To Love a Stranger (6 page)

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Authors: Connie Mason

BOOK: To Love a Stranger
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“You sure do have a low opinion of women.”

Pierce gave her a slow, sensual smile. “Oh, I like women well enough … for certain things, at certain times. In fact,” he said, reaching for her, “I could use one right now.”

Zoey scooted out of his reach. “The only thing you can use right now is sleep. Good night, Pierce. I’ll send Cully to town for the preacher first thing in the morning. Is that agreeable?”

“It’s your call, Zoey.”

Though soft, his voice was edged with steel. Zoey prayed she wasn’t making a mistake. Entering into a marriage in name only was the lesser of two evils.

“So be it. Rest well, Pierce.” She turned to leave.


She paused at the door.

“Do you think you can find a dress to wear at
our wedding? And I’d appreciate it if you’d find me a decent pair of pants and shirt that aren’t bloodstained.”

She nodded curtly and continued out the door.

“Zoey,” he called after her. “Bring my guns.”

Though she was out of sight, he heard her answer clearly.


Damn conniving female
, Pierce raged. Zoey Fuller had done nothing to allay his distrust of women. She’d saved his life only to turn around and demand his freedom in payment. She should have let him die, he thought, then immediately changed his mind. Death was too final, and this marriage needn’t be. Besides, he’d already come to despise Samson Willoughby. And he had nowhere else to go right now. Dry Gulch certainly offered no option.

Pierce knew he was at a disadvantage and hated it. He was too weak to ride away from the Circle F, and unable to prove his innocence if he did. Only Cora Lee could free him with the truth, and he prayed his brothers would convince her to do so.

Damn, he wished he had his guns.

Zoey appeared in Pierce’s room bright and early the next morning. She carried a basin of water and shaving gear that had belonged to her father.

Pierce’s brow slanted upward. “I assume that’s for me.” He rubbed a hand over the beginnings of a fine beard. “I was getting kind of fond of this.”

Zoey placed a towel on his chest and worked up a lather in a cup. Then she tested the razor with the edge of her thumb.

“Whoa, you’re not going to use that on me, are you?”

“That’s what it’s for. I can’t shave you with a dull razor. This one has a fine edge. Pa kept it clean and sharp.”

“Get me a mirror, I’ll do it myself.”

“I don’t think so.” She slapped the lather on his face and nearly laughed aloud when it got into his mouth and he began to sputter. “Lie still,” she warned. “I’m very good at this, but only if you don’t make me nervous.”

Pierce went still, his eyes never leaving Zoey’s face as she shaved him. Zoey was right, he thought grudgingly, she was very good at this. She finished and stepped back to inspect her handiwork.

“You’ll do.”

“All this for a wedding neither of us wants?” he asked with a hint of mockery.

She gave him a mischievous grin. “A girl doesn’t get married every day.”

“Neither does a man. My first marriage was attended by the entire town of Dry Gulch.”

Zoey went still. “You’ve been married before?” A terrible thought suddenly occurred to her. “You’re not married now, are you?”

“No. After the first time, I swore I’d never marry again.”

“Pierce, I’m truly sorry to force you like this. But it’s either that or … well, you know the alternative. I wish it didn’t have to be like this.”

“No more than I do,” he said with a hint of sarcasm. “Like most women, all that matters are your own selfish needs. You don’t give a tinker’s damn that I’m tied to this bed, unable to travel more than
ten feet on my own.
isn’t a pretty word, Zoey.”

Zoey’s chin rose stubbornly. She was doing the right thing, she knew she was. At least for her. “Hate me all you like, Pierce, I don’t blame you. But I do need you. I swear I’ll never bother you again once this mess is cleared up. Besides, where would you go if you left? Obviously you can’t return to Dry Gulch. You’ve nothing to lose by remaining here for a time.”

“Nothing except my freedom,” Pierce said harshly. “You’ve got it all worked out, haven’t you? Beware, lady.” His voice was low and strident. “You might get more than you bargained for.”

Zoey blanched, struggling to keep her voice even. “I’ll bring up a basin of water and the clean clothes you requested. I assume you’re strong enough to wash and dress yourself. Don’t dawdle, Cully should return with the preacher soon.”

When Zoey, Cully, and the preacher walked into the room two hours later, Pierce was dressed in Robert Fuller’s cast-off clothing and sitting up in bed. He smiled ruefully, thinking that at least Zoey had obeyed him in one thing. She wore a lovely blue dress fashioned of silk and lace that matched the bright blue of her eyes.

“This is somewhat irregular,” Reverend Tolly said when he was introduced to the bridegroom. “I understand you’ve suffered an injury.” He pursed his lips. “Young people, always in such a hurry. Can’t seem to wait. Very well, take your places.”

Pierce stared at the tall, gaunt reverend, convinced at last that this wasn’t a bad dream. He never thought he’d find himself in this position again. He’d sworn he wouldn’t. Time and luck had run out Zoey took his arm and helped him to his feet. Cully stood as witness.

When it came time to say “I do,” Pierce balked. Until Cully poked a gun in his ribs and whispered into his ear, “Make up your mind fast, Delaney. Miz Zoey needs you, and I aim to see that she gets what she wants. You ain’t gonna like the consequences.”

It was done. Pierce and Zoey were husband and wife. Zoey saw Reverend Tolly to the door, and Pierce collapsed on the bed. He had a wife but could expect no wedding night. He gave a shout of laughter, more bitter than mirthful.

“What in the hell is so funny, Delaney?”

Pierce had all but forgotten Cully, who had remained behind. “This entire scenerio is a farce. I never thought I’d live to see the day I’d be railroaded into marriage.”

“Them are harsh words, Delaney. Miz Zoey was desperate. She didn’t like doing what she did. You don’t understand what this ranch means to her. Or how much she hates Samson Willoughby. Play along and you can be on your way again before you know it. If you try to hurt her, you’ll answer to me. I promised Robert Fuller I’d take care of his daughter if anything should happen to him.”

Pierce felt a hint of admiration for the crusty old man, but that didn’t make his situation any easier to swallow. Did Cully actually think he was a match for Pierce once he regained his full strength?
As soon as he could ride, he was out of here, marriage or not.

Zoey paid Reverend Tolly from the money she’d found in Pierce’s vest and watched the clergyman ride away on his mule, his long legs hanging nearly to the ground. It was a comical sight, but Zoey didn’t feel like laughing. Forcing Pierce to marry her didn’t sit well with her. Using his money to pay the reverend made her feel like a thief. Unfortunately she had no ready cash. She hoped Pierce would understand. She’d pay him back when her ranch was in working order and the cattle that remained were rounded up and sold. With any luck, Pierce could go on his merry way soon. Even if she couldn’t prove there was no mortgage on the Circle F, Willoughby could no longer force her into marriage.

Would she have actually turned Pierce over to the law if he hadn’t complied? Zoey wasn’t sure and preferred not to speculate.

“Your bridegroom ain’t feeling particularly friendly,” Cully complained as he came down the stairs to join Zoey.

“I didn’t expect he would.”

“I sure hope you know what you’re doing, Miz Zoey. We still ain’t sure Delaney’s no woman beater. You better keep your distance. He’s getting stronger every day. I can’t be around to protect you every minute.”

Zoey’s eyes grew misty with gratitude. “I can take care of myself, Cully. I know you feel you have to keep an eye on me, but it isn’t necessary. I did what I had to do. I’m not too happy with my
decision, but I don’t regret making it. As for Pierce, I don’t believe he’d hurt me. Things will work out.” A small sigh slipped past her lips. “I
to believe that. Now I’m going to try to placate my bridegroom.”

Pierce had known she would return. He’d counted on it. If he had a wife, he might as well enjoy the benefits. Not that he could do much about it right now … but eventually, before he left …

Zoey walked into the room and closed the door quietly behind her. Pierce’s smile sent her pulse racing. He was propped up in bed atop the covers, still fully dressed. She thought he looked handsome and virile … too damn virile.

He patted the bed beside him. “Have you come to join me, wife?” His hot gaze ran the length of her; he felt his blood thickening and his groin harden. She had no idea how tempting she was to a man who hadn’t had a woman in a very long time. Or did she? Had she come to taunt him with her lush lips and ripe body? It was no more than he expected from her.

“You know I haven’t. I came to see if you’re all right. Is there anything you need before I finish my chores?”

He gave her his most charming smile. “Would you help me remove my shirt? My left arm isn’t working right.”

“Of course,” she said crisply.

Pierce waited until she bent over him to help him remove his arm from his sleeve before wrapping
his right arm around her waist and bringing her hard against him.

Zoey squawked in surprise when his left hand, not nearly as weak as he’d intimated, tugged at the buttons on the front of her dress. “What are you doing?”

“I want to see my wife. It’s perfectly legal.”

“I thought we agreed that this is to be a marriage in name only.”

He had the top three buttons of her bodice undone and moved on to the bottom three, noting with pleasure that the skin visible in the vee of her neckline was creamy white and smooth. “I never agreed to a damn thing, including this marriage. It was forced on me.” The bottom three buttons fell open and he shoved the material down her arms. She wore no corset, she had no need of one. Her lacy chemise did little to conceal the rosy pink nipples crowning her full breasts.

“You’re too weak for this!” Zoey protested.

“I may be too weak for some things, but I’m certainly strong enough for this.” To prove his point, he ripped the fragile chemise down the front, baring her breasts. “Very nice. I’m impressed, Zoey. But not surprised. The way you walk around the ranch, your unfettered breasts bouncing beneath your shirt, gave me a hint of the beauties you were hiding.”

“How dare you! Why are you doing this?”

He shot her a twisted smile. Right now he was so angry at being railroaded into an unwanted marriage that being outrageous made him feel better. “You wanted a husband and you got one.”

Zoey was so angry she was trembling. But was
it really anger that made her body shake? Pierce’s hot gaze upon her bare flesh gave her a shivery feeling all the way down to her toes. She’d never felt like this before. All warm and trembly and confused. Her thoughts skittered to a halt when Pierce lowered his head and nuzzled her breasts. His breath was so torrid she feared he might be feverish again. Then he took her right nipple into his mouth, and Zoey felt as if her world had tipped upside down.

Pierce sucked vigorously, moving from nipple to nipple, coaxing them into swollen pink buds with the rough pad of his tongue. Never had Zoey thought it possible to feel this kind of arousal. Never had she imagined that Pierce would be the man to make her feel these things for the first time.

With cunning and obvious expertise, Pierce’s hand moved down Zoey’s hip, catching the hem of her skirt and slowly raising it as he continued to torment her breasts with his mouth and tongue. By the time she realized what he intended, it was too late. His hand was between her legs, testing the wetness that had seeped through her drawers.

Pierce knew he must stop, for he was in no condition to do either of them any good. But he’d wanted to prove to Zoey precisely what he thought of the “conditions” she’d placed upon this marriage. He’d comply as long as it suited him, if he didn’t die from lust first Soon he’d contact his brothers, then he’d leave with no regrets.

After he’d taken Zoey’s virginity.

Suddenly Pierce shoved Zoey away. She sat up, staring at him in confusion.

“I could have had you if I’d wanted you, lady,”
Pierce gloated. “You were hot and wet for me. Count yourself lucky that I’m still too weak. If I’m forced to stick around, I’m damn well going to get something out of this short marriage of ours.”

Zoey leaped off the bed, angrier than she had ever been in her life. She had made a mistake, a terrible mistake. What was she going to do? Had she traded one devil for another?

“You’ll get nothing from me!”

His smile didn’t reach his eyes. “Want to bet? I’m quite familiar with a woman’s body and the various ways to arouse it. You, lady, were aroused.” He fixed his gaze on her breasts. “Look at your nipples. Have you ever seen them so hard or swollen? I could feel your wetness. You were—”

“Stop!” Zoey pulled the gaping edges of her bodice together and backed out of the room. “Don’t talk to me like that.”

His words were as arousing to her as his mouth and hands had been.

“Heed my words,
,” Pierce said in a low, seductive whisper. “I will have you.” He wanted her to feel as uncomfortable as he did in this sham of a marriage.

Zoey turned and fled. Abruptly she stopped in the doorway and glanced over her shoulder. “By the way,” she said sweetly, “I used the money in your vest pocket to pay the reverend. I know you’d want it that way.”

Then she was gone, leaving Pierce with his dark thoughts.

Chapter 4

ager to regain his full strength, Pierce spent a large portion of each day pacing the small bedroom. By the end of his first week of married life he had regained strength in his legs and was working on his arms. He w’as also consuming prodigious amounts of food. His first appearance at the breakfast table surprised both Zoey and Cully.

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