Total LockDown (LockDown #2) (7 page)

BOOK: Total LockDown (LockDown #2)
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“Thank you,
Sir.” She says to me as she snuggles into my chest and drifts in and out of her
pleasure induced sleep.

I look to my
right to find Scott, his hard dick is in my view, Scott’s hand wrapped firmly
around the length. He teases me with it, placing it on my lips, sliding it in a
little then retreating.

I can hear the
gentle breaths of the sleeping girl on my lap, but I need this for me, right
now. I open my mouth and allow him entrance.





I can hear the
irritating beep, beep, beep I was now accustom too. It is penetrating my ears
and piercing into my pounding head. I don't find it as hard to force my eyelids
to open this time, they are just slightly heavy as though extreme exhaustion
controls my body.

I flick my head
from side to side; the plain, dreary, depressing white walls of the obvious
hospital room greet me. Great, why the fuck am I here now?

I shuffle my
aching body up the bed, using my hands as a lift. A gut wrenching pain spreads
through both limbs and into the pit of my stomach. The white-hot agony has my
tummy churning; wanting to expel whatever is present there at this precise
second. I quickly get myself to a seated position and bring my hand up for
inspection. Both are wrapped tightly in bandages, why they are covered I have
no clue but I’m sure I will find out soon.

No one is around
when I take a more detailed inspection of my surroundings. I am in my own room,
the door shut firmly, a little light streaming in through the singular glass
panel. I can see the odd shadowed figure as people walk past, their sounds
muted. My arm is attached to yet another fucking drip, I want to yank the
stupid thing from my vein, the cold flow of saline is a rather unwanted intrusion. 

I lay my head
back onto the pillows propping me up, staring up to the ceiling in a silent
prayer. I can't remember much, the last memory being me inside the nightclub,
becoming anxious and nervous at the people around me. I remember a guy flirting
with me, but that is it. Maybe I passed out from anxiety, I have been declined
my tablets for a few days and I know I need them to stop the fainting from
occurring. Maybe that is why I am here. The whole arm in bandage thing is still
a complete mystery.

Maybe the
doctors and nurses can help me get over my small addiction so I can get back to
my daughter and soul mate. I miss them so fucking much, my heartaches and burns
for their presence. I remember Leighton texting saying he is going to bring
Melissa to see me tomorrow, or is it today now? I have to get myself back
together and mend my shitty, downward spiralling life.

I have come so
far in the last year, Leighton has brought me back from the deepest depths of
despair and heartache and repaired me. He has made me whole and more
importantly makes me feel wanted, needed and loved. He has reunited me with my
parents, has given me a beautiful daughter and has given me his promise that we
will be together forever.

Yes, I have
screwed up massively. Why I ever thought going to see Phillip was going to fix
this mess, is beyond me. That was a completely idiotic move on my behalf, and I
am going to regret it for the rest of my existence. I haven’t heard about
anything involving any of those sadistic creeps for a long time now, and I
often wonder what is going on in the World War Leighton-Phillip front.

I reach for the water-filled
glass on the table beside me, in an attempt to quench the desperate thirst
within me. Even lifting the flimsy, disposal plastic cup is agonising on my
damaged hands. I desperately want to know what has happened. I don't remember
hurting my hands at all. 

I search the
room for the alarm button, normally red, to call the nurses. I want some
information, some recollection of what I went through.

I find it beside
my head on the wall. I press it gently and then wait for them to appear. It
took a whole ten seconds before one of them comes to me.

The door opens
and in walks a nurse in the usual NHS blue scrubs. “Ahhh, Miss Adams, it’s good
to see you awake. How are you feeling?” She asks me as she picks up the blood
pressure cuff from the trolley, and wraps it around my arm, securing the

“Erm, a bit
groggy, aching like a bitch and confused as hell. What in the hell happened to
my hands and my body? Why do they hurt so much?” finally, time for some

“Abbi, my dear,
I think it’s best if someone you know, tells you. It can be quite distressing
coming from me. Your friend Antonio is here with two ladies.” Holy hell, I
totally forgot about Maria and Debbie.

“Okay.” she
finishes taking my basic observations and then leaves me to allow my friends to

Maria runs into
the room, throwing herself in my arms. Her body is shaking uncontrollably as
she sobs into my hospital gown. “Abbi, oh god, I didn’t know what to do. I
didn’t know what was happening. I called Ant, and he came, he knows what to
do.” She lifts her head, her hair a disarray of curls and her makeup smudged
across her face.

“What the hell
happened to me Maria? The last thing I remember is that sleaze ball talking to
me. Then I wake up here, aching like a mother fucker, and my hands wrapped in
this crap.” She looks at me then back to Debbie and Antonio.

Antonio comes to
me, leaning to kiss my head. He whispers in my ear, “Abigail, you need help
darling. Let them help you.” He looks into my eyes with dead certainty.

“I know, Ant, I
know.” I sniffle as a stray tear falls. I know now,  seeing the look on Ant’s
face, this has something to do with my addiction. I feel embarrassed and
disgusted with myself for letting it get this out of control.

“Promise me,
Abigail. That little girl and her Daddy need you, he’s a mess without you,
Pet.” I smile sadly at the fact Leighton has been missing me, that there is a
tiny slither of hope I can mend this mess.

“I’ll do it,
Ant, I have to do it. I need my life back. I need him back. I'm dead without
him.” I keep my head down to stop myself from watching everyone’s pitiful eyes.
I don't want their pity, or judgement, I want help and support.  

“I know you
will, Sweetheart. I'm going to go and leave you with the girls to talk. I’ll
see you tomorrow.” He kisses me once again, turning to leave the room. I grab
for his arm, my painful hand skimming his lightly.

“Ant,” I whimper
to him. “Does Leighton know I’m here, how bad it’s become?” that is the worst
imaginable thing. I had promised myself, in that letter, the letter I left my
ring on, the letter I left my life with, to make myself the Abbi he had fallen
in love with. I don't need him seeing me as low as this. He has seen it once
before and had pulled me through it. It isn’t his job to do it again.

“I tried to call
him. But he isn’t answering. I think he deserves to know Abbi, if he finds out
you were admitted into hospital and no one told him, we all might as well be
dead. No matter what’s happened Abbi that man still loves you with his whole

“I know, Ant. I
know he needs to know, but please just give me tonight and then I’ll tell him
myself. I’ll tell him I need him, I miss him so God damn much.” I punch at the
bed around me frustrated at the weakness I feel inside me.

“Come here,
Sweetheart. Please you need to stay calm. It’s going to be fine, you will be
back with us again soon. I can promise you that. You are so fucking strong,
Abigail, I admire you for everything you’ve pulled yourself through, your
childhood, the streets and Phillip. You’ve done it more than once before, so
you can certainly do it again. Do you know why? Because you have that beautiful
little baby who loves and needs her mamma, and you have Leighton, the man isn’t
whole without you and he won't be til you return and get your sexy arse down
the aisle.” He nudges my chin with his fist, gently, the brotherly gesture
making me feel a little bit more wanted.

“Thanks. Look after
him please, he’s going to need you when he finds outs how bad I’ve gotten.”

“No, Abbi, he’s
going to need you, you’re going to need each other. But I’ll be here for both
of you, to keep you together and as one. I love you baby girl, I’ll see you
tomorrow, okay, hopefully with Leighton.”

“Night, thanks
for everything. Love you babe.” He exits the room, closing the door behind him.
The two girls are at my side again in an instant. They take a side of the
mattress each, by my feet.

“Right, I need
the truth from both of you. What the hell happened tonight?” They look to one
another, debating how much to give away.

They spend the
next fifteen minutes telling me how I had danced with a guy and left with him
somewhere, they couldn’t find me anywhere. They found me a while later in the ladies
toilets screaming on the floor, my hands cut up, and my body shaking
uncontrollably. Both of them had steams of tears on their faces as they recap
the horrific events they had witnessed.

“Oh, shit, this
is such a fucking mess.” I run my hands through my hair as I try to keep myself
calm, the last thing I need or want is to become hysterical and in need of
tranquilising. I breathe in and out deeply, slowing the pounding of my heart. I
am crying with Debbie and Maria, but just at the normal heartache I feel. How
these girls were still here with me, is amazing. They are truly the best
friends a girl could ask for. I know with the support group and family I have,
I can get through this and out the other end a better person for my experience.

By the time I
fall asleep in the early morning, I feel slightly happier. The girls had stayed
with me another hour telling me about how they still had a good night.

I rest my head
back after taking the painkillers the nurse gives me. The tablets slowly take
the continual throb away from my hand but do nothing for my fractured heart.

I dream of
heaven, not the white fluffy cloudlike heaven we all know, but my own heaven. I
am at home with my husband, Leighton, my beautiful girl sitting at the table
doing her colouring, whilst I feed my newborn, Son. It is incredible and
everything I want. I am going to do this even if it kills me. I vow from this
moment, as of tomorrow I am a recovering Abbi, an addict in progress of
redemption. I just hope God has enough forgiveness in him to absolve me of all
my sins one last time.



I can hear every
tiny, little moan escaping through his lips as I swallow down his cock whole.
Jesus, he tastes so damn good. He keeps repeating in that husky, American voice
of his ‘Take me deep, Leighton, suck my dick. Swallow me, all of me.” My balls
are ready to burst at the seams.

I clench a fist
around his erection, tightly, the same fierceness I know I would like. His
foreskin glides smoothly up and down with my fluid movements, the head of his
dick glistening with pre-cum. I swipe my tongue across the tip of him,
relishing in the exquisite masculine taste.

arghh, fuck.” His hands curl in my short hair, ramming deep into my throat. If
I hadn’t trained my gag reflex, I would have probably thrown up. I can feel his
head gliding against my tonsils as his onslaught becomes aggressive.  I can
tell whipping Delilah has gotten to him, that it has been far too long since he
has played. He is unable to control the arousal that dominance has given him.

I give him what
he needs; feasting on his dick like it is the last morsel of food on earth. I
let one of my hands slide to his naked backside, the muscle tensing as he
thrusts forcefully forward. My finger finds his hole quickly, pushing through
the tight ring angrily. I know he wants it like this, he needs it this way.

“Oh, shit,
Leighton, fuck my arse.” I pump the single digit into him rapidly, his prostate
skating against my fingertip. His body is writhing beneath my caress, his cock
pulsating on my tongue, his breath assaulting the top of my head as his face
stares down at me. I curl my finger inside his anus, stroking and massaging his
gland, his cum shoots into my mouth in an instant, flooding my tongue and taste

He releases his
grip on me, the girl in my lap is now fully on earth, her responsive face and
eyes informing me she is okay and ready to stand.

“Pet, up you
get.” I command her. She stands from her perch on my knee with perfect grace.
Her naked breasts brush my arm as she then drops to her knees by my feet once
again. She is just too perfect. I want Abbi like this every day.

Her gaze falls
between her parted thighs, her hands placed delicately but professionally atop
them. “My perfect, Pet, you may stand, Delilah.” I tell her lifting her chin to
smile at her. “You are free to go, but behave yourself, sweetheart. You know
I’ll know if you don't.” I warn her before she thanks, Scott and I and leaves

I stand to my
full height, a little taller than Scott. “You,” I get close to him, my chest
touching his, his eyes focus intently on mine. “Mine, now.” I grit between my
teeth, the level in which my arousal is at its most dangerous level and I need
to ram my dick into his arse soon or else I might just fucking perish.

I collect my bag
I have brought with me, my cane already placed inside, thanks to Scott. His own
flogger and bullwhip also stowed away, ready to go.

“Fuck yes.” He
says before he barges past me and practically power walks the length of the
club to the exit.

I catch up to
his extremely fast pace, grabbing his shoulder to turn him around as we enter
the alley beside ‘The Den’. I push him forcefully into the wall, my lips
smashing against his instantaneously. I rape his mouth with my tongue, my teeth
crashing against his own as our passions takes over and drives us into a male
on male mouth fuck at the side of the club. “Jesus, Scott, I need you. Hard.” I
say between kisses as I allow my lips to trail the length of his neck, his
masculine scent causing a throb between my legs to multiply.

“Leighton, take
me now.” He begs me, the passion and determination in his voice causes me to
bring my hand down between our bodies and stroke at my pulsing erect dick. I
want to fuck him right here and now, take his arse so hard he sees stars.

I find my hand,
with a mind of its own, unzipping my trousers and pulling them just below my
arse, my cock jutting free and smacking at Scott’s groin. I work quickly at
removing his own bottoms, slipping them fully down to his ankles, my body going
with them. My face is eye to eye with his dick, the wet head beckoning for my
mouth to take a nice deep plunge. I obey my body’s command and suck him within
the confinements. His body jolts in pleasure, trying to bury itself further

Scott has had
his turn taking control of my body, fucking me. It is now my turn. I stand back
to my six foot three height, my hands gliding around Scott’s throat as I attack
his mouth again. My breaths are short and sharp, my heart rate spiking and my
blood leaving every vein and artery within my body and centring in one massive
fucking pole that is hard enough to break a brick wall.

I release
Scott’s lips, biting at his lower one hard as I push him down to his knees on
the hard, uneven surface of the alleyway ground. “Suck my dick, Scott.”  I say
in my controlling, Dominant voice, no leeway, no room for disobedience or
refusal. He is going to take me in his mouth even if I have to open his jaw and
fuck it myself.

He doesn’t think
twice about my command, he wraps his strong rough hand around my dick and
strokes me fast and hard, the movement sending delicious sensitive tremors
throughout my hot, horny body. His mouth descends onto me. As I watch, his lips
part and his tongue dart out, I can't resist grabbing his head and thrusting
myself within the waiting space. He chokes on me the first time my length hits
the back of his throat, unprepared for me. “Oh fuck, that’s too good. I'm going
to fuck this mouth, Scott, and then I'm going to fuck your arse.” He looks up
at me through his hazel eyes, his head bobbing up and down saying yes to me.

His grip
tightens and his mouth seals around me as he sucks me with such ferocity I am
soon going to explode. I need to save that for fucking him, I need to be inside
him when he pushes me over the edge.

“Ahh, god yes.”
My fingers are roaming his perfectly styled hair, pulling at the strands as I
plough into his mouth.

I am just about
to reach my climax when I abruptly pull out of his wet wanting mouth. “Enough stand.”
I help lift him up from the hard ground, his body once again, against mine. His
dick rubs against mine vigorously. The friction of his heated skin touching me
has me moaning in his ear. I bite his lobe as I whisper, “I'm going to fuck you
now, Scott, and I’m going to fuck you hard. I am not going to use lube. I want
to feel you around me. Turn around.”

I grab both his
arms and fling him around so his sculpted back is to me, hidden beneath the
cotton t-shirt clinging to his defined and contoured body. How Abbi ever turned
down his advances is beyond me. The guy is pure and utter sin, his hair always
so perfect, his eyes twinkling with primal raw lust, his body hard as stone and
toned as fuck, and his dick? Well let’s just say I’ve never complained about
that factor.

I push him to
the wall again, his body parallel to the brickwork, his arse slightly bent
towards me. His erection is obviously making it hard for him to go completely
flat; he is trying to accommodate the beast. I press myself close to him, my
body moulded to his, chest to back, my dick pressed between the crack of his
arse, slipping across the tight hole, teasing and tormenting him. It is a
fucking agonising torture for me, not to slip inside him, but I want to relish
in this, make him pay a little for his attack on me inside the club. He knows
who is in charge when it comes to us; I am always top, always. The only person
on this planet, who has ever had any control over me, is Abigail. That girl
controls my heart, every single beat of it. Every thump that has the blood
flowing through my veins is for her.

I can feel his
arse cheeks clenching around my dick, trying to pull me further inside or
trying to stop me entering, which one I have no idea. “Relax for me, Scott. You
know it will hurt if you don't, and mate, I’ll be in this arse regardless if
you’re ready or not. It’s up to you how this goes.” His body immediately calms,
his legs parting slightly for me, his hands come up and brace the wall seeking
a source of balance. The cold air around me is biting at my bare skin, the
hairs on my thighs are on end and my body is beginning to shake and shiver,
irrespective of the heat flooding through my body and core right now.

He bends his
entire body at the waist, his cock and balls clearly visible through the V of
his legs. The light illuminating the alley are bright and give me full vision
of him. The fact that any fucker can walk out of the club and see us doesn’t
mean anything to me, I don't give a shit, all I care for is releasing the ache
inside my nuts.

I grasp my dick
in one hand, holding the impressive length upright. I use my other hand to
spread him open, ready for my brutal penetration.

I place the head
of my cock against his hole and begin to push forward a little. Once the head
is in, I pull out a little, stretching and teasing his anus. In and out, I go a
little more each time, until my full length is inside of him, every inch of the
eight there are, rammed inside his arse. His muscles grip at me, choking me
like a goddamn vice.

God, it feels so
good, I’m not going to last more than a few stroked before I fill him with my
hot cum. I grip his right hip with my hand, whilst my other hand holds his
shoulder. I use the leverage and grip to ruin him, violently fucking him. I
pump myself in and out of him at a hurried psychotic pace. I am a man on a
mission, and that mission is blowing my load inside something. I am reaching my
peak quicker and quicker, every stroke inside of him driving me higher up the

“Leighton, fuck
me harder, fuck me, god damn it you fucking pussy.” Is he for real, a pussy?
Me? Fuck this shit, the little prick.

I slam his arse
full, his entire body thrown forward and his head merely missing the brickwork.
I manage longer than I thought I would, but after ten minutes of the continuous
gripping around me, I am going to detonate.

“I'm going to
cum, Scott.” I warn him, preparing him for a butt load of spunk.

“Put it in my
fucking ass, Leighton, cum in my arse.” He is begging me, and who am I to refuse
such a polite offering.

“Argghhh, fuck,
so tight, Scott, take my cum.” I slam once more and hold myself inside him, as
my dick pulses and throbs, my spunk spurting inside of him, his own arse
tensing, holding me inside of him until I am empty and softening.

“Shit.” He says
as he leans his head on the wall and regains some sense of self. I tuck my dick
back in to its place, concealing it behind the zipper of my trousers.




I arrive back
home at half three in the morning. The lights of the driveway are off, my house
in darkness. Melissa must be in bed and Antonio has obviously passed out
somewhere. He is an awesome uncle to my baby girl; he cares for her so goddamn
much it is actually rather beautiful to see.

I open the door,
dragging my tired body across the threshold. This evening has taken it out of
me completely, physically and emotionally. I just want to see my bubba, and
then fall asleep, hopefully until lunchtime.

I switch the
lights on as I approach the blackened lounge. No sign of him anywhere, fuck it,

I walk the huge
staircase, normally it’s beautiful, but now I hate it as my feet and entire
body ache with the strenuous walk up towards my room, popping my head into
Melissa’s room before reaching mine.

Her room is in
total darkness, not even the gentle lights of her mobile casting glows on the
walls. I walk into the room and look into her cot.

My heart drops
into my fucking stomach as I see it empty and her blanket missing. My baby, oh
god, my baby. Abigail trusted me with her, to keep her safe. Oh shit, I feel
ill. I want to be sick.

I run both wings
of my huge home, pissed at myself for picking somewhere so big to live. I need
to find her, the aching pain inside my chest isn’t going to subside until I do.

Where in the
hell is Antonio, as well?

I get to the
kitchen and pick the landline up, my mobile having been smashed to pieces
earlier, after seeing Kalina’s pictures. I dial Antonio’s phone, telling it to
hurry as every ring sounds.

“Hi, it’s Ant.
I'm not available at the moment. Please leave your message after the tone.”       “You
fucking prick, answer the fucking phone.” I scream at the handset.

“FUCK!” I shout.
The twins next, they will be with Maria. She would know where Ant is.

“Yo, Leigh,
what’s up man? How’s Abbi?”

“Hey you seen...
wait what? What’s happened to Abigail?” that heart ache I am feeling after
finding my baby gone, well now it has just fucking multiplied into an atomic

“Oh fuck, sorry
man. She’s in hospital. Something happened when she was out tonight. You best
find out from her, I’m not a hundred percent on the details.” Luke’s
sympathetic voice does nothing to calm me. I am feeling fucking furious I need
to be there. If she is hurt or in trouble it is my job to help her, my job to
fix her again. I am her fucking fiancé for fuck sake.

Shit, I am her
fiancé, there is no way she is going anywhere and that ring is going back on
her finger, fucking quickly.

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