To Tame a Highland Earl (30 page)

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Authors: Tarah Scott

Tags: #romance, #historical romance, #regency, #regency romance, #highland, #scottish, #highlander, #scottish romance, #highland romance, #tarah scott, #highlander romance

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A strange melancholy seeped through her. “Of
course. You won’t remain in Scotland long enough to help.”

Sadly, I will

I am surprised you can do
without the pleasures of London long enough to marry.” The words
barely passed her lips and she wondered what kind of idiot she was
for opening that can of worms.

I know my duty,” he said
with such obvious amusement that she wanted to box his

You had better speak with
Lord Burns before he has a chance to remember why he came here,”
Eve said. Lord, she had to change the subject. “I saw what you did
to him.”

What did I do to

You turned him from a
charging bull to a supporter.” A light began to glimmer in her
mind. “Now that I think of it, you got Leslie to nigh worship you.”
And all with a wink.

Worship me?” He laughed
heartily. “You have a way with words, Miss Crenshaw.”

Eve looked at him. “You—you are doing it to
me! Good Lord, I see it now. You’ve been doing it all along. Oscar
was determined to kidnap you, but he scarcely had you inside the
carriage before you charmed him into chasing after me instead. Lord
Somerset follows your commands without a whimper when only days ago
he wanted to challenge you to a duel.”

Challenge me to a duel?”
Lord Rushton frowned. “Why on earth would he do that?”

Don’t pretend you have
forgotten when you walked in on him and I at—oh, whatever party it
was. He was furious with you.”

I do seem to recall he was
overset, but surely it wasn’t so bad that he wanted to shoot

You know he wanted to
shoot you.” As did she. Eve was beginning to feel the urge yet
again, then the last piece of the puzzle fell into place and she
understood the thought that had begun to form when she observed how
the earl handled Lord Burns. “You are a

He looked at her in surprise. “I think you
overestimate my abilities.”

I highly doubt

He considered for two heartbeats. “I am…able

Eve’s pulse stuttered. What was he

Of course, I have yet to
prove just how able bodied.” His fingers flexed on her hand and her
stomach quivered— as it had last night just before she’d melted
beneath his touch. “But I stand ready to command.”

Ready to command?
Scorching heat crept
up her cheeks.

They turned another corner and a massive room
came into view a few feet ahead. They entered and Eve was forced to
concentrate on each step her legs took as he continued toward the
long table in front of a massive hearth. His hand stubbornly
remained on hers and she felt as if she were heating up like the
large pot that hung over the fire.

Tapestries adorned the walls, illuminated by
a scattering of lit sconces. Through an open doorway near the
fireplace, Eve glimpsed a woman opening the door to a large stove
and wished with all her might she could return to her room. Her
cheeks were blazing. If any of the women saw her they would surely
know something improper had passed between her and Lord

Will we dine here?” Eve

Not tonight. This room is
reserved for larger parties.”

You might consider just
such a party. I can see the room filled with ladies and gentleman
dancing. Grace is a wonderful dancer. She would be delighted to
partner with you.”

Madam, I have no intention
of stepping into the lion’s den.”

Before Eve could reply, a woman stuck her
head out of the kitchen. “Good afternoon, Laird.” Her gaze shifted
to Eve.

Belinda, this is Miss
Crenshaw. Miss Crenshaw, may I present the honorable Mrs.
Henderson. She is the housekeeper I mentioned earlier.”

Eve smiled. “It is a pleasure to meet

And you,” she replied.
“Would ye like a bite to eat?”

Belinda is the best cook
in all the Highlands,” Lord Rushton said. “Perhaps as good as your
Mrs. Larson.”

He remembered her cook’s name? Heaven help
her. Eve smiled at Mrs. Henderson. “Just tea, if it isn’t too much
trouble. The long journey is beginning to catch up with me.”

Unexpected trips have a
way of doing that,” he said.

Eve startled. Was he reminding her of his
kidnapping? “Beware,” she said with asperity, “there is yet time
for more surprises.”

You have a perverse sense
of humor, Miss Crenshaw,” he said, then added, “Tea, Belinda. I
believe the lady needs fortification.”

Mrs. Henderson ducked back into the kitchen,
and Lord Rushton said, “Shall we sit?” he nodded to the bench at
the long table.

Eve nodded and sat down as she said, “My
lord, Grace and I cannot simply rusticate here as if on holiday.
You must marry Grace and I will return home with the news to my

He sat down beside her. “I don’t think

Eve was caught off guard by his quick
response. “If he doesn’t hear from us soon, he will come in search
of us and I assure you, he will not be pleasant.”

If you return home
unmarried, he certainly will be unpleasant.”

I can deal with my
father,” she said.

Miss Crenshaw, you aren’t
an idiot. You know he won’t let you remain unmarried.”

That is not your

But it is.”

It is selfish to force me
to marry you because you want Grace less than you want me—and I do
not want you.”

He shrugged. “I think you do.”

Her mouth opened in shock. “You are an
arrogant ass.”

You cannot have only just
noticed that.”

Let me be clear—” From the
corner of her eye, Eve spied a girl emerge from the kitchen with a
tea tray. Eve waited until she set the tray on the table and left
before continuing, “I have no intention of marrying you because you
made the mistake of coming into my room.”

Will the fact you had me
kidnapped do?”

You, sir, are not a

Sadly, I am

Eve stared. “You are purposely being

I believe I once pointed
out that we are alike.”

I will not make you a good

I see.” he nodded. “I said
I will make a bad husband, so you are responding in

She shook her head impatiently. “You
misunderstand. I will not remain here in Scotland.”

That is fortunate, for
neither shall I.”

Dread stuck like a knife clear to her soul.
She envisioned them retuning to London—and him returning to the
women he touched just as he had her. “What I mean is, that I shall
never return to
,” she quickly added.

May I ask why?”

I cannot be a
wife,” she said.

Exactly what is a

A woman who marries out of
obligation, then looks the other way while her husband lives his
own life.”
And she lives her own life
, Eve privately added.
“Grace can do that. I cannot. But, my lord, you would not flaunt
your mistress in front of her, would you?”

I do not keep a mistress,”
he said coolly.

That is only because even
a mistress would not countenance a protector who fraternizes with
other women like a butterfly flits from flower to

Flits from—Madam, I do not

Of course you do, but you
will not do so after you are married—” at least she prayed not
“—which means you will then keep a mistress as discreetly as other
men of your station.”

Married folk have lived
together with just that sort of arrangement for eons,” he

Not all. But you will, for
you must choose a bride not out of love, but on the basis of her

I think, my dear, the
choice has been made.”

Sir,” she began, then
hesitated. “In
, a wife cannot become too attached to
her husband. I know this will sound foolish to a man like you but,
well, I had rather planned on liking my husband.”

And you do not like

No—I mean, yes. Oh, you
know perfectly well what I mean.”

You had hoped to form a
more serious attachment than that permitted an earl?”

She nodded. “Forgive me, my lord, but that is
your life. Not mine.”

It seems my life is not to
be envied,” he murmured.

I did not mean it that

He gave her a gentle smile. “I know.”

His gaze moved past her and Eve looked over
her shoulder. A tall, older man strode toward them.

Lord Rushton leaned toward her and whispered,
“Gather your wits, lass. You are about to meet the marquess.”

Chapter Sixteen

Erroll rose as his father approached, and
pulled Miss Crenshaw up with him. “Good afternoon, sir,” he said as
the marquess halted in front of them. “May I present Miss Eve
Crenshaw? Miss Crenshaw, my father, the Marquess of Rushton.”

She dipped into a perfect curtsy. “My lord.”
She rose.

Miss Crenshaw,” he said.
“I trust you are well?”

Very well, my lord, thank

Erroll was impressed. The lady had collected
herself in two heartbeats and was conducting herself as if she
hadn’t arrived at Ravenhall ahead of what promised to be one of the
biggest scandals of the decade. To his father’s credit, he wasn’t
revealing any of his earlier misgivings concerning her. But the
marquess was nothing if not the modicum of gentility.

And the rest of your
party, they are well?” his father asked.

Indeed,” she answered. “My
sister is enjoying herself immensely. She has already visited the
ladies solar and the…pink parlor, I believe it is called. She tells
me it is immense.”

The marquess nodded. “That is Lady Rushton’s
favorite. So you have not seen it, then?”

Not yet. Grace is more
energetic than I. But I’m sure I will.”

How are you finding
Ravenhall, otherwise?” he asked.

It is beautiful—” she
laughed and Erroll liked the sound “—and large.”

Erroll must show you
around. He knows the castle’s every nook and cranny.”

I would be happy to act as
guide,” Erroll said.

She angled her head in acknowledgment. “I
shall inform Grace.”

I believe I mentioned the
lion’s den, madam.”

Her gaze sharpened. “I suggest you procure a

That was the best advice he’d heard in some
time, and he knew just which Crenshaw sister he would use it

The marquess cleared his throat. “I see you
were having tea. When you are finished, Erroll, I need a word.”

Pray, do not let me stop
you,” Miss Crenshaw said. “I am ready to return to my

No need to rush,” his
father said.

It is no rush.” She looked
at Erroll. “My lord.” With that she curtsied and left.

When she disappeared into the hallway, the
marquess said, “Your mother expects us to attend church

Church?” Erroll blurted.
“I haven’t attended church since I was twelve.”

That may have been a
mistake. But that aside, she wants us there for the next three
Sundays to hear the banns read.”

So his mother planned to ensure that the
marquess heard that Erroll intended to marry Eve Crenshaw, not
Grace Crenshaw. “I suppose we must go, then,” he said, and pictured
Miss Eve Crenshaw leaping from the pew with a curse when her name
was spoken. But as much as the elder sister didn’t want to marry
him, the younger sister was even more determined that she should
marry him. He recalled her cry, “He is mine!” when she’d discovered
him on top of Eve in her bed. Grace would likely throw just such a
tantrum that would start the church-goers buzzing, while his mother
watched with wicked delight.

Did you seek me out just
to inform me we are to attend church?” It would be like his father
to do just that, especially if his mother suggested it.

No.” The marquess nodded
to the bench at the table.

They sat and Erroll poured the tea he and Eve
had left untouched.

After the service, your
mother wants to visit the graveyard,” the marquess said.

Erroll’s hand jerked and tea spilled onto the
saucer. He stilled. “We have guests, perhaps—”

Oscar will accompany the
ladies home.”

Erroll didn’t reply, but filled the cup and
placed it on the clean saucer.

You will not disappoint
your mother,” his father said.

Erroll set the cup in front of him. “Of
course not.”

Have you spoken with your
future bride?” the marquess asked.

As you saw, I was just
speaking with her.”

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