To Woo A Warrior (Southern Sanctuary) (18 page)

BOOK: To Woo A Warrior (Southern Sanctuary)
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Hadleigh shot her a look.

“What?  How many times would
you like me to say it?  You’re dealing with Gods or underling Gods,
nothing is certain.”  Turning Darcy stalked back to her desk and with a
little jump, landed her tush once more upon the desk’s pristine surface, booted
legs swinging idly. 

We done?
Nate placed the book he’d been flicking through back where he’d found it. 

Hadleigh held up the sheet of paper
Darcy had provided.  “We’re done.  Let’s get going.”  She passed
the desk muttering thanks to her cousin.

Darcy just waved her off with a
smile.  “Just be kinder to us when it comes to the dresses than Gaia was

Hadleigh shot her a nasty look
before hustling Nate out into the corridor and back into the stationary
closet.  Family!  Couldn’t live with them, weren’t allowed to kill
them. Hmmm, unless she could make it look like an accident.

Nate whipped open the closet door
and shouldered her hastily through into the bedroom.

“Hey.”  Hadleigh stumbled to a
halt.  “What gives?”  Watching bemused as he slammed the door closed
behind them before immediately re-opening it only to step back in. 

“Don’t you wear anything but
black?”  Nate mumbled as he began to paw though her clothes. 

“What do you think you’re doing?”

“I’m trying to find you a decent
outfit to wear on your date with Vaughn tonight.”  Nate continued to
peruse his options, easily ignoring Hadleigh’s attempt to drag him out of the

“Okay first off I did not agree to
go on a date with Vaughn.”

“He said you’d say that.”  Nate
muttered, shrugging her hands off to drop to his knees having caught sight of
something at the back of the closet.

Hadleigh ignored his comment and
continued.  “And secondly I do not need help to dress.”

you.”  Nate held his find aloft.  “Perfect.”

“Where did that come from?” 
Hadleigh frowned at the
gold flecked
long sleeved jersey
top Nate had in his hands.  “That’s not mine.”

“Of course it is.”  Nate threw
it at her.  “It’s your closet.  Now for some jeans, you need to keep
it casual, it is only a movie date after all.”

“I didn’t agree to any date.” 
Hadleigh tried to keep her tone moderate and not whine.

Nate rolled his eyes.  “You had
your chance to say no but you ignored Vaughn’s phone calls.  So when he
contacted me I told him we were almost through and yes you
free this
evening.” He grabbed her oldest jeans, the ones that had a
hole in one of the knees.  “These ones.”  Clapping his hands at her,
he backed her out of the closet. “Come on chop, chop.”


“What am I missing?  Of course,
underwear.”  He started towards her dresser. 

It was the final straw for Hadleigh. 
She swung round to catch Nate by the throat, holding him in place, squeezing
ever so slightly fighting hard the urge to throttle him.

“Hey.”  Nate froze, managing to
whisper.  “What’s up?”

“You are not going into my underwear
drawer and I am not going on a date with Vaughn, understand?”

Nate managed a nod.  Hadleigh
released her grip. 

“Fine, but you need to be the one to
tell him that, I’m just the messenger boy.”

Hadleigh pulled out her phone trying
Vaughn’s number.  “He’s not answering.”  She frowned.

“Then you’ll have to tell him in
person and you might as well be dressed for the occasion, since I’ve gone to so
much trouble to arrange the outfit.”  He scooped up the top and jeans
herding Hadleigh into the bathroom. 

“I’m not getting changed.” 
Hadleigh eyed him with her deadliest coldest look.

Nate’s response was to grin. 
“You know in this light your hair reminds me of embers in a dying blaze, and
your eyes?  They’re the exact colour of the clouds at twilight just before
the sunsets and your skin...”

Hadleigh held up a hand.  “Fine
I’ll change.  Just shut the hell up.”  She slammed into the bathroom
emerging two minutes later to find Nate holding up a pair of sparkly flat gold
sandals.  “Those definitely aren’t mine.  I’ll just wear my boots.”

Nate just continued to hold them
out.  “Boots are not for dating.  Boots are for kicking people in the
head.”  Hadleigh remained stock still, a mutinous expression on her
face.  Nate tilted his head to the side sending her an adoring look. 
“Have I told you how your skin reminds of a newborn...

“Alright!”  She sent him a
death ray glare as she grabbed the sandals before plonking herself down on the
edge of the bed to put them on. 
Anything to halt the
flow of his sickly sweet flowery compliments.
  “What is up with you
all of a sudden?  Are you sure you’re not ill? You didn’t even flirt with

Nate leant back against the dresser,
hiding his amusement as she fumbled with the delicate straps of the
sandals.  “I appreciate women, all women and I can’t deny that your cousin
is hot but I don’t trespass on other men’s territory.”

“What?”  Hadleigh’s mouth
dropped open in surprise. 

Nate took advantage of the moment to
scoop her up by the elbows and escort her out to the living room and through
the front door. 

“What do you mean by another man’s

Nate leant past her, punching the
call button for the elevator, pretty sure Hadleigh wasn’t even aware yet they’d
left her apartment.  “In a nutshell your cousin is marked.”

“By what?”

“I think you mean by whom.” 
Nate smiled “And I don’t know the answer to that.”

“How is she marked?  Why can’t
I see it?”

The elevator door opened and Nate
nudged her on board and followed. 

“It’s a mystical mark.  A big
hands off she’s mine kind of halo.  And I should imagine you can’t see it
because well … you’re a girl.”

Hadleigh was in shock, did Darcy
know?  No there was
way Darcy would have let
herself be marked.  “Why is this the first I’m hearing of it?”

“Probably because the mark is
designed so that any man looking at Darcy, well he might keep looking but he
won’t follow up by touching.  I should imagine the woman has an army of
admirers but few up close suitors.  Most men wouldn’t even twig that
they’ve been tricked.  Only a complete null or a master of magic would be
powerful enough to ignore it.  It’s highly likely she doesn’t even have a
clue that it’s there let alone who put it there.  It had to be someone
with a lot of power that’s for sure.”

“But you knew the second you saw
her?”  Hadleigh automatically followed Nate as he stepped out of the
elevator.  She needed answers to this puzzle, at least for Darcy’s sake.

Nate shrugged.  “I knew because
I always look past the facade into a person.  It’s why I like women so
much, you’re as fascinating on the inside as you are on the outer.”

Hadleigh stumbled to a stop, her
mouth dropping open once more as she stared at Nate speechless. 

Grinning Nate tapped on the closed
door, opened it,
over giving Hadleigh a soft
swift friendly peck on the cheek and a wink.  “I know.  I have
surprising depths don’t I.  Have a nice date.”  He gave her a small
push, pulling closed the door behind her.



Chapter Eighteen


Vaughn glanced up as Hadleigh
entered the apartment. 

“Whoa.”  His eyes swept down
her body.  The gold jersey top clung to her frame like a second skin and
those worn jeans made her legs look like they went forever.  “You look
”   He stopped when he saw her flinch. 
Honestly if it was the last thing he did he was going to teach this woman to
take a compliment. “Perfect.”  He
amused to watch her shoulders relax.

“I’m not staying. I just came to say
… hey why does it smell like popcorn?”

Vaughn laughed.  “Because it’s
movie date night.  Maat woman but you can be obtuse.”  He strode over
while she was still slightly off balance.  He had to exploit every
opportunity he could when it came to Hadleigh.  “Come on.”  He tugged
her properly into the living room, steering her to a seat on the large comfy
sofa.  “So what will you have to drink, wine or wine?”

“Umm.” Hadleigh’s eyes were
currently focused on the coffee table in front of her loaded down with bowls of
popcorn, candy and cheese balls.  “Wine…?”

“Excellent.”  Vaughn grabbed an
empty glass pouring her a measure before pouring one for

“So how was your day?  Nice sandals by the way.”

Hadleigh paused and blinked. 
“Um thanks … I spoke with my cousin Darcy she thinks someone in the God family
is behind this.”

“God family?”  Vaughn took the
seat next to her, looking relaxed and happy to be in such close proximity.

“You know, God, demi god,
lesser-god, bastard off-spring of a God.”


“She doesn’t know, but she gave me a
list … damn Nate has the list.  I should...
made to leave but Vaughn gripped her arm gently holding her in place.

“Don’t worry Nate will start working
on it, you’ve got the night off … remember our second date, it’s happening
right now if you hadn’t already twigged.”

“Well, I hadn’t intended to...”
Hadleigh took a sip of wine, mmm nice.  “That is…”

“I wore a sweater and
everything.  What you don’t like it?”  Vaughn drew her attention to
the soft grey V-necked sweater that clung to his broad shoulders, tapering to
his narrow waist.

um … nice.”  She offered.

“Nice is the kiss of death.  I
can take it off if you don’t like it.”  He teased, his hand moving to the

Hadleigh stopped him with a
cry.  “Goddess
do that.”  The thought
of him
, in touchable distance with all
that golden muscular skin on display, suddenly her throat was bone dry. 
Taking a gulp of her wine she looked around in desperation.  “So when is
this movie starting?”

“Good.”  He blasted her with a
confident grin. “I knew you’d stay.” 

Grabbing the remote he pushed a
couple of buttons killing the lights and starting the movie before scooting
over so he was plastered to her side.

“What are you doing?”  She
tried to move away but there was nowhere left to go.

“Scary movie remember.”  He
leaned forward grabbing a bowl of popcorn and placing it in her lap.  “Have
some popcorn.”  Stealing some for
he was at it. 

Hadleigh shot him a wary look before
deciding to concentrate on the movie as the production company credits began
rolling.  “This isn’t one of those stupid ones where the girls all run around
in their underwear and get killed immediately after they have sex is it?”

Vaughn issued a derisive huff. 
“Give me some credit.  I like my scary movies with a side of humour,
romance and action.”

Hadleigh’s eyes widened as the title
came up.  “Hey The Mummy. I haven’t seen this in ages. I love Brendan

“And it has Rachel
for me.”

Hadleigh shot him a curious look,
, beautiful actress but she wasn’t your
usual blonde busty Hollywood star.  “You like Rachel

“Sure.”  Vaughn grabbed some
more popcorn.  “She’s smart, feisty and fearless without being
stupid.  What’s not to like? 
, the
good stuff is starting.”


As the final credits rolled Hadleigh
turned to look at Vaughn, surprised to find she didn’t have very far to look at
all.   Sometime during the movie he’d removed her sandals and lifted
her legs over his so she was practically sitting on his lap.  When had
that happened?  “I … I should go.”

Vaughn kept his arm locked tightly
over her legs.  “Why?   It’s still early yet and The Mummy
Returns is next.  Besides everyone knows the second feature is when all
the good date stuff starts.”

Hadleigh shivered slightly as one of
his hands moved up her leg to rest on her thigh, squeezing ever so
gently.  Without stopping to think she blurted out.  “Then I should
definitely be going.”

“What and fail to adhere to the
second date rules?  That would only put so much more pressure on our third
date.  You don’t want that do you?”

Hadleigh could feel her heart start
beating at a rapid gallop, her skin felt tight and sensitive all at the same
time and the heat.  The blessed heat that seemed to radiate from Vaughn
sank through her clothes and centred between her legs making it hard to think.
 In an act of preservation she slammed a hand flat against his hard chest
and pushed, keeping him from closing the distance between them even
further.  “We really shouldn’t be doing this … we’re work colleagues.” 

Goddess how lame was that excuse.

“Temporary work colleagues.” 
He amended, staring at her with those hot golden eyes.  The light from the
TV reflecting in their depths making it seem as if flames danced there. 

Hadleigh would have protested
further if it wasn’t for the fact that Vaughn’s heartbeat beneath her touch was
galloping just as fast as her own.  There was something kind of hot
knowing how much she affected him.  It made her feel wanted, reckless
even.  Leaning forward she laid her lips on his, a soft gasp escaping her
when his hands instantly moved to cup her butt and haul her completely on to
his lap. 

Then the kiss deepened, her bones
melting, it was all she could do to cling to his shoulders.  When he
finished plundering her mouth he laid a series of warm gentle kisses along her
jawline and then down the side of her throat. Her breasts tightened and ached
for his touch but he kept his hands locked under her butt.

arched into him as he used his teeth to nip at the pulse beating rapidly in the
side of her throat.  “What are the rules … again?”

“Smooches.”  Somehow her top
had slipped leaving one shoulder exposed and Vaughn was busy exploring. 
“And some under the sweater action.”

Hadleigh groaned at the torture he
was inflicting with just his mouth and Goddess it was all she could do not to
beg him to touch her.  But that didn’t stop her from touching him.
Reaching down she pushed both of her hands up and under his sweater, trailing
her blunt nails up over his stomach to his chest.  Enjoying the feel of
his solid flesh beneath her touch, the muscles
and jumping under her inquisitive fingers.  It made her feel …

Hadleigh couldn’t believe how much
she was enjoying what was essentially a rather innocent make out session with
Vaughn.  In fact the idea spun around the back of her mind that she’d
never really experienced one before.  Growing up with a warrior plus sized
father, three largish painful yet over-protective brothers and surrounded by
her extended family she’d never really done the date thing in her teenage

When she got to college, dating
became a pressurized situation with sex seeming to be the only option on the
table.  Most boys more determined to thrust their hands down her top than
kiss her senseless. Even Jeremy - or shit head as her female cousins referred
to him - her first real boyfriend at university had traded more on his looks
and charisma as head of the water polo team to manoeuvre her into having sex
than any actual skills he possessed as a seducer of women. 

He’d even pulled out the - you sure
there’s not something wrong with you? -
into their relationship when she still hadn’t put out.  So it had been
more a question of pressure than desire that had led to her first sexual
experience.  And look how that had turned out.  Jeremy peeved at her
naïve inexperience spreading the Jolly Red Giant nickname around the campus
tout sweet.  That whole fiasco had been the start of her slippery slope to
fast one night encounters of the frustrating kind.  None of which had
involved anything half as exciting as this second date make out session with

And it was exciting she realised
because of the danger.   They were single consenting adults. 
This encounter could potentially lead anywhere.  Vaughn could choose any
moment to touch her.  Pull off her top.  Rip off her jeans. 
Just the thought made her move even closer, settling her weight so the hard
length of his cock rubbed against the seam of her jeans just where she ached
the most.  Vaughn issued a small groan, for a moment she thought he might
complain about her weight, it had happened before.  Instead he arched his
back and pressed another drugging kiss to her lips. 

“Maat you are driving me
crazy.  If you don’t stop wriggling on top of me I’m going to come in my
jeans.”  Vaughn smiled sexily at her.  “And I haven’t done that ...
well ever.”

Hadleigh couldn’t help but
laugh.  It was nice that they could share a joke, even if his words
practically lit a
burner between her
thighs.  She rubbed her palms ever so lightly across his nipples, loving
the way it made his breath catch in his throat as she trailed one hand down to
settled against the bare flesh of his ribcage, her fingers dancing across the
sensitive skin he had there. 

Still his hands remained locked in
place cupping her butt, the maddening man wasn’t even squeezing.  His only
weapons, his mouth, tongue and teeth and it was driving her wild.  It was
on the tip of her tongue to beg him to touch her …
.  As she pulled away from
him, the words froze.  There was something in his
some deep burning desire that suddenly scared her silly. 

“Vaughn I really need to go to the

Goddess there was that yellow streak
rearing its cowardly head yet again.  Of all reactions she didn’t expect
him to laugh.

“I knew I shouldn’t have plied you
with all of that wine.” 

He didn’t seem upset that she was
breaking the mood.  Instead the man stood up, with her still attached to
him.  She gasped not just at the strength that took but the way he ever so
slowly slid her down his body until her feet touched the ground. 
Reluctantly he broke his hold and pointed her in the direction of the

Goddess preserve
her she was in trouble.

Four minutes later Hadleigh was staring
in shock at her own reflection.  Who knew a make out session could make a
woman look so wanton; there was high colour in her cheeks, her lips swollen,
her hair tousled but for once in a kind of sexy manner and her eyes, she was
sure it had to be a trick of the light but she could have sworn she saw a flash
of lightning in their depths. 

Sighing she took a couple of deep
calming breaths.  She liked Vaughn.  Goddess she was half way in love
with the man.  Could she take the next step?  Could she march back in
there like any normal woman and say ‘hey why don’t we move this to the
bedroom?’  It wasn’t like she could hurt him, the man had proven more than
once that he was strong enough not to bruise or break if she got slightly out
of control.  Still she hesitated, sending herself a frown in the

She was over thinking this. 

She realised that but years of
disappointment and self-doubt nibbled at her confidence.  What if she
couldn’t please him?  What if her inability to get off made him cruel and
hurtful?  She wasn’t sure she could bear to listen to Vaughn belittle her
or see that look of disdain on his face when he realised she more warrior than

Though when had Vaughn done anything
expected in the past?  Even with all her scowls and
the man had been nothing but patient, persistent and seemingly
amused at her antics.  He teased when most men in the past had been
cruel.  He manoeuvred and manipulated to get his own way yes, but he
always did so after tricking, teasing or challenging her into agreement. 

Look at tonight for instance, the
man had stuck so tenaciously to the second date rules he hadn’t even laid a
finger on her.  Well cupping her butt didn’t count, he hadn’t even squeezed
and Goddess damn him with the way he made her feel she wanted him to. 

BOOK: To Woo A Warrior (Southern Sanctuary)
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