To Love, Honor, and Obey... (Fated for Love) (6 page)

BOOK: To Love, Honor, and Obey... (Fated for Love)
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“What the devil?” He took her chin in his hand as gently as possible and inspected her cheek in the light. “Is this also from your
?” he said with derision.

“It’s nothing.” Obedience pulled her chin from his hand. “Just a bit of sisterly affection. I can hardly feel it now.”

“They don’t deserve you,” he growled.

Obedience smiled. “That’s very kind of you to say.”

Chance shook his head emphatically. “I mean it. They don’t appreciate the rare gem you are and more than that, they treat you abominably.”

Obedience snorted. “Perhaps, but they are my family. What am I to do, run away and join the theater? I have considered it, you know.”

She laughed. It was a patently false laugh that may have fooled strangers, but Chance could see the pain in her eyes, and it made him seethe with anger. He tried to remain calm and instead focused on her lips. His fathers’ words came to mind, and an idea bloomed inside him. He could take her away from it all, give her the protection of his name, and she could never see her mother again, if she wished. He could do all that if he married her. But could he marry her?

He was still trying to decide. It was what his father wished—his dying wish
, one could say. It would also benefit Obedience, of that he had no doubt. But what of him, what about what he wanted? He had yet to give his heart to any woman. He hadn’t the intention of marrying for love, but he did need to feel something. He did want a marriage that was friendly, and had a modicum of passion in the bedroom. He would not be a man who would stray from his wife, so passion was paramount. The ultimate question was could he feel that kind of passion with Obedience?

She licked her lips and looked up at him with searching eyes. He read confusion and embarrassment there, and he was certainly confused himself.

“I don’t know what to do with you,” he admitted

She gave him a small half smile. “Nothing must be done with me, except perchance a ride home? These slippers weren’t made for long walks about the countryside.” She stepped back and presented a foot with a ragged and stained silk slipper.

Chance was angry all over again. He was tempted to let his father truly behead her mother now. How could such a witch produce such a vibrant person like Obedience? “Would you like to stay here tonight? I can have a room readied for you.”

“No, that would really upset her. I’ll have your coachman drop me a ways down the drive so I can walk up to the house looking contrite and pitiful. That would appease her, I’m sure.” She laughed again, that same empty aching laugh.

Chance stepped close to her again. His skin felt hot and itchy, his cravat uncomfortably tight, but that didn’t stop him from making his next move. He needed to know if he could feel more for her physically. It was so clear that she needed him, and it was up to him to make a move since he was positive the thought of them together had never entered her mind. It was almost comical. He spent most of his time in town avoiding the marriage mart, and now he would have to be the one doing the convincing. He’d never given her a reason to think they would ever be anything more than friends. That is, until now.

“Obedience I

“I want to apologize for my family.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“I have to warn you that my mother and Patience have decided that you are the perfect husband for her. I sort of fed you to her tonight
, that is, until the end there.” She grimaced. “This evening at dinner, I had to keep your attention on Patience so you could see all her
or my mother threatened to send me away.”

“Send you—oh bloody hell.” He spun away from her and grabbed his hair in frustration. “Your mother may be the most ridiculous woman I’ve ever met
,” He muttered.

Obedience giggled, and he turned to face her. “How you can laugh when you have to live with that mad woman is beyond me.”

Obedience shrugged. “Things could be worse.”

“Indeed.” He stroked his chin. It was now or never. If there were something between them with potential to grow, then he could please his father, and protect himself and Obedience from the machinations of her family, not that he was worried about himself. He had plenty of practice dodging
marriage-minded mamas. Honestly, it would be no great sacrifice. It wouldn’t be a love match like Dominic and Lilly, but he would have a beautiful and vivacious wife. His life would never be boring again. A single kiss would answer all the questions. He approached her slowly. He brought his hands up to her face and looked deeply into her eyes.

“I want to know something about you
, Obedience, so I’m going to kiss you if I may.” He didn’t wait for an answer, and she didn’t look like she was going to give one. Her eyes had widened the moment he touched her and her only other response was her mouth slightly opening in what was most likely surprise. Perfect.

He brought his lips to hers in a very proper kiss. Her lips were astonishingly soft and full. He stepped closer to her, bringing his body against hers, but not tightly. He didn’t want to shock her. She had yet to respond to him, but at the same time, she was not resisting. He deepened the kiss, teasing the wetness just inside her lips with his tongue. At last she moved, her lips firming and widening even more. He accepted the invitation and entered her mouth, surprised when his tongue met hers. She brought her hands up to his, lightly touching the back of his hands. He tilted his head, and she sighed
, her lips tentatively moving against his now.

Chance was stunned. It was clearly the first time she had been kissed. He was her first and that made him feel...
pleased. She was an innocent through and through, and if they were to be married, he would be the only man to claim her body and introduce her to the world of pleasure. That single thought delighted him. He ran his hands from her face to her shoulders, and then to her back, pressing her body firmly against him. To say it was merely enjoyable would be an understatement. Had it been so long since he held a woman?

Her curves fit perfectly against him and set him on fire. He boldly swept his tongue against hers and was gratified when she did the same in return. He was definitely enjoying the feel of her in his arms, but he didn’t know how to push the limits of the kiss without scaring her.

Obedience had her hands resting on his shoulders passively. Her head was swimming in a river of sensation and delight, and more than anything, she wanted to push for more. The kiss had been so unexpected, but she was not going to miss a second of it by over analyzing it when it could possibly be the only one. Spurred by that thought, she slid her arms around his neck, bringing her body tightly against his in a wonderful fashion. It was fascinating the way her body felt against his, as if it were made exactly for this.

She should have been cold; the evening had grown chilly when they had left for dinner, but instead she felt tingling warmth from head to toe. Is this what happened when couples kissed? She honestly didn’t know, but she gave herself over to it,
allowing her mind to slip away. She knew she would always be safe with him. Losing herself in the kiss, she let go of all restraint and sank into him. She angled her head as he did, and their tongues dueled until it was hard to breathe, and they pulled apart reluctantly.

, my,” she panted. That kiss had been more enthralling than her wildest dreams. He smiled. It was a smile she had never seen before that sent pleasant chills down her spine.

“It’s getting late
. I should get you home.” He still had his arms around her.

Her shoulders slumped in disappointment. “Can I ask one question?”

“No.” He grinned devilishly. “It will ruin the magic. Tomorrow there will be plenty to say. Will you come for tea?” He let go of her and took her hand, leading her back into the house.

“Yes.” She exhaled in an effort to calm her galloping heart. Questions burned inside her, but she understood that asking them would tarnish what was fast becoming her favorite memory. She
would have to bide her time. Without his arms around her, she could feel the cold night air on her skin and shivered. The spell of the kiss was fading, and she was once again aware of all that had happened tonight, including her
hike through the countryside back to Willowton Park. She didn’t want to go home anymore. 

He summoned a footman and instructed him to have the carriage brought around. Leaving her for a moment, he returned with a cloak for her to wear home.

“I really shouldn’t,” she said after she held it up and realized it was his. “What will my mother think?”

“I don’t give a damn what she thinks, Obedience. Just wear it. Don’t pretend you’re not cold. I can see the evidence of it on your arms.”

Obedience looked down at her arm and bit her lip. Those goose bumps weren’t from the cold, but from him. He walked closer and swung the cloak around her shoulders. She looked up at him as he tied the strings, and forgot what it was she meant to say. She had dreaded this night all day and yet it had ended better than she ever could have hoped. She desperately wanted him to kiss her again, or better yet, have the nerve to kiss him. He met her eyes, and she wondered if her thoughts were patently obvious. He dipped his head to hers again and caught her lips. It was a quick kiss, but it warmed her considerably. He released her and she let him. Two kisses, and she was losing her wits. This was rapidly becoming dangerous to her heart.

“Come now
. The carriage should be out front.”

She nodded, her mind was now scattered into a thousand pieces, and words were beyond her.

He escorted her to the front hall and down the steps. As he handed her into the carriage, she found her voice in time to say good night.

“Good night, Obedience
,” he said in return, and he smiled that smile again that did things to her insides.

He closed the door, and Obedience sat back against the squabs and sighed. What was happening to her? Two kisses
, and her mind was turning to mush. What did it mean? She would have to wait until tomorrow to find out, and find out she would. She may be a novice, but she did not take kisses lightly, and he had to know that. They had a history together. She wasn’t just some girl at the ball to lure into dalliance for entertainment. But he knew that. Chance was the kindest person she knew. He would never play those kinds of games with her, or anyone else for that matter. He had kissed her for a reason and tomorrow he would reveal why. From now until then she would be waiting on pins and needles.


Chapter 5

Chance woke, dressed, and joined his father in his room for breakfast. Over black coffee and
kippers, he debated how to begin the conversation about his engagement to Obedience. He knew his father would be happy. The old man was always happy when he got his way, but what surprised Chance was his own sense of contentment. Marrying Obedience just made sense; the decision had been rather easy when he thought about it, and think about it he did.

After seeing her off, he had gone to collect his violin and retired to his room. After undressing and getting into bed, he laid back, arms folded behind his head and thought about that kiss. It was more beguiling than he would have imagined. He knew he was visually attracted to her; any man had to be blind not to be, but that kiss awakened a whole new attraction, a real appreciation for not just her beauty, but the raw woman beneath it, the sensual being who lived inside her.

She excited him in a way he hadn’t anticipated. Instead of remaining cool and aloof as he usually did with paramours, keeping his heart and mind at a distance, he knew he could be much more open with Obedience, more honest. There were no games to be played this time or rules to be followed. He wanted to dive right in, sweep her off her feet, and marry her. The thought made him smile. For once, he felt like a red-blooded male, though his intentions were good. He couldn’t wait to show her what pleasure could be had between a man and a woman, to teach her and watch her bloom. That’s when he would rein himself in. It wasn’t like him to think with other parts of his anatomy instead of his brain. Obedience might need some convincing to get her to the altar. Once he succeeded, he would take things slow. The wedding would already be rushed. Her introduction to intimacy should not be.

He returned to the present and took a sip of his coffee. His father was grumbling over the paper and mumbling about taxes and greedy bastards. Now was as good a time as any to bring up his impending nuptials.

“Father,” Chance started, “I’ve given it some thought, and I have decided that marriage to Obedience would be agreeable.”

His father lowered the paper slowly and stared at him. “That was quick.”

“Time isn’t exactly on our side, is it?”

“Only the devil knows, but I suppose tis better we not waste any of it. May I ask what changed your mind?” The duke set down his paper and looked at Chance with interest.

“No,” Chance said firmly.

The duke frowned. “I care for Obedience a great deal. If I am to let you marry her, I would like to know

“This was your idea,
Father.” Chance cut him off in exasperation. “You asked me to marry Obedience and I said I would consider it. I did, and now I am in agreement. Must there be anything more than that?”

BOOK: To Love, Honor, and Obey... (Fated for Love)
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