Tomorrow-Land (44 page)

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Authors: Joseph Tirella

BOOK: Tomorrow-Land
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Moses, Robert, World's Fair management

, 195
, 196
, 265
, 266–67

Beatles performance
, 125–26
, 241–42
, 245

BIE regulations
, 37–41

, 93–102
, 210–16
, 260

Countdown Clock and memos
, 91

criticism of
, 257
, 258
, 260–61
, 267

employment discrimination
, 58–65

entertainment policies
, 235–38

fair location and rental fee
, 13

fair location lobbying
, 13–14

fair planning and city reconstruction
, 4
, 43
, 44

, 258–59
, 271–77
, 313–14
, 323

Kennedy assassination statement
, 106

with Kennedy at ground-breaking ceremony
, 3
, 5

Kopple dismissal
, 34–36

media relationship
, 91–92
, 267–68

New York crime and attendance problems
, 148

opening ceremony
, 195
, 196

opening day plans
, 109
, 120

position appointment
, 16
, 32–34

replacement attempt
, 277–78

second season improvement plans
, 235–36
, 238–40
, 266
, 267
, 268–69
, 271
, 272–73
, 278

stall-in plan response
, 184–85

US Federal Pavilion dissatisfaction
, 119

US Federal Pavilion study funding
, 8

Warhol murals and
, 153
, 154–55
, 156–58

Moskowitz, Belle
, 20
, 21

Mount Zion Methodist Church burning
, 220
, 222

Muhammad, Elijah
, 135
, 136

Mumford, Lewis
, 27
, 29–30

Mural of a Refuge, The

Murphy, Michael J.
, 137
, 143–44
, 181
, 199
, 227
, 231

Muslim Mosque, Inc.
, 137

Mutual Admiration Society
, 11


NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People)

Chrysler Pavilion song complaints
, 294

, 76
, 83
, 141
, 177

fair pavilion proposal
, 79

, 83

militancy warnings to Kennedy Administration
, 80

Mississippi governor's speech on
, 218

pavilion revue complaints
, 235

stall-in plan response
, 180–81
, 182–83

Nagare, Masayuki
, 210

Naked Lunch
, 131

NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
, 47–48
, 206–7

National Renaissance Party
, 79

Nation of Immigrants, A
(Kennedy, J. F.)
, 319

Nation of Islam
, 71
, 80
, 129
, 135–37
, 186
, 217
, 289

Negro Revolt, The
, 71
, 81

“Negro Revolt–What Comes Next, The
,” 139

Nervi, Pier Luigi
, 209

Neumann, Julius G.
, 161

New England Pavilion
, 267

Newport Music Festival
, 306–7

“New York: A City Destroying Itself” (Whalen, R. J.)
, 261–62

New York City

articles criticizing
, 261–63
, 288

civil rights demonstrations in (
New York City civil rights demonstrations)

clean-up campaigns
, 109
, 160–72
, 173

crime in
, 143–48
, 156
, 230
, 234–35
, 257
, 295
, 325

fair financial loans from
, 271–72
, 276–77
, 323

as fair location
, 7
, 13–14

fair planning and urban reconstruction
, 4

history and tercentennial celebrations
, 12

as homosexual center
, 112–14

Manhattan districts and Beat culture
, 109–14

, 224–31

urban reconstruction history
, 4–5
, 18
, 23
, 24
, 25
, 27

New York City civil rights demonstrations

bridge blockades
, 177–78

, 76–82
, 90
, 141
, 173

racial dynamics during
, 190

school boycotts
, 176
, 177
, 178

, 81–82
, 90
, 138
, 160–61
, 178–87
, 191
, 194
, 199–200

subway blocks
, 189–91

water wasting activism
, 181

at World's Fair
, 185–86
, 191–94
, 195
, 197–99
, 293–94

New York City Pavilion
, 27
, 293

New York State Pavilion
, 100–102
, 149–50
, 153–57
, 193
, 200

Nixon, Richard
, 66–67
, 167
, 190
, 207–8

, 259–60


O'Dwyer, Paul
, 312–13

O'Dwyer, William
, 30

O'Hara, Frank
, 113–14
, 160–61
, 167–68

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
, 105
, 246
, 247
, 249

On the Road
, 247
, 250

Operation: Yorkville
, 161–63
, 164
, 166–67


Pacific International Exposition (San Diego, 1935)
, 236–37

Paley, William S.
, 92

, 210–11

Paterson, William
, 141

Patterson, Floyd
, 128

Paul VI, Pope
, 271
, 315–20

Pavilion of Fine Arts
, 210

Pavilion of the Mind Exhibit
, 251

“Peace Through Understanding” (theme)
, 3
, 5

“People's Wall” theater
, 205

Pepsi Pavilion
, 56–57

Pierce, Lawrence
, 59

La Pietà
, 48
, 63
, 133

Plastic Exploding Inevitable (Warhol)
, 326

Pocket Theater, The
, 165

Poletti, Charles
, 35
, 41
, 45
, 46
, 59
, 64
, 94–95
, 203
, 266

Port Authority Building
, 41
, 98
, 207
, 303

Potter, Dan M.
, 211

Potter, William E.
, 42
, 215

Poupées de Paris, Les
(puppet show)
, 265

Powell, Adam Clayton, Jr.
, 63

Powell, James
, 224–26
, 228

Presley, Elvis
, 122

Preusse, Charles F.
, 12
, 214

Price, Cecil
, 222
, 232

Prinz, Joachim
, 213
, 214

Project C
, 69–71

Protestant and Orthodox Pavilion
, 203–4
, 210–11
, 260

protest music
, 300–301

Pryor, Samuel, Jr.
, 272


Rand, Sally
, 236

Randolph, A. Phillip
, 82–83

Rauschenberg, Robert
, 150
, 151
, 152
, 155

Redevelopment Companies Act
, 28

Reeb, James
, 291

Reuther, Walter
, 266

Richmond, Frederick W.
, 58

riots, race
, 224–31
, 297
, 324

Riverton Houses
, 28
, 62–63

Robert Moses Dam
, 98

Robert Moses Twenty-Five Times
, 156–57
, 158

Robertson, Carole
, 88

Robinson, Jackie
, 128
, 180

Robinson, Johnny
, 88

Robinson, William E.
, 16
, 34

Rochdale Village
, 64
, 77–78

Rockefeller, David
, 16
, 34
, 58
, 274
, 276

Rockefeller, Nelson A.

civil rights movement and
, 67
, 76
, 175

fair opening ceremony
, 195

fair planning
, 13
, 16
, 33
, 67

Moses' city appointments
, 31

Moses removal
, 277–78

New York riots
, 229

presidential candidacy
, 157
, 173
, 174

Warhol mural complaint
, 155
, 157–58

Rocket Thrower, The
(De Lue)
, 323

Rolling Stones
, 298
, 304

Roman, Henry
, 295

Roosevelt, Franklin, Jr.
, 55
, 119

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
, 24
, 25
, 120
, 140

Rose, Alex
, 214

Rosenberg, James N.
, 100

Rosenquist, James
, 150
, 151–52

Rosenthal, A. M.
, 112
, 143–44
, 148
, 260–61

Rosset, Barney
, 131

Roth, Arthur T.
, 276

Rotolo, Suze
, 111

Rusk, Dean
, 45
, 79

Russell, Richard B.
, 6
, 61–62
, 108
, 140
, 221
, 284–85

Rustin, Bayard
, 89
, 191
, 192–93
, 228


Saarinen, Eero
, 305

Sak, August
, 96–97

Savio, Mario
, 172

Schiffer, George
, 294

Schwerner, Michael “Mickey
,” 218–24
, 226
, 232–33

Schwerner, Rita
, 218–21
, 223
, 233

Scully, Vincent J.
, 209

, 27–28
, 122
, 164
, 174–75
, 244

Selma, Alabama, demonstrations
, 290–91
, 292

Shabazz, Betty
, 289

Shea Stadium
, 14
, 30
, 43
, 103–4
, 302–5

Shuttlesworth, Fred
, 87

Sims, Larry Joe
, 89

16th Street Baptist Church bombings
, 88–89
, 176

Slum Clearance Commission
, 28

Smith, Alfred E.
, 20–24
, 25
, 32
, 62

Smith, Jack
, 160
, 165
, 166

Smith, Jerome
, 72

SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee)
, 61
, 78
, 183
, 184
, 217
, 290–91

Snyder, Gary
, 325

Society for the Prevention of Negroes Getting Everything (SPONGE)
, 294

Solomon, Ella
, 169

Solomon, Howard
, 168–69

Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)
, 61
, 70
, 83
, 290–91
See also
King, Martin Luther, Jr.

Soviet Union
, 6
, 44–45
, 216
, 266
, 267

Spanish Pavilion
, 46
, 103
, 203
, 277

Spargo, George
, 258

Spellman, Francis, Cardinal
, 48
, 132–33
, 171–72
, 271
, 315
, 316–17
, 318
, 323

Stable Gallery exhibitions
, 158–59

, 81–82
, 90
, 138
, 160–61
, 178–87
, 199–200

state pavilions
, 47
, 204

Stern, Alfred
, 78–79

Stevenson, Adlai
, 185
, 195
, 265

Stone, Martin
, 265–66

Stone, Robert
, 250

Student Peace Union
, 296

Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)
, 116
, 218

Stuyvesant Town
, 27–28
, 63

subway protests
, 189–90

Sullivan, Ed
, 105
, 120–21
, 123
, 124
, 127
, 303–4

Sulzberg, Ochs
, 92

Summer of Love
, 326–28

Sundsten, Paula
, 250

Sunnyside Gardens
, 29

Sweeney, Joseph A.
, 289


Taft, Robert A.
, 29

Texas Pavilion
, 235

, 153

Thirteen Most Wanted Men
, 149–50
, 153–58

Thurmond, Strom
, 61
, 83
, 167

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