Read Torn Online

Authors: Kelly Fisher

Torn (7 page)

BOOK: Torn
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I dropped the kids off, which was one of the hardest things to do when all I
wanted was to be with them, I went back to pick up Archer. When he got in the
passenger seat he just grabbed my hand to try and make me feel better and of
course it worked feeling that warm tingling feeling I got from our skin
connecting. It always made me feel good but some things you couldn’t shake so
easily like missing your children, so while it helped a great deal it didn’t
make me forget about how much I missed them. I’m certain he knew this because
we didn’t speak the whole way back up to the old house on the hill.

we were back in his room I laid on his bed stroking Pharaoh’s soft fur while
Archer took a shower. Playing tag with the kids was hard work. He came out of
the bathroom wearing nothing but a pair of boxers and at the sight of his
muscular abs my heartbeat began to pick up speed. I was sure he sensed it
because he looked over at me and gave me an evil grin, which made my heart beat
even faster.

came over to me and I sat up instantly, he put his hands in my hair and I
closed my eyes immersing myself in the moment. I lifted my head as I felt his
cool body inch closer to mine, the sensation of his cool skin and the current of
warmth coursing through me was overwhelmingly wonderful. I wondered how great
his lips would taste and I felt like I couldn’t wait any longer to have him at
least kiss me once and I was going to give in marriage or no. I couldn’t fight
the temptation any longer it was just too great. And then my phone began to
ring again. I was simply going to ignore it but it just kept ringing as whoever
it was kept calling back to back. Archer finally stepped back and I groaned.

had better be good,” I said as I jumped off the bed and went to collect my
phone. I secretly wanted nothing more than to throw it against the wall and
watch it shatter in to a million pieces. I looked at the caller ID and of
course it was Richard.

It’s Richard,” I said and Archer nodded his head as he sat on the bed turning
on the TV with the remote. I ducked out the door into the long hallway seeing
no one around I hit the answer button.

I answered completely frustrated.

why haven’t you been answering?” he said sounding concerned and making me feel

sorry it was on vibrate, what’s up? The kids ok?” I asked suddenly worried
about why he had been calling nonstop.

kids are fine actually they’re great. They can’t stop talking about their new
friend Archer. Care to explain why you are bringing strange men around our kids
Lizzie?” he asked sarcastically.

isn’t a strange man Richard, he is my friend and the kids love him.”

know the kids love him they can’t shut up about how cool he is,” he spat out
bitterly. Aw he was jealous I thought, best for me to try and pet his ego a bit
before this got ugly.

Rich I am sorry. I should have let you know he was coming with me, my mistake.
But you have to have faith in me as their mother that I would never have my
kids around unsavory characters,” I said hoping it would work.

alright, but next time you decide to bring him please let me know out of
courtesy. Speaking of next time I was wondering if we could meet somewhere to
set up times and dates for visits,” he said surprising me. I figured he
wouldn’t want me to be around the kids for a while after finding out I had
brought Archer.

I said still in a small state of shock.

you meet me at our house around seven tomorrow?” he asked.

I answered.

see you then,” he said and then hung up leaving me standing in the hallway
staring at my cell phone in amazement. Where we really going to be able to work
this out in a civil manner? I truly hoped so.




Archer and I
lounged around the rest of the evening until we eventually fell asleep. The
visit with the kids had definitely tuckered us out. I awoke the next afternoon
to an empty bed. I sat up and looked over at the clock seeing it was only two
so I had plenty of time until I had to meet up with Richard at our house. I
looked around for Pharaoh but he was missing as well. I figured where ever
Archer had gone Pharaoh had followed, he was completely Archer’s dog now.

As I
was about to climb out of bed and get dressed, Archer and Pharaoh arrived with
a huge tray of food. The sight and smell of it made my stomach rumble

“Ah ah
ah back to bed with you,” Archer said smiling.

“I was
just going to get dressed,” I tried to explain.

can get dressed later, for now you eat,” he said as he sat the tray of food in
front of me. A large tray of pancakes, sausage, bacon, and scrambled eggs
topped with cheese. It all looked and smelled absolutely scrumptious.

Archie it looks so good, you are too good to me,” I said. He came and sat
beside me on the bed and patted my leg lightly.

deserve it,” he said looking deep in my eyes.




I had eaten until I was stuffed and he had taken the tray away I informed him I
had to go meet Richard at our home around seven.

going alone?” he asked me looking concerned.

I don’t think bringing you along to discuss visitation times and dates would go
to well,” I said.

sure you want to go alone? Is that safe? Maybe you should meet him in a public
place just in case,” he said lifting an eyebrow.

in case what?” I asked.

know just in case things get heated and he tries to put his hands on you,” he
replied seriously.

has never touched me like that,” I said honestly.

he better keep it that way.”

will be fine, trust me,” I said grabbing his hand in mine.

know I do.”




six thirty I found myself driving away from what I considered my home to a house
that was supposed to be just that but didn’t really feel that way anymore. I
really hoped Richard wanted to work out a schedule for the kids and wasn’t
going to use our house against me. As I drove down the street I began to get
knots in my stomach thinking how this neighborhood really never felt inviting
to me. No matter how many visits from Cora I received or no matter how many of
the other mothers had made small talk with me to try and make me feel like a
part of the neighborhood, I just never felt like I belonged here.

As I
pulled into the driveway and saw Richard’s truck already there, I felt sick to
my stomach and thought maybe Archer was right, maybe I should have met with
Richard in a public place. The house just gave off a cold vibe and all of a
sudden this seemed like a very bad idea. Before I could back out of the
driveway and call Richard on his cell to ask him to meet me somewhere public
Richard stepped out of the front door and raised one hand in a wave. I hope I
don’t live to regret this I thought as I returned the wave and stepped out of
my car.




are you?” Richard asked as I walked up the pathway of stones to the front door.

fine, you?” I answered as I finally came to rest in front of him.

you like to go in?” he said gesturing to the open front door and I suddenly
wanted to run. I looked around the neighborhood at the other houses hoping
maybe someone would be outside grilling or walking their dog but it was eerily
quiet. He stood there looking at me like I was insane. “I’m not going to hurt
you Liz.”

yeah, I know,” I said walking into our house against my better judgment. He
followed me in and I took a seat on the edge of the couch while he continued to
stand. There was a strong tension in the air that made me even more nervous so
I decided to break the awkward silence. “Right, so let’s just get this over
with then. What days and times am I allowed to come see the kids?” I was sure
he had it all planned out already it was just the type of man he was. He didn’t
speak up at first so I simply sat on the couch waiting, hoping he would just
come out with it already.

about everyday twenty four seven?” he said and my heart almost burst, was he
serious? Was he actually going to let me keep the kids? I began to smile and so
did he. “We can all just come back home and forget all this Archer nonsense.
The kids miss you, I miss you Lizzie. I am willing to forgive you if you just
come back home,” he pleaded and my heart dropped to my stomach and my smile
fell away.

love the kids Richard with all my heart. I am a good mother and you know it and
I want nothing more than to be with them every day. It’s you I don’t want to be
with anymore. I’m sorry I don’t mean to hurt you but let’s face it we got
married way too young and our marriage was over years ago,” I said sadly. He
began to pace back and forth looking deep in thought and although he continued
to smile it was an evil kind of smile. He finally stopped pacing and looked at
me sending chills down my spine.

you my dear Lizzie leave me no choice,” he said calmly.

the hell are you talking about?”

know what Archer and your other little biker friends are,” he said and my heart
sunk even further.

don’t know what you’re talking about,” I said nonchalantly trying to play off
the fear I had in my voice.

can’t lie worth shit. I run this town, I know everything about everyone in
Talon Hills and I know exactly what they are,” he said looking at me with
crazed eyes. I started to get scared. I didn’t even know what to say, this was
bad really bad. “And this is how this is going to work out. You will be coming
home Lizzie. You will be the mother and wife I knew before. You will be going
right back up to that piece of shit house break things off with that Archer
character and you will be coming back home tonight and you nor the kids will
ever speak of him again,” he said sweetly but the evil intentions
of the words still held their effect no
matter how they had been spoken. I refused to let this happen, I stood up and
stepped closer to him.

if I refuse?” I asked confidently and he burst out laughing at my small show of

expose them. I call the police, FBI, CIA, whoever I need to call to get them
well…taken care of,” he said as he went to brush my hair out of my eyes.

you fucking touch me,” I said furious. This man was not the man I married, this
man was vile and I was trapped with him. My heart was torn apart. I knew I
would never betray the coven that way, so my only choice was to let Archer go.

your decision my dear?” he asked taking out his cell phone acting like he was
ready to call whoever he needed to expose the coven.

you win,” I said slumping back down on the couch in defeat as tears sprang up
into my eyes. Richard walked over and lifted my chin up to look at him with one

choice, I suggest you go end it now while I go get the kids and let them know
mommy and daddy are getting back together. They will be so thrilled,” he said
then he started to make his way to the door. I still sat on the couch in
disbelief. He stopped before he closed the door after him and popped his head
back in. “Oh and Lizzie don’t forget to bring my damn dog back.”

BOOK: Torn
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