Read Tokio Whip Online

Authors: Arturo Silva

Tokio Whip (48 page)

BOOK: Tokio Whip
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No, Tokio only.

We met in August, remember?

And you left in August.

You didn't have a plane ticket, remember?

Negligent of me.


I know – “August, Tokyo” – like a date, a time and place.

It opens with cicadas …

No, that's the happy sound.

Cicadas are happy?

I'm not sure. But all that energy –

Beating their wings to death?

Ok, ok, but they are August. And yes, energy.

Ok. So what then, at the beginning?

Crows. “Caw-caw!” It starts out somber –

– and ends with the cicadas, wistful –

– filled with promise. The heat burns into you, everything comes out, you just spill, drip –

– this song's getting a bit too graphic.

No, you know what I mean.

I know – I'm joking – I think.

You know: the Sun! Even in the city, there's only the Sun! You have to confront something elemental. It seems to attack, but then you realize it's actually life-giving, invigorating. You're down to essentials – and you love it. Memory, the body – the heat is on you.

It's getting on me. Come here a minute.

[They kiss.]

Ok, so we have a sad beginning with crows, and at the end a sort of happy ending with cicadas – but are crows seasonal? And once the cicadas fade do we head into cold and darkness?

No, no, we head into you and me: the heat, both of them, then the cool of Autumn; followed by Winter in Tokio – another great song we ought to write – you were the first to tell me how beautiful Winter is here

Our “Winter's Tale” – reborn.

Yes. We'll write that song too. “A Winter's Tokio Tale.” But first, “August.”

Well, we have the sound effects for the beginning and end. What about the middle?

Didn't Buster say that the middle always took care of itself?

So, we're the middle?

We're the lyrics. You're my middle.

And you're my –

Let me get some paper – where's the next temple?


Let's go. We can write the lyrics as we go along.

Tempura too?

All of it. Looks like we've got work to do.

This sounds like fun!

Rhymes with –

BOOK: Tokio Whip
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