew.” Sam looked around his house to make sure nothing was out of place and was happy to find everything seemed as he’d left it. He grabbed some more clothes before checking his answering machine. The only message he had was one from Stone, saying he’d figured out the connection. Daley was here because of the woman he murdered. She had been a jury member.
It couldn’t be just coincidence that had brought that bastard to Abby’s town.
Damn, if I wouldn’t have come running because of the pentagram, he wouldn’t have ever found out about her.
The last thing he wanted was for Abby or John to be put in harm’s way, and if something happened to either one of him, he knew it would be his fault. Seeing Abby and finding out about John had changed his life. He hadn’t needed to worry about anyone but himself since he’d stayed away from Abby, but now this changed everything.

“Can you stop by my house, too, so I can grab me and Mom some clothes? Emma’s clothes look way too big on her.”

“Sure,” Sam said as he closed and locked the door behind them. “We need to make it quick. I’m sure your mom is going to be sending out a search party soon.”




Richard Daley hadn’t been expecting his nemesis and his offspring to find him, but he was prepared nonetheless. He had come to the little spitfire’s house and had been waiting for her return. The syringes he held in his hand wouldn’t have been for her, of course. No, he wanted her lucid for the plans he had. He had only hoped it would be Sam that brought her home. He had planned for Sam to watch, slowly destroying his spirit before he killed him and the petite brunette. He had finally figured out a name to add to the face. He could feel his pants tightening just thinking about Abby. He wanted her, and he’d have her, every way he pleased. It had taken them long enough. Richard had thought he might go crazy in this house, but the time he’d spent waiting proved interesting enough.

He’s had time to snoop and get things ready for their little reunion. He gripped the two syringes in his hand as he peeked out the window and watched them walk toward the door. The kid was going to be the easiest. He moved to the kid’s room and waited, tucked in the corner behind the closed door. Just a few more seconds and it would be one down with one to go. He heard them rummaging through the house like a herd of cattle coming to a slaughter. He had been careful not to disturb much and alert them to his presence. No, this time, he was going to be careful.

He wouldn’t ruin this like the slut had. Eighteen years ago, he’d picked her out of the jury box. She’d been young and pretty back then, easy to manipulate. A few promises of love and a life together and she was begging him not to leave her. It was because of her vote that he’d never gone down for that crime. The stupid bitch had never figured it out. She was another lose end he planned to tie up, along with the kid that had seen him leave the crime. They were the last ones left that held any cards over his freedom. He’d found her a month ago at the diner, and he’d had to grovel to get her back. He needed her to trust him again. He hadn’t planned to kill her, but after the last threat she made about going to the police with the truth, he hadn’t had any other choice. She had to die, just like Sam was about to.

He watched as the doorknob turned. The kid had his head turned, yelling back to Sam, who was probably in the living room. “Give me five minutes then we can go.” As soon as he cleared the door, Richard waited to see if anyone was going to enter behind the kid, and when no one followed, he jammed the needle into the kid’s neck and hit the plunger. It only took seconds for the kid to fall down. The look on his face was priceless. He couldn’t wait to see Sam’s face when it was his turn. Richard grabbed him before he hit the floor and dragged him the rest of the way into the room, closing the door behind him. He had stashed rope he would need to carry out his plans in all the rooms, even in the brat’s.

Richard set the kid in a chair and grabbed the rope, tying it tight to make sure the kid didn’t escape. He cursed. He hadn’t been expecting the kid’s weight, but it wasn’t going to stop him. He wiped the sweat from his brow and cracked the door open. His nemesis would be in here soon enough to check on the kid. He pulled out John’s cell and turned it off. He didn’t want any interruptions as he carried out this plan.

BOOK: Touch of Fate (Bennett Sisters Book 2)
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