Too Much To Bear: BBW Shifter Romance (Shifters of Spellholm Forest - The Bears) (10 page)

BOOK: Too Much To Bear: BBW Shifter Romance (Shifters of Spellholm Forest - The Bears)
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Thinking back, they had been gone for hours, and her parents must have got to the worrying stage, after all. Jenny hardly ever went anywhere, and never with a boy. She set her fork down before a single delicious smelling morsel had reached her mouth.

"What do you want to know, mom?"

Her mom sat up a little straighter, and her eyes lit up. "Is he the one?"

There was nothing like being direct. "Yes," answered Jenny, seeing no point in lying, the truth would come out very quickly now they had consummated their relationship.

Her mom literally squealed in delight. "Shall I fetch your dad?"

"No! No, mom, not yet. Can I just eat, and then we can talk later."

"Of course."

Jenny expected her mom to leave her to eat in peace. No such luck, instead she sat watching her daughter, a misty eyed look on her face. It would have put Jenny off her food, but once she started eating she found herself ravenous, and even went back for seconds, by which time her mom was shifting around impatiently in her seat. Although she had been very good at not continually asking questions throughout Jenny's meal, even though it was obvious how much her mom wanted to.

At last, her plate eaten clean, she got up and went to wash her dishes in the sink. Her mom dried them, and began to interrogate Jenny. "So when did you know?"

"I didn't. Still don't in some ways," Jenny answered, trying to figure out her feelings. Was she sure about Beck?

"But he knows? For sure?"

"Yes, mom. And sometimes I get a glimpse of it, you know, it's a fleeting feeling that makes me feel as though he is the only one in the world. The only person that matters."

Her mom smiled knowingly. "That sounds exactly right." She placed her hand on her daughter’s, ignoring the soapsuds. "It will get stronger, Jenny. As you approach the change, it will become more urgent, your need to be with him."

Jenny blushed, but hid her face behind her hair, not wanting her mom to share all of her secrets. Making love to Beck was something she wanted to keep to herself, at least for now.

"Strange, a bird and a bear. Still, you'll find a way to make it work."

Jenny forced herself to keep her body language neutral, and not relay her fears in any way. That conversation should wait until after she had changed. There was no use going through all the drama only to find Mother Hart had made a mistake. Right now, she only accepted that to be a snow leopard would be amazing, but to fly would make her family happy, so she tried not to cause herself any more worry.

They talked for a while, and then Jenny excused herself and went to bed, calling, "Goodnight," to her dad. Then she disappeared upstairs, although she didn't sleep for some time, the sound of her mom and dad talking to each other for hours keeping her from slipping into the world of dreams. She couldn't hear what was said; only the low murmur of two people deep in discussion.


Morning came suddenly. Jenny did not know exactly when she had drifted off to sleep, but suddenly the sun was bright in the sky making her blink as she peeled her eyes open. Her head foggy from lack of sleep, she pulled herself to a sitting position before flopping back down. Closing her eyes, she draped her hand over her face to block out the light, and gave herself five minutes to come round, or else she knew the whole day would be a struggle.

Only the sound of talking outside her window made her rise from the bed again. It was Beck; she recognised his voice, and that of her dad. Oh, what if her dad says something to him. That would be the most embarrassing thing ever. Well apart from the other thing, but Jenny found herself getting over her school days much quicker after Beck’s revelations. She only hoped she could trust Beck not to say anything about her coming of age. That secret was not his to tell.

Spilling out onto the yard, still dragging her hair into a ponytail, she rushed up to the two men, trying to catch what they were saying. It was some relief to hear them talking about the cattle.

"That's a good bull you have there." Either Beck was putting on a good act or he was genuinely interested.

"He is from a very good pedigree. If you're interested some time I'll let you see his papers, very impressive." Her dad’s voice carried his usual excitement when talking about farm stuff.

To Beck's credit, he didn't show the faintest hint of sarcasm when he answered, “I would like that very much."

Her dad turned to look at Jenny. "Morning Jenny. Ah, yes. I'll go and make a cup of tea I think." He walked away, a little too quickly.

"They know then?" Beck asked.

"That obvious?"


"My mom cornered me last night. I hope you don't mind."

He smiled, and her heart fluttered in her chest. "Not at all. Telling your parents, that makes it so much more official."

Jenny's heart beat rapidly, and she felt faint. "I don't know if I'm ready for all this Beck."

He came closer, and put his arms around her, pulling her tight against his hard toned body. This did nothing to chase her apprehension away. Being physically close to a man like this was so new, and the thought of her parents watching from the farmhouse made her jittery with nerves. They would be trying to marry her off before she had got used to the idea at this rate.

"I know how you feel; your dad wants to have a private chat with me later."

"Oh, no. What about?"

"I don't know. But I need to speak to him anyway. There are some things I need to run past you first."

"That sounds serious."

"Not at all, but there are some things I am going to have to change, and I want to make you understand my reasons before I do anything."

"Beck...what's going on?"

"Let's go somewhere private. I think I might have to fuck you first, because I am not going to get any work done with this in my pants."

She glanced down at his hard bulge, and swallowed, she wanted him too. At this moment she didn't care what he had to say, only that he stuck his thick shaft inside her and made her come. Then they could discuss his plans.

Lacing his fingers through hers, he pulled her in the direction of the hay barn. Mortified that her parents would know what they were up to, she nearly told him she couldn't. However, her body yearned for him, her breasts swollen, nipples taut, longing to have his mouth on them. Not to mention her sex, which was wet and slick, ready for him to penetrate her without the need for foreplay.

Foreplay, however, gave Beck great enjoyment.

"You are as beautiful as the morning," he said, easing the t-shirt, she had quickly dressed in, up so his hand could cup her breast.

She giggled, but he kissed her mouth, silencing her mirth. His mouth was fierce, and she shivered. This was not the tender, gentle bear from yesterday. Her virginity was forgotten, and Beck showed his more forceful side by pressing his hand into the small of her back, pulling her towards him. While his tongue slid into her mouth, he moved his body against hers, giving them both a taste of what was to follow. His cock stiffened, and she opened her legs, wider when his hand slid down between them.

Beck teased her, pushing his fingers along her slit, and then brushing her clit. She desperately wanted to strip for him, so that no barrier stood between them. Groaning as he moved his fingers back and forth across her aching entrance, she pressed forward on to his hand. Beck lifted her leg, and pressed himself against her, rubbing his hardness against her throbbing clit, until she thought she would climax.

All at once, he could stand it no longer; he pushed her away, and turned her to lie face down across a hay bale. Before she had time to realise what he was doing he lifted her so he could gain access to her jeans, his fingers fumbling while he tried to undo them. With a grunt of approval when they popped open, he tore them off her, and discarded them.

Her bottom was tilted into the air, and in any other circumstances she would have felt embarrassed, but not with Beck. Jenny would do anything to please him. She sensed the feeling was mutual. His hands slid over her round bottom, massaging the flesh.

She wriggled back against his hands, excitement flowing through her when he slipped one hand between her thighs and stroked her clit. Damn she felt like a bitch on heat, her whole being concentrating on the way he made her body ache for him. One finger slid inside her sopping wet sex, and he fingered her, pushing nice and deep, making her chase the edge of release. It didn't evade her, and when his thumb brushed her clit, while his fingers thrust into her, she came. A shuddering mess of sensations all vying for her attention. He made her lose control in ways she never could imagine.

Before her body recovered, he was behind her, lifting her up, and easing her legs apart. With a thrill, she heard him undoing his pants, the sound of his zip, and the sliding of the thick fabric down his legs. Without looking, she knew he was naked, and there was no surprise when the head of his cock pressed against her entrance. So wet, he slid in easy, her inner walls gripping him tightly. He sighed with contentment when he had driven into her to the hilt. Her sex throbbed and ached all around him, the muscles still not recovered from him breaking her the night before.

Then he began to move, and her sex yielded for him, adjusting to the size of him. The friction was incredible, the feel of his hard length sliding in and out of her, over and over. Jenny pushed back onto him, wanting to experience him deeper and harder. He made her feel alive, desirable, and free. When Beck was inside of her nothing else mattered in the world. They were complete, able to tackle anything together. She rose to her orgasm. Beck gripping her hips to press deep into her, impaling her on his rock hard cock. The rough hay tickled her breasts, prickling into her nipples like some weird sex toy, making them overly sensitive.

A slap on her rump made her jump, but it felt good, she wanted to be spanked by him. In this position, she felt like a naughty wife being punished for some misdemeanour. Beck was strong enough to control her, strong enough to make her do his bidding, and she longed to be pleasurably punished by him. He slapped her flesh again, and she dared to look back, seeing the intense way he was watching her flesh quiver as his hand struck it. Although not too hard, it made her skin tingle.

"Again," she said, and he looked at her with eyes ablaze with lust and hunger, the bear was awakening in him.

"Are you sure, I didn't know if you would like it or not. I should have waited until you were more used to me, more experienced, but the way your flesh moves, I needed to..."

"Stop talking and spank me Beck."

"Christ, Jenny. I don't think I can hold on much longer."

She smiled at him, yelping playfully when he smacked her already red flesh with the palm of his hand. Her knuckles turned white as she dug her fingers into the hay, trying to concentrate on anything rather than what he was doing to her. Because if she didn't do something she would come right now, and she wanted this to last. She needed to prolong the intimacy they shared, his cock inside her, his hands on her flesh, and now his lips on her back as he kissed her spine from between her shoulder blades, down lower, one vertebrae at a time.

It was too much, and he laughed as she came, crying out, before following her over the edge, their voices mingling filling the barn. She hoped her parents couldn’t hear them, but she didn’t let it worry her. They knew the truth now and had accepted Beck.

Beck rammed into her hard, both hands on her hips now, pinning her down against the bale to plough into her. She felt wonderfully stretched by him, stretched and sore, a feeling she would carry with her all day, reminding her of their lovemaking.

Fast and hard, he filled her with his seed, and she took it all, milking every last drop from his cock.

Beck flopped down by the side of her, completely spent. He kissed her shoulder, and she felt his warm breath on her skin coming in short bursts as he tried to regain his breath.

"I'm going to miss this."

"Miss what?" she asked, turning to him.

"Having access to you all day."

"What's going to change?" she asked, suddenly afraid. Surely, he wasn't going to leave here again.

"I need to get a job that pays more, if I'm going to support us properly. I love working for your dad, although I never thought farming would be for me."

"Then why leave, money isn't everything."

"I know, but I want to buy you nice things, and I can't if I don't have any money. I mean where are we going to live?"


"I like your parents, Jenny. But please don't ask me to share a house with them. I'm not too good at being nice all the time."

She sighed, resting her chin on her hand, deep down she knew he was right. He had his pride, but she hated the idea of being parted from him.



Beck was back in the barn shovelling pig shit. It took his mind off the way things had been between him and Jenny all day. Things had started out so well this morning, a quick fuck before work started was definitely the best thing in the world. Then he told her about his plans to find a job elsewhere, and although she said she understood, he knew he had hurt her feelings.

He would love to stay here and work alongside her. It was more rewarding than any of the numerous jobs he had ever taken on to pay his way. Yet there was no way his wages would stretch to keep them both, even if they lived frugally. No, he would have to look elsewhere, perhaps offering to help out on the farm in his spare time.

His thoughts were consumed with what hope he might have of getting another job with next to no qualifications, when Jenny's dad cleared his throat, right behind Beck.

Beck nearly jumped out of his bear hide, no one usually managed to sneak up on him like that. Jenny's dad simply smiled good naturedly.

"Hi Beck."

"Mr Hooper."

"Call me Reg, please."

"Reg," Beck said awkwardly, unsure what Jenny's dad wanted, and hoping he wasn't about to upset his future father in law.

"No Beck. It seems we have some straight talking to do, you and me."

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