Read Tonight and Forever Online

Authors: Brenda Jackson

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #General, #Contemporary

Tonight and Forever (8 page)

BOOK: Tonight and Forever
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Capturing her hands, he pulled them around him, coaxing her arms to wrap around his waist as she pulled herself closer to him.

Their kiss intensified. She could feel the pressure of his other hand in the curve of her back, drawing her closer to him, urging her more intimately into the fit of him. For the first time in her life, she knew how it felt to become insane with the need of someone.

Justin released her mouth. His voice was thick with desire. “Baby, let’s finish this in the bedroom.”

His words intruded like a blast of cold air, snapping Lorren back to reality. She jerked away from him and began straightening her clothes. She struggled to hide her confusion over what she’d felt—an upsurge of devouring yearning. It was an emotion too new to her. Disconcerted, she crossed her arms and pointedly looked away from him. What had gotten into her? Why had she let him kiss her like that, knowing nothing would come of it? Why on earth did she enjoy his kisses so much?

Out of the corner of her eye she saw Justin fighting for control. His breathing was deep and rapid. He would want answers, but she wouldn’t give him any. She couldn’t.


Unlike earlier, he said her name in a voice with a cutting edge to it. If he was upset with her, that was too friggin’ bad. She could deal better with his anger than his disappointment. Never again would she see the look of total sexual letdown on the face of another man.

Still she couldn’t bring herself to look at him. How could she face him?

“Lorren, look at me!”

She flinched at the hardness of his command. No matter what, she wouldn’t look at him. “Please leave, Justin. Tonight was a mistake.”

Justin frowned. There was something about the tone of her words that cooled his anger. Her voice sounded tired and laced with hopelessness.

With a sense of purpose he didn’t understand, he walked over to her and took her into his arms. She tried pulling away, but he wouldn’t let her. She still refused to look at him. “What’s wrong, Lorren?”

“Nothing’s wrong. And no matter what you think, especially after tonight, I’m not easy, Justin.” The words were spoken barely above a whisper.

Justin lifted her chin, forcing her eyes to meet his. The depth of pain he saw confused him. The pallidness of her nutmeg skin disturbed him. He touched a finger gently to her swollen lips, sealing off any further words of protest. “I don’t think you’re easy, Lorren. In fact, I think you’re complicated as hell.”

Lorren pulled away from him.

This time Justin let her.

“Please leave, Justin. I want to be alone.”

He hesitated before speaking. “All right. If that’s what you want. I need to get my bag out of the spare bedroom.”

Minutes later he returned to find her standing by the door as if anxious for his departure. “Are you sure you’re okay, Lorren?”

She nodded. “You can have these back,” she said, handing him the key and his sweatshirt and checkbook, being careful not to touch him. “As I said, Justin, I did it as a joke.”

Justin reached out and took her hand. She tried pulling away, but he held on to her wrist. Their gazes held as his hand slipped from her wrist, and he threaded his fingers through hers. “Someone once told me years ago that no matter how painful your yesterdays were, there’s always tomorrow. I’m passing that same message on to you. Think about it.”

With those final words, he released her hand, squeezing it gently before letting go. Turning, he walked out into the warm Texas night.

Chapter 5

oonlight sliced a thick silver path across the water, bathing the lush grasslands in a magical glow.

Emerging naked from the waters of the lake, Justin shivered in the cool, damp air. With a grimace, he pulled on his pants over his wet skin.

Gathering up the rest of his clothing, he started walking back to his house. He glanced toward the house where Lorren was probably sleeping and slowed his steps. His eyes didn’t blink for the longest time as he stared at the outline of the structure through the trees.

He stopped walking as thoughts of Lorren consumed his mind. There was no mistaking the woman had a problem. And it was deep enough to drive her to the point of pulling a stunt like the one she’d pulled tonight. What exactly had her ex-husband done to make her feel the need to protect herself so fiercely? What had he done to put that tone of hopelessness in her voice, that look of sadness in her eyes? He wondered if she’d ever really experienced a loving relationship at any point during her marriage.

The enormity of those questions propelled him forward toward his place, wondering where he could find some answers. Would Ms. Nora tell him if he asked? What about her friend, Syneda?

Unlocking his door he stepped inside, allowing his eyes to adjust to the room’s darkness. He closed the door behind him, then leaned against it. What was there about Lorren that made him even care enough to want to know?

That’s an easy question, man,
his mind replied.
The woman’s kisses have only whet your appetite. Her resistance has only increased your determination. And surprisingly, though it seems otherwise, it’s not all about sex. She’s the first woman who’s actually gotten next to you, really next to you, since Denise.

Justin was grateful the door supported his back as the realization hit him full force. He ran a hand over his unshaven chin. The last thing he needed in his life was any complications.

He laughed.
Think again, bro. Lorren Jacobs is clearly a complication.

There was a lot about her he didn’t know, a lot he didn’t understand. But then there was something he did know, and that was that whatever problems she’d had in the past, the last thing she needed was a man who’d allow her to wallow in self-pity; a man who’d easily give up on her and her cynical facade. What she needed was someone willing to explore the woman hidden underneath her hard shell—no matter what roadblocks she tried putting in his way. She needed a man capable of giving her tender, loving care.

Point-blank, she needed him.

Everyone was entitled to experience a loving relationship at least once in a lifetime. Even one with no strings attached. As far as he was concerned, Lorren’s time had come.


After a sleepless night, Lorren got out of bed early to start writing. She hoped it would erase Justin from her mind. How could she have been so stupid to think she could stand a chance against him?

Hours later she sat at her personal computer in deep concentration, keying her thoughts into it. She was having fun writing about Mukasas, her newest Kente Kid. Her agent was presently negotiating a deal with a major toy manufacturer, who was interested in transforming her ethnic book characters into cute, cuddly, and culturally rich toys. Lorren felt very excited about the project that would introduce her “kids” into even more households. She was so involved in working on her story that the ringing of the telephone startled her.


“Good morning.”

The husky, sensuous sound of Justin Madaris’s voice filtered through the telephone lines. Lorren’s stomach twisted in knots. Had he called to gloat about last night?

“What do you want, Justin?”

Justin clenched his hands into fists inside his pockets. He wondered if her mouth was swollen from his kisses of last night. Thinking about it made his blood race. He took a deep steadying breath. “Tsk, Ms. Jacobs. You were a lot more neighborly yesterday.”

Lorren glanced at the computer monitor before her. The characters seemed to darken before her eyes. She knew it wasn’t the monitor, but her mood. “So I’m fickle. Sue me.”

“I’d rather make love to you,” Justin replied, his voice low, deep, and sexy.

Lorren was glad she was sitting down. Sensational shivers streaked through her body. She’d recognized desire in his eyes before, but until now, he’d only hinted at wanting her. She had never expected him to actually say the words, and his doing so now had her gasping for air. “Don’t say that,” she whispered through jagged breaths, her words soft.

“Why not? It’s the truth, and we both know it. Don’t you think it’s time we began being honest with each other?”

Lorren closed her eyes, trying not to conjure up visions of them last night, wrapped in each other’s arms, kissing. He’d desired her last night—she might be a novice in some things, but that much she was sure of. However, would his desire have slowed to a fizzle once he’d gotten her in the bedroom? She didn’t know and wouldn’t give herself a chance to find out.

“Why’re you calling, Justin?” she asked curtly. “Don’t you have patients to see, examinations to perform, sinusitis or arthritis to cure?”

“The reason I’m calling is to find out what time you want me to pick you up tonight.”

Lorren’s brow lifted. “Pick me up? For what?”

“The movies. Have you forgotten our date?”

Lorren groaned inwardly. She’d only agreed to go out with him because she thought her plans to get him out of her life were a sure thing.

“And don’t try getting out of it, Lorren. You said you’d go with me, and I took you at your word. Besides, if nothing else, you have to admit we do enjoy each other’s company.”

Lorren sighed. His words held the truth. She’d had more fun with him yesterday than she’d had in a long time. Her ability to laugh seemed to blossom around him. And if she was completely honest with herself, she’d have to admit she couldn’t really blame him for the fact she had made a complete fool of herself with the stunt she’d pulled.

She stared pensively into space. She hadn’t been to a movie in years, which in itself was unusual for someone who lived in Los Angeles. Besides, one thing Mama Nora had always taught them was to face any problems head-on, no matter how big or small. And with Scott, she’d done just the opposite. Now she was making the same mistake with Justin. Instead of standing up to him, she’d been retreating.

It was obvious he had no intentions of leaving her alone, and she refused to spend the rest of her days living in Ennis avoiding him. He was a problem she would have to deal with directly. Pretty soon he would tire of pursuing her. Then, like all the others, he’d leave her alone and move on to some other viable conquest.

“How about it, Lorren? Are you still going?”

Silence hung in the air. “Yes, I’m still going.”

“Is seven o’clock okay?”

Lorren took a deep breath. “Yes, seven o’clock is fine. I’ll be ready.”


“Why are we here, Justin?”

“I thought it was a lovely night to park awhile. Don’t you like the view?”

“I’d rather go home.” Lorren sighed. Up to now the evening had gone the way she had hoped. Justin had arrived at precisely seven, dressed in a pair of snug-fitting jeans and a white cotton shirt. And, as usual, he looked devastatingly sexy.

She’d worn a denim wrap skirt and a loose white pullover shirt. A pair of flat slingbacks adorned her feet. A necklace of graduated bone-colored wooden disks graced her neck with coordinating earrings for her ears. Justin had taken one look at her and his mouth had fallen open. The expression on his chestnut face had been purely comical.

“Well, Justin. Are we going to the movies or are we going to miss most of it while you stand there gawking?”

The movie had been a comedy, and they had shared laughter the entire time. After the movie they’d gone to a café in the West End Market Place for coffee. On the way home he had taken a sharp turn off the highway, heading toward Bristol Trail, a wooded area reputed to be a nighttime hideaway for lovers.

Lorren’s mind returned to the present as Justin shifted positions in the car seat. He turned to her and openly studied both her and the outfit she wore. His eyes boldly scanned her from head to toe. She tensed under his close examination, suddenly feeling underdressed. His gaze locked with hers, as if trying to penetrate every defense she had. And to her dismay, it was beginning to work.

“Take me home, Justin. We’re a bit too old for this sort of thing.”

A slow smile tilted Justin’s lips. “You’re never too old for lovers’ lane.”

Lorren shook her head, more than slightly annoyed. “That’s your opinion. I happen to disagree.”

“Did you enjoy the movie?”

“Yes. Thanks for taking me. Now take me home.”

“I brought you here to ask a favor of you.”

She raised a suspicious brow. “What kind of favor?”

“How would you like to go camping with me this weekend?”

“No, I
think so.”

Justin smiled. “Relax. We won’t be alone. In fact, you’ll be the only female with me and five other guys.”

Lorren’s eyes widened. “You can’t be serious!”

Seeing the look of shock on her face, Justin laughed. “On the contrary, I’m completely serious. But before you get all bent out of shape, I’ll level with you. The other guys are between the ages of five and ten.”

Lorren frowned, her eyes puzzled. “I don’t understand.”

“I’m a volunteer at the Children’s Home Society. A group of the little guys and I are going camping this weekend. The Society has a policy that there has to be at least two adults for every five kids. My usual partner can’t make it, so I’m asking you to fill in as his replacement.”

“And I’ll be the only female?”

“Yeah, for my group. Friends of mine from Dallas—John and his wife, Juanita—will be camping in the site next to us with another group.”

“What happens if you can’t find a replacement?”

“Then I won’t have any other choice but to cancel the trip. And I’d hate to do that. The boys have been looking forward to this outing for quite a while.”

Lorren sighed. Should she consider going? She would hate for the little guys to be disappointed if the trip had to be canceled. Growing up in a foster home, she knew how important outings were.

“Are you sure there’s no one else you can ask?”

“Yeah, I’m sure. There’s no one else I can ask at this late date.”

“Will the boys have any qualms about a woman tagging along?”

“Erick will probably have something to say at first, but he’ll get over it. He still classifies girls in the same category as spinach. Yucky, yuck.”

A smile touched Lorren’s lips. “What you’re doing with the boys is real special, Justin. One of the things I appreciated most when I lived with Mama Nora was the people who unselfishly gave their time to us.”

Justin noticed how her face became even more beautiful when she was pleased with something. “Then you’ll go?”

“Yeah. I’ll go.”

“Great. My parents’ friends from Dallas let me borrow their recreational vehicle whenever I take the boys camping. I’m picking it up late Friday afternoon. We’ll leave around six o’clock Saturday morning.”

Lorren nodded, a smile pursing her lips. “You didn’t have to bring me to Bristol Trail to ask me about the camping trip.”

She glanced toward the rear of the car. “I guess I should be glad your Vette doesn’t have a back seat. I wouldn’t want you to get any ideas,” she said, grinning, beginning to feel relaxed.

There was teasing laughter in Justin’s eyes. “Shame on you. You’re behind the times. No one uses a back seat anymore.”

Lorren tried suppressing a giggle. “No? What’re they using now?”

“The hood.”

Lorren couldn’t help herself as she burst out laughing at Justin’s reply. Justin found himself joining her infectious laughter.

Suddenly, their amusement died simultaneously. All traces of humor were replaced by raw desire. Their gazes held. Their breathing quickened in unison. Concurrent shivers surged through their veins.

Justin slowly leaned forward, his eyes focused on Lorren’s mouth. She felt paralyzed under his intense gaze. Her pulse became erratic.

He touched her forearm. The heat of the caress made Lorren feel dizzy. Warmth radiated in her throat. Liquid heat raced from her head to her toes—and he hadn’t even kissed her yet.

Her breath sharpened painfully as his mouth came closer; the manly scent of his cologne was overwhelming. A soft groan escaped her throat. Her mouth burned with anticipation. Desire bubbled within her like a geyser, filling her with a strange inner excitement.

Justin flicked his tongue over her bottom lip, making her shiver. His tongue leisurely outlined her upper lip. She melted. Lorren felt the thrusting pressure as his tongue entered her mouth. She died a slow, erotic death as their mouths mated, hotly, hungrily.

He pulled her across the seat and into his lap, cradling her intimately, crushing her breasts against his chest. He kissed her with searing intensity, with heated longing, with unconcealed wanting. The kiss was greedy, sensuous, deep. His hands moved in provocative caresses over her back and down her legs.

Lorren clung to him, as a hot glowing ache began radiating from the very core of her. Sinking even deeper into his arms, her body responded to his seduction, slow and hot.

A loud crash jarred them from the heated moment, and they parted quickly.

“What the…”

“What was that?” Lorren’s voice was slurred with passion, her lips wet from his kiss. She moved from Justin’s lap and back into her seat, straightening her clothing.

Justin shook his head, his breathing coming in short gasps. “I don’t know, but I intend to find out. It sounded like an accident or something.”

Backing his car out of the secluded spot, he headed toward the highway. They hadn’t driven far when they spotted an overturned vehicle on the road. Reacting with undaunting speed, Justin used his cellular phone to call for help. Then, grabbing his medical bag from the back of the car, he ran toward the vehicle. Chills swept over Lorren’s body as she followed him to offer her assistance.

BOOK: Tonight and Forever
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